Sample blog posting checklist for week 2




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Georgia State University Library Blog Posting Checklist

Every post should hyperlink to one of our service pages or resources.

Every hyperlink should state where it is linking. (ex: “The New York Times Book Review is an important resource.”)

Always link directly to the resource: When doing this remember to: o Use GIL-FIND to create catalog URLs instead of GIL. These are persistent URLs and won’t change. o When adding database links to your post, go to the databases page and copy the URL by right clicking the

database name and choosing Copy Link Location or Copy Shortcut. Then paste the link wherever you need it. Don't open the database and then copy the URL from your address bar -- this won't include the proxy server information and the link probably won't work.

Always embed links instead of writing out URL addresses.

Post brief original summaries of linked-to content (1-2 sentences max) and include a link to the source instead of copying and re-posting entire segments from another site. o When re-posting content that isn’t your own, make that clear by either:

a) Linking directly to the material without re-posting it. b) Citing the source and separating the content from the library’s “voice” by using quotes or block quotes.

All posts should support the library’s mission, goals, and direction.

Before posting, ask, “Will this content add value?” (e.g. does it connect with a library service or library resource? For example: an announcement regarding Historical New York Times could include a link to the guide on using primary resources, with a few sentences of explanation.)

Be careful of using copyrighted material without permission.

To find images using a Creative Commons license, utilize web resources like: o

Otherwise, if you must use copyrighted material, conduct a fair use analysis of the content you wish to include. If you’re not sure about the results, you should contact Georgia State University’s Legal Department for advice. You may try to get permission from the copyright holder as well.

Every post should contain one image associated with the content.

Do not enlarge images past their original size. This causes pixilation and appears unprofessional.

Edit the image’s “alternate text” to include similar keywords to your post tags (see below).

Always include 1-2 sentences that explain why the post could be important for the audience it is directed to (usually faculty & graduate students). Always provide a context for the post.

If possible, link to other GSU departments, faculty pages, their work in our collections etc. Links are the currency of the internet and will go a long way toward earning their favor.

Every post’s content should be searchable, include categories, and tag keywords: write each post with searchable “keywords” in the tag field to increase traffic.

Formatting: Blogs are scanned and not read. Therefore, keep the titles and message brief. Use concise text with an economy of language. ALWAYS review your post in “preview” mode before publishing.

Formatting: Always use neutral, objective language. Remember that you are posting on behalf of the institution.

Formatting: When possible, segment information into bulleted or numbered lists for easy readability.
