RT development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



RT development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic. Peter Gorm Larsen ( pgl@iha.dk ). Agenda. Development Process for RT systems Abstract Syntax Trees and analysis of ASTs Introduction to Logic. Reactive systems Nature. The World. Environment. System. stimuli. response. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


RT development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic

Peter Gorm Larsen


TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Development Process for RT systems• Abstract Syntax Trees and analysis of ASTs• Introduction to Logic

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Reactive systems Nature

The World

Environment System



TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Overview of Development Process

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


General use case for anembedded system

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Capturing Requirements in VDM-SL


PerformSystemReaction: seq of SensorInput ==> seq of ActuatorCommand PerformSystemReaction(inputseq) == if inputseq = [] then [] else SensorTreatment(hd inputseq) ^ PerformSystemReaction(tl inputseq)

An accumulating parameter can be used for feedback

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Sequential Design Model

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Typical Design Structure

• An Environment class is needed• A SystemName class is needed• A World class is introduced for setting up both the

environment and the system• World shall contain a Run operation• World have access to some notion of time• The Environment has operation for creating signals to

the system and receiving events from the system• Flow of control resides with the Environment• Each class that do actions has an isFinished


TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Concurrent Design Model

• Similar to sequential design model but• Identification of threads

• Determine necessary communication

• Establish synchronization points

• Validation of model

• Typical design structure• Flow of control is distributed

• Synchronization using permission predicates and mutex• isFinished operations become skip with permission


• A simple Timer class is replaced with the TimeStamp class

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Concurrent Real-Time and Distributed Design Model

• Timing built in:• Use of default durations

• Use of duration and cycles statements

• Setting task switching overhead• Typical Design Structure

• SystemName is now turned into a system• CPU’s and BUS’es are introduced inside SystemName• Environment may be turned into a system

• Some operations are made asynchronous

• Some Step like threads are made periodic• Explicit use of TimeStamp is removed

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Development Process for RT systems Abstract Syntax Trees and analysis of ASTs• Introduction to Logic

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


The “Phases” of a Compiler

Syntax Analysis

Type Analysis

Code Generation

Source Program

Abstract Syntax Tree

Decorated Abstract Syntax Tree

Object Code

Error Reports

Error Reports

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


VDM-SL AST Example 1

Program :: decls : seq of Declaration

stmt : Stmt;

Declaration :: id : Identifier

tp : Type

val : [Value];

Identifier = seq1 of char;

Type = <BoolType> | <IntType> ;

Value = BoolVal | IntVal;

BoolVal :: val : bool;

IntVal :: val : int;

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


VDM-SL AST Example 2

Stmt = BlockStmt | AssignStmt | CondStmt | ForStmt | RepeatStmt;BlockStmt :: decls : seq of Declaration stmts : seq1 of Stmt;AssignStmt :: lhs : Variable rhs : Expr;Variable :: id : Identifier;CondStmt :: guard : Expr thenst : Stmt elsest : Stmt;ForStmt :: start : AssignStmt stop : Expr stmt : Stmt;RepeatStmt :: repeat : Stmt until : Expr;

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


VDM-SL AST Example 3

Expr = BinaryExpr | Value | Variable;

BinaryExpr :: lhs : Expr

op : Operator

rhs : Expr;

Operator = <Add> | <Sub> | <Div> | <Mul> |

<Lt> | <Gt> | <Eq> | <And> |


TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Semantic Analysis of ASTs

• Environments that denote context• StatEnv = map AST`Identifier to AST`Type;• DynEnv = map AST`Identifier to AST`Value;• CGEnv = map AST`Identifier to AST`Type;

• Recursive top-down handling of analysis• Possibly use a visitor pattern in an OO context

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Evaluation of An Expression

EvalExpr : AST‘Expr * DynEnv -> AST‘ValueEvalExpr(ex, denv) == cases ex : mk_AST‘BoolVal(-), mk_AST‘IntVal(-) -> ex, mk_AST‘Variable(id) -> denv(id), mk_AST‘BinaryExpr(-,-,-) -> EvalBinaryExpr(ex, denv) endpre is_AST‘BinaryExpr(ex) => pre_EvalBinaryExpr(ex, denv);

EvalBinaryExpr : AST‘BinaryExpr * DynEnv -> AST‘ValueEvalBinaryExpr(mk_AST‘BinaryExpr(lhs, op, rhs), denv) == let v1 = EvalExpr(lhs, denv).val, v2 = EvalExpr(rhs, denv).val in cases op : <Add> -> mk_AST‘IntVal(v1 + v2), ... end

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Type Checking An Expressionwf_Expr : AST‘Expr * StatEnv -> bool * [AST‘Type]wf_Expr(ex, senv) == cases true : (is_AST‘BoolVal(ex)) -> mk (true, <BoolType>), (is_AST‘IntVal(ex)) -> mk_(true, <IntType>), (is_AST‘Variable(ex)) -> wf Variable(ex, senv), (is_AST‘BinaryExpr(ex)) -> wf_BinaryExpr(ex, senv), others -> mk_(false, <IntType>) end;

wf_BinaryExpr : AST‘BinaryExpr * StatEnv -> bool * [AST‘Type]wf_BinaryExpr(mk_AST‘BinaryExpr(lhs, op, rhs), senv) == let mk_(wf_lhs, tp_lhs) = wf_Expr(lhs, senv), mk_(wf_rhs, tp_rhs) = wf_Expr(rhs, senv) in cases op : <Add>, <Sub>, <Div>, <Mul> -> mk_(wf_lhs and wf_rhs and tp_lhs = <IntType> and tp_rhs = <IntType>, <IntType>), ...

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


The ASTGen Tool

SimpleAST spec

(restricted VDM++)ASTGEN





VDM++Interface classes

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Binary Expression in AST file

Expression = BinaryExpression | ...

BinaryExpression ::

lhs : Expression

op : BinaryOperator

rhs : Expression;

Then ASTGen will produce:




TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Generated VDM++ Interface Class

class SimpleBinaryExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression


public getLhs: () ==> SimpleExpression getLhs() == is subclass responsibility;

public getOp: () ==> SimpleBinaryOperator getOp() == is subclass responsibility;

public getRhs: () ==> SimpleExpression getRhs() == is subclass responsibility;

end SimpleBinaryExpression

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Generated VDM++ ImplementationClass

class SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleBinaryExpression

instance variables private iv_lhs:SimpleExpression; private iv_op:SimpleBinaryOperator; private iv_rhs:SimpleExpression;


public SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl: SimpleExpression * SimpleBinaryOperator * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl(p_lhs, p_op, p_rhs) == ( iv_lhs := p_lhs; iv_op := p_op; iv_rhs := p_rhs; );

public getLhs: () ==> SimpleExpression getLhs() == return iv_lhs;

public getOp: () ==> SimpleBinaryOperator getOp() == return iv_op;

public getRhs: () ==> SimpleExpression getRhs() == return iv_rhs;

end SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Code Generator Structure

Simple concrete syntax

Simple AST Programming language AST (developed using ASTGen)

Programming language concrete syntax

Simple parser

VDM model to be developed

Potential backend

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Development Process for RT systems Abstract Syntax Trees and analysis of ASTs Introduction to Logic

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Our ability to state invariants, record pre-conditions and post-conditions, and the ability to reason about a formal model depend on the logic on which the modelling language is based.

• Classical logical propositions and predicates

• Connectives

• Quantifiers

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


A temperature monitor example




01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Temperature (C)

Time (s)

The monitor records the last five temperature readings 25 105510

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


A temperature monitor example

The following conditions are to be detected by the monitor:

1. Rising: the last reading in the sample is greater than the first

2. Over limit: there is a reading in the sample in excess of 400 C

3. Continually over limit: all the readings in the sample exceed 400 C

4. Safe: If readings do not exceed 400 C by the middle of the sample, the reactor is safe. If readings exceed 400 C by the middle of the sample, the reactor is still safe provided that the reading at the end of the sample is less than 400 C.

5. Alarm: The alarm is to be raised if and only if the reactor is not safe

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Predicates and Propositions

Predicates are simply logical expressions. The simplest kind of logical predicate is a proposition.

A proposition is a logical assertion about a particular value or values, usually involving a Boolean operator to compare the values, e.g.

3 < 27 5 = 9

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


PredicatesA predicate is a logical expression that is not specific to particular values but contains variables which can stand for one of a range of possible values, e.g.

x < 27

(x**2) + x - 6 = 0

The truth or falsehood of a predicate depends on the value taken by the variables.

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Predicates in the monitor example

Monitor :: temps : seq of int alarm : bool

inv m == len m.temps = 5

Consider a monitor m. m is a sequence so we can index into it:

First reading in m:

Last reading in m:

Predicate stating that the first reading in m is strictly less than the last reading:

The truth of the predicate depends on the value of m.



m.temps(1) < m.temps(5)

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


The rising condition

The last reading in the sample is greater than the first

Monitor :: temps : seq of int alarm : bool

inv m == len m.temps = 5

We can express the rising condition as a Boolean function:

Rising: Monitor -> bool

Rising(m) == m.temps(1) < m.temps(5)

For any monitor m, the expression Rising(m) evaluates to true iff the last reading in the sample in m is higher than the first, e.g.

Rising( mk_Monitor([233,45,677,650,900], false) )

Rising( mk_Monitor([23,45,67,50,20], false) )

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Logical Operators (Connectives)

We will examine the following logical operators:

• Negation (NOT)• Conjunction (AND)• Disjunction (OR)• Implication (if – then)• Biconditional (if and only if)

Truth tables can be used to show how these operators can combine propositions to compound propositions.

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Negation (not)

Negation allows us to state that the opposite of some logical expression is true, e.g.

The temperature in the monitor mon is not rising:

not Rising(mon)

Truth table for negation:P not P

true false

false true

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Disjunction (or)

Disjunction allows us to express alternatives that are not necessarily exclusive:

Over limit: There is a reading in the sample in excess of 400 C

OverLimit: Monitor -> bool

OverLimit(m) == m.temps(1) > 400 or m.temps(2) > 400 or m.temps(3) > 400 or m.temps(4) > 400 or m.temps(5) > 400

P Q P or Q

true true true

true false true

false true true

false false false

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Conjunction (and)

Conjunction allows us to express the fact that all of a collection of facts are true.

Continually over limit: all the readings in the sample exceed 400 C

COverLimit: Monitor -> bool

COverLimit(m) ==

m.temps(1) > 400 and m.temps(2) > 400 and m.temps(3) > 400 and m.temps(4) > 400 and m.temps(5) > 400

P Q P and Q

true true true

true false false

false true false

false false false

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


ImplicationImplication allows us to express facts which are only true under certain conditions (“if … then …”):

Safe: If readings do not exceed 400 C by the middle of the sample, the reactor is safe. If readings exceed 400 C by the middle of the sample, the reactor is still safe provided that the reading at the end of the sample is less than 400 C.

Safe: Monitor -> bool

Safe(m) ==

m.temps(3) > 400 =>

m.temps(5) < 400

P Q P => Q

true true true

true false false

false true true

false false true

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


BiimplicationBiimplication allows us to express equivalence (“if and only if”).

Alarm: The alarm is to be raised if and only if the reactor is not safe

This can be recorded as an invariant property:

Monitor :: temps : seq of int alarm : bool

inv m ==

len m.temps = 5 and

not Safe(m.temps) <=> m.alarm

P Q P <=> Q

true true true

true false false

false true false

false false true

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Operator Precedence and Associativity

• not has the highest precedence• Followed by and, or, => and <=> in that order• => has right grouping i.e.

o A => B => C without brackets meanso A => (B => C)

• The other logical operators are associative so right and left grouping are equivalent, i.e.o A and (B and C) is identical to (A and B) and C

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



For large collections of values, using a variable makes more sense than dealing with each case separately.

inds m.temps represents indices (1-5) of the sample

The “over limit” condition can then be expressed more economically as:

exists i in set inds m.temps & m.temps(i) > 400

The “continually over limit” condition can then be expressed using “forall”:

COverLimit: Monitor -> boolCOverLimit(m) == forall i in set inds m.temps & m.temps(i) > 400

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



forall binding & predicate

exists binding & predicate

There are two types of binding:

Type Binding, e.g.

x : nat

n : seq of char

Set Binding, e.g.

i in set inds m

x in set {1,…,20}

A type binding lets the bound variable range over a type (a possibly infinite collection of values).

A set binding lets the bound variable range over a finite set of values.

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Formulate the following statements using predicate logic:

• Everybody likes Danish pastry

• Everybody either likes Danish pastry or is a vegetarian

• Either everybody likes Danish pastry or everybody is a


Are the last two statements equivalent?

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Formulate the following statements using predicate logic:

• Somebody likes Danish pastry

• There is somebody who either likes Danish pastry or is

a vegetarian

• Either somebody likes Danish pastry or somebody is a


Are the last two statements equivalent?

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Several variables may be bound at once by a single quantifier, e.g.

forall x,y in set {1,…,5} &

X <> y => not m.temps(x) = m.temps(y)

Would this predicate be true for the following value of m.temps ?

[320, 220, 105, 119, 150]

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Formulation Questions

All the readings in the sample are less than 400 and greater than 50.

Each reading in the sample is up to 10 greater than its predecessor.

There are two distinct readings in the sample which are over 400.

forall i in set inds m.temps & m.temps(i) < 400 and m.temps(i) > 50

forall i in set inds m.temps\{1} & m.temps(i – 1) + 10 <= m.temps(i)

exists i,j in set inds m.temps & i <> j and m.temps(i) > 400 and m.temps(j) > 400

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Combination of quantifiers

• Assume we have a predicate with two free variables P(x,y) where x : X and y : Y

• Then quantifiers can be combined:• forall y : Y & exists x : X & P(x,y) or• exists y : Y & forall x : X & P(x,y)

• Would these be equal if X, Y are int and P = x >y?• However if the same quantifier was used both places

the expressions would be equivalent:• forall y : Y & forall x : X & P(x,y) forall x : X & forall y : Y & P(x,y)

• exists y : Y & exists x : X & P(x,y) exists x : X & exists y : Y & P(x,y)

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



Suppose we have to formalise the following property:

There is a “single minimum” in the sequence of readings, i.e. there is a reading which is strictly smaller than any of the other readings.

Suppose the order of the quantifiers is reversed.

exists i in set inds m.temps & forall j in set inds m.temps & i <> j => m.temps(i) < m.temps(j)

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Questions• Translate the following into English:

• forall x:Elephant & grey(x)• forall x:ANIMAL & elephant(x) => grey(x)• exists x : ANIMAL & bird(x) and has_wings(x) and not flies(x)

• Represent the following using predicate logic formulae:• “Joanne is a teacher, she teaches AI, and likes

chocolate.”• “Some teachers do not like chocolate”

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



• What is the truth value for the following expressions?• forall x in set {2,4,6} & IsEven(x)• forall xxx in set {} & xxx = 8• exists b in set {} & b > 0• exists1 x in set {1,2,6,42} & not IsEven(x)• forall x : nat & x < 5 => x ** 2 > 4• exists x : nat & x < 5 => x ** 2 > 4• forall y : nat & y < 5 => y < 20• forall y in set power {1,2} & card y = 2• not forall w : nat &

z < 4 => exists x : nat & z < x ** 2

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic



• What have I presented today?• Development Process for RT systems

• Abstract syntax trees and analysis of ASTs

• Introduction to Logic

• What do you need to do now?• Read chapter 4 and 5 of the book for next week

• Read existing material about the selected project

• Formulate a new requirements definition for the project

• Start modelling your project in VDM++ using Overture

• Present about this project for the rest of us

TIVDM1 RT Development process, Abstract Syntax Trees and Logic


Quote of the day

The successful construction of all machinery depends on the perfection of the tools employed, and whoever is

the master in the art of tool-making possesses the key to the construction of all machines.

Charles Babbage, 1851
