Secret Place shallow concrete slopes plumes shadowed wilderness


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Secret Place







shallow not deep

The water is dark and shallow in its concrete bed.The smaller kids stayed in the shallow end of the pool.

concrete a hard building

materialThe water is dark and shallow in its concrete bed.The concrete sidewalk in front of our house has cracks in it where dandelions grow in the spring.

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The maple trees grew on two steep slopes

upward or downward slants; not level

Bushes and tangled weeds cling to the slopes of the concrete walls.

plumes long feathers

I watched the bird float down, its legs thin and reaching, its head plumes fanned.

The peacock spread out its beautiful plumes and showed off their deep colors.

shadowed covered in shadow; partially


A coyote came to lap the shadowed water.

The sun was shining so brightly, he moved to a more shadowed area to stay cool.

wildernessan area undisturbed by human activity or rules

“Before the city grew, there was wilderness.”

My mother says spending a lot of time in nature and in the wilderness makes her happy.

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