Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish - Sunday of Advent: ... a Catholic lay movement...


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Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 1



Sa int E l i zabeth Ann Seton Par i sh 281-463-7878

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 2


On the Cover: Adorationof the Shepherds. Philippe de Champaigne (1640), oil on canvas. Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon.

Weekday Mass Readings December 19: Judges 13:2-7, 24-25; Psalm 71; Luke 1:5-25 December 20: Isaiah 7:10-14; Psalm 24; Luke 1:26-38 December 21: Song of Songs 2:8-14; Zephaniah 3:14-18; Luke 1:39-45 December 22: I Samuel 1:24-28; I Samuel 2:1-8; Luke 1:46-56 December 23: Malachi 3:1-4, 23, 24; Psalm 25; Luke 1:57-66 December 24: II Samuel 7:1-16; Psalm 72; Matthew 1:1-17

Saturday, December 24 2:00 p.m. Confession 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass of Christmas 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass of Christmas 8:00 p.m. Vigil Mass of Christmas 8:00 p.m. Vietnamese (CDH) 9:30 p.m. Misa de Noche Buena Sunday, December 25 Midnight Mass in English 7:00 a.m. Mass in English 8:30 a.m. Mass in English 10:30 a.m. Mass in English 12:15 p.m. Mass in English 2:00 p.m. Misa en Español 5:30 p.m. Mass in English 7:30 p.m. Misa en Español Confession In addition to the regular confession schedule (see sidebar on page 3), there will be a special night of Advent confessions on Tuesday, December 20, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Fifteen priests will be present to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance. Please see the examina-tion of conscience and the guide to confession on pages 12—13. The parish office will close on Friday, December 23 at Noon and will not re-open until Tuesday, January 3 at 9:00 a.m.

The Choice Wine marriage enrichment program is coming to St. Eliza-beth Seton, beginning on Tuesday, January 24, 2017.

More information may be found on page 11 of the bulletin.

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 3


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: The Sacred Scriptures contain two accounts of the Lord’s conception and birth. St. Luke relates these events from Mary’s point of view. St. Matthew describes from Joseph’s perspective. Despite some differences, these accounts are per-fectly harmonious. This is not unlike asking one’s grandparents to describe something that took place years ago. Even though each story will reflect the particular experiences of each participant, they can still be accurate and correct in the essential de-tails. This adds richness to our understanding of the event. In the case of the Scriptures, the harmonious differences among various accounts reinforce the historicity of the Gospels. In his Gospel, St. Matthew relates how Joseph learns about the Incarnation through a dream in which the angel makes known God’s will. Joseph needed to be encouraged, because he had decided to separate from Mary, who was already his legal wife. Why was Joseph willing to end his relationship with Mary? Was he upset about the pregnancy? Did he fail to understand her special vo-cation? Was he worried about embarrassment or shame? Perhaps Joseph was simply afraid. Maybe he did not feel himself worthy to fulfill the vocation to which God was calling him. Joseph might have said to himself, “How can I possibly be a father on earth to the eternal Son of God, my crea-tor?” Joseph could have been overcome by a holy fear of God and therefore reluctant to come into such close proximity to His divine majesty. For good reason, then, the angel says to Joseph, “Do not be afraid.” Joseph needed courage. Even though Joseph felt incapable and unworthy, God bridges the gap between Joseph’s fear and his vocation. He will do the same for us. Christ is the bridge that conquers our fear. Remembering His holy birth gives us hope, and opens up a path of confident assurance that God will give us what we need in order to follow Christ wholeheartedly. Sincerely Yours in Christ,

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds, Pastor My Sunday homilies are on line at our parish website:

Mass Schedule Monday—Friday 6:30 a.m. English 9:00 a.m. English 7:00 p.m. English On Friday, the evening Mass is in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)

7:30 p.m. Miércoles en Español Saturday 9:00 a.m. English

Anticipated Masses 5:00 p.m. English 6:30 p.m. Español 8:00 p.m. Tiếng Việt

Sunday Masses 7:00 a.m. English 8:30 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. English 12:15 p.m. English 2:00 p.m. Español 5:30 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Español

Confession Tuesday—Thursday 7:00 a.m. Wednesday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m.

Friday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m.

Saturday 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.

First Friday 8:00 a.m.—8:45 a.m. 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m.

Christmas chedule…………………......… p. 2 Mass Schedule………………….…….…… p. 3 Stewardship Report…….……………..…. p. 4 St. Vincent dePaul Report………………. p. 5 Las Posadas………...…….……………….. p .6 La Carta del Párroco………...…......…… p. 7 That Man Is You!...........………….………. p. 8 Casino Night………....………….…….….. p. 9

School News……………………………….. p. 10 Marriage Enrichment……….……………. p. 11 Como Confesarse ……..….…..……........ p. 12 Guide to Confession…...…...…….…….. p. 13 Mass Intentions ……………...……...…….. p. 14 Benefit Bake Sale……………….……….... p. 15 Parish Directory……………………………. p. 16 The Christmas Season…...…........ Back Cover


Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 4


Respect Life Committee For information about upcoming pro-life activities, you are invited to call Lia Mclean at 832-766-2634, or contact her by e-mail: St. Joseph’s Freedom Men’s Group We are a confidential support group for men and their families. Our goal is to help develop skills to win the battle against alcohol, chemical, and porn/sexual addiction. Meetings are Saturdays, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Wife and family member meetings are held upon request on the last Saturdays of March, June, September, and De-cember. More information is available at : HTTP:// and Northwest Ultreya Deepen your relationship with Christ. Ultreya is part of Cur-sillo, a Catholic lay movement that offers an opportunity to meet Christ in a more complete way. “Cursillo" means “little course” and provides a lifetime plan for following Christ through prayer, study and action, in friendship with others. We meet at 9:45 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month in the FLC. Contact Duane King 281-615-8942. Helping Hands Ministry We assist families in pre-planning for funerals. To schedule an appointment, please call Beth Wood at 281-413-9682. We also sponsor a bereavement support group on the first and third Thursdays, in room eleven of the FLC, from 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. You may contact Deborah Jackson at 281-550-3027 or Gini Buehler at 281-861-6306. R.C.I.A Inquiry classes for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church will take place every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the FLC. Contact Nadia Jara at 281-463-7878, ext. 337, or at Faith Direct: Secure Giving Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for auto-mated giving to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. It is secure, con-venient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you. Sign up today by visiting, our parish code is TX417.

Charismatic Prayer Group “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.” (Mt 3:3) The December Mass readings, contain messages of preparation through repentance and that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Even His name, Emanuel, is the rea-son we celebrate. God Is with us! If you are looking for more ways to connect your life with your faith, please join us on Friday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Prayer Room for lively praise music, prayer, worship, and sharing God’s Word. Fellowship and light refreshments follow.

December 23 No Meeting (Have A Blessed Christmas)

December 30 No Meeting (Happy New Year)

Sunday, December 4, 2016 Regular Offertory $ 34,711 No second collection Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) Parish Goal $270,000 Pledged-to-date $195,304 Paid-to-date $187,665 Number of participants 629

Parish Apostolates

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 5


Parish Apostolates

Knights of Columbus Council #8096. If you are a Catho-lic man and are not a member of the Knights of Colum-bus, you are missing a wonderful opportunity. Please consider joining! The Knights meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7:30pm, with a meal served at 7pm, in the Community Life Center (CLC). Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access to our top-rated insurance program to protect your family. Visit us at

Commuter Mass For several years now, the priests of Regina Caeli Parish have offered a weekday morning Mass in Latin at 6:30 a.m. From now on, the 6:30 a.m. Mass will be in English and will be offered by the priests of our parish. Why not start your day by meeting the Lord in His holy Word and in the Holy Eucharist? Mass will end by 7:00 a.m. R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for people who are thinking about the possibility of becoming Catho-lic. It is for people who have not been baptized, people of other faiths or people who have been baptized Catholic but did not complete the sacraments of Initiation. This is a beautiful process, with no pressure to commit to our faith community, in which interested persons slowly explore the beliefs of the Catholic Church and discern, over a period of many months, if they desire to become Catholic. If you are interested, or have a relative, friend or co-worker who has expressed this interest, please call: Nadia Jara: 281- 463-7878 ext. 337 or at Offertory Counters Do you want to share your time and talents? We are searching for individuals who would like to count money for two hours once a month on Sunday. You may choose from three different time slots on Sunday mornings or per-haps you can help on Monday or Thursday mornings. If you are able to volunteer, please call Marie Sharp at 281-463-7878 ext. 380 for more details. Parish Nursing Ministry The Seas Parish Nursing ministry is comprised of health care professionals and others who have the health of our pa-rishioners at heart. They are nurses, therapists, educators, and experts in the fields of health promotion. Some work in home health, elderly assistance, aging, hospice, general medicine, surgery, oncology, obstetrics, domestic violence and intensive care. They work to coordinate care for pa-rishioners in their time of need. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Please feel free to call Wyona (281-433-5365 or or Kim (832-746-1135 or if you have health questions or would like to join this growing ministry.

The following is a summary of our November activity Number of Visits: 32 Assistance: Food $ 1,675.00 Walmart Christmas Gift Cards $ 400.00 Rents/Mortgages $ 6,887.34 Electric $ 2,791.87 Natural Gas $ 48.78 Water $ 555.95 Gasoline $ 25.00 Cable/Phone $ 46.28 Brace/Special Shoes $ 94.55 Furniture $ 50.00 Total Assistance: $12,574.77 Overhead: Office Phones $ 282.74 Copy Paper $ 29.75 November Contributions: $10,605.91 Thanks you for your continued support of this ministry! Please note our Christmas holiday schedule will follow that of SEAS Administrative Office.

Phone: 281-463-4560 Email: Hours: M-W-F 9 am – 12 Noon

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 6


Legion de Maria Formacion de Adultos Lunes FLC 9 7:30 pm: Getulia 832-755-1931 Martes FLC 9 7:30 pm; Liliana 281-723-2328 Viernes FLC 9 6:15pm; Marlene 832-410-5273 Formacion de Jovenes 10-18 Anos de Edad Viernes FLC 9 7:45 pm; Marlene 832-410-5273

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Proceso de preparación para la celebra-ción de los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Eucaristía y Confirmación para Adultos. ¿Está pensando en la prepara-ción sacramental de Adultos? RICA, Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos, es un proceso de discernimiento y preparación para las personas interesa-das en aprender más sobre la Iglesia Ca-tólica, Para aquellos que nunca han sido bauti-zados, o han sido bautizados en otras denominaciones, o que han sido bautiza-dos en la Iglesia Católica pero no han recibido los sacramentos de iniciación (Eucaristía y Confirmación). Este es un bellísimo proceso sin ningún compromiso a través del cual se explora lentamente las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica y se discierne por varios meses el deseo de hacerse católico. Si usted está interesado, o un pariente, amigo o compañero que le ha manifesta-do interés anímelo a comunicarse con: Nadia Jara al 281- 463-7878 ext. 337 Grupo de estudio Bíblico Les invitamos a ser parte de nuestro gru-po, que se reúne todos los martes de 12:30-2:30pm en el FLC. Necesita solo el deseo de conocer más nuestra Fe Católi-ca. Favor de mandar mensaje por texto con cualquier pregunta al 281-620-8308 atn: Guadalupe Ortiz. Grupo de Oración Carismático Misión: Dar testimonio del papel determi-nante de los carismas en la predicación del Evangelio y en la construcción de la comunidad cristiana. Facilitar la Educa-ción en la Fe y la Experiencia de Comuni-dad Cristiana entre Adultos. Asambleas: Todos los Viernes de 7:30 a 9:45 pm., en los salones A&B del Edificio de Vida Fami-liar (FLC). Todos son Bienvenidos, Conta-mos con Servicio de Guardería.

Sociedad San Vicente de Paul de SEAS En el Evangelio vemos como Jesús envía a sus Apóstoles de dos en dos. Con ese mismo espíritu, los voluntarios de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul “van de dos en dos” a las casas de quienes solicitan asistencia. Es allí, en el ambiente familiar, que los Vicentinos escuchan, dan humilde concejo, y proporcionan ayuda. Pueden confiar que los Vicentinos darán su ayuda a los pobres y necesitados. En oración, consideren un generoso donativo a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. Gracias, a todos los parroquianos de SEAS por su continuo apoyo a nuestro ministerio!

Tel. Oficina de SVDP-SEAS: 281-463-4560. Horas Oficina SVDP: 9 am-Mediodía: Lunes, Mierc &Vier.

Fecha Lugar Patrocinado por Sábado

17 Diciembre

FLC A & B Después de la Misa de

6:30PM Encuentro Matrimonial

Domingo 18 Diciembre

CLC Después de la Misa

de 2:00PM

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano

Lunes 19 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM Grupo de Jóvenes

Martes 20 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Ministerio de Hospitalidad y Ma-tachines

Miércoles 21 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM Legión de María y cursillo

Jueves 22 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Ministros Extraordinarios de Co-munión

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 7


Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor: Las Sagradas Escrituras contienen dos relatos de la Concepción y naci-miento del Señor. San Lucas relata estos acontecimientos desde el punto de vista de María. San Mateo describe desde la perspectiva de José. A pesar de algunas diferencias, estas cuentas son perfectamente armonio-sas. Esto no es diferente de pedir a sus abuelos para describir algo que tuvo lugar hace años. Aunque cada historia refleje las experiencias particula-res de cada participante, todavía pueden ser exactas y correctas en los detalles esenciales. Esto agrega riqueza a nuestra comprensión del acon-tecimiento. En el caso de las Escrituras, las diferencias armoniosas entre varios relatos refuerzan la historicidad de los Evangelios. En su Evangelio, San Mateo relata cómo José aprende acerca de la En-carnación a través de un sueño en el cual el ángel hace conocer la vo-luntad de Dios. José necesitaba ser alentado, porque había decidido separarse de María, que ya era su esposa legal. ¿Porqué estaba dispues-to a poner fin a su relación con María? ¿Estaba molesto por el embarazo? ¿No entendió su vocación especial? ¿Le preocupaba, tenia vergüenza.? Tal vez José simplemente tenía miedo. Tal vez no se sintia digno de cum-plir la vocación a la que Dios lo estaba llamando. José podría haber di-cho a sí mismo: "¿Cómo puedo ser un padre en la tierra para el eterno Hijo de Dios, mi creador?" José podría haber sido vencido por un santo temor de Dios y, por tanto, renuente a acercarse tanto a Su Majestad divina Por una buena razón, entonces, el ángel le dice a José: "No tengas mie-do." José necesitaba coraje. A pesar de que José se sintió incapaz e in-digno, Dios sortea la brecha entre el temor de José y su vocación. Él hará lo mismo por nosotros. Cristo es el puente que conquista nuestro miedo. Recordar Su santo naci-miento nos da esperanza, y abre un camino seguro de confianza de que Dios nos dará lo que necesitamos para seguir a Cristo de todo corazón. Atentamente en Cristo,

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Fr. Stephen B. Reynolds, Párroco

Festival de Pastorelas 2016 Viernes, 23 de diciembre Los invitamos a que vengan con nosotros a celebrar la víspera de la Navidad con estas tres divertidas pastorelas en espa-ñol: A las 2:00 de la tarde. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano presenta: " ¿QUIÉN ES EL ANGEL Y QUIÉN ES EL DIABLO?" Pastorela Popular en un acto y siete cua-dros. A las 5:00 de la tarde. Grupo Teatral Moustache presenta: "NAVIDAD EN NUEVA YORK" Pieza navide-ña en un solo acto y dos cuadros escrita por Juan Jesús Peña A las 7:00 de la noche. "Grupo Teatral Moustache presenta:" EL REVENTÓN Pastorela en dos actos original de Juan Jesús Peña. LUGAR: Family Life Center (FLC) St Eliza-beth Ann Seton ENTRADA: Gratis.

¡Gratis! Clases De Inglés para Adultos Los lunes, desde ahora hasta el 22 de Mayo, 9:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. y 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. (Puede empezar cualquier semana) Copperfield Church, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 (detrás de Wings ‘N More) Contacto: Jan Garza 832-443-4248 o Tiene que tener 18 años o más. No hay servicio de niñera.

LỚp HỌC TIẾNG anh MIỂN phi Các ngày THỨ HAI, bat dau tu hom nay- Ngày 22 tháng 5/2017, từ 9:00-11:00 sáng & 7:00 - 9:00 chieu' Tại nhà Thờ Copperfield, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 (ở sau Wings 'N More). Xin liên lạc Jan Garza 832-443-4248 Phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên. (Không cung cấp giữ trẻ)

Free English Class Mondays, now through May 22, 2017, 9:00-11:00 am & 7:00- 9:00 PM Copperfield Church, 8350 High-way 6 North #C-8 (behind Wings ‘N More) Contact-Jan Garza 832-443-4248, You must be 18 or older (no ba-by-sitting provided). Join us any week!

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 8

Anh chị em thân mến trong Chúa: Kinh Thánh chứa đựng hai dữ kiện về sự thụ thai và sinh ra của Chúa. Thánh Luca liên kết các sự kiện từ quan điểm của Đức Maria. Thánh Matthêu mô tả từ quan điểm của thánh Giuse. Mặc dù có một số khác biệt, các dữ kiện này là hoàn toàn cùng ý nghĩa. Đây không phải giống như hỏi ông bà của một người mô tả một cái gì đó đã xảy ra nhiều năm trước đây. Mặc dù mỗi câu chuyện sẽ phản ánh những kinh nghiệm cụ thể của mỗi người trong cuộc, họ vẫn có thể đưa ra cách chính xác các chi tiết cần thiết. Điều này thêm phong phú cho sự hiểu biết của chúng ta về sự kiện này. Trong trường hợp của Kinh Thánh, sự khác biệt hài hòa giữa các dữ kiện khác nhau củng cố tính chất lịch sử của các sách Phúc Âm. Trong Phúc Âm của mình, Thánh Matthew liên quan thánh Giuse biết về sự Nhập Thể qua một giấc mơ mà trong đó các thiên thần làm cho biết ý muốn của Thiên Chúa. Thánh Giuse cần được xác định, bởi vì ông đã quyết định lìa bỏ Đức Maria, người đã là vợ hợp pháp của mình. Tại sao Giuse đã sẵn sàng kết thúc mối quan hệ của ngài với Đức Maria? Có phải ngài buồn bã về việc mang thai? Hoặc Ngài không hiểu ơn gọi đặc biệt của mình? Hay ngài lo lắng về sự bối rối hoặc xấu hổ? Có lẽ Thánh Giuse chỉ đơn giản là sợ. Có thể ngài không cảm thấy mình xứng đáng để thực hiện ơn gọi mà Thiên Chúa đã gọi ngài. Giuse có thể đã tự nói với mình, "Làm thế nào tôi có thể có thể là một người cha trên trái đất của Con Thiên Chúa hằng sống, người sáng tạo của tôi?" Thánh Giuse có thể được khắc phục bằng sự kính sợ Thiên Chúa và do đó lo ngại đi vào gần như vậy đối với Thiên Chúa. Vì lý do nào đó, nên, các thiên thần nói với Thánh Giuse, "Đừng sợ." Giuse hãy can đảm. Mặc dù Giuse cảm thấy không có khả năng và không xứng đáng, Chúa bắc cầu cầu khoảng cách giữa sợ hãi của Giuse và ơn gọi của mình. Ngài sẽ làm như vậy đối với chúng ta. Chúa Kitô chính là cây cầu chinh phục nỗi sợ hãi của chúng ta. Nhớ sinh thánh của Ngài cho chúng ta niềm hy vọng, và mở ra một con đường đảm bảo tin tưởng rằng Thiên Chúa sẽ cho chúng ta những gì chúng ta cần để theo Chúa Kitô hết lòng. Thân ái trong Chúa Kitô .

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá

Lighthouse CD of the Week The True Meaning of Christmas by Venerable Fulton Sheen

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's books, tapes, homilies, re-treats, and television series have inspired countless souls all over the world. This digital-ly-mastered presentation combines classic recordings of his timeless reflections on the meaning of the Incarna-tion of Jesus, mixed with Gre-gorian Chant and seasonal music. It is sure to become a family favorite!

Parishioner Comments - “This is an absolute MUST for Ad-vent every year! Archbishop Sheen has a beautiful way of explaining the miracle of Christmas!” “Archbishop Fulton Sheen had a unique way of discussing spiritual matters in a way that entertains and educates at the same time.” Your generous donations to cover our cost assure contin-ued availability of these great resources!

We have completed our Fall Session!

What a great personal and spiritually enlightening experi-ence! Plan to join the men of our Parish in January, 2017 when we continue our Journey into Lent to become Men after God’s own heart! Invest a little time in yourself to become a better Husband, Father and Spiritual leader in your family! No cost, prepa-ration or commitments! Just come, listen and learn! Visit our website at and click on “Learn More” in the THAT MAN IS YOU section or contact Leon Fontana 713-291-3581 Wherever you are in your spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to meet you right there and take you further!

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 9

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 10

Steps for Students 5K is an annual Archdiocesan-wide event that raises awareness of Catholic education and provides much needed funds for our Catholic Schools. Saturday, February 18, 2017 8:00am CST | Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway Steps for Students 5K Run/Walk wel-comes runners and walkers of all ages across the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to enjoy a USATF sanctioned 5K race and day of family fun in sup-port of our Catholic schools! To register directly for the race, scan the QR code or go to: Sponsor Fr. Preston! Scan the QR code to go to Fr. Pres-ton’s Step for Students page.

Seton Catholic School joined Cath-olic Charities for the Share Your Blessings gift drive. Students donat-ed toys and clothes for Steps 4 Stu-dents. Join our team at:

The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Schola Mu-sicorum presented Advent Lessons & Carols on Tuesday, December 6th led by Music Director, Dr. O’Neill, accom-panied by Assistant Directors Dr. Yoon, Mrs. Cooper and organist Kirk M. Rich. Nine readings from Scripture which recount the Fall, the promise of a Mes-siah, and the joyful announcement to Mary were each read in different lan-guages by the students, including French, Thai, Vietnamese, Greek, and English. Each reading was followed by a cho-ral piece or congregational hymn that reflects on the reading’s message. The music and texts for Advent are rich and beautiful; while preparing these pieces, the students have learned more about how their faith can be expressed through poetry and music. The audience witnessed the excellent work the students have been doing, and participated in a profound service that will help prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of our Savior.

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 11

Coming Soon to St . E l izabeth A . Seton

The Choice Wine: Seven Steps to a

Superabundant Marriage

Marriage enrichment pro-gram for married couples

of all ages.

Beginning January 24 , 2017

Register on-line

at the parish website:

Free chi ldcare

When you register, be sure to sign-up for free childcare.

“Love that leads

to marriage is a gift from God and a great act

of faith toward other

human beings.”

S t . John Pau l I I

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 12

Pasos básicos para confesarse Entra al confesionario sin miedo, confiando en la misericordia de Jesús: Sacerdote: Ave María Purísima Penitente: Sin pecado concebida. Bendígame padre porque he pecado. Hace ... de mi última confesión. Mis pecados son los siguientes... Confiesa todos los pecados desde tu última con-fesión. No es necesario ilustrar detalles de lo ocurrido. Por ejemplo: "Ofendí gravemente a mis padres de palabra" en vez de: "Íbamos en el carro y pa-pa sacó una vieja conversación.... me habló de una novia... reaccioné....entonces..." Confiesa tus propios pecados y no los ajenos. El confesionario no es para desahogarse contando lo que nos han hecho otros. Sacerdote ofrece algún consejo e imparte la pe-nitencia. Penitente reza el Acto de Contrición, por ejemplo: Pésame Dios mío y me arrepiento de todo corazón de haberte ofendido. Pésame por el infierno que merecí y por el cielo que perdí; pero mucho mas me pesa porque pecando ofendí un Dios tan bueno y tan grande como vos; antes querría haber muerto que haberle ofendido, y propongo firmemente ayudado por tu divina gracia, no pecar mas y evitar las ocasiones próximas de pecado. Amen Sacerdote imparte la absolución con estas pala-bras: "Dios, Padre de misericordia..." y despide al penitente en paz.

Como Confesarse Bien Antes de confesarnos realizamos un examen de concien-cia . Vamos a un lugar tranquilo, preferiblemente ante el sagrario, para orar. Solo Dios puede iluminar nuestra reali-dad y darnos los medios para responder a la gracia. La confesión solo puede hacerse ante un sacerdote.

Examen de Conciencia: ¿He rechazado o abandonado mi fe? ¿Me he preocupa-

do por conocerla mejor? ¿La he defendido, o me he aver-gonzado de ella? ¿Hay algún aspecto de la fe que no acepto?

¿He tomado el nombre de Dios en vano? ¿He hecho espiri-tismo o he confiado en adivinos u horóscopos? ¿He mostra-do falta de respeto por las personas, lugares o cosas san-tas?

¿He faltado voluntariamente a Misa los domingos o días de precepto?

¿He recibido al Señor en la Sagrada Comunión teniendo algún pecado grave en mi conciencia?

¿Le he recibido sin agradecimiento o sin la debida reveren-cia?

¿He sido impaciente, he tenido celos o me he enfadado?

¿He albergado rencores o he estado poco dispuesto a perdonar?

¿He sido violento con otras personas verbal o físicamente?

¿He cooperado o alentado a alguien a abortar, destruir embriones, a la eutanasia o a otro medio para acabar con la vida humana?

¿He tenido odio o he hecho juicios críticos de pensamiento o de obra? ¿He menospreciado a otros?

¿He hablado mal de otros?

¿He tomado alcohol en exceso? ¿Heconsumido drogas?

¿He mirado vídeos o páginas web pornográficas? ¿He co-metido actos impuros conmigo mismo o con otras perso-nas? ¿Vivo con alguien como si estuviéramos casados sin estarlo?

Si estoy casado, ¿procuro amar a mi cónyuge por encima de cualquier otra persona? ¿Pongo mi matrimonio en pri-mer lugar? ¿Y mis hijos? ¿Tengo una actitud abierta a nue-vas vidas?

¿Permito que mi trabajo ocupe tiempo y energías que co-rresponden a mi familia o amigos?

¿He sido soberbio o egoísta de pensamiento o de obra? ¿He desatendido a los pobres o a los necesitados?¿He gastado dinero para mi comodidad o lujo personal olvi-dando mis responsabilidades hacia otros y hacia la Iglesia?

¿He dicho mentiras? ¿He sido honesto y diligente en mi trabajo? ¿He robado o engañado a alguien en el trabajo?

¿Me he dejado llevar por la pereza? ¿He preferido mi co-modidad personal al servicio a los demás? ¿He desatendi-do mi responsabilidad de acercar a los demás a Dios con mi ejemplo y mi palabra?

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 13

How to go to Confession In order to make a good confession, we examine our conscience, asking God’s help to know our sins and to be truly sorry for them.

R i te of Reconci l iat ion

Priest: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Penitent: Amen. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been (say how long) since my last confession. My sins are (confess your sins). When you are done, the priest will give you spiritu-al advice and assign a penance. He will then ask you to pray an Act of Contrition, for example: Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

- or- O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they have offended Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve wit the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. The Priest then says the Prayer of Absolution while the penitent listens. At the conclusion of the pray-er, make the sign of the Cross and say, “Amen.” Priest: Go in peace Penitent: Thanks be to God

Complete your penance as soon as possible. If you were giv-en prayers to say, try to pray them in church before departing.

How to Make a Good Confession Confession is not difficult, but it does require preparation. We should begin with prayer, placing ourselves in the presence of God, our loving Father. We seek healing and forgiveness through repentance and a resolve to sin no more. Then we review our lives since our last confession, searching our thoughts, words and actions for that which did not conform to God’s command to love Him and one another through His laws and the laws of His Church. This is called an examination of conscience. Examination of Conscience Ask God to help you make a good confession. In quiet reflection ask yourself: Since my last confession… Did I pray to God, daily and from my heart? Did I live and witness to my Catholic faith, joyfully &

courageously? Did I take God’s name in vain? Did I curse anyone or make false oaths? Did I engage in superstitious or occult practices?

Did I attend and participate actively at Mass on Sun-days and holy days of obligation? Did I fast & abstain on prescribed days?

Did I respect people in authority? My employer? Did I honor my parents?

Was I violent or unnecessarily aggressive (e.g., physi-cally, verbally, psychologically, etc.) with anyone?

Was I prideful, stubborn, or rude with anyone? Did I hold a grudge?

Did I abuse alcohol, prescription medications, or ille-gal drugs? Did I overindulge in food?

Did I consent to, recommend, advise, or actively take part in an abortion? Did I use abortifacient drugs?

Did I view pornography, entertain lustful thoughts, conversations or actions?

Was I unloving to my spouse? Did I engage in adul-terous activity (e.g., sexual, emotional, virtual, etc.)? Did I use contraceptives?

Was I neglectful of the spiritual, intellectual, emotion-al, or physical needs of my spouse, children, or fami-ly?

Did I steal or damage another’s property? Was I hon-est and just in my business relations? Did I waste time at work?

Did I contribute to the needs of the spiritually and materially poor with my time and resources?

Did I engage in gossip? Did I lie? Did I speak poorly of others? Did I judge anyone unfairly?

Did I envy anyone? Was I jealous of others or or cov-et another’s belongings?

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 14

ARMY Irving Paul Ray Salvador E. Zapata Christopher Porras Kristin Baron Juan Vega, Jr. Jessie H. Treviño, II Jesse Sinfuentes Henry García Gilbert Álvarez Michael Wright Ray Banda Manny Hernández Jim Branson Joshua A. Chavira Richard Christie Melissa Comiskey David García Antonio R. Delgado Mike Fitzgerald Ky V. Truong John García Jack Longmire Chris Lawrence Gabriel de la Garza Juan Manuel Matthew O’Dowd Marc Maziarz Joshua Salsgiver Tim Woods James Scherwitz Matthew Soileau Tony Thompson Michael Carty Jessie H. Treviño Christian Urena Danny Morales Jerry Morales Joshua A. Treviño Michael Hori Scott Pfirman Timothy Soto David Freeman Cameron J, Saltus Trevor Marshall Daniel Pruitt Joseph Nadasky Roosevelt Harris Christina González Eric Stevens Janet González Alberto Moreno Victor Delgado Luis Rosales Christopher Farías

Louis Hendershot, Jr. Rudy Banda, III Elvia Ayala Manuel James López Andy Huayamave Sarah Campo Maximilian Klein Epigmenio Gómez, Jr. Evan Adams Chris Figeria Alexis Roman

NAVY Jessica López Matthew Rodríguez A.J. Edwards Joe Vaughn Christopher McMullin Linsum Flores Michael Fruggiero Chris Rode Stuart Marshall Jason Rodríguez Mark Riddle Raymond J. Reyes Cristian Shirl Sean V. Saluzzi Thomas Roche Justin J. Trudeau William Wilkerson Paul Zielinski Candy Flores Jonathan Hyacinth Alejandro Alatorre Jonathan Young Justin Ryan Keyser Sean G, McBeth Patricia Meehan

MARINES Kai E. Krogman Brad Harless Zachary Bond Adam Garcia Marvin Boruca Kleber Villalva Frank Campos Omar García Stefan Barcik Steven E. Jiménez Patrick Lambert Stephen Mayeaux Randall T. Schindler

Gabriel I. Saenz Peter Tate Jr. Vincent Flores Albert García Jason Wood Joseph Mooney Hunter W. Moffitt Anetor Asibor Albert García Sergio Perez Keith Breeckner Ricky Isaac Hernández Vinny Escobar Ryan Foley Victor Carrión-Martínez Christopher Unger Kidany Vaquero Ryan DeKay Codie M. Barnett Sherry L. Sola Kevin Flores

AIR FORCE Coy Daniel Incaprera Christie Scherwitz Phillip M. Doria David Nordel Vincent Becklund David Harrison Robert N. Lobit Sean Huggins Dennis J. Morosin Don Sarmiento Raphael Ashe Kenzie O’Leary Don Park Nathalie Rodríguez David Anthony Nathalie Huayamave Nelvin Rodríguez Maurice J. Hardy, II Ricardo Villalva, Jr.

NATIONAL GUARD Camilo Orozco Ed Dextraze Tony Nies Jerry Torres Kevin Westlund Cynthia Tobon

Monday, December 19 6:30 a.m. Margaret Janneck 9:00 a.m. Joe Ortiz & Danny Garcia

7:00 p.m. Frank & Josephine Coselli Tuesday, December 20

6:30 a.m. Isabelle Crown 9:00 a.m. James J. Carson, Jr. 7:00 p.m. The Hoang family

Wednesday, December 21

6:30 a.m. Maria Enriquez & Eusievio Barrera

9:00 a.m. Kevin Ramos (birthday) 7:00 p.m. Jimmy & Doris Cu (anniv.) 7:30 p.m. Duane King

Thursday, December 22

6:30 a.m. Francisco & Maria Barrera 9:00 a.m. Barbara Gomez 7:00 p.m. John Kenapa

Friday, December 23

6:30 a.m. Francisco & Mary Rivera 9:00 a.m. Leroy Fontenot 7:00 p.m. Ernesto Reguera

Saturday, December 24

4:00 p.m. Intention of celebrant

6:00 p.m. Intention of celebrant

8:00 p.m. Intention of celebrant

8:00 p.m. Intention of celebrant

Sunday, December 25

Midnight Pro Populo 7:00 a.m. Intention of celebrant

8:30 a.m. Intention of celebrant

10:30 a.m. Intention of celebrant

12:15 p.m. Intention of celebrant

2:00 p.m. Intention of celebrant

5:30 p.m. Intention of celebrant

7:30 p.m. Intention of celebrant

9:30 p.m. Intention of celebrant

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 15

Let us Pray for God’s Healing for all the Sick If your family member or friend is no longer in need of our prayers, please advise us in order to remove his/her name . Kathryn Arnst, Jan Arnold, Rita Aguilar, Luis Acosta, Jack Aultman, Manuel Alvarez, Vicenta Avellaneda, Mary Borelli, Laure Boconvi, Don Barnes, Car-men Vazquez Blanco, Dianne Blevins, Joanne Brown, Estefano Bermejo, Lin Boehlert, Fabian Cabrello, Carolina Cabrello, Edward Costello Jr., Lucia Angela Carbone, Sarah Callans, Diane Calzado, Kayson Clay, Marlaina Cadena, Gilberto S. Cisneros, Elizabeth Cisneros, Victor H Cisneros, Maria Elena Chavez, Humberto Fabian Caballero, Margarita Castano, Michael Alfred Crewell, Grant Cruise Family, Juan Antonio Cabrera, Sally Castro, Emmanuel Cubillos, Maria Colon, Ricardo Castaneda III, Bobby Duenas, Gertrude Dunlap, Scott Donbow, Dale Le Duc, Vuong (David) Minh Dao, Alex Diaz, Faye Edwards, Luis Madico Escudero, Marisa Ehrig, Jody Ferguson, Thomas Frazier, Sgt. Christopher Farias, Yorley Frias, Samuel Fuentes, AA Fuentes III, Mariana De Jesus Gonzalez, John A Guillespie, Gene Gessert, Victoria Alana Garcia, Nelly Abby Gonzalez, Elizabeth Gardner, Gerard Gallegos, Kelly Gillespie, Joseph Gallagher, Mavis Gann, Caroline Hallford, Bob Hartnett, Renee Hanna, Milton Hanas, Hailey James, Cecilia Jimenez, Dana Jones, Jessica Jacobson, Megan Kelly, Sharon Kettner, Elih Kars, Lane Kimble, Stanley Loziek, Scott Laird, Christian Lebanc, Julio Lezama, Jose Lara, Gary Lindig, Mitchell Lyon, Mike Leditin, Leonard Lidiak, Nelson Mejia, Nenita Mendiola, Karen Berenice Margarito, Margie Morales, Carol Melz, Emily Martinez, Sandra Morales-Negron, Rudy Mendoza, Walter Mayko, Manuela Alicia Ortiz Molina, Antonio Medic, Sergio Montoya, Adelaida Maldonado, Bradley Martinez, Ines Madice, Kevin Malanaphy, Agustin Ma-dona, Jose Manuel Monreal, Evelyn Marinas, Drake Motolet, Antonio Med-ic, Vicky Nevares, Andres Nevares, Mary Neminach, Alpha Newgene, Gam Thi Nguyen, Ryan Naulty, Danna Paola Osollo, Leonor Orozco, Julian Grego-ry Pearson, Maria Antonia Medina Perez, Robert D. Perez, Robert A. Perez, Benjamin Poblete, Daniel Parlapiano, June Pennell, Robert Parker, Timothy Petrich, Melanie Pearson, Thomas Priest, Jeannine Quintero, Chris Ramirez, Marcela Ramirez Roldan, Olefia Rodriguez, Valentin Rangel, Lynette Rob-erts, Mark Rodriguez, Sidney Rojo, Familia Montes Ruiz, Olga Sarahi Reyna, Jose Rosas, Marie Sauceda, Lee A. Sauseda, Maria Salinas, Bob Sommers, Mrs. D. Florence Sicola, Johnny Sicola, Evan Schuessler, Amelia Soarces, Lupita Scotka, Jose Santistevan, Richard Schillinger, Elizabeth Salas, Jo Stew-art, Fred Stoehr, Judge Deborah Sanchez, Daniel Shay, Douglas Smith-Barry Jr., Claude Tournay, David Turilli, John Trevino, Martha Toledo, Justin Thacker, Dick Taylor, Dolores Tallman, Linda Villanueva, Guadalupe Vasquez, Edith Vazquez, Irma Guadalupe Westry, Luke Wade, Mike Wilson, Marshall William-son, Claire Way, Jim & Jamie Wade, Ashley Wade, Wilder Family, Kaelissa Yur, Leticia Zarzoza, Gilberto Zamora and all others who also need our pray-ers. If you know anyone who is sick or in need of prayer support, please call 281-463-7878. Comuníquese al teléfono anterior si conoce algún enfermo que necesita el apoyo de la oración de nuestra familia parroquial.

Fellow parishioners: My husband, Jose (Joe) Gomez and our family have been parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for many years. Joe is ill and needs a Lung Transplant. We are holding a Bake Sale on Sunday, December 18, 2016. The funds from this benefit will help cover expenses not covered by Medicare and our supplemental insur-ance. We will have baked goods such as cookies, cupcakes and different flavored cake breads, coffee cakes and a few specialty cakes for sale. We will accept cash only please. We look forward to seeing you on the 18th of December. We would appreciate prayers for Joe and our family. May God Bless You. Sincerely, Elva Gomez, Joe Gomez, son, Jason Gomez and granddaughter, Jayla Gomez Please visit: or search "Joe Gomez lung transplant" on

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Pray for us!

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 16

Parish Office 281-463-7878

Pastor Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds

Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Ortiz

Parochial Vicar Rev. James Long Do, C.M.C.

Parochial Vicar Rev. Preston Quintela

Deacons Ola Branche German Godoy Peter Tuu Hoang

Gilbert Johnson Chuck Pennell Alfonso Sosa

Managerial Administrator Deacon German Godoy

Director of Finance Marie Sharp

Director of Liturgy & Music Carmen Delgado

Director of Religious Education Becki Brumbaugh

Director of Spanish Ministries Lucia Rueda

Director of Vietnamese Ministries Deacon Peter Tuu Hoang

Director of Family Life Nadia Jara

Director of Adolescent Catechesis & Evangelization

Donna Worley

Youth Apostolate Andrew Schuelke

Parish Office 281-463-7878

FAX 281-463-4822

Parish E-Mail

Parish Website

School Office 281-463-1444

School Website

S.E.E.D.S. Office (pre-school) 281-855-2503

S.E.E.D.S. Website

Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

Saturday 8:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

Coordinator of Vietnamese CCE Toan Pham

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1599 281-463-7878

Bulletin Deadlines Submissions for the bulletin are due on Noon Monday, thirteen days in advance of publication date. Submit your information to Mrs. Patti Bergholtz at her e-mail: All submissions must be an MS Word document (no PDF files), us-ing Century Gothic font, size 9. Please do not use any other for-matting (i.e., all caps, bold, italics, underlining, colored text, text box-es, etc...). Graphics and photos are subject to editing. Bulletin Date Deadline December 25 December 12 January 1 December 19 January 8 December 26 January 15 January 2

281-463-7878 SeasOf f ice@SeasCathol ic .org

Thank you for your support of the Annual Fund/Lighting the Way Campaign. You may now enroll online with Faith Direct to make a monthly contribution and/or a one-time gift. Visit and enter code TX417. Search for SEA-SCS Annual Fund. All gifts are tax deductible.

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Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18, 2016 17

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1520

The Liturgical Season of Christmas

Christmas is one of the most important days of the Church year, second only to Easter itself. It is the feast of the incarnation, the feast of God becoming flesh (the Latin "in carne" means "enfleshment"). It is a uniquely Christian teaching, the Divine choosing to become one of us. Because of this belief,God is not only Transcendent, but also wholly Immanent, Emmanuel (God-with-us). While remaining Transcendent (meaning we must rise above our present condition to reach Him), He is at the same time Immanent (meaning He is with us as we rise toward Him). Every Eucharist is like Christmas where the bread and wine are transformed into His flesh, His Body and Blood, and, in a sense, He is born anew on the altar. The liturgical season of Christmas begins with the vigil Masses on Christmas Eve and concludes on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. During this season, we celebrate the birth of Christ into our world and into our hearts, and reflect on the gift of salvation that is born with him…including the fact that he was born to die for us.
