ROMAN ATHOLI HUR H...2019/04/21  · Hope. Open House is Saturday, May 4th at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday,...


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PARISH STAFF Fr. Joseph Seebauer, Pastor

Fr. Isidore Munishi, Pastoral Associate

Rev. Mr. Bill Starkey, Deacon

Louise Martin, Pastoral Associate

Verna Hudak, Secretary

Coeli Ingold, Music Director

Patrick Rongers, Maintenance Coordinator

Robert Vano, Business Manager

Kathy Yurichak, Bulletin Editor

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m.

Sunday 9:15 a.m.

Wednesday–Thursday 8:00 a.m.

RECONCILIATION Confessions will be heard on

Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m.

before the 4:00 p.m. Mass

and also by appointment.

BAPTISM For information, please contact the

rectory at 440-359-8205 Monday‒Friday

between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

MARRIAGE For information, please contact the

rectory at 440-359-8205 Monday‒Friday

between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.



PHONE: 440-359-8205 • FAX: 440-359-0727


OFFICE HOURS: WED. & THURS. 8:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.


Mass Intentions—Saint Mary



9:15 a.m. …..................Living & Deceased Parishioners

Wednesday, April 24th 7:30 a.m. - Rosary

8:00 a.m. …………………………….… Dennis Mrklas Stations of the Cross

Thursday, April 25th

8:00 a.m. ……………………………..…… John Kelly

Saturday, April 27th 4:00 p.m. ………………...……………… William Rolf

Sunday, April 28th

9:15 a.m. …........................................ Robert Kellerman If the Mass is for your intention, and you would like to take the gifts up to the altar, please let an usher know before Mass.

Mass Intentions—Our Lady of Hope

Monday, April 22nd 8:00 a.m. .…………….. Living & Deceased Parishioners

Tuesday, April 23rd

8:00 a.m. ..………………...…………. Charles Sprowles

Friday, April 26th 8:00 a.m. ………...……………………...Bruno DeSantis

Sunday, April 28th

11:00 a.m. …............................... Obias & Perez Families

Parish Support for 4/14/2019

Regular Collection $2979.07 Parish Improvement $ 982.10 TOTAL $3961.17

MASS COUNTS SM: 4 pm—194; 9:15 am—153 Total—347 OLH: 4 pm—140; 11 am—161 Total—301

Thank you for your continued generosity

Please Remember In Your Prayers . . .

Sam Alesci, Josephine Augusta, Pat Battaglia, Gen Cannella, Andrew Cigany, Albert Ciprian, JoAnn Conway, Alice Cotter, Dick Dolan, Helen Druso, Trish Duncan, Darillinn Grubbs, Mary Hills, Dolores P. Hovan, Ken Hudak, Helen Husky, Leonard Iacco, Carol Kainec, Matt Kish, Donna Kontur, Cindy Lowe, Wiletta Lynch, Jackie Maire, Ryan Martin, Marcy Nero, Delores Nose, Lucille Novak, Allan Ochwat, Dolores Parker, Agnes Pekar, Conner Press, Casimina Radicelli, Sister Patricia Raelene, Margaret Sacco, Bill Salettel, Charles Saraniti, Anna Marie Slaby, Pete & Rosalie Scimone, Veronica Sebastian, Lois St. John, LueRean Talley, Mary Ann Taylor, Maddie Timm, Walt Wawro, Carl Wilson Jr., Loretta Yarish, Gwen Yates, Patricia Zak We respect people’s privacy. Please get permission from the family before asking us to add someone to the Prayer List.


CRS RICE BOWL— ENCOUNTER THE RISEN CHRIST We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we cele-brate Easter joy! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl challenges us as we encounter our Risen Lord to bring the hope of Resurrection to a world in need. Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl at the rec-tory no later than Thursday, April 25th.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TRAINING WORKSHOPS The Spring workshops for training new Eucharistic Ministers will begin on April 27th. The training will be for ministers who assist at Mass and who also take communion to the hospital and to shut-ins (a corporal work of mercy). If you are interested in becoming a part of this spiritually rewarding ministry, please talk with Fr. Joe and/or call Louise at Our Lady of Hope or St. Mary office.

SVDP FOOD PANTRY OPEN HOUSE Come see the new Food Pantry located at Our Lady of Hope. Open House is Saturday, May 4th at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 5th from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served courtesy of St. Mary’s A-Men’s Group. Check out this weekend’s bulletin insert for more information about the Open House and Food Pantry.

The OLH office will be closed on Monday, April 22nd.

Fr. Joe,

Fr. Isidore,

Deacon Bill

and the staff at St. Mary

would like to wish

everyone a Blessed

and Happy Easter.


FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, “Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer your thank-ful praises! A Lamb the sheep redeems; Christ, who only is sinless, reconciles sinners to the Father. Christ indeed from death is risen, our new life ob-taining. Have mercy, victor King, ever reigning!” These are the first and last lines of the Easter Se-quence which is sung before the Gospel on Easter Sunday. There are two themes in the Easter Se-quence with the first being God’s victory in Christ who redeems and reconciles humanity with God. The second theme is that of witness as it calls on Mary Magdalene to proclaim the Resurrection by recounting her experience of the empty tomb. On that first Easter morning, Mary found the stone rolled away and the body of the Lord missing. She ran off to tell the disciples who then came to the tomb and found the burial cloths. John arrived at the tomb after Peter, and he went in and believed. After the Apostles left, Jesus appeared to Mary outside the tomb and she mistook the Lord for the gardener. After Jesus called out Mary’s name, Mary recog-nized Jesus. On this Easter Sunday, we are asked to reflect on what the empty tomb means to us. None of us were there that first Easter morning, but the Resurrection forever changed the course of humanity. We have been redeemed; we have been saved. And like Mary Magdalene, we don’t always recognize Jesus in our midst. Jesus can still come to us today as the gar-dener or landscaper; the postal service worker; the poor mother coming to the food pantry; our spouse; our coworker; our children or grandchildren. We are the Body of Christ, and the risen Jesus is still pre-sent in our midst in our neighbor, even in the neigh-bor we don’t get along with. Do we recognize Him? Special congratulations are in order for Rodger Kingsmill who was fully initiated into the Catholic Church at Our Lady of Hope at the Easter Vigil. May all of us operate out of the spe-cial graces we received at our Sacra-ments of Initiation. On behalf of my-self and all the staff at both Our Lady of Hope and Saint Mary, we wish you a happy Easter and a blessed Easter Season. May the Risen Christ be with all of you. Father Joe


THURSDAY, APRIL 25th 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal C FRIDAY, APRIL 26th 9:45 a.m. Scripture Study CR

CONFIRMATION FOR ONE OF OUR PARISHIONERS! Jennifer Rose Tomak, daughter of Chris and Angela Tomak, will be confirmed on Sunday, April 28th at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe. Bish-op Marty Amos will be the celebrant. Jennifer’s brother, Joshua will be her sponsor, and her Confir-mation name is Saint Maria Goretti. Jennifer is our youngest lector at Saint Mary, and we wish her well as she receives her final Sacrament of Initiation. Any-one from St. Mary is more than welcome to support Jennifer by attending the Mass. LADIES GUILD Please join us for the St. Mary Ladies Guild Lunch-eon on Wednesday, May 22nd at 11:00 a.m. at Light of Hearts Villa. Please call Gen Cannella at 216-407-6125 for more information or to purchase tickets. THE FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY St. Monica Church will celebrate Divine Mercy Sun-day with a special Mass at 10:45 a.m. on April 28th. Adoration, the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and veneration of the Divine Mercy image will take place after Mass. All are welcome!

GENERATIONS OF FAITH & FAMILY As we gather together with family to celebrate the joy of Easter and the light of the Risen Christ, mark your calendar and plan to join us this summer at The FEST—our 19th annual Catholic Family FESTival—Sunday, August 4th. The FEST has been blessed to help celebrate and impact a Generation of followers of the Lord. We come together each year to celebrate what matters most—faith and family. We use FEST 2019 to reflect on what is most important for us to pass on from one generation to the next—a deeper faith, a better world, a stronger love in Christ, our Lord. The FEST truly is the perfect family day for all generations—all for FREE. For more information, go online to


WUAB channel 43 at 8:00 a.m. & WMFD channel 66 at 9:30 a.m.
