Samyak Veera - Importance of Creativity



Creativity in business is important, and managers need to possess the ability to gain creative insights.If you look at the importance of creativity to business, then contact Samyak Veera on social profiles. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Importance of Creativity

by- Samyak Veera

What is Creativity

• Creativity is expressed as someone's ability to create alternative ways for solving problems.

• Creativity has nothing to do with any activity in particular – with painting, poetry, dancing, singing. It has nothing to do with anything in particular.

Samyak Veera Samyak Veeer

Creativity workshop

Creativity workshop offers creative courses to improve your creativity and innovation. The creativity workshop is for everybody: scientists,educators, writers and business


Samyak Veera

Creativity Workshop

Samyak Veera

Tools to improve creativity

• Creative Writing

• Art

• Photography

• MInd Mapping

• Storytelling

• guided visualizations

Samyak Veera

Creative Course Workshop

Creativity course workshop taught in: New York, Barcelona, Florence,Singapore,

Dubai and many other countries.

Samyak Veera

Creativity Workshop themes

• Creativity and Leadership

• Problem solving

• Teamwork

• Writing without fear

Samyak Veera

Samyak Veera