S & S M · 2019-09-19 · St Mary’s, Silver ay ible Study: Gospel of John Please Keep These...


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Holy Spirit Parish 227 Third St. Two Harbors, MN


HOLY SPIRIT PARISH Mass Schedule Confession Schedule

Saturday: 4:30 pm Friday: 7:30 - 8:00 am

Sunday: 11:00 am Saturday: 3:30 - 4:15 pm

Or by appointment.

Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Holy Spirit Office Hours:

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Monday - Thursday

7:00 am - 11:00 am Friday

Office is located in parish basement.

Office ................................................. (218) 834-4659

Office E-mail ............................. hspirit@outlook.com

Rectory ............................................... (218) 834-4313

Parish Website ............ www.holyspirittwoharbors.org

Liturgy & Parish Life Coordinator ..... (218) 834-4659


Director of Religious Education ......... (218) 226-3100

Deacon Tim Egan ............................... (218) 349-9175

Deacon Scott Peters ............................ (218) 834-2543

Prayer Intentions ................................ (218) 834-4659

Birthright ............................................ (800) 550-4900

ST. MARY’S PARISH Mass Schedule Confession Schedule

Saturday: 7:15 pm Saturday: 6:30 - 7:00 pm

Sunday: 8:30 am Sunday: 7:50 - 8:15 am

Or by appointment.

Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

St. Mary’s Office Hours:

8:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Thursday

Office is located in St. Mary’s Rectory.

Office/Rectory .................................... (218) 226-3100

Church Hall ........................................ (218) 226-3691

Parish E-mail .............. stmarysilverbay@outlook.com

Parish Website .................... www.stmarysilverbay.org

Deacon Fred Wright ........................... (218) 220-1790

Deacon Jack Ferris (Retired)………...(218) 226-4753

Father Michael Lyons (in Residence) (218) 830-1600


Prayer Chain ......... (218) 226-3639 or (218) 226-4662


Pastor: Rev. Steven Laflamme

St. Mary’s Parish 57 Horn Blvd.

Silver Bay, MN

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time | March 3, 2019

BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to your parish office

before 4:30 pm on Mondays.

slaflamme@dioceseduluth.org (218) 834-4313

St Mary’s, Silver Bay

Bible Study: Gospel of John We will meet for our final session on the Gospel of John this Sunday, March 3 at 6 pm in the Social Hall.

Friday Soup Suppers & Stations of the Cross Join us, starting this Friday (March 8) for soup supper and Stations of the Cross. Soup will be served 4:45 - 5:30 pm, followed by Stations at 5:45 pm. These delicious soups will be prepared by volunteer cooks. If you are interested in preparing a soup or providing bread for a soup supper, contact Cindy in the parish office. Donations to Operation Rice Bowl will be accepted during the soup supper. This is great opportunity to enrich your Lenten season.

Pancake Breakfast The Knights of Columbus will serve their delicious pancake breakfast after Mass next Sunday, March 10. Please join us for fellowship & pancakes. Free will donation.

Encounter Lent through CRS Rice Bowl Join our faith community - and more than 14,000 Catholic communities across the USA - in a life-changing Lenten Journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl from the back of the church. Visit crsricebowl.org for their great Lenten resources.

What Is BEST LENT EVER? It's a free email program that will guide you on an incredible journey toward the-best-version-of-yourself. From Ash Wednesday to Easter, you’ll discover ways to transform your life in forty days. Sign up today by going to www.dynamiccatholic.com/best-lent-ever.

Family Faith Formation We will meet next on Wednesday, March 13 at 6 pm. We will start with dinner at 6 pm, followed by classes at 6:30 pm. For the Adult Faith Formation, we will be playing Catholic Jeopardy. We’ll work in teams and have a lot of fun while learning more about our Catholic faith. Remember, this is open to everyone not just the students and their parents. Child care is provided for younger children to give everyone the opportunity to attend and grow in their faith.

Are you currently experiencing separation or civil divorce and are in need of healing? The Office of Marriage, Family, and Life is seeking to assist you. They are offering “The Gift of Self,” a six week program for accompanying separated and divorced faithful. For more information and a link to register, go to our parish website.

Please Keep These People In Your Prayers:

Parishioners: Rick Frericks, Tim Downey, Susan Gelatic, Richard Smach, Lillian Miller, Rose Elam, Mary Ann Stebbins, Deanna Larson, Elwood Youngberg, Bill McKeever, Leanne Buell, Ted Youngberg.

Clergy: Deacon Fred Wright.

Relatives & Friends: Jodi Krech, Wyatt Huckell, Lisa Shea, John Grahek Jr, Andy McBride, Josh Solberg, Mike Hartfiel, Ryan Kelly, Johnny Jerabek, Brad Hove, Dan Moudry.

Military: Bryce Brooks, Todd Curry, John Ferguson, Karen McGrane, Michael Seipke, Chris Grensing, Sean Stebbins, Sam Andrus, Kris Topp.

Upcoming Diocesan Conferences

March 9: Men of Faith Men Bearing Witness

March 23: Women of Faith Fearless

Both events will be held at Marshall School in Duluth.

Go to our parish website for more details and to register for these events.

Lenten Book Study: The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity

As Christians, we are called to encourage and challenge each other on our journeys. To aid us in this challenge, we’re planning a Lenten book study using the Catholic Dynamic book that was handed out a couple months ago: The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity. This study will dismantle the lie which has no place in our lives and will begin to rebuild any damage it has done. Through accountability and encouragement, we will take concrete steps in rebelling against this lie and, instead, begin to act from a place of truth, goodness, and beauty. This study is perfect for busy people; it’s broken into five sessions to make the reading assignments manageable for everyone. We will meet on Sunday evenings at 6 pm in the Social Hall, beginning Sunday, March 10, and completing it by Easter. Please consider making this a part of your Lenten faith commitment and join us. Bring your book along (there’ll be additional copies for those who don’t have one). As an added bonus, Dynamic Catholic’s “Best Lent Ever” series this year will feature this book in its daily video reflections, making this the perfect time for us to study this book together as a community of faith.

From the Desk of Father Steve: Seeing God in Daily Life: Changing Speeds

It’s an interesting phenomenon how our minds adjust to a continuous rate of speed when we are driving, and that sudden changes in that speed can seem very exaggerated. For example, driving 30 mph in town doesn’t seem slow to me if all I have been doing on a given trip in the car is drive around town. But, if I approach the 30 mph zone on Highway 11 in Silver Bay after having been driving 55 mph for a time, or when I approach Two Harbors from the Northeast on Highway 61 and slow down from 55 mph to 30 mph at the edge of town, driving 30 mph now feels like I am crawling along at a painfully slow pace. It feels like I am going much slower than 30 mph because my mind has adjusted to traveling at 55 mph. Of course, in reality, it’s not any slower than when I only drive around town at 30 mph, it just feels like it is slower.

This experience can provide a great analogy for the spiritual life. I think that perhaps one thing that I consistently hear people lament in our modern day, especially younger people who still have children at home, is how they are always so very busy. Life is so busy. And it truly is for them- mom and dad are both working jobs, the kids are playing a sport every season of the year, the parents are involved in volunteering at the arena or the court, there are birthday parties, graduation parties, Christmas parties and Halloween parties, and then of course, there is just the busyness of daily living in a home- construction projects, repairs that need to be completed, chores around the house, cooking meals, etc. For all the ways that our latest technology is supposed to make our lives easier and more efficient, somehow we are busier than ever. And most people, if you ask them, don’t like that they are so very busy. In other words, when they talk about how busy life is, they wish that it wasn’t the case- they wish things would slow down. But of course, to do that, we would have to say “no” to certain things- we might have to tell our kids that they can only play two sports in the course of a school year, not three. We might have to forego some of the things that we like to have- possessions, hobbies, etc., and make do with a little less income by one or both spouses working less hours to have more time at home. We might have to say “no” to being involved in unnecessary events and groups and causes. And that’s hard for us, because we like to have it both ways- we want to be less busy, but we also don’t want to have to give up anything that we like doing. And then, in the midst of all of this, we know that we are also supposed to be setting aside daily time for prayer and conversation with God, building our relationship with Him. We know that we are supposed to go to Mass every Sunday to worship God, give Him thanks, and receive His graces. We know that we need to take time now and again to read about or study our faith, to learn more about why we believe what we believe. But we just don’t have the time. And here’s the problem: when we do try to make time, the time we spend in prayer feels painfully boring. Just like when we have been driving at 55 mph and we have to slow to 30 mph, it feels like we are painfully crawling along at a snail’s pace. And since we prefer not to feel bored, our attempts at carving out time for prayer with God slowly become less and less frequent, and we resume the high-speed pace that we had been running through life at before. So what’s the solution? Simple. We have to completely change our pace. Taking a brief break from our high-speed pace in life will probably not work, because we will see it as a hindrance rather than a help. The solution is to make real-life changes to try to slow our overall pace of living. This way, taking daily time to pray is not a sudden change of pace, it is a continuation of a slower pace that we have already been experiencing. Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and as such, it is the beginning of the season of Lent. As we know, the tradition is that we give up something that we enjoy as a sacrifice during Lent in order to deny ourselves and our wants and desires and make a loving sacrifice to Jesus who gave everything for us. This Lent, I would like to suggest that as a parish, in addition to our personal decisions of what we may give up or take on for Lent, that each family in the parish take up the following challenge, in which I, of course, will join you: I’d like to challenge each family, each person in our parish to choose two of the seven nights of the week, any two that you wish, and from 7:00 pm until we go to bed- no television, music or social media. We can read, preferably spiritual reading such as the Bible, the catechism, or a good spiritual book, we can pray the Rosary, we can spend time playing a game as a family, we can simply relax and stretch out on the couch. But no media- no television, video games, movies, Netflix, social media or music. Let’s take two nights per week during Lent and make them into quiet evenings spent with the Lord and our family. Might I suggest that one of those two nights be Friday nights, which we can begin by attending the Stations of the Cross? Let’s pledge this Lent to slow down our pace, and so increase our peace! God bless you! ~ Fr. Steve

Holy Spirit - Two Harbors

Wednesday, March 6 at 8:15 am Wednesday, March 6 at 7:15 pm

St. Mary’s - Silver Bay

Wednesday, March 6 at 8:15 am Wednesday, March 6 at 5:15 pm

Mass Times for Ash Wednesday, March 6

Holy Spirit, Two Harbors

Please Keep These People In Your Prayers:

PARISHIONERS: Bonnie Koehler, Arthur Barthman,

Florian Burger, John Erickson, Ed Gudowicz, Virgil Jasmer,

Ron Kor, Bonnie McGregor, Mary Murphy, Verna Rafn, Joe

Seeber, Marilyn Schaefer, and Howard Shultz.

FRIENDS & RELATIVES: Bill Carlson, Brian Hoffman,

Ashlynn Johnson, Robert Linn and Heidi Penman.

MILITARY PERSONNEL: Garrett Aho, Nate Berger,

Jacob Kearin, James Mickle, Christopher Uremovich,

Maddison Zavoral and Sophia Zavoral. SACRED HEART CANDLE: Bob Cavallin

Cassi’s Corner

Please join me in praying for success of grant requests

that have been initiated for our building project.

Diocesan Events

Self-Healing for the Separated & Civilly Divorced

The Office of Marriage, Family, and Life is seeking to

assist the faithful who are currently experiencing

separation or civil divorce and who are in need of

healing. This group will use Maria Pia Campanella’s

“The Gift of Self,” a six week program for accompany-

ing separated and divorced faithful. The series will

run Sunday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

starting March 10 and finishing April 14 at the

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary in Duluth. If

you know of someone that can benefit from this series,

please invite them to attend. There is no charge for

this pilot, and those interested can find more

information and registration at www.dioceseduluth.org.

If you have questions, please call Betsy Kneepkens at


2019 Women of Faith Conference

On March 23rd at Marshall High School in Duluth,

you are invited to a faith-filled day with other women

in our Diocese to explore the conference’s theme

"Fearless.” Sonja Corbitt, a gifted storyteller, will

inspire listeners to take on their fears, ultimately

drawing us closer to Christ. In the afternoon we will

be blessed by a panel of religious sisters representing

the three orders currently serving in our Diocese who

live out their lives fearlessly for Christ. Let this day be

like no other day! For more information and

registration, go to www.dioceseduluth.org or call the

Diocese at 218-724-9111. Early Bird registration ends

March 8th.

Parish News:

Bible 101

Lent starts this week and we’ve made extra prayer

time easy for you through a Bible study which begins

with how to find passages in the Bible and goes on to

help you read the overall story of salvation in a

chronological order. This study will make the Bible

finally make sense so you can start to pray with it.

This will be a safe place to ask questions you feel like

you should already know but don’t. The first session

will be on Ash Wednesday at 6:00 PM with the re-

maining sessions on Sunday mornings at 9:30 through

Palm Sunday. Registration is preferred but not man-

datory and can be done through our website, by

emailing Cassi, or by calling the office.

Building Project Budget Status

Now that Phase I is completed we wanted to let you

know where we stand financially vs. our projected

costs: The abatement was less than projected! There

were many costs that were not originally calculated

because we didn’t know what things would look like

under the carpeting. These extra projects included

new plywood throughout the nave, leveling the floor

in the entrance, new baseboards where the carpet had

gone up the wall which was hiding broken plaster and

lots of carpet glue, and a solution to the half-wall

around the stairs to the basement which was also

covered in carpet glue. The lumber and construction

for the new railing in that space was free, and despite

all of the extra costs, I’m thrilled to report that we are

on or just under budget! We have even started on the

new bathroom under the choir loft stairs!

Men of Faith Conference

Monday, March 4 is the final day to register on-line

(www.duluthcatholicmen.org) for the Men of Faith

conference scheduled for Saturday, March 9 at

Marshall School in Duluth. Registration fee is $40

for adults, $15 for students. Paul George of Adore

Ministries is the featured speaker. Contact Deacon

John Weiske at 218-390-3032 with any questions.

Clean Heart Sunday

Learn more about how to keep your family safe by

joining The Equipped 7-Day Challenge: A Digital

Crash Course by texting SECURE to 66866 to receive

seven days of emailed digital tips from CovenantEyes.

St. Mary’s Mass Schedule Holy Spirit’s Mass Schedule


6:30 p.m.

7:15 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass - Intention for Rick Frericks Reader ........ Ed Hynes

Cantor ........ Andy Buell

Plate ........... Don Seipke

Chalice ....... Mike & Cindy Rowlee

Servers ....... Zack Fredrickson & Natalie Reineccius


7:50 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader ........ Susan Michels

Cantor ........ Joanne Curry

Plate ........... Deacon Jack Ferris

Chalice ....... Lanay Frericks & Karen Nelson

Servers ....... Owen & Carter Zabrocki

Monday ST. CASIMIR 3/4/19

No Mass


7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m.


Mass - Intention for Emily Newhouse

Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY 3/6/19

8:15 a.m.

5:15 p.m.

Mass - Intention for Don & Sharon Prokott

Reader ........ Marge Jorgenson

Cantor ........ Tom Palen

Servers ....... Don Seipke

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader ........ Emma Rohloff

Cantor ........ Terri Frericks-Blood

Plate ........... Deacon Jack Ferris

Servers ....... Brooke Velcheff & Lucas Stadler

Thursday ST. PERPETUA & ST. FELICITY 3/7/19

7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m.


Mass - Intention for William & Helen Burke

Friday ST. JOHN OF GOD 3/8/19

7:50 a.m.

8:15 a.m.


Mass - Intention for Edward Devine

Saturday ST. FRANCES OF ROME 3/9/19

6:30 p.m.

7:15 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass - Intention for Deanna Larson Reader ........ Jody Majewsky

Cantor ........ Tom Palen

Plate ........... Don Seipke

Chalice ....... Paula Fredrickson & Shelley Fredrickson

Servers ....... Zack Fredrickson & Nicolas Reineccius

Sunday 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT 3/10/19

7:50 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader ........ Gerry Bahar

Cantor ........ Sue Bahar

Plate ........... Deacon Jack Ferris

Chalice ....... Cindy Rowlee & Judy Zupancich

Servers ....... Valerie Melander & Thomas Rowlee

Weekend Collection

General……………………….…..…….………...$1,834.00 Front Wall Project…………...……………..…..$230.00


3:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader ....... Gloria Uremovich

Chalices ..... Carol Anderson & Shari Hendren

Servers ....... Livy Hendren & TBD


11:00 a.m.

Mass - Intention for Mildred Borgstromt

Reader ....... Mike Hoffman

Chalices ..... Linda Hoffman & Lee Kortuem

Servers ....... Isaiah Beamer & TBD

Monday ST. CASIMIR 3/4/19

8:15 a.m. Mass


5:30 p.m. Mass - Intention for Jeremy Royce Spry

Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY 3/6/19

8:15 a.m.

7:15 p.m.

Mass - Fr. Steve’s Intention

Reader ....... Mike Hoffman

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader ....... Barb Haynes

Servers ....... Anthony Lemke & TBD

Thursday ST. PERPETUA & ST. FELICITY 3/7/19

8:15 a.m. Mass - Deceased members of the Lemke family

Friday ST. JOHN OF GOD 3/8/19

7:15 p.m.

No Mass or Adoration

Stations of the Cross

Saturday ST. FRANCES OF ROME 3/9/19

3:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass - Intention for All Parishioners

Reader ....... Paulette Moreland

Chalices ..... Liz Scheidt & TBD

Servers ....... Ava & Olivia Fosness



11:00 a.m.

Mass - Intention for Marilyn Laflamme

Reader ....... Louis Button

Chalices ..... Joanne Button & Lyle Shepersky

Servers ....... Nathan Campbell & Casey Underdale

Weekend Collection

General……….…...….…..…....…………...….…$1,747.36 Restoration Project……...…..……...……..….$1049.00 UCA...………...……………...….……..........……....$300.00 Building Fund………………..………..........……....$66.00