SDG 16 Report IPB University


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SustainabilityReport 2020SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels ipbofficial


Learning Program ipbofficial

National and State Life Training themed “For the Red and White of State

Children” was conducted by ipb University Business School (SB-IPB) on

August 25, 2020, through Virtual Zoom Meetings. This training aims to

provide a broad view to the younger generation, prepare their competencies

early and be wise in addressing the various dynamics of change and

challenges. This online training presents three speakers: Chairman of MPR

H. Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A, H. Samsudin, S.Sos.I, MH, and Asep

Taryana S.TP, MM as Representatives of the Association of Parliamentary

Experts and Lecturers of SB-IPB. Hopefully, the community and students

can know and understand the pillars of national and state life, know the

mechanism of academic script making and increase the love for the

country. During the activity, participants enthusiastically and interactively

answer games or question and answer sessions that can interpret that the

actions that have been running began to be understood by the participants.

1 National and State Life Training “For the Red and White of the Children of the Country.” ipbofficial

Law No. 41 of 1999 and No. 18 of 2013 onForestry, two were blended in the Job

CreationLaw (Omnibus Law). In addition to the issue of changing the regulatory text, there is also the

governance aspect because changing the rules doesn't just change the facts. Besides, there are also

institutional problems at the central and regional levels. The purpose of the webinar was to discuss

the implications of the Job CreationLaw on forestry management in Indonesia in terms of various


2 Webinar Implications of Omnibus Law to The Future of Forestry and The Environment

1. ipbofficial

3 School of Agrarian Sovereignty, Agrarian Generation Collaboration ipbofficial

PSA-IPB, SAINS, FNKSDA, WALHI, and ARC, held the 2020 School of Agrarian

Sovereignty (SKA). First of all, this school is intended as an effort by the five institutions to formulate

and explain the meaning of the idea of “agrarian sovereignty” (as used in the title of this school)

which so far still leaves its own problems. Second, this school describe how "agrarian sovereignty" is

possible to be realized in the current global capitalist system. Third, this school fills the gaps in

currently available agrarian studies, so that it can provide a “new” perspective for academics,

researchers, and especially for movement groups that are at the forefront of social change. The

School of Agrarian Sovereignity runs online for 8 days, starting from 11 August to 19 August 2020.

There are 23 participants from various provinces in Indonesia, namely Papua, Sumatra,

Kalimantan, Java, and Banten. In addition, participants also came from various professional and

scientific backgrounds, such as academics, NGOs, and community movement organizations. The

challenge in implementation this program is that participants cannot interact directly and conduct

field visits to explore agrarian stories directly.

4 Webinar Employment Creation Law and Natural Resources Governance ipbofficial

Webinar organized by PSB through a zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 20,

2020, at 09.30 WIB. The topic raised was the Employment Creation Law and Natural

Resources Governance. This webinar was held taking into account that the support of all

stakeholders is needed so that the CK Law is immediately realized as a common interest to

advance the national economy, open up investment as well as employment opportunities

and ultimately prosper the workers. The webinar begins with remarks by Prof. Dodik

Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F.Trop (Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Information

Systems, IPB University), and there were 4 resource persons who filled in, namely Prof. Dr.

Ir. Hariadi Kartodiharjo, MS (Professor of Forestry Policy of IPB), Dr. rer.nat. Rina

Mardiana, SP., M.Sc. (Head of Center for Agrarian Studies IPB), Dr. Yonvitner, S.Pi., M.Si.

(Head of Center for Disaster Studies, LPPM IPB); and Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto,

M.Sc. (Professor of Agricultural Technology IPB). This webinar was attended by 395



Student Activies ipbofficial

Sekolah Vokasi (SV) IPB University mengadakan Pengajian Ramadhan SV IPB Seri 2 dengan

mengusung tema "Relevansi Kepemimpinan Rasulullah di Era Milenial", (19/4) secara online melalui

platform Zoom. Acara ini menghadirkan Prof Arif Satria, Rektor IPB University sebagai penceramah yang

dipandu oleh Dr Doni Yusri sebagai moderator.

Dalam tausiyahnya, Prof Arif Satria memberikan pemaparan bagaimana menggali hikmah dan

pelajaran dari Rasulullah SAW. "Bagaimana kita coba mengangkat relevansi karakteristik Rasul untuk

konteks kekinian bahwa saat ini perlu terus kita eksplor untuk dikolaborasi dan diimplementasikan.

Pertama adalah Rasulullah memiliki sifat yaitu sidik, fathonah, amanah, tabligh. Sidik berarti berkata

benar, jujur dan kita tahu bahwa hasil penelitian manapun menempatkan kejujuran itu sebagai nomor

wahid atau utama, faktor yang membuat kita sukses, jadi kejujuran merupakan suatu bekal bagi kita untuk

memperkuat integritas," ujarnya.

5 Pengajian Ramadhan SV IPB "Relevansi KepemimpinanRasulullah di Era Milenial" ipbofficial

6 SV IPB University Selenggarakan SV IPB Culture Week 2021 ipbofficial

Program Studi Komunikasi Sekolah Vokasi IPB

University menggelar SV IPB Culture Week 2021 secara virtual.

Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan untuk melanjutkan event

tahunan sebelumnya yang lebih dikenal dengan Festival Budaya

Nusantara. Gelaran SV IPB Culture Week 2021 digelar secara

virtual untuk pertama kali di masa pandemi COVID-19 melalui

platform Zoom Meeting dan Live Streaming Youtube, akhir

pekan lalu.

Kali ini, SV IPB Culture Week 2021 menampilkan

sepuluh tema acara yaitu Vocational Art Space, Art and Culture

Competition, Cultural Village Expedition, Virtual Culture Fashion

Carnival, Batik Workshop, Music Performance & Coffee

Exploring, Virtual Heritage Tour, serta Culinary Festival. Event ini

turut diramaikan oleh beberapa public figure seperti Cinta Laura,

Maudy Koesnaedy, Rio Febrian, Desainer ternama Didiet

Maulana, serta Sutradara Farishad Latjuba.

7 PSM D’Voice Sekolah Vokasi IPB Persembahkan Konser Virtual BertajukAmigo Century: As Sparkling As 90’s ipbofficial

Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM) DVoice Sekolah Vokasi IPB University sukses

menggelar konser virtual bertajuk Amigo Century: As Sparkling As 90s, 25/4. Amigo Century,

berasal dari bahasa Portugis yaitu Amigo yang berarti teman dan Century yang berarti abad.

Kedua kata ini dipadu menjadi Amigo Century dan memiliki arti teman yang tidak

berkesudahan Teman yang selalu ada walau jarak yang tercipta hari ini, besok, dan di masa

yang akan datang.

Sedikitnya ada 949 pasang mata menyaksikan penampilan yang menawan dari para

mahasiswa yang tetap semangat untuk terus berkarya dan berkreasi di tengah pandemic

Covid-19 melalui piranti tonton masing-masing. Kemeriahan dan kekhidmatan konser terasa

nyata berkat suguhan kreativitas dan penampilan yang penuh penjiwaan dari seluruh elemen

PSM DVoice.

" Penampilan PSM DVoice dalam konser Amigo Century: As Sparkling As 90s benar

benar sangat memukau dan saya sangat menikmatinya," kata Dr Arief Daryanto, Dekan

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University yang turut menyaksikan konser virtual PSM DVoice. "Nyanyian

yang ditampilkan sangat merdu dan komposisinya sangat pas. Klip-klip videonya pun rapi dan

enak ditonton. Saya sangat menikmati lagu-lagu genre pop tahun 1990-an yang mereka

nyanyikan," katanya.

Research, Innovation, and Bussines ipbofficial

8 Agrarian Conflict Resolution in Sempu Village:The Release of Forest Area for Land Objects for Agrarian Reform (TORA) ipbofficial

The people of Sempu Village, Kediri are facing forest land tenure problems, the overlapping acquisition

and utilization of community land with forest area.

PSA in collaboration with Tani Center IPB provides community assistance which is divided into several

stages, the first stage is discussion as the stage of research preparation and identification of problems, the

second stage is the field research to find data related to the livelihoods and land of the Sempu community, the

third stage is the presentation the results of research and policy formulation to encourage the resolution of

agrarian conflicts, and the last stage is advocacy to the government.

The first stage was carried out in May 2019, the second stage was carried out in July 2019, the third

stage was carried out in October 2019, and the advocacy was carried out during 2020.

Changes in policy regulations that are very dynamic after the enactment of the UUCK require the re-alignment

of the results of the problem study with the latest policy regulations in order to solve problems de jure and de


The field study produced an output in the form of a Policy Recommendation on the Release of Forest

Areas for Land for Agrarian Reform Objects (TORA).

Development Community ipbofficial

9 The Customary Land of the Moy Tribal Community, Papua:The Struggle for Conflict Resolution and Strengthening Customary Rights ipbofficial

The customary lands of the Moy Indigenous People have been evicted, the sago plantations

have melted away, and Papuan mothers are no longer able to harvest sago. Based on the request by the

Papuan Indigenous people (especially the Moy Tribe Customary Council), The Center for Agrarian Studies

IPB is ready to attend to accompany the struggle of the indigenous people.

Through Distance Advocacy (AJJ), the Center for Agrarian Studies makes contact and

communicates with local constituents, through media that provide a virtual space for discussions in a

virtual face-to- face context. We collaborate, especially with the indigenous people themselves, in this

case the local champion of the Moy Tribal Customary Council (DAS), namely an indigenous youth named

Mr. Colombus Bonyadone who later became a facilitator as well as a catalyst for the struggle in

recognizing the customary rights of indigenous peoples.

In dealing with the problem of acknowledging this customary land, PSA first conducts

participatory mapping training for the community.

This advocacy process will involve multi-level dialogue at the state level, starting from the village

(ondoafi), district/sub- district, province to national level.

BUMDes Alam Depati Payung is a BUMDes owned by one of the villages in the Serampas area, namely Rantau Kermas Village which was formed based on the Rantau Kermas Village Head’s decision

Number 10 of 2018 concerning the Establishment of Daily Management and Supervisory Board for Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) on January 9, 2018 which consists of 4 business units, namely the Coffee

Business Unit Group, the Power plant micro hydro (PLTMH) Business Unit Group, the Indigenous Forest Management Group (KPHA), and the Ecotourism Business Unit Group.

One of the business units that is being actively developed related to agriculture and people's livelihoods is the coffee business unit. The coffee management process in the coffee business unit is carried out by

the villagers of Rantau Kermas starting from the harvesting process from the coffee plantation, processing, to product packaging.

Even though the management of this Serampas coffee is running well, it is still necessary to improve product quality and optimize community participation in this institution. In 2019, the Center for Agrarian

Studies has conducted research in the Serampas customary area to mapping the land use (IP4T) and social mapping of indigenous peoples in 5 villages in the Serampas customary area. Based on this, it is necessary

to follow up assistance in terms of strengthening the BUMDES institution, namely the coffee business unit. Assistance in 2020 was carried out virtually from January 2020 to June 2020 in collaboration with a non-profit

organization, KKI WARSI.

10 Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Alam Depati Payung:Institutional Strengthening and Management of Serampas Coffee, Jambi ipbofficial

Campus Operation ipbofficial

22 Juni 2020

Pada Senin (23/6) ada pemandangan yang baru di Fateta, meja sekuriti Fateta

terlihat lebih modern dengan warna putih-merah yang dilengkapi logo IPB

University. Tidak hanya perubahan tampilan, meja ini juga berfungsi sebagai pos

pemantauan dari 14 CCTV yang tersebar di titik-titik strategis wilayah Fateta.

“Nantinya, meja ini tidak lagi menjadi tempat kongkow-kongkow pegawai, dosen

atau mahasiswa. Alhamdulillah.” ujar Dekan Fateta, Prof. Kudang Boro Seminar.

11 Pandemi Covid-19 dan Era New Normal Tidak Menyurutkan Langkah Fateta Dalam Berinovasi Guna Meningkatkan Keamanan dan Kenyamanan di Kampus ipbofficial
