Seawater forests


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Seawater forests


Water from melting glaciers, the largest of which are in the Antarctic and

Greenland, is a major cause of sea-level rise.

Rivers of seawater flow directly into our integrated seawater farms.

Water-based recreational activities add value. Eco-tourism thrives along

seawater rivers.

We use our seawater rivers initially to grow aquatic crops of shrimp, fish,

and shellfish.

The University of Arizona's Environmental Research Laboratory and the

Seawater Foundation have spent more than 25 years researching and

improving yields of naturally occurring halophytic (salt-loving) crops.

We grow these crops using the nutrient-rich seawater from aquaculture

operations. Seawater forests of mangrove trees and agronomic meadows,

such as salicornia, yield lumber and food for humans and animals.

Vegetable oil and high-protein meal are extracted from the salicornia

seed. We use the oil to produce SeaForest BioDiesel-10, and the meal

provides food for animals and humans.

Livestock grazes and flourishes on the nutrient-rich seawater-irrigated


The underground inland movement of seawater produced by the

irrigation of crops is being measured by scientists. When managed

correctly, freshwater, which is lighter, floats on the seawater, increasing

available fresh groundwater.

As cash crops from the farm, we produce feed components for aquatic

and land animals. Particularly valuable are aquatic feeds, which reduce

pressure on offshore fisheries.

Universities and other research institutions help monitor and improve our

projects. These include atmospheric-carbon sequestration, sea-level

control, contributions to freshwater availability, and increasing


GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites measure ice

melting into the sea. These measurements may one day include the

effects seawater farms have on sea level.

Managed seawater wetlands attract hundreds of new animal species to

roost and reproduce in biodiverse areas of increasing size.

Resorts, like animals, flourish around water. If properly integrated and

beautifully designed, they provide important income opportunities in an

environmentally sound manner.

SeaForest BioDiesel-10 fuel, one of the main products developed at the

seawater farms, removes 10 times more carbon from the atmosphere

than the vehicle using it emits into the air.

SeaForest Solid BioFuel-2, made from salicornia straw and mangrove

material, provides electricity for the entire community with no net

emission of carbon into the atmosphere.
