

Citation preview


The role of a community radio station is to entertain as well as inform and cover a small geographical area with in the region. They aim to attract different age groups, ethnic groups or interest groups. There are many community radio stations located in the UK targeting a wide range of audiences. The radio station we are working for is Oldham Community Radio 99.7FM and they consist of different age groups and different ethnic groups such as School and College Students, Old people, Religious, British or Asian due to Oldham having a multicultural population. It can be seen on their program strand how they manage to fit in their audiences throughout the days of the week.

Ofcom is an organisation that invites community radios to apply for a licence and Oldham community radio were awarded with this licence in 2005.

Community radio stations are non-profit so the money made is invested back into the radio station and used for equipment, facilities and marketing resources. Oldham community radio rely on funding opportunity’s such as fundraising events and donations to maintain their service. The organisations that support Oldham community radio in their work are Oldham council, Sports relieve and ZEN internet. The news broadcasted on Oldham community radio are sourced from Sky news as they are a small community radio and can’t afford to find their own news and interviews. The members of staff and the presenters of Oldham community radio are volunteers that offer to help host the radio shows.

In conclusion I think my bulletin fits in well with the program strand due to it being a successful news broadcast. The main strengths would be the construction, presentation and the effort and enthusiasm put in to produce a successful bulletin and the weaknesses would be any distortions and flaws that have been left in due to lack of time.
