Salman Al-Faarisi



Salman Al-Faarisi. by Farzin Sadeq 8B. Pre-Islamic History. Salman al-Faarisi was born with the Persian name Rouzbeh in the town of Isfahan. His father was the chief of the village Jayyan and a man of great wealth. Salman grew up in an Zoroastrian family. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Salman Al-Faarisiby Farzin Sadeq 8B

Pre-Islamic History

Salman al-Faarisi was born with the Persian name Rouzbeh in the town of Isfahan. His father was the chief of the village Jayyan and a man of great wealth. Salman grew up in an Zoroastrian family.

Salman was very religious to the Zoroastrian religion. He was appointed the custodian of fire.

He discovered a Christian church after hearing its voices at prayer. He felt drawn to the religion almost instantly.

He accompanied a Christian bishop for many years and came across many religious Christians.

The last one told him about a prophet in Arabia that was written in the Bible. Salman left for Medina in pursuit of the final prophet to seek the truth.

A group of Arab leaders deceived Salman and sold him to slavery. His Jewish master took him to Yathrib.

Converting to IslamSalman was at the top of a palm tree in his master’s

garden and he heard the nephew of his master saying something about a prophet. He said: ”May God, declare war on the Aws and Khazraj. By God, they are now gathering at Quba to meet a man who has come from Makkah today and who claims that he is a prophet.”

Salman tried to listen again but his master gave him a terrible blow. Salman could not wait and he decided to see the Prophet during the evening.

He gathered some dates and told the Prophet: ”I’ve heard that you’re a righteous person and that you have companions with you who are strangers and are in need. Here is something from me as sadaqah. I see you deserve it more than others.” He noticed that the Prophet ordered his companions to eat except himself.

Salman again brought dates to the Prophet and said: “I noticed that you didn’t eat of the sadaqah I gave. This however is a gift for you.” This time, both the prophet and his companions ate. It was the strict honesty in the Prophet which led Salman to believe in him and accept Islam.

Where He Spread the Word

His fame is due largely to his nationality—he was a prototype of the Persians who were converted to Islam and who played a central role in the course of Muslim history.

Salman translated parts of the Quran into Persian. He was the first person to translate parts of the Quran in a foreign language.

Map of Where he Spread the Word

Main Contributions to IslamSalman suggested a strategy in war with the Quraish. The

strategy was to dig a khandaq or ditch around Madinah to keep the Quraysh away. It was known as the “Battle of Khandaq”. This was an innovation in Arabian warfare and was important in the Prophet’s successful defense.

Salman participated in all of the other campaigns of the Prophet afterwards. He was with Saad in the conquest of Iraq. After the grand victory, the Caliph Umar chose him because of his knowledge of the terrain, to select the land upon which Kufa was to be built. 

Salman was a noted scholar with his vast knowledge and wisdom. He had a knowledge of the Christian scriptures, the Quran and his earlier knowledge of the Zoroastrian religion. Salman translated parts of the Quran into Persian. He was the first person to translate parts of the Quran in a foreign language.

Salman used to receive a stipend of 5000 dirhams as a Governor of Al-Mada’in and he distributed the money as sadaqah.

Benefits in the Modern World

When he was spreading the true message of Islam, he faced many obstacles. He was locked away by his father and he became a slave in his journey to seek the truth.

His life story has many inspirational stories and lessons. His life struggles and seeking for help have many great teachings that are very beneficial for our generation.

He helped many people to understand the speech of the Quran by translating the language. Without his translations, many people would never have been able to understand the meaning of Allah’s speech. It would affect the future generations.

Bibliography"Thread: Salman the Persian." Ummahcom Muslim Forum RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2013. <>.

"Biography of a Companion (Sahaabah): Salman Al-Farsi." Biography of a Companion (Sahaabah): Salman Al-Farsi. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2013. <>.

"Salman Al-Farisi (companion of Muhammad)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 25 May 2013. <>.

"Islamic Desk." Islamic Desk RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2013. <>.
