Scotch Whisky Association Code of Practice for the Responsible Marketing … · 2016-11-15 · The...


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  • The Scotch Whisky Association Legal Protection of Scotch Whisky

    蘇格蘭威士忌協會 -蘇格蘭威士忌之法律保護

    Lindesay Low報告人

  • Scotch Whisky: Introduction蘇格蘭威士忌-引言

    Global success and reputation全球性之成功經驗與卓越聲譽

    What is Scotch Whisky?何謂「蘇格蘭威士忌」?

    Management and Protection管理與保護

    The Scotch Whisky Association蘇格蘭威士忌協會

  • Scotch Whisky: A Cultural Icon蘇格蘭威士忌:蘇格蘭的重要文化表徵

    First record of distillation in Scotland in 1494於蘇格蘭地區產製威士忌之最早紀錄為1494年

    Distilleries found in southern Scotland to northern islands蘇格蘭威士忌蒸餾廠遍佈蘇格蘭南部至北方列島

    More than 1,000 million bottles sold each year每年銷售逾10億瓶

  • The World’s Leading International Spirit國際酒類的領導品項

    90% of sales are overseas蘇格蘭威士忌有90%銷往海外

    Over 30 bottles a second exported每秒出口超過30瓶

    Exports to 200 markets worth over £2.3b出口至世界200個市場,價值逾23億英鎊

    One of the UK’s top five manufactured export earners為英國製造業出口獲利排行前五名之產品

    Taiwan £102m ━ 5th most valuable market台灣年進口值達1億2百萬英鎊-第5大市場(以價值計)

  • Economic Importance經濟重要性

    Scotch Whisky supports 1 in 50 Scottish jobs 每50份蘇格蘭之工作即有1份與蘇格蘭威士忌有關

    10,000 people directly employed, plus a further 30,000 jobs supported across the supply chain直接雇用1萬名人員,另外3萬人受雇於與威士忌供應相關之週邊產業

    Over £1bn a year spent with local suppliers 當地週邊產業每年營收逾10億英鎊

    One million visitors a year to Scotch Whisky distilleries 每年有100萬人次造訪蘇格蘭威士忌酒廠

  • What is Scotch Whisky?何謂「蘇格蘭威士忌」?

    Must be distilled and matured in Scotland必須在蘇格蘭進行蒸餾及熟成

    Fermented from only cereals, water and yeast僅限於以穀類、 水及酵母進行醱酵

    Distilled so that it retains the characteristics of the raw materials used進行蒸餾並保持所使用原料自然孕育之風味特色

  • What is Scotch Whisky? (Cont)何謂「蘇格蘭威士忌」?(續)

    Matured for at least 3 years in oak casks:often considerably longer貯存於橡木桶內進行為期至少3年之熟成:通常遠較3年為長

    Bottled at a minimum strength of 40%將酒液裝瓶,酒精成分至少應為40度

    Produced in accordance with traditionalmethods遵依傳統製造方式產製

  • Importance of Geographic Origin地理來源之重要性




    Human Factors人的因素

  • Benefits of GI Status for Scotch Whisky蘇格蘭威士忌作為「地理標示」之實益

    It adds value提高商品附加價值

    It promotes Scotland提昇蘇格蘭之形象

    It ensures quality對品質之保證

    It improves protection from unfair competition強化保護以防止不公平競爭

    It protects consumers保障消費者權益

  • Legal Protection: Europe法律保護:於歐洲地區

    Defined in UK legislation since 1933英國首於1933年以立法明文予以定義

    Currently Scotch Whisky Act 1988 and Scotch Whisky Order 1990現行法令為1988制頒之Scotch Whisky Act 及1990年公布之 Scotch Whisky Order

    Recognised as a geographical designation throughout the European Union: EC Regulation 1576/89歐盟各國普遍承認為地理標示:歐洲共同體1989年第1576/89號規則

  • Legal Protection: Rest of the World法律保護:於世界其他地區

    Defined by law in more than 50 other countries逾50個其他國家以法律予以明文定義

    In the USA: “a distinctive product of Scotland manufactured in Scotland in compliance with the laws of the United Kingdom”美國法之定義:「於蘇格蘭依英國法律產製之蘇格蘭獨特產品」

    Protected as a geographical indication by Articles 22 and 23 of the WTO TRIPS Agreement為地理標示而受世界貿易組織「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」第22條及第23條之保護

    Protection under laws of passing-off and unfair competition受各國規範冒名攀附(搭便車)及不公平競爭相關法律之保護

  • The Scotch Whisky Association蘇格蘭威士忌協會

    49 members representing over 95% of the Scotch Whisky industry共有49名會員代表了蘇格蘭威士忌整體產業的95%

    Members include distillers, blenders, bottlers and brokers會員包括蒸餾廠、調和廠、裝瓶廠及代理商

    Governed by a Council that draws its members from large and small companies理事會總掌會務,理事會成員由各大型及小型企業代表組成

    Aim is to protect and promote Scotch Whisky at home and abroad以在本地及國外保護及拓展蘇格蘭威士忌為宗旨

  • Legal Protection of Scotch Whisky蘇格蘭威士忌之法律保護

    Main aim of SWA蘇格蘭威士忌協會之主要工作目標

    5 lawyers in Edinburgh – working with local lawyers worldwide於愛丁堡共有5位律師,與全球各地律師合作

    SWA has litigated for over 50 years蘇格蘭威士忌協會於世界各地提起訴訟已有50年以上歷史

    50 - 60 legal actions at any one time隨時有50至60件進行中之法律爭訟案件

    Hundreds of investigations annually每年於全球各地進行數百件調查案

  • Direct Misuse of “Scotch Whisky”直接冒稱「蘇格蘭威士忌」

    Many ways to suggest a spirit is Scotch Whisky when it is not實務上有許多將非「蘇格蘭威士忌」冒稱為「蘇格蘭威士忌」之方式

    Misuse of description “Scotch Whisky”itself直接冒用「蘇格蘭威士忌」之指述本身

  • Indirect Misleading Indications of Origin: Tartan使用間接、誤導性之產地來源表示:蘇格蘭方格花紋

    No misuse of words “Scotch Whisky” but misuse of Scottish Indications未直接冒稱「蘇格蘭威士忌」,但冒用蘇格蘭相關表徵

    Traditional pattern used in Scottish cloth使用於蘇格蘭服飾上之傳統花紋圖樣

    Each Scottish clan has its own distinctive tartan蘇格蘭各氏族擁有其獨特之方格花紋圖樣


  • Indirect Misleading Indications of Origin: “GLEN”使用間接、誤導性之產地來源表示: “GLEN”

    A valley in the Highlands of Scotland專指蘇格蘭高地之河谷

    Many Scotch Whisky distilleries are locatedin the glens from which they take theirnames: “GLENLIVET”眾多蘇格蘭威士忌蒸餾廠係座落於河谷中並以此命名,例如“GLENLIVET” (格蘭利威)

    “Glen” is used in many Scotch Whisky brand names “GLENFIDDICH”“GLEN”被廣泛使用於許多蘇格蘭威士忌品牌名稱,例如“GLENFIDDICH” (格蘭菲迪)

  • Indirect Misleading Indications of Origin : “Mc/Mac”使用間接、誤導性之產地來源表示: “Mc/Mac”

    Means “Son of” in Gaelic, traditional Scottishlanguage蓋爾語(蘇格蘭傳統語言)意指「某某之子」

    Prefix in many common Scottish surnames係許多常見蘇格蘭姓氏之前置字首

    Appears in a number of Scotch Whisky brandnames: “THE MACALLAN”見諸許多蘇格蘭威士忌品牌名稱,例如“THE MACALLAN”(麥卡倫)


  • Detecting Fake “Scotch Whisky”偽冒「蘇格蘭威士忌」酒品之查緝

    Absence of official documents無法提出有效之證明文件

    Inconsistencies in purchase and sales records 採購與販賣紀錄內容不相吻合

    Analysis by a specialised laboratory由專業檢驗機構進行科學化驗

  • Future Developments未來發展

    Registration 註冊登記制度

    Legislation to protect regional GI’s: Speyside, Highland,Lowland, Islay and Campbeltown立法保護地區性之地理標示:Speyside(詩佩塞)、Highland(高地)、Lowland(低地)、Islay(艾雷島)及 Campbeltown(坎培爾頓 )

    Local Bottling of Single Malt Scotch Whisky本地分裝單一純麥蘇格蘭威士忌相關問題

  • Conclusions結論

    Scotch Whisky’s GI status has benefited producers, consumers and Scotland as a whole蘇格蘭威士忌作為地理標示,製造業者、消費者及整個蘇格蘭均同蒙其利

    Managing and developing the GI is an ongoing task地理標示之管理及推展是一件要持續推動的工作

    Continuing assistance from government in Taiwan and elsewhere is necessary to achieve this.要完成此一工作,有賴台灣及其他各國政府的持續協助

    Protection of GIs in Taiwan will benefit domestic as well as foreign products台灣對地理標示的保護,將使本地產品及外來產品同享其利益

  • The Scotch Whisky Association Legal Protection of Scotch Whisky

    蘇格蘭威士忌協會 -蘇格蘭威士忌之法律保護

    Lindesay Low報告人

    Legal Adviser法律顧問

    Scotch Whisky: Introduction�蘇格蘭威士忌-引言 Scotch Whisky: A Cultural Icon�蘇格蘭威士忌:蘇格蘭的重要文化表徵�The World’s Leading International Spirit�國際酒類的領導品項Economic Importance�經濟重要性�What is Scotch Whisky?�何謂「蘇格蘭威士忌」?What is Scotch Whisky? (Cont)�何謂「蘇格蘭威士忌」?(續)Importance of Geographic Origin�地理來源之重要性Benefits of GI Status for Scotch Whisky�蘇格蘭威士忌作為「地理標示」之實益Legal Protection: Europe�法律保護:於歐洲地區Legal Protection: Rest of the World�法律保護:於世界其他地區The Scotch Whisky Association �蘇格蘭威士忌協會Legal Protection of Scotch Whisky�蘇格蘭威士忌之法律保護Direct Misuse of “Scotch Whisky”�直接冒稱「蘇格蘭威士忌」Indirect Misleading Indications of Origin: Tartan�使用間接、誤導性之產地來源表示:蘇格蘭方格花紋Indirect Misleading Indications of Origin: “GLEN”�使用間接、誤導性之產地來源表示: “GLEN”Indirect Misleading Indications of Origin : “Mc/Mac”�使用間接、誤導性之產地來源表示: “Mc/Mac”Detecting Fake “Scotch Whisky”�偽冒「蘇格蘭威士忌」酒品之查緝Future Developments�未來發展Conclusions�結論
