Saint Eugene Catholic Mission & Student Center · 2020. 2. 29. · Finance Com. Coveta Grant...


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First Sunday of Lent - Sunday, March 1st, 2020 I Domingo de Cuaresma - domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020


Mass/Misa Times: Domingo (Misa en Español) 8:45 am Sunday (English Mass) 11:15 am T, W, Th & F (English Mass) 12:00 pm First Friday Adoration 11:00 am & Exposición al Santísimo 6:30 pm Bible Study Wednesday(ENG) 6:30 pm Estudio Biblico miércoles (Spa) 7:00 pm

Reconciliation: By appointment

Religious Education: Sundays (English/Spanish) 10am –11am

Catholic Student Association (CSA) Sunday after 11:15 am Mass

Choir Practice English Tues 6:30 pm Spanish Thur 8:00 pm

Parish Council Second Thursday 6:30 pm

Groups & Ministries Representatives CSA Pres: CSA Advisor: Doreen Kobelo 320-2290 CMC Chair: N. Lamango 322-7754 Pastoral Council: Alex Regalado 264-6743 Finance Com. Coveta Grant 385-9423 Rel. Ed Dir: Deacon Santiago Molina Adult Faith Dir. Nereida Figueroa RCIA:(English) Perry Brown 536-0363 RCIA (Spanish) Irene Ahumada 612-6101 Mens Gp./Van: Denis Perrotte 212-6521 Sacristy: Ana Montes 665-5696 Sacristan Naomi Dzikunu

Lectores: Maria Solares 661-9553 Lectors: Coveta Grant Hispan, Minist. Bertha Angeles 320-3356 Choir: Doreen Kobelo 320-2290 Spanish Choir: Jose Camargo 264-1921 Hospitalidad: Beatriz Angeles 339-5497 Ushers: Lia Baham 504-756-0781 Monaguillos Elisa Alcala Altar Servers Rosetta Hylton- Youth Group Anderson 321-3068 Gecelyne Dixon 305-510-8459 Grounds Projects: Peter Okonkwo 528-0052

Saint Eugene Catholic Mission & Student Center 701 Gamble Street, Tallahassee, FL 32310

Office Hours: M, W & F 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM T & Th 11:00 AM to 5:00PM 850-222-6482.* FAX 850-222-7099

Email: Website: (SPA)/

Clergy: Fr. Anderson Luis de Souza, SVD Deacon Santiago Molina

Monday/ lunes

Lv 19:1-2, 11-18, Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15, Mt 25:31-46

Lv 19, 1-2. 11-18, Salmo 18, 8. 9. 10. 15, Mt 25, 31-46

Tuesday/ Martes

Is 55:10-11, Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19, Mt 6:7-15

Is 55, 10-11, Salmo 33, 4-5. 6-7. 16-17. 18-19, Mt 6, 7-15


Jon 3:1-10, Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19, Lk 11:29-32

Jn 3, 1-10, Salmo 50, 3-4. 12-13. 18-19, Lc 11, 29-32

Thursday/ jueves

Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25, Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8, Mt 7:7-12

Es 4, 17n. p-r. aa-bb. gg-hh, Salmo 137, 1-2a. 2bc-3. 7c-8, Mt 7,


Friday/ viernes

Ez 18:21-28, 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8, Mt 5:20-26

Ez 18, 21-28, Salmo 129, 1-2. 3-4ab. 4c-6. 7-8, Mt 5, 20-26


Dt 26:16-19, Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8, Mt 5:43-48

Dt 26, 16-19, Salmo 118, 1-2. 4-5. 7-8, Mt 5, 43-48

Sunday/ Domingo

Gn 12:1-4a, Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22., 2 Tm 1:8b-10, Mt 17:1-9

Gn 12, 1-4a, Salmo 32, 4-5. 18-19. 20 y 22, 2 Tm 1, 8b-10, Mt

17, 1-9


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Rates for Advertisement/Congratulatory messages: Full page (whole back cover) - $100 Half page - $60 Quarter page - $35

Horarios especiales de tiempo de Cuaresma

Misa diaria en inglés - Martes a Viernes 12 medio día

Misas de Cuaresma en español - jueves a las 8:00pm

Misas de Cuaresma en inglés - viernes a las 6:30 pm

Via Crucis en inglés - Viernes a las 6:00 pm

Vía Crucis en Español - Viernes a las 7:15 pm

Special Schedule for Lent

Season Daily Mass in English - Tuesday to

Friday 12 noon

Lenten Masses in Spanish - Thursday at 8:00 pm

Lenten Masses in English - Friday at 6:30 pm

Via Crucis in English - Friday at

6:00 pm Via Crucis in Spanish - Friday at

7:15 pm Liturgical Committee Meeting

Saturday, March 7th 9:00 to 11:00am

Reunión del Comité Litúrgico Sábado, 7 de marzo 9:00 am—11:00 am

“Be merciful, O Lord, for we have

sinned.” Psalm 51

“Misericordia, Señor, hemos

pecado” Salmo 50

Fr. Anderson’s Birthday Celebration/ Celebration de cumpleaños de Padre Anderson #45

Multicultural Sunday of the Black History Month/ Domingo Multicultural de el Mes de la Historia


From the Pastor’s Desk...








March 1st

Francis Ejiogu Angel Ejiogu

Michael Ejiogu

1. Jennifer Pruden

2. Lia Baham

Dan Darity

Reginald Ofuani

Maria Okeke

Vanessa Murphy Zsa Zsa


Reginald Ofuani Peter Okonkwo

Nazarius Lamango

March 8th

Cecilia Dixon Jerline Dixon

Sonayon Hounsou

1. Edith Ngwaba 2. Perry Brown

Lambert Ejiogu

Lia Baham

Naomi Dzikunu Beverly Taylor Beverly Taylor

Vanessa Murphy Coveta Grant

Rosita Ali Naomi Dzikunu

March 15th

Jean Lamango Knox Pruden

Jack Schwenkler

1. Marćee Turner 2. Olivia Origa

Dan Darity

Reginald Ofuani

Peter Okonkwo

Tom Curry

Naomi Dzikunu

Reginald Ofuani Peter Okonkwo

Nazarius Lamango

March 22nd

Ahmed Djemgou Shirin Djemgou

Andre Hooks

1. Mike Lindsey

2. Dezohn Houston

Lia Baham Dan Darity

Thomasina Brock

Zsa Zsa Fitzpatrick

Zsa Zsa Fitzpatrick

Vanessa Murphy Coveta Grant

Rosita Ali Naomi Dzikunu

Sunday, March 1st, 2020 – First Sunday of Lent - Cycle A Readings: Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7, Psalm 51 “Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned”, Romans 5:12-19 or 5:12, 17-

19, Matthew 4:1-11


We’ve just witnessed a one-on-one fight between Jesus and Satan in the midst of the desert sands. The tempter has suf-fered a defeat and, despite all his best efforts, he will never be able to recover. What was the secret of Jesus’ triumph over Satan? What should we do in the face of temptation?

1. Right from the start, Jesus commands Satan to leave him. In a boxing match, the one who hits first has the ad-vantage. In the fight against temptations, if we let the enemy get to close to us, if we dialogue with him, we are certain to lose. The account of the temptations of Christ is a dramatic representation of all the fundamental choices that the Lord had to make in his life. They are the same fundamental options that each Christian must confront in his own life. Like Jesus, we should be decisive and cut to the chase from the very first moment.

2. When it comes to his mission, Jesus leaves no room for negotiation.. Our God-given vocation is not something we can negotiate about with the enemy of our soul. Jesus finds strength to defeat temptation and sin through silence in the desert, prayer, and intimacy with his Father. That was his secret. How often we feel the temptation to try to pur-chase power and dominion, forgetting the mission God has given us! But He will help us find all we need to enlighten our darkness.

3. Jesus encourages us to follow his example and helps us unmask our twisted paths. He knows our struggles. They free us to be able to stay faithful to the truth and to its saving influence in our lives. He tells us time and time again: Abandon yourself to me! Entrust your fears to me! Abandoning ourselves to God does not mean just leaving our prob-lems for him to take of, while we ourselves do nothing.. Abandoning ourselves means letting him be the one who builds our lives.

From what evils must we convert today? From consumerist materialism, from the thirst for power, from the desire for pleasure, and from the lure of making ourselves god according to the small measure of our own interests. If you fall time and time again, it is because you are weak. But, do not get discouraged! The Gospel shows us the way of trust. Even in the midst of our difficulties, one thing must be certain: with Christ, you can conquer.

The English writer, Henry Beecherm, once said: “failure is what turns our bones to rock, our cartilage to muscle; they

make men invincible”. During these days of Lent, let us retreat to the desert of prayer and there we will find, like

Christ, the light and the grace of salvation. Amen.


Other important dates

Wednesday, March 11 at 5:00pm - Meeting of Event Coordination ( everybody is invited)

Revival - Sunday, March 22 - 11:15 am March 23 & 24 - 7:00 pm

Rehearsal of English Gospel Choir

Sat. April 4th, Sat. May 9th & Sat, June 13 10:00am—1:00pm

March Ministry Schedule

Seabrook Choir Rehearsal

Sat, March 7th - 11:30am - 1:30 pm Sat, March 21 - 10:00 am - 12:00pm

2nd Collection / 2da Colecta

Today, March 1st we will have a 2nd collection for the Black and Indian Missions . Thank you for your generous


Hoy, Domingo 1 de marzo tendremos una segundo col-lecta para las Misiones afroamericana y indígenas. Gracias

por su generous donación.


“Youth Group/ Grupo de jóvenes”

Holy Scouts is opened and welcome to ALL youth (English and Spanish) of St Eugene. We will be addressing important subjects and topics that will help our members be better Chris-tians and citizens. Tutoring available! Holy Scouts está abierto y le da la bienvenida a TODOS los jóvenes (inglés y español) de San Eugenio. Abordaremos temas y temas importantes que ayudarán a nuestros miembros a ser mejores cristianos y ciudadanos. Tutoría disponible! COME JOIN US ! / iVEN Y UNETE A NOSOTROS! Sra. Rosetta / Sra Gecelyne messages -- 850-321-3068 Next Meeting will be on:/ Próxima reunión es: March 21, 2020 - 12:00 noon- 4:00 pm

Food Sales:/ Venta de Comida: March 22 after service

Save the Date/ Separa la fecha Evening with the:

Chef Fr. Anderson Saturday, April 25th, 2020 Sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Hunger in Our World

When Jesus fed the 5,000, he said, "Give them some food yourselves." Reflect on the challenge of global hunger. How can you contribute to support the hungry in your

community? Visit for more.



Cuando Jesús alimentó a los 5,000, dijo: "Denles algo de comer". Reflexiona sobre el desafío del hambre en el mun-do. ¿Cómo puedes contribuir a apoyar a los que sufren de

hambre en tu comunidad? Visita para más información.

Clean up & work days

Días de limpieza y trabajo

Saturday, March 21 9:00 am—3:00 pm

Otras fechas importantes miércoles,11 de marzo a las 5:00 pm - Reunión de Coordinación de Eventos (todos están invitados)

Domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020 - 1er Domingo de Cuaresma - Ciclo A

Lectura: Génesis 2, 7-9; 3, 1-7, Salmo 50 “Misericordia, Señor, hemos pecado”, Romanos 5, 12-19, Mateo 4, 1-11


Acabamos de ser testigos de una lucha cuerpo a cuerpo entre Jesús y Satanás en medio de las arenas del desierto. El tentador ha sufrido una derrota y, a pesar de todos sus intentos, no podrá recuperarse nunca más. ¿Cuál fue el secreto de Jesús para triunfar sobre el maligno? ¿Qué debemos hacer nosotros frente a las tentaciones?

Hermanas y hermanos:

1. Desde el comienzo Jesús obligó a Satanás a apartarse de él. En una pelea de box el que golpea primero tiene la ventaja. En la lucha contra las tentaciones, si dejamos que el enemigo se quede cerca de nosotros, si dialogamos con él, llevamos la de perder. El relato de las tentaciones es la representación dramática de todas las opciones que el Señor tuvo que realizar en su vida y de las que todo cristiano debe enfrentar también en la actualidad. Como Jesús debemos ser tajantes y cortar en seco desde el primer momento.

2. Jesús no aceptó negociar en lo que se refería a su misión. La vocación que Dios nos ha dado es un tema no ne-gociable con el enemigo del alma. Jesús encontró fuerza para vencer sobre la tentación y el pecado, en el silencio del desierto, en la oración, en la intimidad con su Padre. Ese era su secreto. Y nosotros ¡Cuántas veces sentimos la tentación de comprar el poder y el dominio, olvidándonos de la misión que Dios nos ha confiado! Pero Él nos ayudará a descubrir todo lo que puede iluminar nuestra noche.

3. Jesús nos anima a seguir su ejemplo y nos ayuda a desenmascarar nuestros caminos torcidos. Él conoce las luchas que libramos para permanecerle fieles a su verdad y a su influencia salvadora en nuestras vidas. Nos dice una y otra vez: ¡Abandónate! ¡Confíame tus temores! Abandonarse a Dios no es dejarle las cosas a Él para que resuelva nuestros problemas. Abandonarse es dejar que sea Él quien construya nuestra vida.

¿De qué tenemos que convertirnos hoy? Del materialismo consumista, del afán de poder, de hacernos un dios a la me-dida de nuestros propios intereses, del afán de placer. Cuando ocurre que caes una y otra vez, es porque eres débil. Pero ¡No te hundas! El Evangelio te traza el camino de la confianza. Aún en medio de las dificultades debe nacer en tu interior la seguridad de que, con Cristo, puedes vencer.

Decía el escritor inglés Henry Beecherm. "Es el fracaso lo que convierte el hueso en piedra, el cartílago en músculo;

lo que hace a los hombres invencibles". Durante estos días cuaresmales retirémonos al desierto de la oración y allí

encontraremos como Cristo la luz y la gracia de la salvación. Así sea.


Palabras del Párroco Announcements/ Anuncios

Ministros de marzo









1 de


Douglas Camargo

Aura Puente

Ana Montes

Julys Camargo

Lourdes Thomas

Lourdes Thomas Monica Gámez

Idalis Tejada Griselda Patillo Nelson Martínez

María Hernández Israel Mendéz Teodoro Rodas

Eliza Alcala

8 de


Doana Rivera Elisa Alcala

Juanita Valentín



Lourdes Thomas

Hugo Pérez

Evelin Martinez Diego Rodriguez Beatriz Martinez

Fernando Martínez María de Lourdes Beatriz Angeles

Reyna Aldaz

15 de


Francisco Puente Julys Camargo

Mireya Enciso Aura Puente

Lourdes Thomas

Lourdes Thomas Monica Gámez

Omar Hernández Griselda Patillo

Idalis Tejada

Ada Rodríguez María Pacheco

José Peñate Yanira Nerio

22 de marzo

Aura Puente

María Solares

Ana Montes

Douglas Camargo



Lourdes Thomas

Hugo Pérez

Nelson Martínez Diego Rodríguez Beatriz Martínez

Monica Gámez Victor Padrón Julio Peñate Maria Nerio

St. John Paul II Catholic High School is accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year and there are only a few spots left for enrollment! Did you know that we offer financial assistance and accept several schol-arships? For more information and to schedule a tour or a shadow day for your child, please call (850) 201-5744 or e-mail Jillyann McGowan, Director of Enrollment at • The 10th Annual "A Southern Affair" Wine and Cheese Event will be April 2, 2020 from 6:309:30PM at the Governor's Club. Enjoy an even-ing at the prestigious Governors Club sipping hand selected wines and sample from a bountiful charcuterie and cheese board as well as deli-cious heavy hors d'oeuvres. Enjoy musical delights from our student musicians and a performance from our Drama Club. Bid on fabulous items in our Silent Auction. Dress to impress in your "Southern Swag." Become an event sponsor and expand the experience to include VIP Val-et Parking as well as private bourbon tastings on the patio with Fr. Tom Dillon. Tickets are $125 per couple, $65 single and may be purchased in advance by visiting For sponsor-ship information, please contact Jillyann McGowan for more information at All proceeds benefit St. John Paul II Catholic High School.

Now enrolling! Trinity Catholic School is ac-cepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year. Since 1952, Trinity has been the only Catholic school in Tallahassee serving Pre-K3, VPK4, and Kindergarten - 8th Grade students. To schedule a personal tour, call 850-222-0444 or email Jody Sheppard, Admissions and Public Relations Specialist at Now Hiring! We are currently accepting applications for substitute teaching in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-8. Teachers in special areas such as P.E., Spanish, Art and Music are also needed. Interested applicants should submit resumes to Trinity Catholic School is seeking Substitute VPK Teachers and Teaching Assistants. Interested applicants should send resumes to Jody Sheppard, VPK Director at Must have Teaching Credential and VPK Staff Credential to be a substitute teacher. Must have a Level II Background Screening. Must have DCF 45-hour Training. Trinity Catholic School is an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Candidate School! Contact Valerie Nadeau, Admis-sions and Public Relations Specialist at for a personal tour. See how we foster strong academic, social and emotional development in our students. Trinity Catholic School is a VPK4 provider! VPK is a free educa-tional program that prepares 4-year-olds for kindergarten and be-yond. Visit for more infor-mation. Trinity Catholic School is committed to making a Catholic educa-tion available and will work with families to make it possible to attend our school. We accept AAA, Step Up, Gardiner, and McKay scholarships. Internal School Scholarships are also available through the FACTS button on our website. Visit to learn more about financial aid options. If you are interested in the future of Catholic Education, please consider donating to the Adopt A Student Scholarship Program. You can make a difference in the life of a child. To donate, visit or or pick up an envelope at your parish.

Coming Home:Life in Tallahassee After Incarceration Saturday, March 14 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Keynote speaker: Sheriff Walter McNeil “Why We Bother” Panels will address needs of returnees, faith response, & ways communi-ty can help. Please register at: $5 donation in-cludes breakfast & lunch. Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Community

Center 4665 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, Florida 32309

First Communion & Confirmation Gifts

Blessed Sacrament Books & Gifts store now has a large selection of First Communion & Confirmation gifts in stock.

New items arriving weekly. Come by and check out our books (over 130 titles in stock), rosaries, jewelry, etc.

We also take special orders. Cash, checks and credit cards accepted.

Now Open Saturday 1:00pm — 4:45pm

CHRISTMAS ON THE DANUBE December 2020 Father Mike Austin and Mrs. Paula Spears, present to you a de-lightful opportunity to travel with us as we experience Christmas Markets on the Danube, featuring a 6-night Danube River Cruise with an optional 2-night post extension Magical Christmas Markets of Prague. Dates are December 9-17, 2020. All are welcome! The price of the trip is discounted by $400.00 if booked before April 1, 2020. The discounted price is $3,999 per person, double occupancy. The starting price after April 1, 2020 is $4,399 per per-son, double occupancy and based on which cabin you choose. Round Trip out of New Orleans, LA. 7 Breakfasts, 5 lunches, 7 Dinners. For more information email: or call Paula 228 697 7814

Announcements/ Anuncios


3/1 For the health of all our parishioners:/ Por la salud de nuestros feligreses

Specially:/ Especialmente Laurieuse Bien-Aime

Juanita Valentín & familia Lorena Cruz & familia

For the well-being and health of:/ Por el bienestar y la salud de:

all people affected by a health condition/ todas las personas afectadas por una afección de salud

For the repose of the soul of:/ Por el eterno Descanso de: Ana Julia, Margie Schuts & Mary Jean Sullivan - 3/3

John Trampel & Mary Somers - 3/5

Please pray for them and for your own intentions/ Por favor oren por ellos y por sus propias intenciones. If you know a Church member or any other person that is sick and would like to be visited talk with the priest, and please let us

know by calling or emailing the office. Si sabe de algún feligres o conocido que este enfermo y desee que lo visiten o hablar con el sacerdote, por favor déjenos saber

llamando o enviando un correo electrónico a la iglesia.

Parish Ministry/ Ministerios

Important dates/ Fechas importantes

Rosary/ Rosario

March 1 & May 3 10:00 am

Finance Council Meeting/ Reunión de Consejo Financiero

Next meeting will be on March 4 at 6:00 pm La próxima reunión será el 4 de marzo a las 6:00 pm

Pastoral Council/ Consejo Pastoral Next meeting will be on the Thursday, March 12 at 6:30pm

La próxima reunión será el jueves, 12 de marzo la 6:30

Men’s Group Meeting (English). Today, Sunday, March 8th after 11:15 am Mass.

Reuniones del Ministerio Hispano Próxima reunión será el lunes, 2 de marzo 6:30pm

Catholic Student Association

Welcome to all our visitors! We are glad that you are here with us today. Bienvenidos a todos nuestros visitantes, esta-mos muy contentos de que estes con nosotros.

Religious Education / Catecismo

Check the new sections of our App with reflections, prayers, and more. Busca en la aplicación las nuevas secciones con

reflecciones, oraciones y más.

Are you using our app??? (for Apple or Android)/¿Estás uti-lizando nuestra aplicación?

(Apple o Android) How to download Como bajar la aplicación 1) Text App to 88202 1) Envia un text con la to download or visit palabra App al 88202 Sigue las instrucciones 2)Then Select our parish 2)Selecciona a San Eugenio

Comunidades Misioneras

Si le gustaría que se le visite en su casa para compartir la palabra de Dios, por favor déjenos saber. Tenemos grupos de

Comunidades Misioneras haciendo visitas los martes a las 7pm.

Para más información comuniquese con: Lourdes Thomas - (850)570-4975 Irene Ahumada - (850) 612-6101 Evelyn Calderón - (850)688-2346 Bertha Angeles - (850)320-3356

Misa de comunidades - martes 3 de marzo - 7:00pm Próxima reunión, jueves, 26 de marzo a las 7:00pm

Conociendo a Dios paso a paso Knowing the Lord Step by Step

English Bible Study

Every Wednesday - 6:30 pm

Estudio Bíblico en Español Todos los miércoles - 7:00 pm

St. Eugene Catholic Mission 701 Gamble St. Tallahassee FL, 32310

Come and join us! Let's know our Lord together!

¡Ven y únete a nosotros! ¡Conozcamos juntos a nuestro Señor!

CSA Prayer

Lord, hear our prayer as we seek to be good steward of the many gifts You have bestowed on us.

Give us wisdom to discern Your will for us, strength to meet the challenge, and the grace to be steadfast in our

commitment to You. Let us use our time, talent and treasure for Your great-

er honor and glory.

In Your name we pray,


Oración CSA

Señor, escucha nuestra oración mientras buscamos ser buenos administradores de los muchos dones que nos

has otorgado. Danos sabiduría para discernir Tu voluntad para nosotros, fortaleza para enfrentar el desafío y la

gracia de ser firmes en nuestro compromiso hacia Ti. Permítenos usar nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro para

Tu honra y gloria.

En Tu nombre oramos, Amén.

Oración de Cuaresma

Padre de bondad y amor, en esta Cuaresma

ayúdanos a preparar para hacer de este un tiempo

productivo que me lleve a descubrir lo profundo de tu amor y que al

final descubramos en la imagen de Jesús crucificado que eres un Dios

vivo y verdadero. Amén

Prayer of Lent

Father of kindness and love, in this Lent

help us prepare to make this season

a productive one, that make me discover the depth of your love and that at

the end we discover in the image of Jesus crucified that you are a God

alive and real. Amen

Have questions? The DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES and SISTER SERVANTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT can help you. Call 800-553-3321 or Email: ¿Tienes preguntas? Ellos puedes ayudarte: MISIONEROS DEL VERBO DIVINO y HER-MANAS SIERVAS DEL ESPIRITU SANTO 800–553-3321 o

A Vocation View:

Through the obedience to Christ comes acquittal from sin. Through our obedi-ence to Christ, we can be a conduit of Grace to his world.

Perspectiva de una vocación:

No vivimos solo de pan sino de toda pala-bra que sale de Dios. ¿Quién nos proclamará esa palabra? Recen por el aumento de vacaciones al sacerdocio y vida religiosa

Febrero Collection Summary/ Resumen de Colectas de febrero

Feb 2020 8:45 am $ 4,441.00 11:15 am $ 3,457.44 Other $ 3,597.00 CSA $ 375.00(ENG) $ 1,128.00(SPA)

Monthly Expenses/ Gastos Mensuales Feb 2020

El Grupo Juan XXIII invita a todos los feli-greses,al Rosario y Estudio Bíblico el 3er viernes a las 7pm y 1er Viernes a participar en la Ex-posición al Santísimo/ Invites everyone for our Rosary and Bible Study .

Utilities/Maintenance $2,218.45

Staff/Visitors $5,549.32

Diocese/School $1,821.64

Supplies $639.00

Miscellaneous $600.00

Total $ 10,828.00

Every Monday at 12:00 noon we are having Rosary and Prayers for Priest of the World and our Church. Todos los lunes a las 12:00 mediodía tenemos Ro-

sario y Oraciones por los Sacerdotes del Mundo y por nuestra Iglesia.

Catholic Sharing Appeal CSA - 2020 Your CSA pledge helps fund diocesan ministries and programs designed to support the spiritual growth of parishioners across the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee. Please don’t forget to

make your gift today.

Campaña de Solidaridad Diocesana CSA - 2020 Su compromise de CSA ayuda a financiar ministerios dioce-sanos y programas diseñados para apoyar el crecimiento espi-tritual de feligreses en toda la Diócesis de Pensacola-Tallahassee. Por favor no se olvide de hacer su donación hoy.

Daylight saving time 2020 in Florida will begin at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 8. El horario de verano 2020 en Florida comenzará a las 2:00 a.m. del domingo 8 de marzo
