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School Life Under COVID-19

Glen Innes High School

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3 Friday 15 May 2020

Edward Street, PO Box 405, Glen Innes 2370 Phone: (02) 6732 1322 Fax: (02) 6732 1972 E-mail:

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Principal’s Report

Welcome to Term 2 I would like to welcome back students to Term 2. I trust everyone had an enjoyable Easter break and are keen to tackle the challenges of the Term.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the staff of Glen Innes High School for their support of our students during the changes put in place due to COVID-19. Our teaching and non-teaching staff have been required to adapt quickly and often with little notice. I also understand just how challenging this time has been for our families and the additional pressures you are experiencing supporting young people to learn from home. Like you, we are looking forward to the day when things can return to 'normal'.

Please keep up the great work and keep up-to-date for additional information as it comes in via email, Facebook and the Sentral Parent Portal.

New Staff The following staff have recently commenced at Glen Innes High School:

Barbara Baker - Front Office Maria Egan - Front Office Fiona Keenan - English Susan Leamon - Mathematics

I know we will all make them feel welcome.

COVID-19 - Stopping the Spread With the return of face-to-face learning in the classroom for students, we are following physical distancing guidelines based on the latest medical advice and research from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) Guidelines.

This medical research has shown that the transmission of COVID-19 in a school environment occurs from adult to adult, with children not appearing to contribute significantly to the spread of the disease.

School Buses Due to the lower numbers of students attending school, the way students are transported home by bus has changed slightly. A school bell will ring at 3:10pm for students to make their way to the Bus Bay. At 3:15pm, all bus travellers will be collected by one or two buses and taken to Glen Innes Public School where they will then be distributed to their normal bus.

Parents/carers of students that travel to school by bus are asked to remind their child to behave in a manner that ensures the safety and comfort of passengers and drivers. For further information about the Code of Conduct for School Students on Buses, please go to the Transport NSW link:

Permission for Year 11 & 12 Flexible Leave During COVID-19 We are currently transitioning Year 11 & 12 students to an increased number of hours of face-to-face schooling. During this time, we are also attempting to limit the number of students on site to minimise any risk factors. As a result, we are allowing Year 11 & 12 students to only be on site when they have a scheduled lesson.

Please click on the following link to access the electronic permission form:

ANZAC Day Unfortunately ANZAC Day did not go ahead this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. However our School Captains did deliver their speeches. You can watch their speeches by going to the following links:

Harry Lynn:


Alexandra Millar:


NAPLAN NAPLAN testing for Year 7 and 9 students is not proceeding in 2020 to help principals, teachers and school staff focus on student learning during the outbreak of COVID-19. For more information on NAPLAN, please visit:

School Improvements A lot of work has taken place around the school over the last month or so that includes a new roof for A Block. The new Senior Study is nearing completion, we are now just waiting for it to be furnished.

Mr Adam Forrester, Principal

A Block with its new roof


ANZAC Day 2020

School Supplies

Parents and carers are reminded to check that their child has enough school supplies

for Term 2.

Year 10 Vaccination Forms

Reminder to Year 10 parents and carers: please return your child’s Meningococcal

ACWY Vaccination for Year 10 Students form to the school office.

If your child did not receive this form, please ask them to see Mrs Gillett in the TAS staff



Year 8 History - Medieval Europe Project

Year 8 did an amazing job finishing their projects for History. The quality of work they were able to produce with limited resources and through difficult circumstances is testament to their hard work and dedication. Below are photos of various dioramas and posters produced by our Year 8 students.



Year 8 History - Medieval Europe Projects


Year 9 & 10 Food Technology

At the end of Term 1, Mrs Kiehne’s Year 9 & 10 Food Technology students were asked to cook at home something that had an Easter theme. Here are some of the students’ delicious looking results!

Breakfast Club

Glen Innes High School has a Breakfast Club operating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:30am in the

Wellbeing Centre. Any student arriving to school without breakfast on these mornings

is welcome.

Are Your Details Up-to-date?

It is very important that the school has accurate and up-to-date details so that we can communicate important information home and maintain your child’s records.

Please contact the school if any of your information has changed, such as: a change of address a new mobile phone number an updated Medicare card a change in your child’s health care needs. If your child has been approved for school travel and they change address or school, you will need to update your details with Transport NSW by going to the following link:


Art News

Year 12 We are very pleased that the HSC Visual Arts Body of Work projects will go ahead as normal for 2020. Sarah Woolfe has been working on these delightful drawings as part of her HSC project.


Art News

Year 10 Photography

Grace Cupitt, Rachel Cooper and Amayah Duddy - Playing with Shadows

Blake Hilgers


Art News

Clay Projects During Term 1, we worked on some clay projects.

Year 7 built some clay boxes:

In Year 9 we made abstract vessels: In Year 11 we looked at art history and some Roman, Egyptian, Chinese and Pre-historic sculptures:

Kamden, Indie and Lulu Kayden and Lily

Sarah and Halle Mason, Jordan and Lucia

Montana, Tegan, Isabella, Catherine and Amber


Minimum Standards Testing

During weeks four and five, Year 10, 11 and 12 students will be allocated time to complete the online minimum standards test in numeracy, reading and writing. Students can access the sample tests using the following link:

Year 11 and 12 students will be allocated time in their study periods to complete their minimum standards tests and will be contacted by the school on Monday as to when and where this will be.

Year 10 will do theirs in English and Math periods during week 5.

Students will also be given access to practice tests that they may attempt prior to doing their online tests at school. (Year 10 will receive these Wednesday week 4).


School Farm

On 23 and 24 March 2020, Colossus Oats were sown on the School Farm; sprayed out with Gyphosate, direct-drilled and spread with fertiliser.

Sowing Day 7

Days 11 and 12

Gamilaraay/Yuwaalaraay Word of the Fortnight

Yaama! Please click on the link below to access an animated video that is a fun way to teach children to wash (wagirrma) their hands (mara):


School Photos

Any student that is yet to receive their School Photo pack or Student ID Card from MSP Photography, please collect it from the school office.

Students that had a Special Group photo taken, such as SRC or Year 12 Fun, please collect your order form from the school office. These photos are to be ordered by 22 June 2020.

If you have any questions about school photos, please contact MSP Photography on 6772 3519 or

Teacher Feature

Students in the Year 10 Photography class were asked to write an article about the school or school community to practice their journalism skills. Amayah Duddy wrote about Head Teacher of Wellbeing, Mr Kevin Duddy. This was pre-COVID 19!

Mr Kevin Duddy

Mr Duddy is a teacher at Glen Innes High School. He has been teaching for almost his whole adult life and lives on a farm. Mr Duddy grew up on the farm and states that from his experience of living in town for 20 or so years, "Living on the farm is fantastic! I absolutely love living on the farm; having space to do what you want is incredible. I can go out into the countryside and just look at the greenery and go for long walks. The kids are able to ride motorbikes. Not having neighbours looking over your back fence and not feeling like you’re in a fishbowl is incredibly relaxing."

During the recent events of the drought, Mr Duddy's family and his farm were largely affected and suffered from loss of stock, having to sell stock and spend money on buying stock feed to feed the animals they kept. Mr Duddy said, “The one downside of having a running property is that when you have things such as the horrible drought that we went through, it does become incredibly stressful." He also said, “As well as losing all of our pasture, we lost a lot of stock and were feeding out 120 kilos per day."

When Mr Duddy is not working, he spends a lot of time running around after his kids driving them to sports, music practices, sleepovers and other activities. He also does things such as maintaining his new house and yard, working on and tinkering with his ute, drenching, shearing and looking after his sheep, as well as preparing school work for classes. When he was a student, Mr Duddy attended Glen Innes High School. He stated that school nowadays is very different from back then. The development of technology has changed things, from the way students now type stuff up instead of writing it down and the way teachers can mark their roles online and submit them via the press of a button. Mr Duddy said, “The way the teacher can use technology to deliver the lesson and engage students has improved incredibly.” He also mentioned that students that are in families that don't have access to technology can be put at a disadvantage in learning. Mr Duddy also mentioned that the discipline is different. For example, nowadays, students tend to protest and say, “I didn't do it!” but Mr Duddy said that when he was at school, students owned up straight away “no questions asked”.

Mr Duddy has recently changed roles in the school and is now Head Teacher of Wellbeing. In his new role, his job is to look after students who have a lot going on, not just students who have been suspended and can't behave in the classroom, although he works with those students too. He does a lot of looking after students who need help such as assisting students with anxiety or who simply just haven't had enough sleep. He assists in running a Breakfast Club some mornings to provide breakfast to those students who didn't get breakfast that morning or didn't have time to eat it. Part of his new role is coordinating the school’s Wellbeing Committee and identifying students who are at risk or need and finding strategies to work with those students. If anyone needs to find Mr Duddy, he is now located in the old Re-engagement Room, now known as the Wellbeing Centre near the Culture Hub on the oval.

Amayah Duddy, Year 10


Year 8 English Writing Task - The Box

Memories From The Past by Leah Doust

Clink! Digging in the garden, I hit something hard. It looked like metal but I wondered what it could be. My imagination was running wild: I had to find out what it was.

That morning, Dad and I had decided to build a veggie garden in the backyard. We started to dig where we had chosen to put the garden, when we hit a hard object which ended up being a metal box.

As I opened the metal box the sun gazed into it making something shimmer, it was jewellery...really expensive jewellery. There were photos of people I had no idea about and there were coins from a long time ago. This didn't mean anything to me but someone must have to know something about it. The whole day I asked all my family if they knew anything about it, but I still hadn’t found anyone that did.

Days went by as I researched more about the box. I still couldn’t seem to find a clue that could tell me who was in the photos or who the box belonged to. But then all of a sudden I flipped over one of the photos and I found a name. I went to ask my parents whether they knew the name and they did. It was my Great, Great, Great Grandmother! This is what I have been searching to find for days and now it actually might mean something to me.

I decided that I wanted to keep the box, so that I could remember her and know what she was like. Now I have it sitting in my bookshelf so every night before I go to bed I can remember her.

The Box by Nate Grennan

Bang, Bang, Bang! I woke up startled in bed. Then I heard bang, bang, bang again. ‘Just wait, I’m coming down,’ I said. ‘It must be that angry postman again, 'I thought. I got downstairs and opened the door, but the postman was not there. The only thing that was there was 2 boxes. Now, I knew that I ordered some fishing gear, but I did not order anything more. I took both the parcels inside. I opened one parcel and took out the fishing gear. Out came the 2 lures and some 10 pound lines that I ordered. I put them to the side then I looked at the other parcel that had no stickers on it... like where it came from or who...nothing! So I put it on the table and said, ‘I will go and check it at the post office tomorrow’ and went back to bed.

The next morning I got in the car with the parcel and went to the post office. When I got there, there were so many cars parked outside the post office, I couldn't find a park. When I finally found I spot to park, I went inside and the building was full of people with the same parcel as me. Everyone was confused about what was happening. Everyone was saying, ‘I got this parcel last night.’ Other peo-ple were saying, ‘It just turned up in front of the door.’ That was the same thing that had happened to me. I decided to just go home but on the ride home, the box started shaking. The lid flung open, hit my foot and fell on the brake like a brick falling from a building. The tyres screeched as the car stopped. I peered into the box, but there was nothing in it. I looked and looked but nothing. So I continued to drive back home. When I got home, I opened the door to get the box out but when I went to grab the box, the box lid was closed shut. When I picked it up, it felt heavier. I walked in-side and slowly opened the lid. Then I saw a little ball of purple fur. Then it moved.

I jumped back. The fur ball’s head poked out and it looked so cute. It had yellow lips, ears and rings around its eyes and it had a blue tongue. The little fur ball said, ‘Hello.’ I ran to my bed puff-ing. I opened the closet to grab my knife out and turned around. There it was standing at the door and I asked, ‘What are you?’ All the thing did was smile. Then it said, ‘I don’t know; I can’t remem-ber. What is yours?’ ‘My name is James,’ I stammered. I sat my flipped out knife on the bed and went out to the kitchen. We sat down and talked for a bit and I gave him a name, Robert.

After a while, I went to the window and opened the curtains. I was surprised to see darkness except a little glowing light from the street lights. Suddenly I heard a knocking on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. There in front of me were heaps more of Roberts friends. They all had an an-gry smile on their faces. Together they said, ‘You're next!'


Year 7, 8 & 9 Students - Term 2 Laptop Fee

A reminder that as part of the payment schedule for Year 7, 8 and 9 laptops, the following is now due for Term 2:

$30 for Year 7 students. $20 for Year 8 and 9 students.

Please pay by EFTPOS, cash or cheque at the school office or on-line via the school website.

School Library News

The School Library is open for students to return and borrow resources when on site. Ms Bruce is happy to prepare book packs for students to read while learning from home. If you wish to have a book pack prepared for your child, please contact the school office or email Ms Bruce on

Ms Bruce has given the School Library a makeover with a new display shelf for picture books and the addition of an aquarium (having relocated it from the Science Faculty).

School holiday book packs

The new Library Monitors? New display shelf filled with books


Year 11 Standard English

In Term 2, Year 11 Standard English students started their study of dystopian texts. They’ve had a go at creating some blurbs for their own dystopian novels. Which book would you pick up?

2078, Year of Robots A Dystopian Plot by Kaitlyn Chard Technology outburst has destroyed the world as we know it. The year is 2078, Egypt is a Dry place ruled by Robots. Once glorious, Luxor Temple is now shattered. Dirty mechanic, Adom Mohamed is humanity’s only hope. Finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organisation called The Republic. The fight is jeopardised when he is tricked by selfish police officer, Prof. Annabelle Blackman, and injures his foot. Armed with brains and guns, The Republic try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat Bloodthirsty Robots and restore Luxor Temple to its former glory?

2080, Year of Zombies A Dystopian Plot by A Zombies have destroyed the world as we know it. The year is 2080. Australia is a Hot place ruled by Zombies. Once glorious, Uluru is now broken. Brave Gardener, zombie killer is humanity’s only hope. Finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organisation called The Alliance. The fight is jeopardised when he is tricked by murderer, a lawyer, zombie Guy, and injures his arm. Armed with war, The Alliance try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat mean zombies and restore Uluru to its former glory?

3085, Year of Vampires A Dystopian Plot by Haylee Influenza has destroyed the world as we know it. The year is 3085, Australia is a cold place ruled by Vampires. Once glorious, The Great Barrier Reef is now destroyed. Fearless operations analyst, Miss Veronica Montgomery is humanity’s only hope. Veronica finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organisation called The Mortals. The fight is jeopardised when Veronica is tricked by unhinged Application Developer, Miss Katerina Bridges, and injures her Arm. Armed with Stakes and Bow and Arrows, The Mortals try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat destructive Vampires and restore The Great Barrier Reef to its former glory?

2045, Year of Zombies A Dystopian Plot by Random Writer An unstoppable virus has destroyed the world as we know it. The year is 2045. Australia is a Silent place ruled by criminals. Once glorious, Sydney Opera House is now possessed. Gentle teacher, Ms Jessica Zeus is humanity’s only hope. Jessica finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organisation called The Twenty Three. The fight is jeopardised when Jessica is tricked by forgetful cleaner, Lady Ruth Vader and injures her toe nail. Armed with wit and diligence, The Twenty Three try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat cowardly criminals and restore Sydney Opera House to its former glory?

2046, Year of Underwater Society of Loch Ness A Dystopian Plot by H. S. The Underwater Loch Ness city has taken over the Surface and has destroyed the world as we know it. The year is 2046, Scotland is a grim place ruled by Underwater Society of Loch Ness. Once glorious, Inverness Castle is now under water. Hopeful scout of the Surface world, Beth Olsson is humanity’s only hope. Beth finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organisation called The Seventh. The fight is jeopardised with Beth is tricked by malicious Head of the Underwater Palace Guard, Roy Parker, and injures her shoulder. Armed with flippers and oxygen tanks, The Seventh try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat arrogant Underwater Socity of Loch Ness and restore Inverness Castle to its former glory?


Blooming Beautiful

The MC students planted seedlings outside their classrooms at the end of Term 1. The plants are now blooming and will be a nice surprise for all back at school.


Year 12 Students - HSC News

Year 12 students are reminded to activate their NESA Students Online account by going to the following link: Year 12 students can keep up-to-date with all things HSC by constantly checking their emails, the Year 12 Facebook page and the Year 12 Google Classroom.

Ms Nicole Schafer Transition and Careers Counsellor

Career Update

Glen Innes High School you are so lucky to have such dedicated teachers! I was a student at Glen Innes High School and have just landed my dream job which I could not have done without the help of Ms Schafer, your amazing Careers Advisor. Ms Schafer helped me in so many ways. She assisted me to gain a school-based apprenticeship at the Red Chair Hair Gallery which provided me with great work skills. Then after the HSC, Ms Schafer sat with me, in her own time, to go through university options and the entry process. Thank you Ms Schafer for your care and expertise.

Ebony Muggleton, Year 12 2014

Ebony Muggleton is now a Paramedic with the Queensland Ambulance Service

Thank You Staff

At a difficult time, I would like to acknowledge the hard work that is currently taking place at the school to support the students, in particular our senior years. I would like to take this opportunity to say a very special thank you to Katie Rossington for her outstanding teaching with Year 12 and for keeping her class engaged at such a difficult time. I believe that students in particular require the visual teaching via Zoom, VC etc. as this keeps them connected with friends which is a huge part of this new process of learning and I believe from what I have seen and heard Katie Rossington has this happening with her class. It is important mentally for students to not only stay connected to learning but to see and hear their peers. I hope you all enjoy your break. Very thankful to all for the hard work that is taking place.

Kind regards, Christine Grob


Community Notices

Year 12 Fundraiser - Pine Cones

Thank you to all who supported the Year 12 fundraising efforts by purchasing a bag of pine cones. All 39 bags were sold in a record of two business days!

The Year 12 students would like to thank Mrs Heather Thomas and staff at Say & Co Rural, Pat Lonergan and Phil Kemp at Glen Innes Golf Club for their help and support.

We will have more pine cones to sell again soon.

Year 12 students with their haul of pine cones




The Panorama Project – A Creative Project for All

Some of the best art captures a definitive moment in history.

With that in mind, Arts North West, the New England North West’s regional arts development organisation, has launched a free creative project to record this period in images and self-expression as the world sits out the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Panorama Project will post out small sketchbooks to people across Arts North West’s 12-council footprint for people to visually record their thoughts, imagination and lives. The little sketchbooks will be dropped off to central community locations after 1 August 2020, then travel as a collection to libraries across the New England North West for the public to view. Once the travelling exhibition is completed, the sketchbooks will be returned to their creators.

The project is open to all people, of all abilities, aged 16 and above.

Arts North West recognized this time of national self-isolation meant countless creative workshops and opportunities have been cut off, postponed or cancelled. To meet this challenge, the organisation took a scheduled project off the drawing table and reconfigured it as a community project for people to do at home.

“Our catchphrase is ‘Connections, Creativity, Communities,’” Arts North West executive director Caroline Downer said.

“One of our many roles is to create places and spaces for networking opportunities. Obviously doing this at the time of COVID-19 restrictions is more challenging, and the connections within our communities are more difficult to sustain.”

Ms Downer said the Panorama Project will be an opportunity for regional creatives and artists to participate in an isolation artistic project, creating individual work in the medium they choose, such as collage, writing, photos, drawing, painting or mixed media.

“At the end it will all come together as a whole to document a moment in time and to celebrate the resilience and the optimism of the creatives living in the New England North West,” she said. The project has already been embraced by disability and community support services across the region. Local councils have also come aboard to promote the project to their residents.

For more information, and to submit your interest in participating, go to or phone the Arts North West office on (02) 6732 4988


