Scope of renewable energy usage in transportation Ramana ReddyEE10B101 Karthik REE10B013 Rohith...


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Scope of renewable energy usage in transportation

Ramana Reddy


Karthik R EE10B013

Rohith D EE10B110

Sai Bhushan CS10B17

Nithin krishna J


IntroductionDefinitions:1. Transport or transportation: is the

movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another.

2. Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished).

Ancient to modern period development of transportation:

Road transport : For most of human history the only forms of

transport apart from walking were using domesticated animals or transport in small boats.

The modern history of road transport also involves the development of new vehicles such as new models of horse-drawn vehicles, bicycles, motor cars, motor trucks and electric vehicle.

Water transportation:

In the stone ages primitive boats developed to permit navigation of rivers and for fishing in rivers and off the coast

With the development of civilization, bigger vessels were developed both for trade and war.

 In the Industrial Revolution, the first steamboats and later diesel-powered ships were developed. Eventually submarines were developed mainly for military purposes.

Rail transportation:

Modern rail transport systems first appeared in England in the 1820s. These systems, which made use of the steam locomotive, were the first practical form of mechanized land transport, and they remained the primary form of mechanized land transport for the next 100 years.


Much of the focus of early research was on imitating birds, but through trial and error, balloons, airships, gliders and eventually powered aircraft and other types of flying machines were invented.

World War II saw a drastic increase in the pace of aircraft development and production

This marked the beginning of the Jet Age, a period of relatively cheap and fast international travel.

Available modern means of transportation:

Advantages of fossil fuel based transportation modes:

fossil fuels are readily available easy to use, and a simple combustion process turns

them into methods for running a vehicle Fossil fuels are currently pretty cheap, as are the

methods of generating energy from them. Many alternative fuels remain expensive, hard to

distribute, difficult to get energy from and hard to access, making the switch over extremely difficult.

Fossil fuels are easier to extract and process

Renewable Fuels

- Usage in Transportation

What is Renewable energy? Energy which comes from natural resources

and which are naturally replenished.

Examples of this type of energy are :• Wind power• Hydropower• Solar• Biomass• Biofuel• Geothermal energy

What are Renewable fuels?

Fuels produced from renewable resources. Examples include:

• Biofuel(e.g. Ethanol, Bio-diesel )• Hydrogen fuel.

Renewable fuels have gained popularity due to their SUSTAINABILITY and low contribution to the carbon cycle.

Biofuel Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is

derived from biological carbon fixation. Is fossil fuel a bio fuel?

Although fossil fuels have their origin in ancient carbon fixation, they are not considered biofuels by the generally accepted definition because they contain carbon that has been "out" of the carbon cycle for a very long time.

Liquid biofuel is usually either bio alcohol such as bioethanol or an oil such as biodiesel.

Why Biofuels?Biofuels are a proven

alternative to oil for transportation.

Concerns over rising oil prices, national security, greenhouse gas emissions, and other forms of air pollution are also bolstering interest in biofuels.

What Is Bioethanol? Bioethanol is an alcohol-

based fuel made by fermenting and distilling starch crops, such as corn.

 It can also be made from "cellulosic biomass" such as trees and grasses.

Bioethanol is widely used in the USA and in Brazil.

E85 Composition : 85% ethanol

and 15% gasoline. It is cheaper than gasoline

with  no noticeable difference in vehicle performance .


Advantages Domestically produced,

reducing use of imported petroleum

Lower emissions of air pollutants

More resistant to engine knock

Added vehicle cost is very small

Disadvantages Can only be used in

flex-fuel vehicles Lower energy

content, resulting in fewer miles per gallon

Limited availability Currently expensive

to produce

85% Ethanol 15% Gasoline

What is Biodiesel?

• Biodiesel is a form of diesel fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant greases.

• It is safe, biodegradable, and produces less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel.

Biodiesel Compared to Petroleum Diesel

Advantages Domestically produced from

non- petroleum, renewable resources

Can be used in most diesel engines, especially newer ones

Less air pollutants (other than nitrogen oxides) and greenhouse gases

Biodegradable Non-toxic Safer to handle

Disadvantages Use of blends above B5 not yet

warrantied by auto makers Lower fuel economy and power

(10% lower for B100, 2% for B20)

Currently more expensive More nitrogen oxide emissions B100 generally not suitable for

use in low temperatures Concerns about B100's impact

on engine durability

Hydrogen Fuel Hydrogen (H2) is being aggressively

explored as a fuel for passenger vehicles. It can be used in fuel cells to power electric

motors or burned in internal combustion engines (ICEs).

Hydrogen fuel does not occur naturally on Earth and thus is not an energy source, but is an energy carrier. 

Hydrogen is currently expensive to produce and is only available at a handful of locations, mostly in California.

HYDROGEN VEHICLE A hydrogen vehicle is a vehicle that

uses hydrogen as its onboard fuel for motive power.

Hydrogen vehicles include hydrogen fueled space rockets, as well as automobiles and other transportation vehicles. 

Honda FCX Clarity, a hydrogen fuel cell demonstration vehicle introduced in 2008

The Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator powered by a hydrogen fuel cell

 "Boeing said that hydrogen fuel cells were unlikely to power the engines of large passenger jet airplanes but could be used as backup or auxiliary power units onboard."

Hydrogen (H2)


Hydrogen fuel cells only emit water vapor, no CO2 emissions. If hydrogen is obtained through electrolysis by renewable energy, it is 100% clean.

Hydrogen can be refueled quickly just like gasoline

It is the most abundant element on the planet

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can get up to 480 miles on one tank (the Toyota FCHV). Also the Honda FCX gets 270 miles on one tank.

Hydrogen is twice as efficient as gasoline.


Low energy content per unit volume,

High tankage weights. Very high storage vessel

pressures. The storage, transportation and

filling of gaseous or liquid hydrogen in vehicles.

The large investment in infrastructure that would be required to fuel vehicles.

The inefficiency of production processes.

Implementation of Renewable energy

source in transportation

Alternative Energy – Electric Vehicles

France has been successful in promoting the Peugeot Berlingo.

In Switzerland, battery powered cars are popular and are powered by solar cells.

Electric cars are also popular in the United Kingdom and Italy.

Plugging Into An Electric Vehicle Revolution

The road trial will monitor the travel patterns, battery capacity and performance of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

The V2G technology CSIRO engineers have

modified the PHEVs to carry a 30Ah NiMH battery which is capable of holding a 6kw charge, and a battery charger, to allow the cars to plug into and charge with electricity from the grid or from on-site renewable energy sources.

Electric Cars Are Going Places

Electric cars like the one above will be rolling through the Harz region in the future.

The Harz region is banking on electric cars.

Electric cars will soon be rolling through Quedlinburg, Werningerode and other cities in Germany.

The Harz.EE-mobility project is being supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

Charging Up Electric Car Batteries in Environmentally-

Friendly Way

Developed by Fraunhoffer researchers, the "smart" charging station is a device that enables electric vehicles to recharge when the system load is low and the share of energy from renewable resources is high.

Customers can enter their requirements via a touch screen on the charging station. Costs and energy readings can also be displayed during the recharging process.



On March 24th, GM unveiled 3 new concept vehicles based on the P.U.M.A. prototype developed jointly between GM and Segway.

Basically a larger Segway with seating for two and an enclosed cabin, each of the three concepts were developed at a different styling studio in GM's global empire to show the styling flexibility of the basic platform.

This could represent a major shift in how we experience personal urban transportation.

The Personal Podcar Travellers to London are in for a

green transportation treat when travelling from terminal to terminal.

The ULTra PRT, by Advanced Transport Systems LTD, is a Personal Rapid Transit vehicle which has the potential to change the way that we travel within cities around the world.

The four-person vehicle itself is battery powered and centrally-controlled (no need for human drivers!), moving on its own elevated guided lane within the airport.

VW Golf Twin Drive Plug-in Hybrid Prototype

VW Golf Twin Drive Plug-in Hybrid Prototype

In a German government project called “Fleet test: electric drive vehicles”, VW revealed a Golf prototype with a plug-in hybrid drive engine of the next generation called “TwinDrive”.

Capable of producing 176 hp (130 kW), the Golf TwinDrive uses an intelligent operating system which always chooses the optimal operating mode

Volvo Multi-Fuel Vehicle Prototype

The Volvo Multi-Fuel is a five-cylinder, 2.0-litre prototype car (200 bhp) that runs on five different fuels; hythane (10% hydrogen and 90% methane), bio methane, natural gas (CNG), bioethanol E85 (85% bioethanol and 15% petrol) and petrol.

It is a first step towards a hydrogen powered society

2Ltr Bio Diesel Sports Prototype

With the likes of Audi and Peugeot showing the potential of large capacity Diesel power at Le Mans there was the potential for a diesel powered car to be competitive in the smaller capacity classes.

Working with local Motorsport companies; Dymag, Loaded Gunn Racing, Mark Bailey racing and Avon tyres, the prototype is almost ready for initial testing.

Future Cars

CONCLUSION The renewable sources are cost effective, user-

friendly. By promoting renewable energy sources we can

avoid, Air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution.

Country’s Economy will increase. Due to technological advancement vehicles are

made with improved fuel efficiency perfect hybrid vehicle are made. Throughout the year these sources are available

without affecting the Environment. The solution to unravel the fear of fossil fuel

depletion and global warming is definitely in the hands of scientists and politicians.