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Congratulations on starting your transformational journey! This six week course will take you through everything you need to know to transform your mind, your spirit and how healthy eating choices can transform your life!

Here’s a breakdown of what we will cover during each week of the program:

Week 1 - I will be introducing you to the foods you’ll be eating and the ones that you should begin to eliminate. Week 1 is all about awareness and getting ready for your transformation! We’ll also talk about what to eat and why, as well as how to start the process of eliminating certain foods from your diet.

Week 2 - I will start to guide you through meal planning and give you some fabulous recipes you can use to get started on transforming the way you eat right away! I will walk you through how to structure your plate and your serving sizes to get you familiar with what healthy eating looks like.

Week 3 – This week will be all about transforming your approach to eating by exploring the psychology of the way you eat! I will walk you through why you know what to do but you still don’t do it. I’ll also be introducing you to the emotions that are motivating your eating behavior and ways you can begin to change your habits and thinking to support your transformation!

Week 4 - We will take a deep dive into the mind and the way you think! During this week you’ll be exploring your thought patterns so that you can bring more awareness to your habits in order to transform the way you think about yourself and food! We’ll also be exploring why change is so difficult and how to begin to overcome these obstacles!

Week 5 – This week, we’ll delve into the spirit. You’ll learn how your spirit can contribute to poor eating habits and how nurturing the spirit will contribute to transformation. You’ll do an in depth exercise on finding your value and begin to make changes that will help you transform your life!

Week 6, I will show you how to transform the way you eat with my Five Step Formula to Healthy Delicious Meals in Minutes a Day! We’ll explore how to prep, shop, and prepare your foods to set you up for success! We’ll also explore how to be compassionate if you fall off the wagon and how to maintain your transformation into the future!


Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

The statements made in this program have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and represent the opinions of the authors. The author is not a Medical Doctor and does not engage directly or indirectly in diagnosing disease, dispensing medical advice, or prescribing the use of any products or services as treatment for sickness or disease. This information is for educational purposes only. You should always cooperate with the health professional of your choice with a mutual goal of building good health. Please consult the physician of your choice before starting this, or any, diet plan or exercise program. Do not use or apply any of the information contained in this book if you are nursing or pregnant. Any application or use of the information, resources, or recommendations contained within this book is at your own risk.

I do not claim to “cure” disease. Please carefully read all product packaging and instructions prior to using.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Week 1: Awareness And Beginning Your Transformation

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Awareness is the first and most important step in your transformation. You need to become aware of what you’re doing and how you may be sabotaging yourself before you can successfully transform your mind, body, and spirit! This week is all about starting the process of increasing your awareness. How to improve what you know about yourself, your habits, why you eat the way you do, what foods to eat or eliminate, and how all of these things will contribute to you making a long lifelong transformation!

Getting prepared for your transformation may sound intimidating. But it can really be one of the most exciting and invigorating pieces of your journey! Imagine your transformation as a garden. In order to nourish and encourage the growth of a lush and rich garden you need to take a couple of steps first. You need to prep the soil by digging deep and looking at what’s under the surface, make sure that the pH balance is right, and that it’s watered and fertilized and ready for the seeds to be planted so that the your garden grows with ease. Transformation is much the same! You need to prepare yourself so that you can transform with more ease and lightness rather than feeling as though it is difficult or a burden. When you prep the soil, a garden practically grows itself with watering, weeding, and fertilizing much as your transformation will begin to take shape once you prepare yourself, your body, and your mind for the beautiful growth that will occur in the weeks ahead!

Beginning your transformation starts with unpacking all the baggage. It’s time to leave behind all of your ideas about what your diet “should” look like and approach this program with a completely open mind and heart. When you do this, you’re much more likely to succeed!

During times of growth, all living things respond better when they are nourished and nurtured, as opposed to negative attention and emotions. Therefore, when we try to change our lives but our actions and attitude come from a place of dislike and disapproval of the self, then we set ourselves up for failure. So I urge you to start this program from a place of loving yourself just as you are. When you do that, you easily make changes that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

Nourishment never occurs from a place of resentment. It occurs from a place of connection. So take some time this week and connect with yourself inside and out. This all starts with gratitude!

Take a few moments and complete the following exercise before moving on:

I am grateful for my mind because______ (Examples: It helps me remember the good times, it helps me solve problems, etc.)

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

I am grateful for my body because ______ (Examples: It lets me dance, it allows me to care for my daughter, etc.)

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

I am grateful for my spirit because _______ (Examples: It allows me to see the positive in the hard times, it gives me a connection to the divine, etc.)

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

I am grateful for myself and who I am because ______ (Examples: I have a great work ethic, I have a great sense of humor, etc.)

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

Knowing what to eat is just as important as knowing how much to eat. Creating transformation in your life will require you to make some changes. The main change you should begin to make this week is to cut out as many processed foods as possible. This means anything that is pre-packaged or made with artificial ingredients. These have NO place in your body! These types of foods are filled with chemicals that work against your body’s best interest. They can actually harm your immune system and create inflammation, pain, and cause you to gain weight!

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

So, take some time and work through your kitchen. Throw out anything that has artificial ingredients and sweeteners. We’ll work on refining your diet even more in the weeks to come. However, this week should be about shedding the things that are getting in the way of your transformation and starting to focus on food that naturally nurtures health and vitality!

Next, begin to integrate more healthy foods into your diet. Increase your intake of vegetables by at least double what you’re currently eating. Use vegetables to replace all of the processed foods that you just cleared out of your kitchen! Start eating fruits instead of processed sugars to feed your sweet tooth if you have one. This way you’re infusing your body with nutrients while still giving your body what it craves!

Much of the time, when we’re craving something, it’s because our body is actually craving nutrients, not an actual food. So filling your diet and body with nutrients should naturally begin to reduce the cravings you experience. Another really important point is that organic produce is much preferred to standard produce for many foods. You can follow the “Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen” document included in this program to help guide you on which foods are most important to buy organic

The majority of your diet should include vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes and beans, oils, non-dairy milk and high-quality animal products. These should include wild caught fish, and grass-fed, organic meats that are free from hormones, antibiotics, and nitrates. If you’re ready to move beyond the changes suggested above you can start to make the switch to even healthier foods by buying organic produce, free range-eggs, and coconut, almond or rice milk in place of dairy milk.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Action Plan:1. Complete the exercise above.

2. Rid your diet and kitchen of processed foods.

3. Commit to making the switch to healthier foods. Focus first on doubling your vegetable consumption and eating organic fruits and vegetables that are on the Dirty Dozen list!

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Week 2: Skinny Plate, Serving Sizes, & Meal Planning

The Skinny Plate is one of the best tools you can use to help build your perfect plate! When you base each meal off of the Skinny Plate you’ll be setting yourself up for healthy balance with every single bite! Use this template as a guide to ensure that each meal is providing you the essential nutrients you need to boost your health and youthfulness while nourishing your mind, body, and spirit!

Serving Sizes

One of the biggest reasons that people have difficulty losing weight and staying healthy is that they lose track of what they’re eating. Serving sizes have expanded ridiculously over the past 100 years and most people don’t even know what an appropriate serving size is anymore! With super sizing and restaurant portions ballooning out of control, it is no wonder that the average waistline is expanding.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

That being said, it is essential to develop an intuitive understanding of serving sizes and really get familiar with what an average serving size looks like. One of the easiest ways to do this is to understand the measurements and how they relate to your body.

For example… The size of your palm is about three ounces, which is the serving size for one

portion of meat, such as chicken or fish A one-ounce serving size would fit in the palm of your hand, which is a great

measure for things like nuts A handful is more likely to be two to three ounces A balled up fist is about the size of one cup Half a cup is about the size of the bottom of that fist - or the bottom two fingers The tip of your thumb is the approximate size of one tablespoon, while the tip of

your index finger is about the size of a teaspoon

The serving size that is right for you also depends on your personal goals. Are you actively trying to lose weight? Gain weight? Or, are you just trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some suggested serving sizes based on different goals.

Vegetables Unlimited quantities

Fruit 1 individual piece for fruits like apples, pears, bananas, and oranges; 1 cup for small fruits like berries or grapes; 1 cup for chopped or cubed fruit like melons. Enjoy up to 1 serving per day.

Whole Grains ½ cup cooked. Enjoy up to 1 cup per day.

Protein 1 palm-sized portion of high quality, lean animal protein; 1 egg or 4 egg whites; ½ cup beans or legumes; ½ cup of tofu; one small handful of nuts or seeds; 4 tablespoon of protein powder. Enjoy 2 servings per day.

Oils One tablespoon. Enjoy up to two servings per day.

Milk or Non-dairy Milk

One cup. Enjoy up to two servings per day.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Vegetables Unlimited quantities

Fruit 1 individual piece for fruits like apples, pears, bananas, and oranges; 1 cup for small fruits like berries or grapes; 1 cup for chopped or cubed fruit like melons. Enjoy up to 3 servings per day.

Whole Grains ½ cup cooked. Enjoy up to 1 - 1 ½ cups per day.

Protein 1 palm-sized portion of high quality, lean animal protein; 1 egg or 4 egg whites; ½ cup beans or legumes; ½ cup of tofu; one small handful of nuts or seeds; 4 tablespoon of protein powder. Enjoy 2 servings per day.

Oils One tablespoon. Enjoy up to 3 servings per day.

Milk or Non-dairy Milk

One cup. Enjoy up to 2 servings per day.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Meal Planning

Meal planning is often overlooked, however it is a very powerful and necessary tool when transforming you diet. Use the following guidelines, sample meal plan, and blank template to set yourself up for success!

The Meal Planning Process

Choose Recipes: o Take into consideration your eating habits and patterns, goals, and schedule.

For example, if you eat 3 meals a day, that’s 21 meals a week that you need to plan for.

o Choose 10-15 new recipes that you want to try over the month. Don’t be afraid to repeat!

o When choosing recipes, look for ones that have similar ingredients so that you don’t have to spend too much on specialty ingredients.

o Ask your family, friends, roommates or partner what kind of things they would like to eat for inspiration while recipe hunting

Be Flexible:o Things happen! Sometimes the ingredients aren’t available, or schedules get

in the way. Have quick and easy go-to recipes to fall back on in a pinch.o Cooking every night can be overwhelming. Especially when you’re just

starting out! Stick to 3-4 new recipes a week and fill the rest of the schedule up with leftovers, smoothies, simple snacks, and the occasional dining out.

o Have theme nights instead of set recipes. This keeps things interesting and allows a little creativity, which helps to break up the rigid schedule. Get the whole family involved for things like “Make your own pizza, salad, or wrap night!”

Create a Schedule and a Shopping List:o Use the meal planning template provided to map out recipes for the week o Create a shopping list that can be used over and over. Break it up into

sections. For example: Staples like spices, condiments, oils, grains, etc. Perishable items like milks, butters, frozen fruits and veggies, etc. Regular snacks and produce like nuts, seeds, fruit, veggies, etc. New recipe ingredients

o As you need ingredients you can check existing items or add new ones to the list.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Plan a Shopping and Prep Day:o Planning shopping trips makes them less stressful and rushedo Washing, cutting, and prepping produce and portioning out food when

returning from the market sets you up for success throughout the week.o Always bring a list to the store and make sure to eat before you shop. This

helps to cut back on impulse buys.

Create A Meal Planning Pattern

Using a pattern may help your clients fall into a rhythm when creating their meal-plans. Here’s an example:

Day Tips Examples

BreakfastRotate between a few simple, yet nutrient dense meals

SmoothieOatmealEgg and veggies omelet

LunchRotate between a few simple, yet nutrient packed meals.


DinnerFollow a pattern for the week to get into a good rhythm. Make choices that work for your schedule.

Sunday- New recipeMonday - LeftoversTuesday- Theme night (keep it simple)Wednesday - New recipeThursday- LeftoversFriday- New recipeSaturday- Eat out or order in

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Set A Schedule

You can also consider setting a schedule to follow throughout the day for a little more structure. Here is an example:

7am – Breakfast10am – Snack1pm – Lunch4pm - Snack6pm – Dinner

Meal Planning Tips Write down or bookmark favorite recipes to have for reference Regular staples like oatmeal, smoothies, salads, soups, wraps, and trail mix can

easily be changed by simply swapping out a few ingredients Have a list or stack of take-out menus for places to eat that are known to have

healthy choices Keeping the kitchen and pantry neat and organized makes cooking more likely Experiment with different spices and techniques or learn to cook without a recipe Have fun!!

Grocery Shopping Tips and Strategies Avoid aisles, displays, and sale signs. Whole foods tend to be located on the

perimeter of grocery stores. Be cautious of items on the shelf placed at eye level. This is intended to get the

shoppers attention. Shop alone to avoid influence and stick to your plan and list Pick food from the back of shelves, which tend to be fresher Never shop while hungry Don’t feel obligated to fill your cart Get familiar with the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen List to find out which

foods have the most pesticides.

Sample Meal PlanCopyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

SUNDAY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SNACKFresh cut salad over a bed of greens

1 cup green tea

Transformational Nutrition Power Up Quinoa Salad

Citrus Salmon

Mixed greens salad

½ cup berries (any kind)

MONDAY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SNACKTransformational Nutrition Berry Clean Detox Shake

Summer Salad Buddha Bowl ½ cup grass-fed or dairy-free ice cream

TUESDAY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SNACK1 cup of steel cut oats with ½ cup fresh fruit

Cauliflower and Carrot Soup

Mixed greens salad

Coconut Curried Veggies with brown rice or quinoa

1 baked apple or pear with cinnamon on top



Tasty Veggie Tacos 1 turkey burger wrapped in lettuce

1 garden salad

Raw veggies with 2 Tbsp. hummus


Transformational Nutrition Tropical Tango Toxin Buster

White Bean & Spinach Soup

Mixed greens salad

½ cup berries with Simple Chocolate Sauce

FRIDAY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SNACKPina Colada With a Side of Green Smoothie

Green Greek Salad Chickpea Curry

Simple Spinach Salad

½ cup Chocolate Avocado Pudding


Sinful Slimming Choco-Cleanse Shake

Exotic Grilled Chicken with ½ cup brown rice

½ cup cooked carrots

2 cups air-popped organic popcorn

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.









Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Week 3: Transform Your Approach to Eating - The Psychology of Why You Eat Like You Do

We’ve all read a hundred articles on how to eat right. We know the basic principles. We know what we’re “supposed to” do. But if we know how to eat right, why don’t we do it? Why do we keep defaulting back to our old ways of being? It’s not that we’re lazy, it’s that we all cave in to the power of habit and the old patterns that have held us static for so long in our lives.

Eating right is a lifestyle change, not a diet. A “diet”, by most of society’s definition, is something you do for the short term. It’s something that you rush in to, but often get tired of because it’s too restrictive or too much of a hassle. Lifestyle changes need to be made every single day, without excuse. You need to commit to making lasting changes in your life rather than just doing something a little different for a while and then defaulting back to your old way of doing things.

There are many things that can get in the way of our success in making lifestyle changes. Negative comments from family and friends can discourage us. Restaurants and fast food make it easy to eat unhealthy. Some of us just get overwhelmed by the loads of information on new foods and hot new diets. Then, there’s the media.. quick to jump on the bandwagon of labeling certain foods as “all good” or “all bad” and telling you whether or not you should be eating it. All of these factors are enough to make most people throw in the towel before they start! However, at the end of the day we can’t put the blame on anyone but ourselves. We have to take responsibility for our life and make the choice about whether we’re going to commit to change or not.

Another reason that people may choose unhealthy foods is out of discouragement and disappointment. Often times, they have put all of their hopes and dreams into a new fad diet that is supposed to give them the body of their dreams. Once they have that, they will finally feel good about themselves and their body. When this doesn’t happen quickly, discouragement and a loss of hope sets in, which then triggers the same unhealthy habits they had before.

While healthy eating can help you improve your health and often leads to weight loss; eating healthy isn’t just about being thin. Living a healthy lifestyle is about feeling good from the inside out. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re eating junk! Ironically, when you feel good in your own skin, you naturally choose foods that are healthy and will nourish the body that you respect and love so much! So, by shifting this

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

mindset, you will begin to eat foods that are healthier for you because they make you feel good, not because you hope that they will give you the self-esteem you’ve been missing or the body you’ve been dreaming of. That’s just a bonus!!!

There are certain practices that can support you in making these changes and we’ll delve into some of these later in this section. First, it’s important to understand that emotions can be the number one driver of our food choices and how they can lead us to sabotaging our efforts toward transformation.

Food and Mood

Eating is often associated with feelings and emotions. Some of the foods we eat make us feel good for a moment, but in time those feelings wear off and you’re left worse off than before. Sometimes we choose unhealthy, or convenient foods in social settings to “blend in” and feel “normal” to avoid standing out or being questioned by others about your food choices. Other emotions drive our food choices without us even realizing it!

BoredomBoredom is the number one emotion that is associated with food. Boredom is classified by a state of dissatisfaction, a lack of reactivity to external stimuli, caused, in general, by a feeling of emptiness. Boredom creeps up on us silently, we are lifeless, bored and have no interest in anything, due perhaps to a build-up of disappointments, or, just the opposite, due to an excess of stimuli that leads to boredom, taking away our ability to be amazed or startled anymore when things happen. And so we turn to food. We begin to associate eating as a means to cure boredom. Think about all of the times you’ve plowed through a big bowl of ice cream or half a bag of chips because you were bored and barely paying attention? Or, think of the old habit that many people have of poking their head into the refrigerator just because they have nothing else to do. In addition, when we’re bored we often choose unhealthy foods and we eat them mindlessly. Before you even realize what happened, you’ve really done some major damage!!

AngerAnger is another emotion that’s associated with unhealthy food choices. Anger is a feeling of rebellion, a strong form of defense accompanied by a sense of revenge. Stoked by the feeling of having been wronged, or suffered an injustice that we simply can't accept, anger is often associated with the dark fact of not being able to do something, the feeling of being impotent when faced with things that annoy and offend us without being able to do anything to put things right.

We’ll often choose to eat unhealthy foods when we’re angry because we adopt an attitude of “forget it, I might as well eat”. An example of this is when a woman is angry

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

with her husband for not fulfilling her emotional needs. Rather than addressing the issues head on and talking about the matter, she decides to eat when she’s mad as an attempt to punish him. Her thought processes might be saying, “He doesn’t deserve a skinny wife!” Unfortunately, eating out of anger only punishes us. It’s like drinking poison and hoping the other person diet. WE are the ones who have to bear the ultimate responsibility for weight gained, health issues, and not feeling good in our skin. There are much better ways to deal with anger, as we will uncover later in this section.

AnxietyAnxiety is also associated with making poor food choices. Anxiety is a state of alarm that takes our breath away, anxiety tries us, weakens us and weighs us down. Anxiety is a mixture of fear and expectation. It is a vague, overpowering and gloomy feeling of dread with no clear perception of what is causing it. It is a feeling of something that we worry could happen, or a build-up of worries that overwhelms us, and that we suddenly perceive to be to great to handle or cope with. Worry is the key concept in anxiety. When people are nervous or worrying they’ll often make poor food choices out of habit and in an effort to calm them down. Perhaps when you were a kid your mother saw that you were upset about something and offered some kind of sweet treat to placate you. This is how bad habits related to poor eating choices when we’re anxious come about.

FearFear is highly related to anxiety and is a strong reaction to something we’re afraid of. Fear has decisive physiological connotations, an automatic reaction of defense when faced with danger, but also the unexpected and the unknown. We are frightened by fear, fear stops us in our tracks and freezes us to the spot. We would like to run away when faced with what causes us to fear, and we don't know how to fight it, nor are we effectively capable of dealing with it. Often when we’re afraid we begin to feel helpless. We begin to feel as though there’s nothing we can do to change things. Think about someone who is fearful that their spouse is going to leave them. They might eat as a way to numb this emotion and as a way to fill them up when they feel emptied out and they’ve lost hope.

SadnessSadness is another key emotion related to making poor food choices. It’s a state we usually associate as the opposite of happiness. It can be triggered when a certain event makes us unhappy, dampening our enthusiasm and making us feel down. Sadness is a minor tone, a bland and melancholic demenor, and a general feeling of despondency that makes us tearful. Experiencing a loss, feeling depressed, or being lonely may also lead to sadness, which in turn reflects in our food choices.

The main issue with these emotions and their relationship to eating patterns is that they’re cyclical. When we eat because we’re sad, bored, scared, angry, anxious, or

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

feeling as though we have to be perfect we’ll often go straight into experiencing guilt and shame. And guess what? That guilt and shame just sends us back into feeling anxious, afraid, and angry which can cause us to cycle back into our poor eating habits. So, becoming aware of our emotions is an essential piece of regaining control.

This brings us to the biggest problem, which is mindless eating. Mindless eating often occurs when we are numbing our feelings with eating. Mindless eating is also when we stop being aware of what we’re putting in our mouths and just go on autopilot. Think about eating a bag of chips sitting at the table without any distractions verses sitting on the couch watching television. Most people are aware of how much they’re eating when there are no other distractions. However, once they’re tuned out and focused on the television they’re much more likely to eat far too much without even realizing it.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

20 Ways To Transform The Way You Eat

1. Mute the naysayers. Many people will have an opinion about your choice to prioritize your health, and may even try to get you to eat unhealthy foods to bring you back to their level. This is because when we make a change for the better in our lives we often draw attention to the ways other people are NOT making these changes. This can cause other people to feel uncomfortable and to try to get you back into the pack of unhealthy eaters. Adopt the philosophy that if people can’t support your new healthy lifestyle they aren’t welcome around you.

2. Ask for healthier options in a way that brings you confidence. When you choose to eat healthy it’s important to be able to ask for healthier options when you’re out with friends and family. Part of this is having the confidence to ask, but it’s also about realizing that eating healthy foods will bring you more joy, vitality, and pleasure in the long run. When people see you making these choices consistently they may even want to try your way of eating too!

3. Get more connected to your food. Start shopping at farmers markets and meet the farmers who are growing your food. Start eating at restaurants that source their products locally. Spend time lovingly picking out your fruits and vegetables at the market and learn to prepare them yourself. These steps will help you appreciate your food on a deeper level and learn to understand that fresh foods are not only healthier for you, they’re gorgeous and taste amazing!

4. Adopt the mindset that eating healthy is a new lifestyle for you, not a diet. Learn to integrate the changes you’re learning not just into your life but into the lives of your loved ones as well. Begin to serve frozen grapes to your kids instead of fruits snacks or popsicles. Whip up an awesome beet salad for your next family get-together rather than the normal picnic fare.

5. Recruit other people. Have a healthy cookout of low fat meats, fresh fruits, and fresh veggie kabobs and see how all your friends and family have fun putting them together! You’ll begin to see that unhealthy foods are not needed to form connection with other people or to have fun!

6. Start your transformation with a cleanse and slowly reintroduce new foods. Cleanses are a great way to refresh and renew. They can remove negativity from your mind, body, spirit, and life! They can help rid your body of the toxins that you have built up in your system after years of eating poor quality and processed

foods. Consider trying the Transformational Nutrition Cleanse as a jump-start

to transforming your life!

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

7. Reconsider your weight loss goals. It’s not about the number you see on the scale! It’s about how you feel on the inside and how healthy you are. Health is not a number. It’s a feeling of vitality, energy, and enthusiasm that starts the minute you get out of bed in the morning! So perhaps instead of saying “I want to lose X pounds by X date,” say to yourself “I want to be able to chase my child around the backyard for an hour without having to rest!”

8. Reconsider what it takes to be beautiful. Being beautiful is not about being thin, it’s about being healthy. When you’re healthy you have clearer skin, shinier hair, and strong nails. You have a radiant and vital appearance that screams youth!

9. Reconsider what will really make you happy. Eating and living a healthier life also brings with it the bonus of improved moods! When you consistently eat healthier you feel happier. Anxiety and depression will naturally decrease! Both of these are often related to nutrient deficiencies, so when you begin to eat healthier your body will naturally repair these deficiencies and your mood state will naturally level out. You’ll find that it’s much easier to deal with stress too! Those who feel good treat others better – which will make you more attractive and irresistible to everyone around you!

10. Start a new hobby. Start doing something that’s incompatible with eating. If you find that you eat the most when you’re watching television then it may be time to start a new habit to relax you in the evenings! Consider going on long sunset walks, or reading to wind down. Or, maybe even pick up something entirely new like yoga, painting, or volunteering! After all, food is a part of your life, not the ONLY part of your life! Spending time with people you care about and doing things that get you outside of your own emotional issues can help change not only your habitual mindless eating, but also change your life!

11. Start a 10-minute distraction practice. If you feel the urge to eat something or have a specific craving for junk food, distract yourself for 10 minutes. Go and do something else and get totally engaged with whatever it is. Take a walk, take a bath, call a friend, whatever it takes to get your mind off of eating and the craving for junk. If you’re still craving it after the 10 minutes are up then go ahead and eat it. This can really help you differentiate between emotional hunger (eating when you want to distract yourself from your emotions) and physical hunger (eating when you’re actually hungry!).

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

12. Go outside. Reconnect with nature. Take a walk. Spend time with family. Take a bike ride. Just sit and listen to the sound of the birds and the wind in the trees. Research shows that being in nature naturally calms your nervous system!

13. Feel your feelings. Stop holding back when you’re angry, sad, or worried. Holding back causes us to numb ourselves with things like poor food choices! It can be tough to gain more emotional awareness after covering your emotions up for so long. So, be gentle with yourself and the process!

14. Tune into the physical sensations of your emotions. When you feel a weight in your chest and your arms feel heavy you’re probably experiencing sadness. When you feel tension in your shoulders and neck you’re probably feeling anger. And when you feel a buoyant and an energetic feeling you’re probably feeling happiness! Consider tracking your moods in a journal and what they feel like physically until you feel confident in your ability to identify how you’re feeling!

15. Sit with difficult emotions. Our society teaches us to run away from our emotions. In fact, emotions are often considered unacceptable, undesirable, and distasteful. That sort of attitude will just get in the way of your being able to fully feel and express your emotions. By actually “feeling,” you eliminate the common mistake of using poor food choices, overeating, and other addictive behaviors in place of actually feeling difficult emotions. You ARE capable of sitting with difficult emotions. It may not be easy, but you can do it! It’s like coping with physical pain. Although taking an aspirin would make coping with the pain easier you are capable of coping without it.

16. Learn to address your feelings. Talking with a psychologist or a coach can help you re-connect with how you’re feeling rather than numbing out with food or other bad habits! This is a great place to explore the reasons behind your emotional eating.

17. Fight trigger foods. Many bouts of poor eating or overeating are caused by habit and eating trigger foods. A trigger food is a food you eat out of habit to deal with difficult emotions. We often go to these foods without thinking. The best techniques to cope with trigger foods is to rid your home of them completely, educate your family about how these foods affect you, and be mindful of what you eat.

18. Learn about mindful eating. Mindful eating is paying attention to the actual experience of drinking and eating, and connecting with the process both internally and externally. It’s about paying attention with all five senses. This means paying attention to how food smells, how it feels to the touch, the colors

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

and textures, temperature, flavor, and sounds associated with that food. It also means paying attention to what happens inside the body when you’re eating. Whether certain foods upset your stomach or your system, and really getting in touch with what hungry, full, and half-full feel like. It’s paying attention to everything that’s going on inside of you while you’re eating, including your thoughts and emotions about eating, and what you crave and desire to eat. We can’t change something until we become aware of it!

19. Practicing mindful eating. Slow down while you eat. Put your utensils down between each bite and take a deep, long breath. Eliminate all distractions while eating. Don’t read, don’t watch television, just eat. If you focus just on eating you’ll become more fully aware of everything that’s going on inside of you. But give yourself credit. Paying attention for 10 seconds out of every meal is a victory. Even remembering to be mindful is a victory! It’s all about baby steps. Just take one step at a time until you get there. It’s not an all or nothing proposition. Consider starting with a mindful eating practice like taking 3 raisins and taking 5 minutes to fully experience the smell, touch, taste, texture – everything about them. Once you begin to do these types of exercises you’ll never look at eating the same again!

20. Recognizing the pieces of your habits. Your habits are made up of patterns that you play out every day. Habits are also created out of numbing yourself from having an emotional experience. They’re also created due to becoming mindless and running on autopilot through life. Another example of this is mealtime, consider only eating when you’re hungry, not when a specific “time” comes for you to eat. This is a way you can honor your body’s hunger cues and become fully aware of what your body needs and when. New habits are formed when you practice things over and over. You can’t just change a habit overnight. Your habits have been formed through many years, and research shows that it can take up to 3 months to cement new habits into place. Although motivation is important when beginning your transformation. Habit is more important. So become aware of your habits and begin to replace them with new ones and you’ll transform your life!

Action Plan:1. Choose 1-2 of your favorite items from the list above and integrate these into

your life immediately.

2. Make a plan to integrate the others over the next few months.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Week 4: Transform Your Mind

An important, yet often overlooked, piece of your transformational journey is the act of transforming your mind and your thoughts. Your thoughts are the basis of how you look at the world, how you interpret things and how you approach problems. Your perception is your reality in life. Whatever you think is true, becomes true.

When you go into new situations, such as changing your diet, with an open mind and a positive perspective, it gives you amazing results - especially compared to going into the same situation with doubts, reservations and cynicism. Your attitude about the world determines what type of world you live in.

Consider someone who goes into a new situation where they don’t know anyone and they desire to make new friends. They can either go into this situation with an open mind and with the assumption that they are likeable, kind, nice, and interesting. Or, they can go into the situation with the assumptions that they’re awkward, boring, annoying, and that no one likes them.

Which set of assumptions do you think will lead the person to a better experience with meeting new people? Which perspective will lead the person to feel more grace and ease when they are entering into the new situation? Which will lead them to feel more self-conscious and less willing to extend themselves in this new opportunity?

Our assumptions build our perspective. Therefore, when we have negative assumptions about other people, the world, or ourselves we set ourselves up for failure.

The same applies to your transformation. When you believe that there is no way to change or no way to win, then those perceptions become your reality. However, when you believe that change is entirely possible and is in your control, then transformation comes with ease and grace. When you go into change from the perspective that you are worth it and that you have the capacity to become as healthy and vital as anyone else, then those perceptions become your reality. The good news is, even if you have a few negative assumptions about things, it IS possible to change those perceptions.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

One of the best ways to start is to challenge your beliefs. Get started by completing the following exercise:

What assumptions or negative assumptions do you have about your ability to change and transform? (example: transformation is a quick fix; transformation is difficult; I’m only healthy if I’m model thin; I can’t do this)

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________

Now take a few moments and think of ways to challenge each of those assumptions and put them in the blanks below (example: transformation is a lifestyle; transformation can be easy if I’m committed; I’m healthy if I feel healthy regardless of whether I’m model thin; I can do anything I set my mind to)

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________

Psychologists called these faulty thinking patterns “cognitive distortions.” Some of the more common distortions are things like jumping to conclusions, making predictions, and overgeneralizing. In relation to making food choices, these translate into a flawed sense of truth or reality about yourself and/or the situation. For example, jumping to the conclusion that you will never succeed at changing your eating patterns because you “fell of the wagon” and ate some chocolate cake. Or making comments such as, “Well, if I did this once I’m sure I’ll keep doing it forever,” and “Eating this cake means I’m a failure who can’t control anything I eat!”

Clearly these things are not are not really true. The truth is… you ate a piece of chocolate cake. That’s it! You’re not a failure. This one incidence does not mean that you’re doomed to fail. Don’t assume that because it happened once that it will always happen!

Explore some of the ways you can combat cognitive distortions below:

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

20 Ways To Transform Your Mind

1. Eliminate your worries. Start making lists when you feel overwhelmed so that everything you have to remember is down on paper and out of your head!

2. Start a daily journal. Don’t bottle up your feelings. Instead, respect your emotions and get them out on paper. Doing this will help you approach them more objectively rather than feeling that they are controlling you.

3. Stop expecting yourself to be perfect. No one is perfect. No one! BUT, you are perfectly imperfect and THAT is beautiful!

4. Stop multitasking whenever possible. Completely immerse yourself in one activity at a time. If you’re eating, then eat. If you are with your family, be completely present. Focusing on one task at a time allows you to complete more of them and it makes them more enjoyable!

5. Compliment yourself. Look in the mirror and start listing all of the reasons why you’re beautiful out loud. This may be difficult at first if you’re used to criticizing yourself, but keep it up. Eventually you will believe!!

6. Celebrate when you have done something worthwhile. Celebrate that you have started your transformation. Celebrate when you finish. Celebrate when your house is clean. There’s always a reason for celebration! Just make sure to do it in a non-food related way.

7. Get enough sleep. Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Less than that and you are putting yourself at serious risk of health problems and premature aging.

8. Give. Giving to other people can help you get out of your own head and start focusing on the positivity in the world. The more you give, the more you see other people giving. Volunteering your time, telling someone a joke, or even smiling at a stranger are great ways to spread the love!

9. Remove the toxins. Exposure to toxins can actually affect your mental health. Limit your use of plastics, artificial scents, perfumes and cheap beauty products, and swap out your old cleaning supplies with natural ones. Also don’t forget to wash new clothes before wearing them and leave shoes by the door to limit what you track into your home.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

10. Practice gratitude. Focusing on and being grateful for what you have instead of what you don’t can be very empowering. Practice by writing down five things that you are thankful for at the end of each day.

11. Go have some fun! Fun is great for mental health. When you are enjoying yourself, you are living your life joyfully!

12. Challenge cognitive distortions. When you feel yourself beginning to fall prey to faulty thinking patterns like we discussed above, stop yourself. Slow down, take a deep breath, and begin to challenge those beliefs. Instead of saying “I can never do anything right” say to yourself “I made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean I won’t get it right next time!” It’s amazing what these small challenges can do for your peace of mind!

13. Recognize facts and let go of judgment. When you default to saying things like “I’m so stupid!” when you do something like forgetting to buy milk at the store, then stop and ask yourself, “Is that really true?” Instead say “I should have picked up milk while I was at the grocery store, but I forgot.” Often the reality of a situation is nowhere near as harsh as the judgments you impose on yourself.

14. Accept yourself. Acceptance doesn’t mean approval. Just because you accept and love yourself as you are doesn’t mean you’re approving of your poor food choices. Accepting yourself and your unique beauty is essential in changing your thinking to come from a place of love rather than a place of hate, and this leads to permanent transformation!

15. Let go of failure. The only difference between those who succeed and those who fail is that those who succeed get back up after they fall! Everyone stumbles when they are learning. A child who is learning to walk falls down over and over again, but you would never consider each of those falls a failure! You’d consider them closer and closer approximations to the goal. Apply this thinking to your own life!

16. Turning the mind. This is a method of letting go of negative feelings by changing your thought patterns to think in a new way. Think about the wagons that traveled out west in frontier times. Those wagons all followed the same trail to make things easier. To blaze a new trail, the wagon would literally have to “jump the rut” and forge a new path. The same applies to your thinking. The mind creates neural pathways that become deeply embedded due to thinking a certain way over and over. You essentially end up creating cognitive ruts in your mind that are hard to jump. So you just have to recognize that “jumping the rut” of your

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

own habitual thinking may be a bit harder to do at first, but eventually it will get a lot easier!

17. Learn how to take care of yourself. Extreme self-care is the recognition that you need to fully and completely nurture yourself in order to foster growth and transformation. It’s not just about doing nice things for yourself. It’s about taking care of business in all areas of your life and actively choosing to not neglect your own needs, whether it be physically, mentally, or financially!

18. Practice extreme self-care. Prioritize your own needs and start taking care of yourself. You can’t serve from an empty vessel! You need to be able to fill your own cup so that you have something to give to others. Make time to laugh, be social, eat right, exercise, and nurture your spirit every day.

19. Set boundaries. Learn how to say “no.” Stop agreeing to things out of guilt and

really consider if you can handle the task before committing. Your time is just as valuable as others! Also, beware of soul sucking relationships that leave you feeling drained and without energy. Begin to surround yourself with people who make you feel full and make you feel nourished.

20. Create a nourishing environment. Get rid of the chaos around you. A chaotic home is a reflection of a chaotic mind. Taking some time to de-clutter, and organize can actually induce calm and ease within. Make to-do lists and begin to care of things you’ve been avoiding like lingering home repairs, paying your taxes, investing in your retirement, or a doctor’s appointment you should have made. Checking things off can feel like a big win!

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Action Plan:1. Choose 1-2 of your favorite items from the list above and integrate these into

your life immediately.

2. Make a plan to integrate the others over the next few months.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Week 5: Transform Your Spirit

Transforming your spirit is all about opening yourself up to new potentials in your life. It’s the equivalent of opening up the door to your heart and soul so that the sunlight can filter in. Finding peace in a chaotic world can be difficult, but in the end, it is one of the most transformational things you can do!

Transforming your spirit will often include incorporating spiritual practices into your life. There are many different definitions of spirituality. One of them being, “Spirituality is an inner journey that enables a person to discover their authentic self”. In this way, it’s about actualizing, activating, and bringing forth your own internal and innate potential. It’s about integrating meaning, purpose, and values into our every day life so that you can feel more connected with other people and yourself. Spirituality is tightly connected with overall health and well being, in that it integrates and reconnects the physical, social, and emotional aspects of a person. Research has linked spirituality to improved health. You can see an example of this in how “spiritual” people consider their body a temple and a sacred space, and choose to honor that temple by treating it well and nourishing it with love, kindness, and healthy food. Practicing spirituality may also lead to having healthier connections to your community and having a more hopeful and optimistic view about the future. Other benefits include being able to cope better with terminal illnesses and stress, having more confidence and inner peace, and having the ability to be mindful in all actions and relationships.

When you increase your spiritual consciousness, or awareness, you essentially starting to feel more connected, integrated and inclusive with the rest of society. You become more accepting and embracing of others and their differences, and are no longer dependent on the validation of others to determine your self-worth.

This leads to the subject of vibrational frequency, which is the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy. This energy is bound by an energy field caused by the atoms circle one another. Everything in existence vibrates at some energetic level and things that are vibrating similarly are attracted to one another. Positive feelings and thoughts are considered “high vibration” that lead to an expansive, inclusive, and bright feeling. Negative, fearful, or unhealthy thoughts and actions are “low vibration” which lead to feelings of being blocked, of separation from others, and a pessimistic outlook. Our thoughts are types of vibrations. We can either infuse our thoughts with positivity or negativity, and based on the type of energy we’re creating, we will attract things that are

vibrating at a similar frequency. There are many ways to increase your vibrational frequency that can be found in the list at the end of this section.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

A couple of other concepts important in transforming your spirit are upper limits issues and recognizing spiritual hunger.

Upper limits issues are very common and refer to limits you have placed on your self, based on how much love, happiness, success, or abundance you think you deserve. Often this leads back to childhood when you were told not to be “too happy,” “too successful,” or “too bold.” Anything that made you feel like you should shrink down very likely has led to an upper limit issue. The problem with these upper limits is when you encounter one you start to get uncomfortable and most likely begin to self-sabotage yourself in order to bring you back to a more comfortable state. It is often described as a “fear of success” or “fear or outshining others.” Other than obviously hindering your success, this upper limit is literally blocking you from transformation and fully reaching your potential and purpose in life.

Signs of an upper limit issue are feeling like you’re on top of the world and then feeling really down; actively seeking out problems in your life, or making problems out of nothing; feeling paralyzed by the good happening in your life, or feeling that the good is unusual; excessive or repetitive worry; not acknowledging your own goodness or good feelings; causing arguments, getting sick, and blaming and/or criticizing of yourself and others. These are all ways in which you may try to slow down the positive energy in your life. There are many ways to break through upper limit issues that can be found in the list at the end of this section.

Recognizing spiritual hunger is another very important aspect of transforming your spirit. It is very common to become starved for spiritual nourishment. This deep hunger is classified by a longing for meaning, connection, joy, and serenity in your life. It is often misinterpreted as physical hunger, which usually leads to emotional and overeating. It’s an overall feeling of dissatisfaction and that something is missing. Symptoms of spiritual hunger include boredom, lack of inspiration, issues with concentration and motivation, purposelessness, unease, emptiness, loneliness, meaninglessness, wanting more, and feeling lost. All of these feelings can send you seeking something such as a perfect partner, a perfect house, and more wealth in an attempt to “fill a hole” in your spirit. Only to find yourself still dissatisfied once you get them. The only way to truly “feed” this hunger is to “feed” your soul. There are many ways to do this that can be found in the list at the end of this section.

Before we talk about the 20 ways to transform your spirit let’s talk a bit about recognizing your own value. So many people believe that their value comes from external sources. That our value is based upon how beautiful we are, how thin we are, how educated we

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

are, or how much we do. But those concepts aren’t accurate. We have value because we exist. Each and every one of us has value. Recognizing your own value can help you shift your focus from food when you’re feeling spiritually vulnerable. So complete the following exercise as a way to really highlight your value in the world.

Knowing Your Value

Recognizing your value contributes directly to how you feel about yourself, and valuing yourself leads to healthier food choices and lifestyle practices. Complete the following exercise to highlight your unique values!

What makes you great? (examples: I’m a great friend, I’m compassionate, I’m funny, I have awesome dance moves)

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

What makes you unique? (examples: My laughter makes everyone else laugh. My cooking is amazing. I’m a great listener).

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

Now, refer to this list the next time you feel you don’t have value, when you’re questioning your worth, when you feel empty, or as though you have nothing to offer the world. Because you DO!!

20 Ways To Transform Your Spirit

1. Meditate. Sit quietly to clear your mind of all thoughts and worries. If thoughts arise, just acknowledge them, release them, and let them go.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

2. Be mindful. Try to keep your mind in the present moment as much as possible, by engaging your senses and become more aware. Make a choice to unplug and fully participate in your life!

3. Practice affirmations. Create a beautiful affirmation or mantra that reinforces your transformation. Something such as “I love and respect myself enough to transform,” or, “I now transform my body and soul.” Repeat these affirmations throughout each day.

4. Accept yourself just as you are. The best way to transform your spirit and your relationship with yourself is to accept where you are and stop judging yourself so harshly. Then you can make improvements and changes from a place of love.

5. Get connected to your body. Get a massage, have energy or body work done, practice yoga, or even dance in your kitchen! The mind/body connection works both ways, so it is essential to respect your body as much as you respect your mind.

6. Forgive others. Release the pain of hurtful, past experiences that are holding you back from being your best self. Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who hurt you and burn it when you are done. Holding onto anger and resentment just holds you back from fully expanding.

7. Remove exposure to negativity. Stop watching the news and violent movies! It is mind-blowing how much being constantly bombarded by negative messages can affect your subconscious.

8. Create a peaceful space. Designate a spot in your home to meditate, pray or just find peace and quiet. Make it super special and personal with candles, pillows and images that light up your soul.

9. Practice deep conscious breathing. Breathe in slowly for five seconds, hold the breath for three seconds, exhale slowly for five seconds and then hold the exhale for three seconds. This type of breathing can bring immediate calmness and serenity to stressful times.

10. Visualization. Visualize yourself in a peaceful place that is your own. Perhaps a beach or a mountain path. Focus on the sounds, smells, and feel of everything in your vision. These type of exercises can help you feel immediately renewed and refreshed.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

11. Surround yourself with other people who are on a path of growth. You are the sum of the five people closest to you. Surrounding yourself with people who are focused and invested in improving their future will help you amplify your own growth.

12. Increase your vibrational frequency. There are numerous ways you can increase your vibrational frequency. One of the best ways is to slow down. Recognize that you don’t have to rush. Any feeling of stress and pressure reduces your vibrational frequency, so focus on the opposite. Great ways to do this are to focus on deep breathing, listen to music you love, practice yoga or other mind/body practices, repeat a mantra, eat high quality foods, use essential oils, cultivate compassion, and actively feel and process your feelings.

13. Break through upper limits. The goal in breaking through your upper limit issues is to embrace your own unique inner gifts. Don’t seek out some ideal or some idea of perfection. Perfect doesn’t really exist! Do things that speak to your soul. Everyone has a unique area of genius in their life. Your job is to find yours and enjoy it!

14. Practice gratitude. Be thankful for every success. Savor every last ounce of joy and love in your life. Pay attention to the abundance in your life. What you pay attention to multiplies, so pay attention to the good stuff! When you do this, you begin to write a whole new narrative about who you are and what your life is like. You’ll stop playing the victim and start seeing yourself as you are – the hero of your own story!

15. Learn the difference between physical hunger and spiritual hunger. Start to pay attention physiological symptoms of hunger such as a growling stomach. Then rate your hunger on a “hunger scale” (1-10, 1 being starving, 10 being completely stuffed) to determine whether you’re really hungry or if you’re hungry on a spiritual level. If you are truly hungry, then eat slowly and mindfully. However if you’re not, then dig a little deeper and consider what your spirit might need to feel satisfied and nourished.

16. Awaken your spiritual consciousness. Practice these four exercises to help expand your consciousness and awaken your spirit. First, cultivate an openness to life’s mysteries by recognizing that there is much in the universe that we cannot understand. Next, explore life’s direction, meaning and purpose by believing that there is an amazing and unique purpose to your place in the world. Then, foster interconnectedness and wholeness by noticing how all of nature, everything in the world is interconnected. Lastly, believe in your ability to grow and discover who you are.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

17. Practice detachment. Practice letting go of what you can’t control. Stop

grasping onto things in an effort to control the chaos. Control is an illusion. Like a flowing stream, life is always flowing, changing, and changing directions. The moment you think you have a handle on it, it will change. Learn to be flexible and accept whatever life brings you.

18. Acknowledge your fear. Fear holds us back. It keeps us in the shadows and causes us to shrink ourselves down. You have to acknowledge it as the first step to releasing it. You cannot let go of what you aren’t aware of. When you’re not aware of your fears you will act out on them without realizing why you’re doing what you’re doing. Bring your fears into the light. Become aware of what you’re afraid of. Things are often less frightening when we look at them in the light of day.

19. Embrace your fear. Your fears are present in order to teach you something. Embracing those fears disarms them of their power over you. Consider the worst that could happen when facing those fears, then ask yourself, “is it really that bad?” Exposing yourself to the full extent of your fears will allow you to see that they aren’t as frightening as you once thought.

20. Release your fear. Simply choose to let it go by opening up your arms and re-leasing the fear to the universe. It’s served its purpose. You no longer need it. Recognize the diminishing effect it has on your life. Let yourself relax into the idea that you can handle anything that comes your way and that fear no longer has a place in your life.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Action Plan:1. Choose 1-2 of your favorite items from the list above and integrate these into

your life immediately.

2. Make a plan to integrate the others over the next few months

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Week 6: Five-Step Formula to Healthy Delicious Meals in Minutes a Day and Tools to Maintain Your Transformation

Healthy eating is a crucial part of overall transformation. However, sometimes the idea of prepping meals, grocery shopping, and slaving in the kitchen can make even the most dedicated feel a bit overwhelmed.

Use this simple guide to set you up for success in the kitchen all week long!

Step 1 - Choose

In this step, you will choose recipes for the week. There are a couple of tips below to get you started. However, you can reference the Meal Planning Guide in Week 2 for templates and more detailed planning tips.

Choose between 10-15 recipes for the week. This includes meals or smoothies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and gives you a few flexible spots for leftovers.

Choose recipes that have a similar ingredient base so that you won’t have to shop for a ton of specialty ingredients, which can be expensive (especially if you’re only using something one time!).

Step 2 - Shop

Once you have your recipes picked out, it’s time to shop! When it comes to picking up the things you need here are few tips to keep in mind…

Always make a list! Shopping without one not only leads to forgotten ingredients but makes you susceptible to unhealthy impulse buys.

Take your time and look for the best quality products for the best prices. Sometimes it takes more than one stop to get what you need.

Shop early and get out early before the crowds get too crazy and the freshest food is snapped up.

Stop by your local farmer’s market for great deals on fresh and locally grown goods.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Don’t be surprised if you buy a lot of spices and your grocery bill is higher than ever. This is an expense that you only have to worry about once every few months or so.

Buy in bulk. Prepackaged grains, seeds and nuts are far more expensive than the bulk items. If your grocery store or co-op has bulk bins, take advantage of it!

If you shop at a traditional grocery store, shop the perimeter only. All of the processed foods are found in the middle and you are not getting healthy meals from that no matter how hard you try!

Don’t shop on an empty stomach. You may have heard this before but it is so true! Studies have shown that you spend 60% more when you shop hungry.

Buy generic/store brands. This is a great way to save money and still get great food. If you read the labels, the difference between the generic brand and the name brands is minimal, if at all.

Buy seasonally. Foods that are in season are far less expensive than those that are not. If foods are not in season, they are probably being shipped in from other states or even other countries and these costs are all passed directly on to you!

Join a community supported agriculture group. Check out http://www.localharvest.org/csa/ to find a farmer in your area. This is a great way to save money, have delicious food and eat healthy all year round.

Shop online! With new resources like Amazon Fresh and other online companies, you can usually find great deals and free shipping online for things like spices, tea, and specialty items.

A few great stores that are known for having a great selection of high quality and organic foods are Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods Market, Erewhon, and Sprouts. However, there has been an influx of competition from more traditional stores such as Kroger, Ralphs, Safeway, and even Walmart over the last couple of years!

Step 3 - Prep

This is where the fun begins! When you get all of your yummy food home, take a couple of hours to prep the food and store it. This small time investment saves you loads of time and headache later AND makes meal time a breeze the rest of the week!

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Having the right tools helps you eliminate frustration and can make food prep much easier. Here are a few recommended for your success…

A high quality blender that will chop, blend and mix anything Sharp knives Glass storage containers or recyclable, BPA-free storage bags

Now start prepping! Pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage, turn on some tunes and enjoy the process of preparing this food to nourish and nurture your body. Chopping can also be a great stress reliever!

Prep Step #1: Soak If you are cooking beans or lentils this week in any of the recipes, you can soak

them overnight and then the next day, drain, rinse and refrigerate so they are ready to go later in the week. Place the beans or lentils in a glass container, pour the water over them and place them in the fridge.

Prep Step #2: Chop Wash and chop up all the vegetables that you will need in your recipes and store

them in containers or bags. You can also keep a container of chopped fruit or veggies for easy grab and go snacks!

Prep Step #3: Group Try to group things together that are for specific recipes to make it super easy to

just pull stuff out and start dinner! For example, when it is time for a smoothie, you can simply pull out a bag of pre-cut and frozen fruit, pour in coconut milk then add in protein powder and you have a super healthy, cleansing, energizing breakfast in minutes! You can also do this with salads, cereals and more!

Step 4 - Cook

Depending on how long your recipes take to make, you may want to cook some meals in advance. Things like stews, curry, and veggie burgers store well and are best prepared ahead because of their long cooking times which aren’t ideal for work days.

You can also partially cook meals. For example, if you know you are having rice and veggies for dinner, you can cook the rice ahead. That way you can just quickly sauté your veggies and warm the rice later.

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

Step 5 - Store

This is where your hard work shopping, prepping, and cooking pay off. Storing everything you prepared makes it super easy and quick to pull together a healthy meal during your busy week. Also, don’t forget to make extra and store the leftovers in the freezer for a later date!

Here are some general storage guidelines:

Choose glass containers when possible since they do not contain BPA or other harmful chemicals that can contaminate your food.

Date everything! Otherwise, you will forget when you made it. A simple piece of tape and a magic marker will do the trick.

Always wait for your food to cool before putting the lid on the storage container and refrigerating it to prevent foodborne bacteria from forming.

Wash, thoroughly dry, and place fresh herbs in a paper towel before placing into a container to freeze. This keeps them fresher longer.

Get out as much air as possible when storing food. This will keep it fresher longer.

Following these five simple steps will ensure that you always have healthy, fresh foods on your plate at mealtime! Now… go pick out those recipes and get started!


Congratulations on working through the Transformational Nutrition Diet! Creating a plan for the maintenance portion of your transformation is essential in maintaining all of these impactful changes that you’ve made in your life for years to come! Here are a few exercises to help reflect on the major parts of your transformation…

Recognizing what you’ve learned can help you maintain the achievements you’ve made in the program. What do you see as the most important things you’ve learned in this program?

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________

Celebrating and giving yourself credit for the changes you’ve made in your life can help you maintain the transformation you’ve created in your life. What progress have you seen in your life due to the hard work you’ve put in during this program?

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________

What do you see as most essential to maintaining the progress you’ve made in this program?

1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________

Important Note: All growth comes with setbacks. With any journey there will always be bumps in the road. When you encounter these bumps it’s important to remind yourself of all of the hard work you’ve put in, what you’ve learned, the transformation you’ve seen take place in your life, and return to the three steps that are essential for maintenance that you’ve outlined above. If all else fails you can always start the program over again at week one. It’s never too late to start again!

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOUR WEBSITE HERE Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME, its officers, affiliates, employees and YOUR NAME encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of YOUR NAME, unless otherwise noted.
