Sample questions questionnaire


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  • 8/16/2019 Sample questions questionnaire


    * If yes, please provide detailsPwC Tunisia OGC and PRI Team has approved the JBR with: OXYA and STAT&GO I !es" p#ease provide detai#s

    $% 'or (() et Business strate*! *roups" does the en*a*ement in+#ude oneor more o the o##owin* servi+es, I an! app#ies" the ro#e o the $-e!es reviewpartner is e.tended to a +on+urrin* partner ro#e%

    Carve-out i potentia# +ontra+tua# dut!

    Comp#e. mode##in* en*a*ement/mode##in* en*a*ement where PwC name isasso+iated with the de#ivera0#e 1preparation or review2

    Internationa# (eve#opment Assistan+e 1I(A2 en*a*ements invo#vin* the3rm4s +ustod! o or +ontro# over unds on 0eha# o a donor

    )endor assistan+e with a wide s+ope and/or a potentia# re5uest or a+ontra+tua# dut!

    A## other servi+es where there is a ris6 that the de#ivera0#e ma! 0e re#easedto third part!1ies2

    7one o the a0ove

    'i#e Atta+hments shou#d not e.+eed 8 9B in sie% The 3#e name shou#d 0e #ess than ;; +hara+ters%

  • 8/16/2019 Sample questions questionnaire


    Comp#e. mode##in* en*a*ement/mode##in* en*a*ement where PwC name isor ma! 0e asso+iated with the de#ivera0#e 1preparation or review2
