Scratch Maze game



A simple challenge for students on grade 9 learning Scratch

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Make a maze game where you control a dot and you win when you reach a zone avoiding all the walls and obstacles.

You can see an example here

Goal 1. Make the dot move with the cursor keys. Make sure you initialize it so that at the beginning of the game it appears on a known possition.

Goal 2. Draw a maze more or less like the one on the figure. Set it as the background of your game.

Goal 3. Use the function touching color? To detect when you hit a wall, and make the sprite go back to its original position.

Goal 4. Use a variable to keep life count. At the beginning it should be 3, but everytime you touch an obstacle you lose 1 life. When the life count reaches 0, the program stops.

Goal 5. Draw the finnishing spot on a different color. When the sprite gets there, show a congratulations message.

Goal 6. Draw a second labirynth as another background. This one should be more challenging (make it narrower and longer, for example). When the finnishing spot is reached, this background should loas and the sprite should be again on a starting position.

Goal 7. Make a third level that includes moving obstacles (sprites that glide between 2 different positions, like the blue squares on the video).

Goal 8. Make start, game over and win backgrounds that go with the game.Scratch Advanced Challenge: Maze Samuel Landete Benavente /
