Robby Foster September 13, 2015 PM Service€¦ · 9/13/2015  · Robby Foster September 13, 2015...


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Robby Foster September 13, 2015 PM Service

Psalms 75:6, 1 Samuel 9:2,

1 Samuel 16:13, Philippians 2:5-8,

Luke 14:11, Psalms 118:8

For promotion cometh neither

from the east, nor from the

west, nor from the south.

And he had a choice and handsome

son whose name was Saul. There

was not a more handsome person

than he among the children of

Israel. From his shoulders upward

he was taller than any of the


Then Samuel took the horn of oil

and anointed him in the midst of

his brothers; and the Spirit of the

LORD came upon David from that

day forward. So Samuel arose and

went to Ramah.

God puts the anointing

on man. We cannot do


Don’t look for your own


Let this mind be in

you which was also

in Christ Jesus,

who, being in the form

of God, did not

consider it robbery to

be equal with God,

but made Himself of no

reputation, taking the

form of a bondservant,

and coming in the

likeness of men.

And being found in

appearance as a man, He

humbled Himself and

became obedient to the point

of death, even the death of

the cross.

"For whoever exalts

himself will be

humbled, and he who

humbles himself will be


It is better to trust in

the LORD Than to

put confidence in


Christianity is not a

spectator sport

And the Egyptians

made the children

of Israel to serve

with rigour:

And they made their lives

bitter with hard bondage, in

morter, and in brick, and in

all manner of service in the

field: all their service,

wherein they made them

serve, was with rigour.

And the king of Egypt

spake to the Hebrew

midwives, of which the

name of the one was

Shiphrah, and the name

of the other Puah:

And he said, When ye do the

office of a midwife to the

Hebrew women, and see

them upon the stools; if it be

a son, then ye shall kill him:

but if it be a daughter, then

she shall live.

You know times are

hard when the king

commands the killing of

all the male babies!

But the midwives

feared God,

and did not as the king

of Egypt commanded

them, but saved

the men children alive.

And the king of Egypt

called for the midwives,

and said unto them, Why

have ye done this thing,

and have saved the men

children alive?

And the midwives said unto

Pharaoh, Because the

Hebrew women are not as

the Egyptian women; for they

are lively, and are delivered

ere the midwives come in

unto them.

And the midwives said unto

Pharaoh, Because the

Hebrew women are not as

the Egyptian women; for they

are lively, and are delivered

ere the midwives come in

unto them.

And it came to pass,

because the

midwives feared

God, that he made

them houses.

And Pharaoh charged all

his people, saying, Every

son that is born ye shall

cast into the river, and

every daughter ye shall

save alive.

And there went a man

of the house of Levi,

and took to wife a

daughter of Levi.

And the woman conceived,

and bare a son: and

when she saw him that

he was a goodly child,

she hid him three


Five Things that will keep you

1. Who or what are you doing all this for

2. Who’s applause or approval do you seek

3. Who is your total trust in

4. Who is your source of supply

5. Who’s word is final authority in your life?

After God it is the man of God in your life

Just because it is

right does not

mean that it is

right now….