SCALE READ1 - GLM · 2016-08-02 · Diese Proskept handelt von dem Theodolit TS20A aus dem Hause...


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THE TSZOA : The Practical Answer Direct Reading 1'. Estimation to 20" -

The TSZOA has been developed specifically to meet the requirements of constructors and civil engineers. Such users want an instrument which is reliable and robust for routine survey work, and most of all, one which is cost-effective. The TS2OA offers a range of features which makes it ideal for non-specialized suwey work. Above all, - direct scale reading -double numbering -ease of handling - offset optical plummet -combines with EDM

360" V : 95" 4' H: - 103" 2'40"

-- 256'57'20" Direct scale r d i n g Just sight the telescope and read. Readings may lx taken directly -with no need for complicated micrometer setting. Simultaneous viewing of horizontal and vertical circk is clear, bright and accurate.

Double numbering A convenient feature is the double numbering on the horizontal circle and the scale. - There is no more need for mental arithmetic in,, " , ,

Ease of handling '

The parallel positioning of the clamps and fine motion adjusting screws makes for trouble-free and efficient handling.

1 Combines with Sokkisha's €DM The symmetric standard of the new TSPOA allows the EDMs to bs mounted. Since the TS2OA also comes with 0'

-I - I 4 zenith on the vertical circle, angle mea- surements may be entered directly into

Offset optical plummet the EDM keyboards. It is also possible to The new 'offset position of the optical use a normal scientific calculator. Hori- plummet makes centring tho surveying zontal and vertical distance are thus point more comfortable and convenient. simple to calculate.


fdescope Length .................................. 180 mrn Image ..... : .............................. Erect Objective aperture ................ 45 mm Magnification ........................ 30 x Resolving power .................... 3" Field of view [at 1000 rnl ...... 1'30' [26 ml Minimum focus ..................... 1.3 rn Stadia multiplication

mnstant ............................. 100 Stadia additive constant ........ 0 em

Horizontal circle Optical plummet Diameter .............................. 82 mm Image .................................... Erect Direct reading ...................... 1' Magnification ........................ 2 x Estimation ............................ 20" Minimum focus .................... 0.1 m Vertical ei rcle Weifit Diameter .............................. 76 mm Instrument ........................... 3.9 kg Direct reading ...................... 1' Sensitivity of levels Telescope level ..................... 4012 mm

............................ Plate level 40"12 mm Circular level ....................... 1 O'l2 mm

~ r i &


Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.

pkkisha Co., Ltd. Keio Yoyogi Building. 1-1, f orninava 1-chorne. Shibuya-ku. Tokyo. 151 Japan phone: 03485-2501 Fax: 03-465-6203 Telex: SURSOK 528518 Cable: SOKKISHA TOKYO

A-24-E4-9008 Printed in Japan
