Ripples in Human Life - Kopykitab


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Ripples in Human LifeRipples in Human LifeRipples in Human LifeRipples in Human LifeRipples in Human Life

Narpal Yadav

Ripples in Human Life© Narpal Yadav

ISBN 978-81-901827-2-2

Anuradha Prakashan

1193 Pankha Road, Nangal Raya,(near D2A Janak Puri)New Delhi-110046M.: 9213135921, 011-28520555email :

Price Rs. 120/-

First Editon 2011

Dedicatedto my late mother

noble-hearted and known for her simplicity


to my late fatherwhom people fondly called Netaji.


Truly, a keen observer of different shades of life is

filled with strong feelings at times and is tempted to

express his fresh and heart felt ideas on paper. That is

what Mr. Narpal Yadav has done in his collection of

poems, 'Ripples in Human Life'. On reading of some of

his poems, I found Mr. Yadav has tried to put across

vehemently to people the need of positive outlook towards

life in unfavourable and stressful situations. Love for

children, human relations, uncertainties and facts of life,

motivation, love for nature and beauty of life are the other

themes which he has treated in this book. I am sure the

readers will find somewhere in them their echo and will

like them.

I have known Mr. Yadav since long. I am aware of his

sensitive and creative mind. It has been his innate desire

to write poems, songs and stories. He has been

contributing to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan magazines

and NCERT journal with his poems and educational

articles. As a teacher of English he has tried and

experimented various innovative ideas to benefit his


I hope Mr. Yadav will continue his creative

endeavours and produce many more books in times to


V.K. Srivastava

Assistant Commissioner

(Delhi Region)

2 Sept 2011 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan


My urge to write can be traced back in my school days

when I scribbled a few songs. But honestly, my struggle for

education, family obligations and job related liabilities

hardly left any time to concentrate on furthering my interest

to write on a full scale. Occassionaly I wrote a poem,

appreciated by audiences ,some poems were published

in newspaper and magazines and I forgot. But ripples

caused by emotional experiences were still in mind. A few

writings got place in the KVS magazine ‘Sangam’ and the

annual publication ‘Kavyamanjari’. Recently, I decided to

write more poems so that all these ones may form a book

which resulted in the present collection of poems, ‘Ripples

in Human Life’.

I have always felt proud to be part of Kendriya Vidyalaya

Sangathan for which I happened to be at various parts of

the country. I could observe different life styles, cultures and

human behaviour. It was quite intriguing and providing food

for thought. Works of William Shakespear, John Keats and

Robert Browning impressed me a lot. Particularly study of

William wordsworth, for his love for nature, left a deep

impression on me. Everyone has moments of hopes and

despair, twists and turns of life, inspiration and

discouragement and joys and sorrows. These situations

are sometimes our own creation and some times they come

uninvited. That is after all life. And sufficient stuff for songs

and poetry.

If you just go in a silent mode for a while, think of shades

and shapes of life and gifts of nature to mankind and observe

unexpected happening and miracles every minute, you will

experience ‘Overflow Of Powerful Feelings’ to share with

others. This is what I have experienced.

I must deeply thank esteemed Assistant Commissioner,

KVS (Delhi Region) Sh. V.K. Srivastava for writing foreword

for this book. He has always been a source of motivation

and encouragement for me. I also wish to remember Mr.

A.B. Joshi, who as a principal in my first Kendriya Vidyalaya

in the north east and later when he became Assistant

Commissioner KVS (Mumbai Region), always inspired me

in his own special way.

I also feel grateful to all those principals who in some

way or the other extended cooperation and guidance. My

acknowledgement is also due to Ms. BhartiSardana for

giving her time and energy in typing the material for this


Narpal Yadav


1. Four Walls 11

2. Life is Beautiful 12

3. Musings 15

4. Celebrate What You Have 18

5. To My Son, Daughter, Nieces and Nephews 21

6. End of a Promising Career 24

7. My Thousand Salutes 27

8. Encounter 30

9. Love is The Answer 31

10. Hand In Hand 34

11. A Life 36

12. Golden Age 40

13. When I Met My True Me 42

14. Song of Life 44

15. Listen to Them, Please 47

16. Why so Proud, Man? 50

17. An Infant Shows They Way 51

18. Confrontation 55

19. Spirit Raising 56

20. Happy Scenes (A School Kid's Voice) 58

21. Prince was Reborn 60

22. Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers :

Heroes of a Kind 63

23. In Search of Happiness 66

24. Resolution 68

25. Shades of Human Life 70

26. Art of Living 73

27. This also Happens 75

28. Living with opposites 78

29. Bubbles in the Ocean 80

30. Relation Unsurpassed 83

31. Poetry and Life 85

32. A bit of Wisdom 87

33. Our Ladies 89

34. Rains in Kutch 91

35. A Trip to Mustard fields 93

Four Walls

Fitness, friends, family, finance

These are four protective walls

For the stay comfortable and secure

They in life play wonderful roles.

To keep them secure

Needs constant care,

Before a crack widens

One must immediately repair.

Resources lend, of course

Strength to the three,

But they are essentials

For living with bonhomie.

11 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful

With ups and downs

With pricking thorns

With golden crowns.

To be born as humans

Is bliss and beauty

The family is filled

With affection and duty.

Youth brings strength

And world at feet

Freedom, foods, colours

And love is so sweet.

The old have wisdom

When they give commands

Obedience and respect

Are their demands.

Each stage charms

The lucky mankind

What is needed

Is right frame of mind.

True it is also

Life has tragedies,

But if you’re brave

You have capacities.

Yes, such capacities

The storms to tame

Tragedy or triumph

Is but a game.

It’s again a beauty

‘cause it’s truth

What the daring do

If all’s so smooth.

Each road of journey

Has bends, not ending

Each time sufferings

Give new understanding.

12 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 13 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

This failure may be

A temporary setback

Success awaits you

Why quit? Why slack?

Millions in history

Faced big crashes

But being tough

They rose from ashes.

And lived again

To write history

Let’s all develop

Taste for this beauty.

14 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 15 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life


Men are born ingnorant

Not stupid

Education makes them stupid,

Viewed Bertrand Russell.

I sat thinking.

Does education make one

Selfish or selfless?

Does it make him clever

With a sharp mind-

Sharper than a computer…..

Competing with a machine?

He relies on mind not heart.

Mind gets him

Money and material,


More than he needs


Happiness eludes him.

‘Educated’ Mind

Can smartly cheat.

What use heart is

It only gives.

16 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 17 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

In your illness

The commoners/uneducated

Flock around

To comfort you.

The educated ‘big wigs’

Will think and weigh

Before courtesy visits.

‘Should I need to go?

What benefit will I derive?

If I don’t go………

What will I lose……?

In the endless competitions

To achieve the biggest

In the shortest time

Leaves him not a moment

To reflect on-

What really he is,

Where he fits in the universe

Or with others.

Education must expand his view

To understand

Not only what is what

But what should be.

The educated

Are awakened and transformed.

They can trace

Joys of life in patience

In compassion, tolerance

In detachment.

Even in suffering

They can smile.

Their balmy thoughts

Only inspire

And help others

To live cheerfully.

Celebrate What You Have

My Dear Friend,

What makes you sad today?

You say you have no sons

To carry forward the lineage?

Count your blessings.

Your music composition

Has created history

To be relished long

Even after you have gone.

And got a best ever friend

In a charming wife.

Aren’t all these reasons

To feel happy and grateful?

Countless people

With spoilt sons

May not be that lucky.

My dear colleague,

What makes you sad today?

You say you have no money

And feel less fortunate?

Count your blessings.

18 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 19 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

Healthy radiant personality

Tall and handsome.

More fortunate than multitudes

You have

Growing obedient children

Who are zealous and confident.

Not all the rich have

Such riches.

Money factor not a worry

It can be earned

With some extra work.

My dear Neighbour

What makes you sad today?

You say you are too short

And has no good looks

For people to like you?

Count your blessings.

You are a thespian par excellence

In this city.

People get excited

Waiting for your next performance

And conferring their sincere praise

On you.

The recognition

That everyone craves for.

Who can forget short Napolean

And ugly looking Lincoln

Ruled the masses.

Being tall and handsome

May not be requisites

To be super achievers

Compared to attitude and fortitude.

20 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 21 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life



Son, daughter, nephews, nieces!

On a nostalgic moment

Thought process took me

Twenty years back

When you all

In the court yard of

The ancestral joint family home

Made assorted sounds

Of fun and frolic.

And we brothers

Temperamentally different

Watched you

Strengthening togetherness.

You all grew

Developed different tastes

And took different positions at different


On the eve of my 59th Birthday

I don’t know exactly

What tempts me but surely it does

To send you all

A word of advice

And truth

I have understood all these years.

Love and understanding

Are more important than

Material gains

For, material gains give pleasure

Where love gives real joy and happiness

And spiritual well being.

This love is unconditional.

And devoid of selfish motive

This love has close associates

In patience and sacrifice

For, to gain is also to lose something else.

Each of you in some way

Is superior to the other

As every human being is

In Natures’ perfect plan of creation

Everyone is born with some gift.

22 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 23 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

There is no reason

(if you are not stupid)

To boast over others.

You are our extensions

Though as separate individuals

Pursue your healthy dreams

But be in touch with the

Common ground where you are rooted.

Come together occasionally

Share your joy & sorrows

Maintain broad family bondage

In true loving spirit.

This bond in the smaller unit

Will then lead to universal love.

End of A Promising Career

He was born with

Some unique potential

As everyone is.

Grew conditioned

With family beliefs

And society norms.

Yet naturally

Endowed with free thinking

Had his dream

In confrontation

Of his father's

Who himself was half successful

And wished to

Complete his success

To make his son

What he couldn’t be.

24 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 25 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

Father wanted him

To compete for IIT

And pursue Maths.

Doctor mother wished

To see him a neuro surgeon.

But he wasn’t appreciated

When in Secondary section

He won a National prize.

In painting competition

And his heart touching poem

On Godhra incident

Was adjudged the best

By a leading company

The world of creativity

Was calling him.

My Thousand Salutes

Proud I feel

In respect I kneel

To this land of mine,

Land of the brave

Modern world’s envy

For ever to shine.

Some say-

It’s spiritual and mystic

With gurgling rivers,

Himalayan rocks.

Some see here

Colourful costumes

Playful fiestas.

O! motherland creating thrills in nerves

To you I say my thousand loves

Our past heroes

Kissed death on gallows;

For we could live

For we could prosper.

26 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life 27 q q q q q Ripples in Human Life

More recently a story of his

Found a place in a Bollywood magazine

That prompted a film maker

To convey him his

Word of appreciation

And possibility in him

Of a future script writer.

Alas! The weight of

Parents’ pressure was too much for him.

Caught between their demands

And his passion

This poetic sensitive soul

Took the extreme step-

Annihilated himself

Leaving shattered all dreams

Of his and theirs

Ripples In Human Life

Publisher : Anuradha Prakashan ISBN : 9788190182722 Author : Narpal Yadav

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