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Weekends Saturday....5:00 pm; (7:00 pm Spanish) Sunday .....9:00 am, 11:00 am; (1:00 pm Spanish ) Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:00 am; (7:00 pm Spanish) First Saturday ..... 8:00 am Holy Day of Obligation Masses 8:00 am, 6:00 pm, (8:00 pm Spanish) Confession Saturday ............. 3:30 - 4:45 pm Sunday………… ...... 7:30 - 8:30 am Or by appointment Baptism Preparation English: Call 307-256-9814 to register Spanish: 1

st & 2

nd Sat., 2:00 pm (Scanlan)

Baptism English: 4

th Saturday at 9:00 am

Spanish: 3rd Saturday at 9:00 am

Marriage Preparation English: Contact the Parish Office Spanish: Contact a Deacon Anointing of the Sick First Friday during 8:00 am Mass Call Parish Office for home/hospital anointing Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday - Friday......9:00 am - 3:00 pm Last Friday of the month - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, after 7 pm Mass - Saturday 6:00 am Mission Churches Mass Schedule Saint Paul’s - Hurricane (171 S. Main) Sunday Mass—12:30 pm San Pablo Mission - Beryl Junction (721 S. Highway 18) Sunday Mass—9:00 am Saint Christopher’s - Kanab (39 West 200 South) Daily Mass—8:00 am, Sundays— 9:00 am Zion Park - Springdale (Canyon Community Center, 126 Lion Blvd.) SCAP…Sundays at 8:00 am Palm Sunday through December 1


Church Office 157 North 200 West / PO Box 188 St. George, UT 84771 Ph:435-673-2604 / Fax:435-688-2704 Email: Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm

Saint George

Photo: Bob Parks


June 21 / 12th Sunday In Ordinary Time

CATHOLIC CHURCH Very Rev. David Bittmenn, Pastor

Rev. Sébastien Sasa Nganomo Babisayone, Parochial Vicar

The Silver Rose Program—Knights of Columbus

Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.

Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

El programa Silver Rose—Caballeros de Colón

Comparta el mensaje de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y promueva el respeto por la vida participando en esta peregrinación significativa. El programa Silver Rose demuestra la unidad entre los Caballeros de Colón en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México, a través de una serie de servicios de oración que promueven la dignidad de toda la vida humana y honran a Nuestra Señora.

Cada año, desde principios de marzo hasta mediados de diciembre, las Rosas de Plata son administradas por los consejos de los Caballeros de Colón a lo largo de las rutas de Canadá a México. Cada parada que hace la Rosa de Plata a lo largo de la peregrinación es una ocasión centrada en el rosario para que los Caballeros, feligreses y miembros de la comunidad oren por el respeto de la vida, por la renovación espiritual de cada nación y por el avance del mensaje de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

( Resource: )

Services will be held at the Saint George Catholic Church. Thursday, June 25 4pm Mass and 5pm Rosary. Friday, June 26 4pm Mass and 5pm Rosary. The Silver Rose will be displayed at both services.


Gratitude in Action: Our Way of Life / Gratitud en Acción: Nuestra forma de Vida

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” (Matthew 10:32-33) Are we faithful each and every day in our call to discipleship to follow in Jesus’ footsteps? Are we faith-filled to profess our discipleship with Christ without reservation? Following Jesus is not always easy, nor did He indicate it would be easy. Jesus is the Way – the right way. He is the Truth. There is no second-guessing Jesus and what He means or intends. Jesus is the Life. His way of living is the way we should choose for ourselves, even though difficult at times. It is not necessarily the popular route to travel, but we can be certain, it is the surest and most trusted path. We know, as others before us came to recognize, embarking on our journey as a disciple and following in our Lord’s footsteps, can sometimes leave us bewildered, confused, frustrated, without support of friends, even family. We may even experience fright. There may be resistance from those opposed to our position and beliefs. We must be firm in our commitment to Jesus. God is with us every moment, every hour, every day – always. Even if we are not praying “constantly”, God is with us – watching and protecting. He knows everything that happens to us. Have you felt God’s presence in your life during these recent months? Have you trusted Him, or have you found yourself afraid? How can you overcome the fear and instead trust? “Say a rosary today. As you progress through the decades, put yourself in Mary’s place. Ponder in your heart what she sorted through at each event, joyful, sorrowful, glorious, or luminous. Sometimes, we are too anxious about what’s going to happen tomorrow, next week, or next year to ourselves or our loved ones. We go over our problems again and again in our heads or in conversations with others. Write down your biggest fear and ask for Mary’s help in turning it over to her Son. Then put the note in the place you keep your clothes for the next season so that in a few months, you can see how that prayer was answered.”1

Following in Jesus’ footsteps will build our strength. Seeking the Father’s Will encourages determination. Calling upon the Holy Spirit, for wisdom and knowledge to understand and know as best we can, will provide us courage and witness to the Way, the Truth and the Life of Our Lord and Our God!

1Blessed Are You by Melanie Rigby

⁓Carole Drake Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach

“A todos los que me reconocen antes que a los demás, los reconoceré ante mi Padre celestial. Pero quien me niegue antes de los demás, lo negaré ante mi Padre celestial ". (Mateo 10: 32-33) ¿Somos fieles cada día en nuestro llamado al discipulado para seguir los pasos de Jesús? ¿Estamos llenos de fe para profesar nuestro discipulado con Cristo sin reservas? Seguir a Jesús no siempre es fácil, ni indicó que sería fácil. Jesús es el camino, el camino correcto. Él es la verdad. No hay dudas sobre Jesús lo que quiere decir o lo que significa o anticipa. Jesús es la vida. Su forma de vida es la que debemos elegir por nosotros mismos, aunque a veces sea difícil. No es necesariamente la ruta popular para viajar, pero podemos estar seguros, es la ruta más segura y confiable. Sabemos, así como otros antes de nosotros se dieron cuenta, embarcarse en nuestro viaje como discípulo y seguir los pasos de nuestro Señor, a veces puede dejarnos desconcertados, confundidos, frustrados, sin el apoyo de amigos, incluso familiares. Hasta podemos experimentar miedo. Puede haber resistencia de quienes se oponen a nuestra posición y creencias. Debemos ser firmes en nuestro compromiso con Jesús. Dios está con nosotros en cada momento, cada hora, cada día, siempre. Incluso si no estamos orando "constantemente", Dios está con nosotros, vigilando y protegiendo. Él sabe todo lo que nos pasa. ¿Has sentido la presencia de Dios en tu vida durante estos últimos meses? ¿Has confiado en Él o te has sentido asustado? ¿Cómo puedes superar el miedo y confiar? “Di un rosario hoy. A medida que avanzas cada década, ponte en el lugar de María. Medita en tu corazón lo que ella sintió en cada evento, alegre, triste, glorioso o luminoso. A veces, estamos demasiado ansiosos por lo que sucederá mañana, la próxima semana o el próximo año para nosotros o nuestros seres queridos. Repasamos nuestros problemas una y otra vez en nuestras cabezas o en conversaciones con otros. Escribe tu mayor temor y pide la ayuda de María para dárselo a su Hijo. Luego pon la nota en el lugar donde guardas tu ropa para la próxima temporada para que en unos pocos meses puedas ver cómo te respondió esa oración”. 1 Seguir los pasos de Jesús fortalecerá nuestra fuerza. Buscar la voluntad del Padre fomenta la determinación. Invocando al Espíritu Santo, para que la sabiduría y el conocimiento lo comprendan y sepan lo mejor que podamos, ¡nos dará valor y testimonio del Camino, la Verdad y la Vida de Nuestro Señor y Nuestro Dios! 1Blessed Are You by Melanie Rigby

⁓Carole Drake Asistente Pastoral y Alcance Comunitario

Pastor’s Message / Mensaje del padre: Father David Bittmenn

Life in a world of extremes: On one hand our fascination with social and technological progress tells us that it’s only a matter of time before people advance and evolve to the point where the serious social and individual ills that plague us today will only be minor

annoyances. On the other hand, our fascination with how bad things can get tells us that humanity is and always will be tragically flawed and that our weaknesses are impossible to abolish. The conditions we experience tend to move us from one extreme to the other, but there is another way, a way that acknowledges the depth of our struggle and still gives us sound reason to hope. This weekend’s second reading offers a description of that middle way. It tells us that sin came into the world through Adam and that Adam’s descendants were captive to Adam’s sin even if they “did not sin after the pattern of the trespass of Adam …”. Adam’s sin, original sin, did something lasting to humanity to the detriment of humanity. Original sin means that Adam’s descendants would not have what Adam lost through his sin. Adam’s nature was one that lived in harmony with God and which enjoyed the gift of saving grace in a deeper way. Adam lost this saving grace; it was no longer in the nature we inherited from him and Eve. This was not what should have been, how God created things to be. This lack of saving or sanctifying grace is part of the arena in which we now exercise our freedom and our will. To be sure, our less-gifted nature can still do the good by itself but not on the scale of being in harmony with God in a lasting way. We need help. We need the saving grace, the great gift of God. The second reading reminds us: “For if by the transgression of the one the many died, how much more did the grace of God and the gracious gifts of the one man Jesus Christ overflow for the many.” This middle ground avoids the temptation to put our heads into the sand. On the one hand we do not give way to despair and inaction because all is lost, we are irredeemable. On the other hand, we do not give way to hope that somehow, sometime, evolution and human advances will solve all of our problems. They have not fulfilled this promise so far, and believing that somehow they will is quite a stretch in and of itself.

La vida en un mundo de extremos: por un lado, nuestra fascinación por el progreso social y tecnológico nos dice que es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que las personas avancen y evolucionen hasta el punto en que las graves enfermedades sociales e individuales que nos atormentan hoy solo sean molestias menores. Por otro lado, nuestra fascinación por lo mal que pueden ponerse las cosas nos dice que la humanidad es y siempre será trágicamente defectuosa y que nuestras debilidades son imposibles de eliminar. Las condiciones que experimentamos tienden a movernos de un extremo al otro, pero hay otra forma, una forma que reconoce la profundidad de nuestra lucha y aún nos da una razón sólida para tener esperanza. La segunda lectura de este fin de semana ofrece una descripción de ese camino intermedio. Nos dice que el pecado vino al mundo a través de Adán y que los descendientes de Adán fueron cautivos del pecado de Adán, incluso si "no pecaron después del golpe de la transgresión de Adán ...". El pecado de Adán, el pecado original, hizo algo duradero para la humanidad en detrimento de la humanidad. El pecado original significa que los descendientes de Adán no tendrían lo que Adán perdió por su pecado. La naturaleza de Adán era una que vivía en armonía con Dios y que disfrutaba el don de la gracia salvadora de una manera más profunda. Adán perdió esta gracia salvadora; ya no estaba en la naturaleza que heredamos de él y Eva. Esto no fue lo que debería haber sido, cómo Dios creó las cosas para ser. Esta falta de gracia salvadora o santificadora es parte de la arena en la que ahora ejercemos nuestra libertad y nuestra voluntad. Sin duda, nuestra naturaleza menos dotada todavía puede hacer el bien por sí misma, pero no en la escala de estar en armonía con Dios de una manera duradera. Necesitamos ayuda. Necesitamos la gracia salvadora, el gran regalo de Dios. La segunda lectura nos recuerda: "Porque si por la transgresión de uno murieron muchos, cuánto más la gracia de Dios y los dones de gracia del único hombre Jesucristo se desbordaron por los muchos". Este término medio evita la tentación de meter la cabeza en la arena. Por un lado, no damos paso a la desesperación y la inacción porque todo está perdido, somos irredimibles. Por otro lado, no damos la esperanza de que, de alguna manera, en algún momento, la evolución y los avances humanos resolverán todos nuestros problemas. No han cumplido esta promesa hasta ahora, y creer que de alguna manera lo harán es un gran esfuerzo en sí mismo.

EVENTS and MASS INTENTIONS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at for questions or submissions.

PARISH EVENTS Monday 10:00 am Everyday God (every other week) Scanlan, FL2 7:00 pm RCIA Scanlan, FL2 3:30 pm Holy Rosary—please join us Hurricane

Tuesday 9:00 am Marian Hour - Our Lady of Peace Church 12-4 pm Bridge Group-Room at the Square St. George

6:00 pm CCD Scanlan

First Tuesday 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus (Library) St. George

Second Tuesday 1:00 pm Women’s Group Lunch at Harmons Santa Clara


12:00 pm Bulletin Deadline (11 days prior to publication date) 6:30 pm Holy Spirit Prayer Group Scanlan, FL2 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Scanlan, FL2 7:00 pm Clases Biblicas CERS Scanlan, FL2

Third Wednesday

6:30 pm 4th Degree K of C Scanlan, FL3

Thursday 9:00 am Prayers for the Unborn Church 6:00 pm CCD Scanlan

Second Thursday 1:30 pm Mass at Sterling Court, St. George 324N 1680E

Friday First Friday 8:00 am Anointing of the Sick at Mass Church 6:30 pm Women’s Group (Sept-June) Scanlan, FL2

Last Friday 7:00 pm Nocturnal Adoration Church

Saturday 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Scanlan, FL2

First Saturday 8:00 am Mass in Honor of Our Lady Church 9: 30 am Walk for Life Bluff & 600S

After Last Friday 6:00 am Nocturnal Adoration ends with Mass Church

First Weekend At all Masses - Renovation Fund Collection

Third Weekend At all Masses - K of C Food Drive Last Weekend - At all Masses - DDD Collection

Sunday 9:00 am CCD Scanlan 11:00 am CCD Scanlan 5:00 pm Rosary Church

First Weekend At all Masses - Renovation Fund Collection

Third Weekend At all Masses - K of C Food Drive

Last Weekend - At all Masses - DDD Collection

Our Lady of Grace Candle

burns this week in memory of

Coach Ray Odette


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Tuesday - Friday

9 am - 3 pm

Stephen Ministry

Christ caring for People through People Walking with Others during Troubled Times

Saint George Catholic Church

Saturday, 6/20

5:00 pm U Alfred Jankus

U Ken & Coach Ray Odette

U David Zudis by John

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Sunday, 6/21

9:00 am U Sal Dano by The Taylors

U Ursula Taylor

11:00 am U Yolanda Hernandez by Rita Cohen

U Paul Steven Icenogle by Josephine

U Connie Icenogle by Josephine

1:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Monday, 6/22

8:00 am U Bob Kowalski by Karen Kowalski

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Tuesday, 6/23

8:00 am U Tom Walsh

U Virginia Bailey by Maggie & Jim

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Wednesday, 6/24

8:00 am U Nicolas Feliciano Sr.

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Thursday, 6/25

8:00 am U Ma. Elena Narciso

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Friday, 6/26

8:00 am U The Souls of Purgatory by Cy

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo


We are one community nourished and transformed by the Eucharist. As the body of Christ, we are led by the Holy Spirit to know, love and serve God and one another.

Somos una comunidad alimentada y transformada por la Eucaristía. Como cuerpo de Cristo, somos guiados por el Espíritu Santo para conocer, amar y servir a Dios y unos a otros.


Pastor ....................... Very Rev. David Bittmenn Parochial Vicar ......... Rev. Sébastien Sasa Nganomo Babisayone Retired……………… Rev. Glenn Dare


Business Manager .... Don Drake (

Bookkeeper ................. Kelli Callister (

Receptionist………...Nora Escatel (

Deacons Rigoberto Aguirre ...................... 628-9107 Rogaciano Tellez........................ 652-9219 Baptismal Preparation Registration (English)

Kathy Snyder…………………....307-256-9814—call to register

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach Carole Drake………435-673-2604 or 435-668-9202


Religious Education Coordinator

Mariana Lawrentz …720-227-8319 or 673-2604 (


Online Giving Link …….please visit our website

Bulletin Ministry………

Thrift Store………673-1029 Gift Shop…………688-1948

Parish Council ……

Newman Catholic Club

Veronica Gonzales, President:

Maintenance……..Call Office (673-2604)

Weekly Collection Report

Collection (06/14)...…..……..........................$ 7,851

Capital Improvement Project (May) Kuzy Hall Renovation Loan .................. $ 200,369

Renovation Fund Collections …………... $ 4,927

ANNOUNCEMENTS and REPORTS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at for questions or submissions.


June 26 Confirmation 6 pm

June 27 Confirmation 11 am

August 1 First Holy Communion Masses 9 am, 11 am & 1 pm


The time of crisis we are currently experiencing has not

eliminated our expenses and need to pay for those services on

which we must depend, such as utilities.

During this time, your monetary

contributions continue to be so very much

appreciated to help us meet our current

obligations until the crisis eases. If you

are engaged in Online Giving, thank you

for your uninterrupted continuing support.

If you would like to mail your contribution, please do so by

sending it to Saint George Catholic Church, P.O. Box 188,

St. George, UT 84771. You may also personally deliver your

contribution to the parish office Monday through Friday from

9 am to 5 pm.

We appreciate your faithful, ongoing support of our parish and

the services we continue to offer during this challenging time.


Please remember to pick up a Parish Registration and Information Update form, complete it and return to the parish office if you are new to the parish, have moved or any other family and/or contact information has changed. Forms are located in the vestibule or at the front doors of the church. The completed form may be delivered to the parish office, or placed in the envelope provided and mailed or dropped in the collection basket. Our records are being updated to better serve our parish family, and also provide updated demographics to the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

Next weekend’s second collection benefits the Diocesan Development Drive (DDD)

If you have DDD envelopes, you may use them for this collection. You may also contribute to DDD through our Parish online giving.

Thank you one and all!!


Scripture Readings for the Week of June 21

Knights of Columbus Food Collection This weekend

We always need canned meats, cereal, canned fruit, spaghetti and pasta noodles, cooking oil, and mayonnaise.

Caballeros de Colón Recogida de Alimentos Próximo fin de semana

Siempre necesitamos carnes enlatadas, cereales, frutas enlatadas, fideos con pasta y espagueti, aceite de cocina y mayonesa.

Online Giving

Visit to learn about convenient online giving. If you travel frequently, or are here all year round, this is a great way to sup-port your church throughout the year, especially if you regularly use online banking. There are “Frequently Asked Questions”, an online form, and contact information to get you started. Just click on the Online Banking button under the home drop down box.

Thrift Shop is now open!!!

Monday 9:00 am– 12:00 pm for Donations ONLY Tuesday-Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Sunday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 [14c]/Rom 5:12-15/Mt 10:26-33

Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Ps 60:3, 4-5, 12-13 [7b]/Mt 7:1-5

Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11 [cf. 9d]/Mt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15, 17 [6b]/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17.

Day: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15 [14a]/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80

Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 [9]/Mt 7:21-29

Friday: 2 Kgs 25:1-12/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab]/Mt 8:1-4

Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7, 20-21 [19b]/Mt 8:5-17

Next Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a/Ps 89:2-3, 16-17, 18-19 [2a]/Rom 6:3-4, 8-11/Mt 10:37-42

The Thrift Store needs Volunteers for the receiving area, cashiers and workshop. Spend a few hours each week helping our Community and making new friends. You may even find that treasure you never knew you wanted. Stop into the Thrift Store or call 435-673-1029 and speak with Jackie or Diane

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Last Friday (June 26) 9am-3pm, after 7pm Mass-Saturday 6am - Mass will Follow

Adoración del Sagrado Sacramento

El viernes pasado (26 de junio) de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m., después de las 7 p.m.

Misa-Sábado 6am - Misa seguirá
