Rights of the Child in the Context of Tourism



Across the globe, the development of tourism is raising questions as to who are its real beneficiaries. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) puts tourism's contribution to the world's GDP at US$ 514 Billion. However, tourism development is highly unregulated and not monitored for its negative impacts. The mitigation of its negative impacts is also not on the developmental agenda. A little known and even less acknowledged impact is that on children. Tourism development without accountability and protective measures has led to sexual exploitation of children, trafficking, pornography and an increase in child labour. The children are also vulnerable to drugs, crime and alienation from their families and communities. This publication is a compilation of contributions from various organizations and writers on the impact of tourism on children.Publisher: Equitable Tourism Options (EQUATIONS)Contact: info@equitabletourism.org, +91.80.25457607Visit: www.equitabletourism.org, www.equitabletourism.org/stage/readfull.php?AID=423Keywords: Rights, Child Labour, Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, World Tourism Organization, UNWTO, Tourism, India, EQUATIONS

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