Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.iii Love Beyond Imagination An impossible story By Fuhar Arya...


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Love Beyond


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Love Beyond Imagination

An impossible story


Fuhar Arya Choudhury


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O Teri meri prem kahani hai mushkil,

do lafzon mein ye baya na ho paae….

This book is dedicated to the love of my life, my

husband, Joy Choudhury…


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I really thank my wonderful husband for such wonderful

title, and I once again thank him, from the bottom of my

heart for seriously motivating me when I said him that „I

want to publish a book!‟ I seriously appreciate the

efforts that I received from my dear friends, Sudheshna

Chowdhury and Gayatri Panguluri for bearing all those

horrible ideas that I gave about my book in the middle of

every conversation we had. Without these three, I am

sure I would have thrown this hard work with some

rubbish. I thank my in-laws for gifting me the most

precious gift, „time‟, I thank them for believing in me

and my work. I thank my friends and supporters. I thank

the publisher and its team who guided me with the step

by step procedure on how to successfully publish a book.

Last but not least, I thank god for bestowing me with this

talent of writing without which I wouldn‟t have penned

down my thoughts. Without you all I wouldn‟t have

accomplished my dream.


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Author note Hello, namaskar, salaam and many more greetings to the

one who is right now very busy reading these texts. The

first and the foremost thing that I really need to do is to

thank you. Do you ask me why? Okay I really thank you

from the bottom of my heart for 1: picking this unknown

author‟s book 2: for taking the risk of bearing the torture

(which I probably tried my best to avoid it in here) and

last but not least 3: for giving a meaning to my hard

work and those sleepless nights when I always sat 90

degrees on my bed for hours and hours (I tell you this is

the most difficult thing to do, difficult than reading a

book with your head upside down). I really appreciate

you, for being my reader and piling my hope that „I can

really write‟. I never ever thought that I would land

myself in something called „authors list‟ but now that I

got into the list, I promise you to knock at your door

very often with a new story every time. So kindly keep

your heart doors open for my work. Before we go further

I need to take a promise (actually promises) from you.

First- promise to review my book at the end (you know

it means a lot to someone who is new to this

wonderland). Second- promise you won‟t bang the book

down until you reach the end (please spare me for taking

this promise) and third- promise you would let none

pirate my book (do you know it is illegal?). That‟s it! I

am done here! You can now indulge yourself completely

in the story.

All the best!

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Jasmine is an introvert, who always loves to stay in her

cozy shell, everything in her life is perfect or let‟s say

beyond perfect, as she is the most pampered and beloved

child of her middle-aged parents. Her parents bestowed

her with the best of both the worlds, both in personal

care and educational status. They trust their daughter

more than anything and any other child they have. But

life takes an unpredictable turn when she meets Aarush,

who isn‟t just of opposite religion but also that they

share nothing but the contradiction. He is a total

flirtatious but there is something which pulls Jasmine

towards him, the respect he has for a woman is

something she never came across in men, he is hard

working and truthful to his parents just like her, so to be

clear she thinks that he is the one for her.

The real story begins when they both fall madly in

love carefree about their differences, the hope begins

when they realize how lifeless is their life without each

other, the twist begins when their parents comes to know

how badly they broke their trust, the adventure begins

when they plan to elope, the pain begins when they see

the unexplored and unexpected side of their partner, the

sacrifice begins when one of them need to sacrifice the

identity and the religion, the fear begins when they are

caught by the police and family, the betrayal begins

when they are brought back with the false promises and

hopes, and the battle begins when they stand alone

barehanded against the whole world.

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I hope you all enjoy reading my first book which is

truly and completely inspired by a real life story (a love


Fuhar Arya Choudhury


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About The Author

Fuhar Arya Choudhury is a teacher

by profession who did her graduation

after a long struggle from Osmania

University, Hyderabad. She is an ex

NCC cadet with three national

certificates. She is pursuing her B.Ed

in Mathematics. Life has shown her

the unpredictable highs and lows

giving her the experience of a wonderful rollercoaster

ride, she accepts the fact that crossing these hurdles

made her emotionally very strong even at the very age of


She loves to teach kids, as this is one among those

rare professions where she can speak nonstop, blabber

her thoughts out and give infinite suggestions, even

when they are not actually needed. She is very positive

and ambitious that she will gain success as a writer one

day, she loves to depict the real-life stories in her own

style as she believes that real life stories have the

potential to bring the change in the world and society,

hence she is so attracted towards listening to new life

stories every time (even from strangers). Reading

books, making sketches and portrays, singing, dancing,

cooking, calligraphy, doing art and craft, these all are her

hobbies, she is a huge fan of different cuisine, she loves

adventure and, travelling is her passion. To say in a

sentence, she is a complete woman who lives the life to

the fullest. She married her dream boy at the age of 19;

marriage gave their love a new meaning.

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She believes “Teaching is where she shares her

wisdom and Writing is where she shares her



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„The selection of NCC cadets into air wings for the year


Majority of boys and girls came out cheering up,

smiling and celebrating, we were dripping wet with

sweat, I stepped aside giving others a way to walk

through, soon we all winners mingled (never mind we

can call ourselves as winners at least for this day right?)

and celebrated our victory as though we won the film

fare trophy. I was so excited that I couldn‟t accept the

fact that I have been selected until someone just pinch or

punch me. I quickly managed to have a glance at my

dad, who was actually smiling. Yes finally something on

earth made him smile and moreover that something is

ME. I really felt my emotion swell with pride for making

him happy. I and my father shared a typical father-

daughter bond which is not a sort of friendly bond, I

mean we rarely have a conversation and when we speak

it has to be something really important like college fees

or exam fees or admission fees, yes to be clear just for

fees. It doesn‟t mean I don‟t love him; I love him from

the core of my heart and words can't shape the feelings

that I carry for him.

Now, let me officially introduce myself and my

family. Hey there! I am Jasmine. I am my papa‟s little

Chapter 1

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princess and mom‟s angel. Their love for me is infinite,

beyond words can define.

I have an elder sister, who is a just elder in age but

a lot younger to me at adolescence and I have a cute Lil

bro who is 7 years younger to me. He is my bestie, bestie

cutie pie I love him so much and I can‟t keep quiet if

someone points a finger at him, I then make sure that the

person won‟t have any more fingers left to point ever

again. My dad is my superhero, the best and the

strongest of all. He is a man with loads of guts and

patience, let it be a heartbreak or any negativity he is

always strong in every way. When it comes to his

children, he turns into a superman, where he tries for

every possibility to make them shine like fine diamonds.

Last but not least the most beautiful woman in this world

„my mother‟; she is the world‟s best mother and the only

best friend I have in this world.


After our results were announced, dad introduced

me to a stranger, a tall gray-haired lady with average

look and dusky complexion. It must be her age that

made her skin look so tired with fine wrinkles but there

was something magnetic within her, the elegance with

which she carried herself can pull anyone towards her.

Though she was sweet and very kind, our meet couldn‟t

create any positive aura around. I felt a sense of

uneasiness during our one short interaction. „Beta she is

from our village and moreover, she with her family lives

in the same colony where we are residing at present. I

was half glad to know that they belonged to our same

village and colony as who on earth would bother about

stranger‟s location and their hometown. Suddenly a low

sweet- voiced bumped in my thoughts „hey!‟

Aparna! The stranger‟s daughter. People say that I

have a very good sixth sense and now, my sixth sense

tells that I and this girl have a long, long way to ravish.

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Papa said that Aparna would be travelling by her scooty

regularly, what else? He planned an unexpected surprise

for me, „I won‟t drop you from the next week, as Aparna

would pick you up, at a point near to her place‟. I was

literally begging my dad not to send me with that strange

girl, but that‟s of no use, as you know although I call my

dad a superman, he actually doesn‟t have any sort of

super power, not even like reading someone‟s mind,

even if that someone is his daughter. Left with no option,

I have to listen to my dad and nod my head saying

„haanji papa‟ (yes papa) and I have a very strange habit

beside disliking people from the very first meet,

whenever dad asks me for something or tells or

whenever he questions me, I escape my saying the

simplest words „haan papa‟. But now, I am seriously

worried thinking about Aparna‟s fast and furious scooty

rides and future trips that we I am going to witness. My

heart underwent a disastrous shock after knowing the

secret behind her thick glasses. The world around her

turns to blur when she isn‟t wearing her glasses on. Now

you tell me, what or who on earth made her think that

she can take such terrific adventurous risk of riding in a

busy city like Hyderabad. All I think is that I need to

start the countdown for my leftover days of life.

„Wake up!! It‟s getting late, get ready‟ my dad

yelled. It was 3 30 in the fu***g cold morning.

Suddenly, I felt rocky hands pulling my soft body,

„mumma! Two minutes please‟ I growled as every

normal human and drowned back to the dreamland. It‟s

just then when she swiftly pulled away my soft cozy,

warm blanket. I tell you, sometimes these Indian

mothers really act weird with infinite creative ideas, and

do you ask me why? It‟s just to separate us with our first

and the last lover, our bed! Feeling with no more warmth

below and above my body, I had to finally walk out of

the room for taking a bath. My mom kept boiled eggs for

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me, which looked strange and dad was getting ready at 4

am, which was even stranger.

I was wearing a t-shirt and a trouser after 8 long

years. When I looked at my reflection, all I could

compliment or criticize was, „you look huge‟. We started

late but thanks to dad that we reached in time. This was

my very first day, I started praying that my very first

impression on my seniors must be the best, if not, at

least good.

As I reached the place, I saw many cadets wearing

the dress same as mine as they stood in perfect rows

with excellent confidence which I never had. I didn‟t

look at any of those boys, as I am scared of them (since

childhood). I think with some strange thing like „men

phobia‟ and the reason for this is like a very long story

with numerous breathtaking incidents, I am sure if I start

it now I wouldn‟t accomplish my goal of writing the

actual story. I kept my eyes busy staring those girls who

looked prettier as I kept on shifting my eyes back to each

row, I could see their perfectly tied hair, not even a

single strand was hanging out loose from the net which

they pinned tightly with u-pins all around. They wore

nice shoes but mine looked too tiny, they wore cool t-

shirts but mine looked not less than formal, as every

other girl I started comparing myself with the others. I

was immediately brought back to the reality „go now!

Come on join the queue‟ I heard my dad say. I forgot

that I was still wearing the burqa and that might be the

only reason that, I was being chased by many eyes. They

all looked amused when I started pulling myself out of

that burqa. Their weird looks made me question myself,

„did you apply heavy powder on your face?‟ or that am I

wearing the wrong dress. They all made me feel like an

alien among them from this first day itself. All of a

sudden I heard a loud scream, „cadets saavdhaan!‟ soon I

ran and quickly joined one of the rows. I was so petrified

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when I heard that loud scream, I heard girls gossiping

that we must greet this way every single time we come

across any offer seniors. I was again lost in my thoughts

„Why should we do that? Are they not like us? Do they

look different?‟ Suddenly I felt warm hands on my

shoulder, which slowly crawled all over my body.

„Cadets saavdhaan!‟ I hear a girl say in her dominating

voice. I shifted my gaze to my left and right and soon

my brain sent me the message that the inspection of our

outfit has begun. “Tell me your name?” She demanded,

which turned me pale. „Jasmine!‟I replied in a breaking

voice and started praying that, she should let me go as

quick as she can. She took a big zero to 12 o‟ clock walk

around me and grounded herself opposite to me. She

continued to gaze as if her eyes held some sort of

magnifying glasses. All of a sudden she yelled „Is this

how you do your hair? You didn‟t even wear a proper

P.E.T. uniform. Step out of this line and stand there‟.

“But why the hell did she call me a girl when she just

wasted her energy inquiring my name and what is she

pointing at?” I said it to myself when she pointed to the

row beside the boys line, where two more girls were

waiting for me, knowing that I am not the first or the

only one who standing out of the list of perfection. I

actually felt satisfied and happy, I sighed before joining

both of them ( I usually take punishments as an honor if

I have someone to share it with. I was quite happy the

way I dressed in the morning, but now that I was

standing in the standout list, I really felt embarrassed of

my dressing and the thought of what people around are

thinking about me was eating me from inside.

I heard girls cheering „we are finally going on the

ground‟, I lifted my head up to see what was going to

happen next, I noticed people all of a sudden started

jumping rhythmically in a strange way, „what‟s going

on?‟ I questioned in confusion to one of those girls who

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stood beside me, matching the hopping rhythm, and as

she was about to answer I heard a shout „girls cope up

with others‟. Now the next strange thing they said was to

carry our bags under our right underarm, which was like

a rib-tickling statement. „Seriously?‟ I asked it to myself,

„move!‟ our senior kept on screaming as everyone

started jogging in perfect rows and without even

changing their position even an inch or an angle with

respect to their rows. We finally entered the big place.

As we jogged a beam lit on my exhausted face seeing

the beauty around, I love nature, it relieves me from all

the pain and stress, and that place was like in the lap of

nature where I saw colorful and beautiful butterflies

sucking the nectar from the flowers, sweet humming of

the birds, trees swinging, dancing and moving swiftly

with the cool breeze. We jogged around ten minutes

before reaching a place where laid the perfectly trimmed

green grass, which was enlightened with the bright sun

rays, a big circle of sand base was drawn around, we

noticed many young and smart men walk across in their

breathtaking attire, for a second I forgot that I suffer

something called „men phobia‟, I couldn‟t stop myself

staring them. We girls kept staring them as they passed a

wide grin; we were soon disturbed with a loud voice,

„cadet aage badh!‟ As we moved forward a noticed a

round-faced, strong featured young man with dusky tone

and well-built body. If I am not wrong every girl kept

their eyes on him (ya! It included me) „he is our senior‟ a

girl behind me said, „….and he is super hot!‟ we said it

together in monotone and giggled at the thought how

similar our thoughts were. After few minutes we were

commanded to do, what they asked us to do, few more

minutes passed by and it was a very heavy workout

session, for me it was a torture as I said I am my dad‟s

Lil princess and princess don‟t work hard. Do they? The

man who looked hot jus seconds before turned to look

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like a devil of the burning hell as he made me whine in

pain. After four hours of hardship, we dispersed.

As I reached the gate I noticed my dad waiting

under a tree since morning. I was so hungry at the

moment that I grabbed what all stuff Dad bought for me

and without a second thought, I started munching, while

dad went to the other side to speak to the scooty girl

Aparna. Ignoring everyone present there I continued

grinding and chewing the cheesy sandwich and with

each bite I kept on saying „I am so lucky to have him as

my dad‟, and with another bite „I am so lucky that I am

born to eat all these delicacies.‟ You know people say

„we eat for living‟, but in my case „I live for eating.‟

The routine continued and for almost a week. But

today it was going to be an unusual day, as I would be

taking a local bus while heading back home. It was

5:55am in the morning, I watched as my dad started his

bike for office, forgot to mention my dad‟s profession,

he is a very talented professor, who can mend anyone in

this world with his artistic work of speech. His

profession made him come out of the shell of religion

and think broad that may be the reason that he allowed

me to join in this field where Muslims are like rare


I took off my burqa and stood in the second row

beside a girl who stood one step closer to Aparna, for a

moment was completely lost in the beauty of the nature

and the place where I got a chance to explore what life is

and what freedom to live is, I thought how good it would

be if I get a chance to be a pilot or at least a part of the

Indian air force, how proud I would be of myself, my

dad would be flying in the sky, if he finally reaps the

sweet fruit from the little seed he has sown. „hahaha…

tera aur mera college ek hi rule chalta hai bhai…..‟ a

coarse tone of a guy interrupted my thoughts. I didn‟t

have the dare to directly look at him but yeah! I could

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make out that he was standing exactly two steps forward

and I heard few more voices who were laughing, talking

about their college or whatever, which I was least

bothered to know. But there was something in that one

voice among the others which pulled my attention closer

and made me focus on each and every word he spells.

Yes, I was listening to his each and every word as a

beautiful spell, though he wasn‟t talking to me (he didn‟t

even knew that a girl named Jasmine exist within his

group). „… ya Aarush! Seniors are such…‟ I heard

someone call out his name. The husky voice has a

magical name Aarush. Though their incomplete

conversation made no sense to me, the only thing that

made sense is the name „Aarush!‟ His name is Aarush, at

the very instance my sixth sense blinked, giving me the

warning alarm, telling me to stay away from him. But I

for the first time in my life felt desperate to Google

about this guy and find out everything in his

encyclopedia. As I tried to peep to have a look at him

and to know what sort of magnet he is holding within. A

sweet voice from behind interrupted me. „Hey my name

is Preethi! May I know your name please?‟ I seriously

didn‟t appreciate Preethi‟s timing but still thinking I

shouldn‟t act like a total jerk. I gave a smirk „hi! I am

Jasmine!‟ with not much idea of how to give a self

introduction. I questioned „are you a junior too?‟ wow

Jasmine that‟s such an awful question, though you knew

that you were standing with all the juniors of this year.

How can I be so stupid to ask her that! The girl frowned

and jerked her head back. Was it all about just asking

names? Her introduction was just an interruption, which

was meant just to distract me from that „peeping to find

Aarush‟ thing. Ignoring to what all just happened I

continued to jump and hop in that strange way as

everyday‟s routine. After that it was the usual torture to

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my princess body which made me curse again that dusky

hero, our senior.

Even when I was home I couldn‟t forget about the

name Aarush. I was going gaga over him. I for the first

time abused myself for not acquiring much knowledge

about the social media. This was the thing that I always

appreciated in me, as I believe that social media destroys

our peace of mind and you turn out to be self-obsessed, a

selfie freak and status updating robot. But what I could

do now, besides counting the tick-tocks of my clock. I

guess I have got a feeling with no more feelings, than

just the feeling of feeling desperate to know about him

(do I sound confused here?) that evolved in my rocky



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We all gathered in a room called as a unit office, where

we were called for collecting our uniforms. I was really

excited to find out, how does a uniform look like and to

be true I was very happy knowing that we don‟t need to

pay a penny for the things that we are going to get. As I

kept on trying the right fit for my foot, I saw a gathering

around a guy who was trying a different size to fit his

feet but poor guy he couldn‟t get the perfect Cinderella

shoe for his unique foot. Ignoring their murmuring I

continued to try shirt size and then the belt. „Aarush! Try

this man, this looks like the perfect size…‟ as I heard the

name Aarush my body tingled as my nerves chilled,

butterflies fluttered, the swift moving breeze turned into

slow motion. I could sense the change of my heartbeats.

I threw the things and ran across the room, making sure

that I hid my anxiety. My lips dried and thus my throat.

„….finally! I got it! It‟s perfect‟ the magical voice of

Aarush. I couldn‟t dare myself to stare at him but yeah I

peeped for a very long time, a helmet which was

stylishly designed in black and blue stripes hanged in his

left arm, those black shoes in his right and a sleek bag

crossed over his back. He wasn‟t that tall but I started

comparing his height with mine „thank god! He is taller

to me‟ I convinced myself ignoring the butterflies which

Chapter 2

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