Roland RE201/101 Space Echo Service Manual



A design classic that looks as good now as it did when first unveiled, the RE201 used a much longer tape loop than its predecessors or competitors, reducing wear on the tape, which in turn improved the sound quality and prolonged the useful life of the tape itself. The Space Echo was an instant hit, and remained in the Roland catalogue for the next 16 years. It was also the first Roland product to cross all the boundaries of popular music. A decade before the introduction of affordable digital multi-effects units, its combination of reverb, multi-tapped echo and EQ proved to be equally attractive to guitarists, vocalists and keyboard players, and it soon became impossible to avoid the ubiquitous box, whether on the road or in the studio. Nowadays, tapes for these are becoming harder to find, and owners are prone to forgetting that they need periodic servicing to maintain good performance, but you'll still find numerous RE201s in use.

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