RI under Horizon2020 - BioMedBridges · RI under Horizon2020 European Commission DG Research and...


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RI under Horizon2020

European Commission DG Research and Innovation

Unit B3 - Research Infrastructures

Lorenza Saracco

Legend: Red: Preparatory Phase project Green: e-infrastructure project Blue: Integrating Activity project Black: Other

Bioinformatics resources ELIXIR, ISBE, SLING, BioMedBridges, IMPACT, COSMOS

FP7 projects for Life Sciences

Medical research facilities


Genomics and proteomics research facilities INSTRUCT, Bio-NMR, East-NMR, Pcube, BioStruct-X, ESGI, Prime-XS, eNMR, WeNMR, ERA-Instruments

Food and agriculture research facilities


Biological Resource Centres BBMRI, EMBRC, EU-Openscreen, INFRAFRONTIER, MIRRI, EMMAservices, EMBaRC,

EVA, Infravec, EUPRIMnet-II, Assemble, Infrafrontier-I3, BBMRI-LPC, InfraComp

Imaging facilities Euro-BioImaging, neuGRID, outGRID, DECIDE, N4U

(49 projects, ~ 270 M€ of EU funding)

Policy Research and Innovation

•  Roadmap 2006 −  BBMRI - Biobanks and Biomolecular Resources −  EATRIS – Infrastructure for Translational Medicine facilities −  ECRIN - Clinical trial plateform −  ELIXIR – Data repositories −  INFRAFRONTIER - Mouse archives and clinics −  INSTRUCT - Structural biology facilities

•  Roadmap 2008 −  EMBRC - Marine biology resources −  ERINHA - High-security labs −  EU-OPENSCREEN - Chemical libraries −  EUROBIOIMAGING – Imaging facilities

•  Roadmap 2010 −  ANAEE – Experimentation on ecosystems −  ISBE – Infrastructure for systems biology −  MIRRI – Microbial resources

ESFRI Health and Food – FP7 support

160 M€ for PP

Policy Research and Innovation

LIFE SCIENCES: 13 ESFRI projects, all distributed Common requirements (according to e-IRG Blue paper): • Managing of massive quantities of data • Access to wide variety of databases • Secure data management of patient data • Ease of use via Single Sign-On facility • Large-scale usage of grid and cloud computing • International Collaboration, i.e. with US, Japan • Education and training for the RI usage

Objectives • Create common solutions for a range of shared problems

of the respective area (SSH, ENV, BMS and Physics) • Increase the interoperability of these Research

Infrastructures to serve a broad range of users

Implementation Clusters

Policy Research and Innovation

All ESFRI Life Sciences infrastructures, coordinated by EMBL

è Interoperability across data sources and services

EU funding : 10.5 M€, started in 2012





Euro-Bio-imaging BSL4






Policy Research and Innovation

General objective: to build an economy based on knowledge and innovation while contributing to sustainable development, to support the Europe 2020 strategy and other EU policies as well as the achievement and functioning of ERA

Ø  A single programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives (FP7, CIP, EIT)

Ø  Coupling research to innovation - from research to retail, all forms of innovation

Ø  Simplified access for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond

Ø  Focus on three mutually reinforcing pillars: q  Excellent science q  Industrial leadership q  Societal challenges

Horizon 2020: What’s new?

Policy Research and Innovation

Industrial leadership (20 300 M€) Societal challenges (35 900 M€)

•  Health, demographic change and wellbeing (9 100 M€) •  Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine -

maritime research, bio-economy (4 700 M€) •  Secure, clean and efficient energy (6 500 M€) •  Smart, green, integrated transport (7 700 M€) •  Climate action, resource efficiency, raw

materials (3 600 M€) •  Inclusive, innovative and secure societies

(4 300 M€)

•  European Research Council (15 000 M€) •  Future and Emerging Technologies (3 500 M€) •  Marie Curie actions (6 500 M€) •  European Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructures) (2 800 M€)

•  Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, space, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing, biotechnology) (15 600 M€)

•  Access to risk finance (4 000 M€) •  Innovation in SMEs (700 M€)

EIT (1 540 M€+ 1650 M€) JRC (non-nuclear: 2 200 M€)

Excellent science (27 800 M€, current 2011 prices)

Horizon 2020– Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)

Policy Research and Innovation

Objective of Horizon 2020 RI action Endow Europe with world-class research infrastructures which are accessible to all researchers in Europe and beyond and fully exploit their potential for scientific advance and innovation: §  Addresses core commitments of the Innovation Union flagship initiative, to develop world-class RI for ground-breaking research and innovation §  Addresses key actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe flagship initiative, to reinforce Europe’s e-Infrastructures

Policy Research and Innovation

Activities overview

2. Fostering the innovation potential of RIs & their human capital

3. Reinforcing European RI policy and international cooperation

1. Developing the European RIs for 2020 and beyond 1.1 Developing new world-class RIs 1.2 Integrating and opening national RIs of pan-European interest 1.3 Development, deployment and operation of ICT based e-Infrastructures

Main  ac'ons    

Specific  ac'ons    

Policy  ac'ons    

Policy Research and Innovation

RI action under H2020

Policy Research and Innovation

1.1 Developing new world-class RIs Objective: To ensure the implementation, long-term sustainability and operation of the ESFRI and other world-class RIs specifically those RIs that are setting up or that have set up their governance e.g. ERIC EU funding will support: §  the preparatory phase of future RIs (e.g. detailed construction

plans, legal arrangements, multiannual planning, etc.) §  the implementation phase (e.g. R&D and engineering work,

development of regional partner facilities, etc.) §  the operation phase (e.g. access, data handling, outreach,

training and international cooperation activities) §  design studies for new RIs through a bottom-up approach

Policy Research and Innovation

1.2 Integrating and opening existing national RIs of pan-European interest

Objective: To open up key national RIs to all European researchers and to ensure their optimal use and joint development

EU funding will support European Research Infrastructures Networks bringing together RIs in a given field covering: §  Transnational and virtual access activities §  Networking activities to foster a culture of cooperation §  Joint research activities to improve the services provided

by the infrastructures

Policy Research and Innovation

1.3 Development, deployment and operation of ICT based e-Infrastructures

Objective: To achieve by 2020 a single and open European space for online research

EU funding will support : §  Global research and education networks §  Grid and cloud infrastructures §  Ecosystem of supercomputing facilities progressing towards

exa-scale §  Software and service infrastructure for visualisation and

simulation §  Real-time collaborative tools for virtual research communities §  Interoperable, open and rich scientific data infrastructure

Policy Research and Innovation

2.1 Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures

• Objectives: Exploiting the innovation potential of RIs in the infrastructures and in their supplier and user industries.

•  Strengthen synergies between RIs and their suppliers •  Link better RIs and industrial users

Activities will cover: §  R&D partnerships with industries to develop Union capacities in

high-tech areas such as scientific instrumentation §  Pre-commercial procurement by RI actors §  Stimulate the use of RIs by industry §  Encourage the integration of RIs into local, regional and global

innovation ecosystems

Policy Research and Innovation

• Objective: Strengthening the human capital of RIs: managers, engineers, technicians, as well as users

Activities will cover: §  Training and/or exchanges of staff managing and operating

Research Infrastructures §  Education of the next generation of researchers §  Leverage RIs for public service

2.2 Fostering the Human Capital of Research Infrastructures

Policy Research and Innovation

3.1 Reinforcing European Research Infrastructure Policy

Activities will cover: §  Partnerships between relevant policymakers and funding

bodies across Europe §  Surveys, monitoring and assessments of RIs

at Union level §  Policy studies and communication tasks

across Europe

Policy Research and Innovation

3.2 Facilitating Strategic International Cooperation

Activities will cover: §  Cooperation of European and global RIs §  Cooperation of European RIs with their counterparts

in other countries §  Ensuring their interoperability and reach §  Pursuing international agreements on the reciprocal

use, openness or co-financing of RIs

Policy Research and Innovation

RI action from FP7 to Horizon 2020

•  Increased budget: 1715 M€ (FP7) to 2802 M€ (H2020)

• New activities to support the implementation and operation of world-class infrastructures such as ESFRI infrastructures

• Continuation of the successful FP7 RI Integrating Activities

• Reinforcement of the support to e-infrastructures

• New objective of better exploiting the innovation potential and human capital of infrastructures

• Enhanced cooperation for global research infrastructures

Policy Research and Innovation

Next steps for Horizon 2020

Ongoing Parliament and Council negotiations on the basis of the Commission proposals

Ongoing Parliament and Council negotiations on EU budget 2014-2020 (including overall budget for Horizon 2020)

Mid 2013 Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on Horizon 2020

1/1/2014 Horizon 2020 starts, launch of first calls

Policy Research and Innovation


FET Flagship Goal •  Understand the human brain •  Accelerate advances in

neuroscience, medicine and computing

One billion euros Ten years Core project + a rapidly expanding programme of associated research

Policy Research and Innovation

Human Brain Project

•  The Human Brain Project (HBP) will build a realistic model of the human brain, from genes to mind, understanding how the brain really works.

•  HBP will produce a complex simulation and visualization facility that will run on the most powerful supercomputers in Europe.

•  HBP will produce brain-inspired ‘neuromorphic’ computing hardware that could drastically reduce power-consumption and costs.

•  In healthcare, HBP will identify new drug targets and treatment in response to the urgent need to combat brain disease and its associated costs to society.

Policy Research and Innovation

•  Six ICT platforms for brain research and its applications

•  First versions ready by month 30 •  European

programme of research using the platforms

Neuroinformatics – Brain Simulation – Medical Informatics – High Performance Computing – Neuromorphic Computing – Neurorobotics

Policy Research and Innovation

Future medicine •  Federate clinical data from round the world •  Identify biological signatures of disease •  Improve diagnosis of brain disease •  Adjust models of the healthy brain to

simulate disease •  Accelerate development of new treatments

HBP Platforms and Infrastructures for Applications (1)

Future neuroscience •  Multilevel atlases of the mouse & human brains •  Model and simulate the mouse & human brains •  Closing the loop: link brain simulations to robots

working in a virtual environment •  Understand the multilevel mechanisms leading

from genes to cognition

HBP platforms

Medical Informatics (distributed)

HPC (multi-scale [exascale],

remote access, interactive, very large memory)

Neuromorphic Computing

Neurorobotics + Theoretical

Neurosciences European Institute

EU HPC infrastructures

EU biomedical infrastructures Brain Simulation

Neuroinformatics (data+knowledge)

Policy Research and Innovation

Future computing •  Develop neuromorphic

computing systems based on detailed models of the brain

•  Demonstrate a completely new category of ICT

HBP Platforms and Infrastructures for Applications (2)

HBP platforms

HPC (multi-scale [exascale],

remote access, interactive, very large memory)

Neuromorphic Computing

+ Theoretical Neurosciences

European Institute EU HPC


EU biomedical infrastructures

Neuroinformatics (data+knowledge)


Medical Informatics (distributed) Brain Simulation

•  Low-power HPC •  Big-data,

Simulation, Emulation

•  Neuro-robots

Policy Research and Innovation

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