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School report

Ilford Grammar School Carnegie Buildings, 785 High Road, Seven Kings, Ilford, IG3 8RW

Inspection dates 3 February 2014

Context of the inspection

This inspection was undertaken at the request of the registration authority for independent schools in order to monitor the progress the school has made in implementing its action plan and to check whether the independent school regulations for pupils’ welfare, health and safety are now met.

Summary of the progress made in

implementing the action plan Good progress

The inspection of July 2012 found that some regulations relating to the welfare, health and safety of pupils and to the manner in which complaints are to be handled were not met. The school’s arrangements for the storage of medicines were inadequate and the school’s written policy on first aid was not implemented effectively. The medical room was not fit for purpose. The school did not keep adequate records of parents’ complaints or concerns, and these were not dealt with in a timely enough manner. The school’s child protection policy did not provide for any allegations against the proprietor or headteacher to be considered by an independent person.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

The school has reviewed its recruitment practice so that all of the necessary checks on staff have been completed and recorded systematically in the central register of checks on staff.

The school’s arrangements for managing complaints has been reviewed and revised so that all complaints are dealt with swiftly and appropriate records are kept and reviewed. An external independent adjudicator has been appointed to consider any allegations against the headteacher.

The school’s systems and procedures for dealing with medical and first aid incidents have been revised appropriately. The arrangements for storing medicines are now adequate. The medical room has been re-furbished and is fit for purpose. The accommodation provides sufficient privacy and facilities for pupils who are unwell or who are undertaking a medical examination. Pupils’ personal medical information is stored securely in locked cabinets. Appropriate records are kept of any medical treatment and first aid incidents. The school regularly reviews the frequency and nature of any such incidents to identify patterns involving individuals or groups of students. For example, one area of the playground was identified as the cause of minor abrasions and this has been resurfaced with a more suitable material.

School staff have read the revised policies mentioned above and have talked through the changes and received additional training whererequired. Systems have been introduced to monitor the implementation of the policies at regular intervals.

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Inspection team

Robert Ellis HMI, Lead inspector Her Majesty’s Inspector

Information about this school

Ilford Grammar School is an independent day school located in the London Borough of Redbridge. It opened in 1990 and is registered to provide education for girls and boys between the ages of three and 16 years. There are currently 180 pupils on roll.

Pupils represent a wide range of ethnicities, although very few are from White British backgrounds. There are more boys than girls. There are a small number of pupils learning English as an additional language.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is housed in an annexe opposite the main school; all children in this provision are in receipt of government funding. The basement and the ground floor are occupied by the primary school and the first floor is used by the secondary school.

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School details

Unique reference number 102876

Inspection number 439421

DfE registration number 317/6066

This inspection was conducted at the request of the registration authority for independent schools. It was carried out under section 162A of the Education Act 2002, as amended by

schedule 8 of the Education Act 2005.

Type of school Day preparatory and grammar school

School status Independent

Age range of pupils 3–16

Gender of pupils Mixed

Number of pupils on the school roll 180

Proprietor Mrs Barbara Wiggs

Chair N/A

Headteacher Mrs Barbara Wiggs

Date of previous school inspection 5 July 2012

Annual fees (day pupils) £6,585 - £8,685

Telephone number 020 8599 8822

Email address

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