Rural Roads | Urban Edge


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Rural Roads | Urban Edge

Long Range Planning Issue Paper No. 2017-06

Planning Commission


Issue Paper Focus

• Bike & pedestrian safety in urban/rural edge areas

• Suggestions for ROW dedication & road improvements for border roads

• State law & policy implications for planning ROW needs in urban reserve areas

This Issue Paper Doesn’t Address:

• Rural quality of life issues • Rural road speed and congestion conflicts • Maintenance concerns

Should Border Roads be Treated Differently?

• Conflict between “practical reality” and “aspirational desire” for border road improvements

• Consider transitional areas & connector roads – which elements should be continued along the rural roadway?

• Road standards could better match existing and proposed land uses and transportation needs – “context sensitive”

Border Road Example: Elwert Road

Border Roads

New Classification or Design Standard for Border Roads?

• Assume rural reserve/rural undesignated side of border road is never built to urban standards

• Some rural roads heavily used by urban commuters: potential for safety conflicts w/ bike/ped/farm equipment

• Proposed design: separated multi-use path on urban side, 6-foot shoulder on rural side

Multi-Use Path

Rural Road Conflict Elements – Fig. 1 This map represents potential conflicts on rural roads: - Higher than average ADT - Lack of suitable shoulders - Scenic tour route - Known promoted bike route - Freight route

Border Road ROW Dedication Options A) Urban side development dedicate entire needed ROW?

– Make all border roads TDT creditable for the additional ROW dedication & multi-use path

B) Urban side dedicate their “half”, County purchase ROW from rural side? – County can purchase ROW for widening, subject to

alternatives analysis & “no significant impact” findings C) Hybrid of A and B?

Border Roads TDT List Status – Fig. 2

What about Rural Connector Roads? • Some rural roads connect urban places; are used

heavily by urban traffic & farm traffic • New growth areas bring urban areas closer together • Proposed design: 6-foot (or wider) shoulders

through rural area – helps give passing room to farm equipment & bikes – 6 foot shoulder already adopted in WC Road Design &

Construction Standards

Benefits of Wider Shoulders

Unknowns & Uncertainties • Cost • Proportionality • Implementation Feasibility

Preserving Rural ROW • Problem:

– ROW for new transportation facilities cannot be preserved in urban reserves, even when shown on concept plans

– Roads w/in UGB may be overbuilt in lieu of waiting for a new road w/in urban reserves due to uncertainty

• Ability to designate & adopt needed ROW would help County & Cities plan for and preserve capacity & mobility through concept planning

Staff Recommendations 1. Border Roads:

A. Create a design standard for border roads. B. Policy for ROW dedication from urban side. C. Include all border roads on TDT project list.

2. Work on potential process changes to allow ROW designation & adoption within urban reserves.

3. Further analysis: roadway function & design standards, connector road policies, prioritization of rural road improvement needs.


Please contact:

Jessica Pelz, AICP, Senior Planner

