Rsw New Business Report 2010


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The results of 155 senior marketing decision makers, surveyedin March 2010.

New New Business Report 2010 Report 2010

The most likely reason for an agency to be reviewed is client servicelevel, with 80 out of 155 marketers saying it is the most likely reason,with creative stagnation coming in second.

20% of marketers were approached by their agency, with 32% beingintroduced by another person, 30% being introduced by an intermediaryand 18% found their agency by themselves.

85% of marketing managers and directors NEVER meet other agenciesif they are happy with their incumbent.

When unhappy with their incumbent, about half of marketers meet withmore than half a dozen other agencies before calling a review with theother half calling a review immediately.

But on the plus side, if unhappy, most marketers (70%) give theiragency a few months to sort the problem out before reviewing them.But about 10% call a review IMMEDIATELY if their agency scres up.

Once again, despite what agencies tell us, the majority of clients (77%)insist that they ask three or fewer agencies to pitch.

By far the most effective way for agencies to market themselves isthrough making tailored approaches by telephone, letter and email.

63% of clients say that an agencies website is either important andVERY important when deciding who to invite to pitch. So please, take alook at yours and ask yourself this very simple question. Does it makelife easy for a client looking for an agency?

And 80% decided whether to meet with an agency before deciding whoto invite to prior after having reviewed the quality of an agencies outputbased upon the work shown on their website.

30% (!) of clients admitted that luck (the agency happened to call at theright time) was either a n important or a very important factor whendeciding who to meet prior to inviting agencies to pitch.

More than 80% of clients make their first cut based upon hygienefactors. So don’t go on about your agency culture too much at theoutset. It makes little difference.

Almost EVERYONE agreed that the professionalism of the presenterwas important or very important when deciding who to invite to pitchwith pretty much everyone also agreeing that chemistry was equallyimportant

And finally, surprise surprise, the most important factor when decidingwhich agency to appoint is …

The quality of the suggested creative route!

Which factors are most likely to prompt a review of your agency

Which of the stages do you go through when appointing a new agency?

How did you FIRST meet the agency you most recently appointed?

When happy with your incumbent, how many other agencies do youmeet with each month?

When unhappy with your incumbent, how many agencies do you meetprior to deciding whether to review?

If you are unhappy with your agency, how long do you give them torectify the problem before calling a review?

How many agencies do you at first consider when reviewing yourincumbent?

And how many are then selected for your short list?

How effective do you think the following methods of businessdevelopment are for marketing communications agencies

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to meet for preliminary meetings prior to deciding who toselect to pitch. - Hygiene factors, i.e location, sector knowledge, sizeetc.

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to meet for preliminary meetings prior to deciding who toselect to pitch. - Reputation

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to meet for preliminary meetings prior to deciding who toselect to pitch. - Website design and usability

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to meet for preliminary meetings prior to deciding who toselect to pitch. - Luck! if they contact me at the right time then get alook-in

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to meet for preliminary meetings prior to deciding who toselect to pitch. - Quality of creative work seen on website

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to select to pitch. - Hygiene factors, i.e location, sectorknowledge, size etc.

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to select to pitch. - Reputation

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to select to pitch. - Professionalism of presentation

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to select to pitch. - Chemistry

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to select to pitch. - Quality of creative work shown andexplanation

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to appoint. - Hygiene factors, i.e location, sectorknowledge, size etc.

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to appoint. - Reputation

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to appoint. - Professionalism of presentation

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to appoint. - Chemistry

How important do you feel the following selection criteria are whendeciding who to appoint. - The creative solution suggested
