School Thrust: Academic Excellence ‘N’ Level Excellence...


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School Thrust: Academic Excellencea b i - a n n u a l n e w s l e t t e r o f e s s s


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ril 2



Our ‘O’ Level Shining Stars of 2011By Ms Cheong Mei Xi

Congratulations to our top 4E and 5N students who did well in the 2011 O levels! With their commendable results, a significant percentage of our graduating cohort wil be heading to their top choices of junior colleges and polytechnics. Our top students for Secondary 4E were Chua Soon Yi (4E1), Tan Zhao Kuang (4E5) and Adrian Ong Xin Xiang (4E5) – well done!

Chua Soon Yi, proud achiever of an L1R5 score of 6, recounted her joy and elation as she heard the announcement of her results, and how she was most “thankful to her teachers for the help and guidance they have given”. Zhao Kuang and Adrian also thanked their teachers for staying by their sides throughout the arduous journey “without giving up” on them. All the top students interviewed agreed that resilience played a very big part in their success and advised their immediate juniors to take hold of time as well as their dreams, as there is indeed “no time like the present.”

Once again, congratulations to our top students and let’s all look forward to another batch of excellence in 2012!

Development Award(National Education)

‘N’ Level Excellence 2011By Ms Cheong Mei Xi

The release of the GCE ‘N’ Level exam results in December 2011 brought much excitement and happiness to our Normal Stream students and their teachers. The reason: a higher percentage of our Sec 4N students were eligible for promotion to Sec 5N this year. In addition, results in individual subjects mostly saw an improvement and were above national average. This was all good news indeed for teachers and students alike.

Our heartiest congratulations go out to our top students – Quek Le Min (4N1) and Tan Guan Hong (4N1), together with Muhammad Afeeq B Ibrahim (4T1), Donovan Ashley Henson (4T1), Nicholas Imran Shah I D S (4T1) and Tan Teng Yang Aloysius (4T1) for their commendable results. Congratulations and well done! You have all done East Spring immensely proud by being an exemplar of excellence and self-directedness. May you continue soaring to even greater heights as you begin the next chapter of your life!

ESSS Chinese Department - Victors!By Ms Cheong Mei Xi and Mr Chew Tze Inn

The year has started off on a high note for the Chinese Department indeed as our very own East Springians reaped the results of their great effort. The CL Department sent 3 groups of a total of 9 East Springians in November last year to participate in the 2011 National Chinese Language Creative Reading Programme, where they achieved the 1st runner-up position, amongst 20 other competing schools.

The student awardees are: Zhang Haohong (4E3), Ong Gui Li (4E5) and Tan Ching Yih (4E5); these students also won the consolidate prize: Khor Kai Jin Germaine (4E2), Venicia Lim Jen Ling and Yang Xia (4N1). Congratulations to all hard work and achievements once again! We’re sure all students have enjoyed the competitive experience and have learnt more about the Chinese Language. In addition, in the National Chinese Language Essay Writing competition, two of our students’ compositions got chosen and published by a national publishing house – congratulations!

East Springians Innovate, Design and Engineer!By Ms Munira Shaik

On 16 March this year, the science department sent two teams to participate in the Innovation, Design & Engineering (IDE) 2012 Challenge, jointly organized by Nullspace Science. Both our teams faced stiff competition but nonetheless overcame all adversity with their focus, discipline and resilience. Their hard work paid off as one of our teams (ESSS Team Alpha) was awarded the prestigious third prize, with the first and second prizes going to Raffles Institution’s Team Raffles and Anglican High School’s Team Megatron respectively. This is definitely a noteworthy feat, especially considering the fact that our team was the only one present with only two competing members – Joyce Sng from 3E1 and Tan Hui Yi from 2E2.

Both teams, Alpha and Beta, spent part of their March school holidays preparing for the IDE challenge (which was revealed a week prior to the competition day), to build an all-straws structure to support unopened tin cans. It was a great challenge because no tapes or pins could be used to secure the different parts of the structure. It was a test of applying their Physics concepts as well as their engineering skills indeed! Both teams have learnt a lot from this experience, citing that “science is exciting” and are looking forward to learning the Physics topics on ‘Stability’ and ‘Gravity’.

School Thrust: Academic Excellence

Secondary One Orientation 2012by Sarah Afina (2E4), Emily Tan (2E4) and Nur Atiqah (2N1)

To kickstart the freshman year for the new Secondary One cohort, East Spring Secondary held their week of Orientation activities from 3rd to 6th January. Thus began a journey planned by the school and Student Leaders of ESSS – a slew of interesting and engaging activities for our youngest members to get to know more about East Spring.

Global Thinkers

Creative Learners

Upright Citizens


The new students were brought on guided tours around the school led by East Spring’s Sports Leaders, and to foster closer bonds among the new students, ice breaker games were also organized. The newly-enrolled students were also required to attend the Talent Identification programme which aims to discover hidden talents within the students and can help in CCA allocation. This event would not have been successful without the great effort from the Student Leaders of ESSS and the teachers-in-charge – on behalf of the Sec Ones, a big thank you!

2/3School Thrust: Holistic Education

CCA Open House 2012By Shermaine Yim (3E1)

On the last day of the Secondary One orientation camp, the Sec Ones attended a CCA Open House. Through this open house, all the CCAs available here in East Spring were given a chance to showcase their achievements to the new students. The Secondary one students, along with their parents, were invited to the booths set up by the various CCAs in ESSS to discover their interests.

During the event, the uniformed groups showcased their impressive discipline and precision when they performed military drills at the parade square. The choir practised singing in the music room and the dance societies performed their graceful dances. The club & societies decorated the respective classrooms they were allocated and many of their student representatives were walking the corridors actively looking for potential members. The school turned into a vibrant display of student achievements during the CCA Open House.

The event was a success thanks to the help from all the teachers and students who took the time to plan and prepare so that the new students would go home that Saturday with informed knowledge of the CCAs on offer in ESSS to enable them to make the right choice of CCA.

Secondary One Orientation Camp 2012By Ms Adryanna Aziz

To bring the Secondary One Orientation Week to a close, the 2012 Secondary One orientation camp was held from 6th to 7th January. This camp, held on campus, was aimed at allowing newly-enrolled students to foster bonds with peers and seniors, as well as to allow the students to familiarise themselves with the facilities offered within the school.

The camp started on a Friday morning with team-building activities and games. The new students, led by sports leaders, played team-building games, created props and team banners, and also participated in team cheer performances. Parents of students were not left out as well while they attended a talk given by our Principal Mrs Jalil, envisioning and explaining the secondary school education ahead at East Spring Secondary.

The success of the event could not have been possible without the PE Department, Sports Leaders, our school leaders, teachers and the Parent Support Group – thank you all in the creation of a starting platform for building rapport among students, teachers and parents alike!

School Thrust: Holistic Education

CCA Change-of-Appointment Ceremony

2012By Ms Cheong Mei Xi

The annual CCA Change-of-Appointment Ceremony is a symbolic handing over and taking over ceremony to signify the renewal of student leadership for the new academic year 2012. For the outgoing student leaders, it is a way to recognize their erstwhile contributions. It also indicates that their participation in their respective CCAs and leadership groups will start to wind down by Term 2 and hence, their focus should be given mainly for academic studies.

For the incoming student leaders, it is their rite of passage to take on heavier roles as they receive the responsibilities and the position of authority and honour from their seniors and continue the journey of leadership that has been paved for them. Every CCA had to prepare a mascot that symbolized the nature of their CCA as they participated in the changeover ceremony – it was indeed heartening to see all East Springians treat the ceremony with the utmost respect and engagement that it deserved. All the best to our new leaders!

Prefects’ Investiture 2012By Amirah Johan (4N2)

On 30th January of 2012, the annual Prefect’s Investiture was held during the Monday assembly. Newly appointed prefects from the secondary 2 cohort were sworn in as prefects of the school. This came after having been under probation for six months during which they were given the chance to display their leadership potential in helping to uphold the school values.

Kenny, the Head Prefect of the school from 4E1, lit a candle and led his fellow prefects in the recital of the Prefect’s Pledge. The whole ceremony was a success as the whole school witnessed the new batch of prefects taking their place as student leaders and role models for the school. May the Prefects continue in their mission to be the pillars of excellence and integrity in East Spring!

Sporting Excellence and International Friendship AboundBy Ms Cheong Mei Xi

Olympics@ESSS was a roaring success this year, with our school’s iconic Torch Relay that included selected teachers and Sports Leaders running from our school to Tampines Stadium, the location of our Sports Day event this 2012. We even had the honour of celebrating this event with a new addition to the vibrant East Spring family – our Vice Principal (Admin) Mr Dominic Lim!

In addition, East Spring displayed refreshing innovation by celebrating International Friendship Day in conjunction with Sports Day by integrating traditional games from other cultures and even introducing international cuisines! While the track events were going on, classes were competing simultaneously in Patintero, a Filipino game and spectators were savouring tasty treats courtesy of the F&N students and teachers. Seeing as how the purpose of Sports Day and International Friendship Day was to promote sportsmanship and understanding of different cultures – I would say East Spring has done a fantastic job this year in achieving both – well done, East Springians!

4/5School Thrust: Holistic Education

MOE Excel Fest 2012By Ms Cheong Mei Xi

MOE ExCEL Fest 2012 was held on 30 and 31 March (Friday and Saturday) this year. The theme for ExCEL Fest 2012 was ‘Opportunities for All, Nurturing the Whole Child’.

MOE ExCEL Fest is an annual event that provides a national platform for staff from MOE schools and HQ divisions to share their best practices and innovations in classroom teaching, learning activities/ products for students, curricula and educational programmes. The event comprises exhibition booths, peer and expert sharing sessions and seminars by leading local and foreign educators and practitioners. This year without fail, our East Spring teachers participated in this annual event again as one united workforce. All teachers were students again as we updated ourselves and shared amongst our peers in the workforce on how to make the school an even more conducive environment for learning and growing. Teachers are learners indeed too!

Synergistic Workforce

Nurturing Teachers

Innovative Staff

School Thrust: Professional Staff

Staff Learning Journey to Temasek Polytechnicby Ms Adryanna Aziz

On 20th March 2012, the teachers of East Spring Secondary visited Temasek Polytechnic as part of the annual staff Learning Journey. The objective of the trip was to familiarise the staff with the polytechnic setting so that they are better equipped with knowledge to motivate and advise students on post-secondary school opportunities.

During the visit, ESSS teachers were given further insight on how polytechnic diplomas and programmes are linked to current industries. The teachers, together with Mrs Mohinder and Mr Dominic Lim, were thoroughly briefed on polytechnic admission matters, including the new foundation programme, set to commence in 2013.

In addition, the teachers were given a tour of Temasek Polytechnic’s modern teaching and learning facilities. The guided tour which spanned three schools within the polytechnic, namely the School of Applied Sciences, School of Design and School of Informatics & IT, gave ESSS teachers a glimpse into the life of polytechnic students in 2012.

By the end of the learning journey, the teachers were indeed enlightened and impressed with the leading-edge education students receive at Temasek Polytechnic as it is not only relevant to today’s climate of innovation, but also appealing to youths. The teachers are excited indeed as they now look forward to helping to guide and prepare all students for life after secondary school!

Gardens By The Bay: A Learning Journey for ESSS Key Personnel By Ms Cheong Mei Xi

On the first day of March this year, there was an excited bustling among a very special group of people in East Spring. All the key personnel of our school – comprising our Principal, Vice Principals, Heads of Department, Subject Heads and Senior Teachers – were all preparing for an exciting learning journey after school. And where were they going, one might ask – to one of the most attractive landmarks in Singapore of course – the Gardens by the Bay installation at Marina Bay Sands!

As our key personnel explored the grounds under the guidance of a competent guide, they learnt that the enriching of the learning of educators was important as it helped broaden their mental horizons, which would in turn contribute to their total development. The learning journey also provided a good illustration of how strong leadership can lead to innovation and the creation of possibilities previously thought impossible. Some may say money is the key but one cannot refute that it still takes elements of imagination and will to realize the goals set. What a fruitful and enriching journey indeed!

School Thrust: Professional Staff 6/7

Total Defence School Record Challenge 2012By Amirah Johan (4N2)

On 16 February 2012, East Spring Secondary School was proud to participate in the claiming of yet another national record! We had previously created records for the largest human-formed YOG letters and the largest formed Singapore map filled with old clothes. This time, the record was set by having the most number of people forming the peace sign, in collaboration with Total Defence Day.

The challenge was set to be conquered in two segments. First, students were required to ascend the staircases of nearby HDB flats to the highest floor before descending to their assigned levels. They then had to engage the residents in conversations in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. A bookmark was also given to them to guide them on healthy habits they could start adopting in their daily lives.

In addition, we had guests from the Parents Support Group, the East Spring Alumni and also our sister school, East Spring Primary School, to help make this event a success. Standing under the sun for almost half an hour was not an easy task but all the participants displayed synergy and resilience as they persevered to overcome the weather. The success of the human peace sign is the epitome of cooperation and school effort indeed! This record attempt would have been impossible without everyone’s effort and cooperation.

When Mrs Jalil personally received the certification of accomplishment from the Singapore National Book of Records, the school roared with excitement and beamed as they waved at the camera enthusiastically.

Well done to all our teachers, student leaders and of course, all East Springians who participated in this record challenge and created a glorious and historical moment for East Spring Secondary School. It was truly OUR day of achievement and glory!

Acknowledgement: Journalism Club | Advisor: Mrs Jalil-Ong Suat Eng | Teacher Advisor: Mdm Noreha Nordin | Editors: Ms Cheong Mei Xi, Ms Adryanna AzizWe thank all staff and students who have contributed towards the publication of this issue.

Chinese New Year Celebration 2012By Rachel Tan (3E1), Shermaine Yim (3E1), Nora (4E1) & Noorfaizah (4E1)

This year, to kick start the Chinese New Year Celebrations, the Mother Tongue Department organised various activities. The dumpling making competition was especially popular as students were able to create their own dim sum masterpieces. The mascot-making and singing competition were highly enjoyable as the students were enthusiastic in their performances.

The celebrations at East Spring Secondary School culminated in a Chinese New Year concert held on 20th February. As part of ESSS’s Community Involvement Programme, elderly residents of the Kheng Chiu Happy Lodge and Jamiyah Home for the Aged were invited to join the students in watching the concert. They were also the happy recipients of oranges and celebratory red packets that were presented to them by our Principal, Mrs Jalil.

The concert began with a few popular Chinese New Year songs performed by our ESSS Symphonic Band. During the band performance, our Principal, Mrs Jalil and Vice Principal, Mrs Mohinder, presented our staff with mandarin oranges together with their good wishes and blessings for the happy occasion.

The concert programme went into full gear when the Malay and Chinese Dance Clubs showcased their performance pieces. The audience was also entertained with performances by several Sec 4 classes and an interactive quiz led by the event emcees. These were followed by a prize presentation segment. Prizes were also presented to several students who won interclass competitions held earlier, i.e. the Sec 2 mascot competition and the Sec 3 aesthetics competition.

The concert ended on a high note as the School Choir belted out Chinese New Year songs and everyone enthusiastically sang along to bring a close to the festive day of celebrations.

School Thrust: Organisational Excellence
