Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


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  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    Project of



    Role of Information System in FinanceDepartment of Oil & Gas

    Development Company Limited

    (OGDCL)BBA 5th Semester

    Submitted to: Mr. Aziz-Ul-Rehman Rana

    Submitted By: Shaad-Ul-!a" Babar Rehman !aider #han

    $mer %azir !assan&arhan Raza

    &ayzaan 'a(aid

    Department of Business Administration

    Foundation University Institute of Management and Computer Sciences

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    List of contentsRole of Information System in Finance

    Department of OGDCL

    isit Report Acknowledgement Practical Study of Organ ization ision Statement Mission Statement

    Introduct on To The ompany !sta"lishm ent of O#$% Initial Successes Trans ition to a self financing en tity Initial Pu"lic O ffering #$R

    om pany Profi le

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    ore alues Ma&or Products 'uyers Organizational Structure Introduction to the Topic Types of Information System RO%! O( I)(ORMATIO) T!*)O %O#+

    , I)(ORMAT IO) S+ST!M I) O#$% $ecision Support System -$SS . Transaction Processing System -TPS. Office Information System -OIS. PA+RO%% S!TIO) O#$% ATI IT+ (%O/ *ART PA+RO%%

    S!TIO) O#$% MIS and !SS

    0uestions and Answers om puter $escription1 /hich Operating System They 2se1

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    /hich $ata"ase Software They 2se1 Is Organization gi3es training to their

    !m ployees to use Software1 /hich )etwork They 2se1 /hich )etwork Topology They 2se1 *ow They Store $ata1 *ow Organization gather information

    from Outside1 /hich 'ackup Techni4ue They 2se1 *ow The Information Tra3els1 Trou"leshooting

    Organ zat onal Structure of ( nance , Accounts

    S/O T A)A%+ SIS of the ompany Merits , $em erits Suggestions onclusion

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    Previously OGDCL was using software namely Artesia Data System

    developed by an international consultant Cooper Lybrand! "#e pac$age was

    a compre#ensive management information and financial system! %ow OGDCL

    #as replaced it wit# &ORACLE in t#e year '(()!

    )isit Re*ort

    We selected Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) for

    our practical study subject of Role of M+S in &inance ,e*artment of

    $,/. OGDCL is one of the biggest companies involved in Drilling &

    !ploration in "a#istan$


    %he hole management of OGDCL 'ead office G*+ ,lue -rea

    .slamabad as very much cooperative$

    specially e are very than#ful to /0 /uhammad 0afi1 General

    /anager (2inance)1 ho gave us a lot of #noledge relating to our


  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    Practical St!y of Organi"ation

    With reference to our topic1 0ole of .nformation 3ystem in 2inance Department of OGDCL

    We visited Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL)$ OGDCL is one of the biggest

    companies involved in Drilling & !ploration in "a#istan$

    #ision Statement

    To be a leading, regional Pakistani E & P Company, recognized for its people,

    partnerships and performance.

    Mission Statement

    There mission is to become a competitive, dynamic and growing E & P company,

    rapidly enhancing our reserves through world class workforce, best management

    practices and technology and maimizing returns to all stakeholders by capturinghigh value business opportunities within the country and abroad, while being a

    responsible corporate citizen.

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    Intro!ction to t$e Com%any

    Esta&lis$ment of OGDCL

    %o revive e!ploration in the energy sector the Government of "a#istan signed a longterm loan-greement on 45 /arch 676 ith the 83301 hereby "a#istan received +9 million 0ubles tofinance e:uipment and services of 3oviet e!perts for e!ploration$ "ursuant to the -greement1OGDC as created under an Ordinance dated +4th 3eptember 676$ %he Corporation ascharged ith responsibility to underta#e a ell thought out and systematic e!ploratory

    programme and to plan and promote "a#istan;s oil and gas prospects$

    Initial Successes

    - number of donor agencies such as the World ,an#1 Canadian .nternational Development-gency (C.D-) and the -sian Development ,an# provided the impetus through assistance formajor development projects in the form of loans and grants$ OGDC;s concerted efforts erevery successful as they resulted in a number of major oil and gas discoveries beteen 674ecutive Director *9inance+ #eads t#e

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    9inance Accounts Department! General 7anager *9inance+/ General 7anager *Accounts+ General

    7anager *"reasury+ assist t#e >4ecutive Director *9inance+ for effective and efficient controlling of

    OGDCL financial activities! "#en t#ere are 7anagers and below 7anagers t#ere is a c#ain of C#ief/

    Deputy C#ief/ =enior Accountant/ Accountant/ Assistant Accountant and t#en staff members!



    S/O T AnalysesSRE/GS









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  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    Computeri8ed networ$ing system is prevailing in t#e OGDCL! -(; of t#e locations6fields are


    OGDCL #as #ig# caliber training facility structure in t#e form of OG"5!

    ig#ly advanced and modern tec#nology and e0uipment is possessed by OGDCL!

    OGDCL #as #ig#ly professional manpower and offers t#em very competitive salary pac$ages!


    Outdated procurement procedures and stores inventory management system of OGDCL

    undermines OGDCLs performance!

    Delayed decisions due to prolonged procedures!


    /ore capacity of production


    3#illed person fired out

    'ired foreigner technician

    Merits 'igh :uality product

    'igh capacity production

    'igh professional management

    .ndependent /anagement team to ta#e better decision

    Demerits Iuality inconsistency in some areas of production

    3#illed person fired out

    Web site updating negligence about 2inancial topics


  • 8/13/2019 Role of Mis in Ogdcl (Finance)


    . OGDCL should emphasie on reducing production cost and optimiing productivity byintroducing ne technology and employing s#illful human resource$

    ?. Company should focus on operational effectiveness and :uality of human resourceassets$

    5. 'ierarchy levels should be reduced in order to improve interaction1 communication andcoordination at each level$

    Conclsions-ll oil and gas companies1 particularly independent operators1 have a strong sense of industry$

    %hey fre:uently behave in ays that suggest they consider themselves as co providers as

    opposed to competitors$ %he desire to gain share by outperforming their in#ind brethren1

    generally is not driving force of management in independent operators$ .n fact1 hat truly

    distinguishes many independent is that their strategy is the reflection of the management$

    %he :uality of an organiation is dependent on the :uality of its or# force$ OGDCL has

    engaged top professionals in Geology1 Drilling1 ngineering1 and "etroleum ho are or#ing for

    the search

    OGDCL is producing oil and gas products and meeting the consumption of the countryBs

    re:uirement1 hich in turn is providing great support by reducing the import bill of the country$

    J3truggle is the #ey to success$ %he results are the discretion of -llah$ 'ence hard or#ing and

    devoted or#force is the most precious asset for an organiationK$