Section 48 Notice of Application


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  • 7/31/2019 Section 48 Notice of Application


    Table 1: Shaft location description Purpose of shaft

    Acton Storm Tanks, south o Canham Road and west oCobbold Road, London Borough o Ealing

    To receive the main tunnel rom Carnwath RoadRiverside and to intercept and divert ow romActon Storm Relie CSO.

    Hammersmith Pumping Station, east o Chancellors Roadand south o Distillery Road, London Borough oHammersmith and Fulham

    To intercept and divert ow rom the HammersmithPumping Station CSO.

    Barn Elms, on the south eastern perimeter o the Barn ElmsPlaying Fields, London Borough o Richmond

    To intercept and divert ow rom the West PutneyStorm Relie CSO.

    Putney Embankment Foreshore, on the oreshore north oLower Richmond Road and west o Putney Bridge, LondonBorough o Wandsworth including site o temporary slipwayto the west o the drop shat site

    To intercept and divert ow rom the PutneyBridge CSO.

    Carnwath Road Riverside, south o Carnwath Road, LondonBorough o Hammersmith and Fulham

    To receive the main tunnel rom Kirtling Street andthe Frogmore connection tunnel rom DormayStreet and to drive the main tunnel toActon Storm Tanks.

    Dormay Street, north o Dormay Street and west oThe Causeway, London Borough o Wandsworth

    To drive the Frogmore connection tunnel to KingGeorges Park and to Carnwath Road Riverside andto intercept and divert ow rom the FrogmoreStorm Relie Bell Lane Creek CSO.

    King Georges Park, south o the intersection betweenBuckhold Road and Neville Gill Close, London Borougho Wandsworth

    To intercept and divert ow rom the FrogmoreStorm Relie Buckhold Road CSO.

    Falconbrook Pumping Station, east o York Road and westo Lavender Road, London Borough o Wandsworth

    To intercept and divert ow rom the FalconbrookPumping Station CSO.

    Cremorne Wharf Depot, east o Lots Road between the RiverThames and the Lots Road Pumping Station, Royal Borougho Kensington and Chelsea

    To intercept and divert ow rom the Lots RoadPumping Station CSO.

    Chelsea Embankment Foreshore, on the oreshore south othe Royal Hospital Chelseas South Grounds and partly withinChelsea Embankment and Ranelagh Gardens, Royal Borougho Kensington and Chelsea

    To intercept and divert ow rom the RanelaghCSO and control and divert ow rom the northernLow Level Sewer No.1.

    Kirtling Street, either side o Cringle Street, London Borougho Wandsworth

    To drive the main tunnel to Carnwath Road Riversideand to Chambers Whar.

    Heathwall Pumping Station, on the oreshore west oElm Quay and north o Nine Elms Lane, London Borougho Wandsworth

    To intercept and divert ow rom the HeathwallPumping Station CSO and South West StormRelie CSO.

    Albert Embankment Foreshore, on the oreshore to the westo Albert Embankment between St Geo rges Whar andTintagel House, London Borough o Lambeth

    To intercept and divert ow rom the Brixton StormRelie CSO and the Clapham Storm Relie CSO.

    Victoria Embankment Foreshore, on the oreshore east oVictoria Embankment between Northumberland Avenue andHorse Guards Avenue, London Borough o Westminster

    To control and divert ow rom the northern LowLevel Sewer No.1.

    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore, on the oreshore south oVictoria Embankment between Temple Avenue and BlackriarsBridge and adjacent to Paul's Walk, west o Blackriars Station,City o London

    To intercept and divert ow rom the Fleet MainCSO and control and divert ow rom the northernLow Level Sewer No.1.

    Chambers Wharf, on the oreshore and north o Chambers

    Street to the west o Lotie Street, London Borough o Southwark

    To receive the main tunnel rom Kirtling Street and

    the Greenwich connection tunnel rom GreenwichPumping Station and to drive the main tunnel toAbbey Mills Pumping Station.

    Earl Pumping Station, east o Crot Street, south oChiltern Street and south o Yeoman Street, London Borougho Lewisham

    To intercept and divert ow rom the Earl PumpingStation CSO.

    Deptford Church Street, west o Deptord Church Street andnorth o Crossfeld Street and south o Coey Street, LondonBorough o Lewisham

    To intercept and divert ow rom the DeptordStorm Relie CSO.

    Greenwich Pumping Station, west o Norman Road and northo Greenwich High Road and including Phoenix Whar to thenorth o the railway viaduct, Royal Borough o Greenwich

    To intercept and divert ow rom the GreenwichPumping Station CSO.

    King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore, on the oreshore andto the south o The Highway and east o Glamis Road, LondonBorough o Tower Hamlets

    To intercept and divert ow rom No rth East StormRelie Sewer CSO.

    Abbey Mills Pumping Station, east o Prescott Channel andwest o Abbey Creek and Channelsea River and south o TheGreenway, London Borough o Newham

    To receive the main tunnel rom Chambers Whar.


    Notice publicising a proposed application for a developmentconsent order for the Thames Tideway Tunnel.Thames Water Utilities Limited(Thames Water), whose registered ofceis at Clearwater Court, Vastern Road,Reading, Berkshire RG1 8DB, intendsto make an application (the proposedapplication) to the Secretary o Stateor a development consent order toauthorise the construction, operationand maintenance o the ThamesTideway Tunnel project (the Project).

    The project involves intercepting owsrom existing combined sewer overows

    (CSOs) to tackle untreated sewageoverowing into the tidal River Thamesand comprises the ollowing elements:Wastewaterstorageand

    transer tunnels between: Thames Waters existing operational

    sites at Acton Storm Tanks andAbbey Mills Pumping Station ('themain tunnel'); the tunnel would runrom Acton Storm Tanks to the RiverThames and then underneath theriver as ar as Rotherhithe where itwould divert to the north east viathe Limehouse Cut terminating atthe Abbey Mills Pumping Station.

    King George's Park in Wandsworthand the proposed main tunnel site atCarnwath Road Riverside in Fulham('the Frogmore connection tunnel') viathe CSO drop shat at Dormay Street;Thames Water's existing operationalsite at Greenwich Pumping Stationand the proposed main tunnel site at

    Chambers Whar in Southwark ('theGreenwich connection tunnel') via theCSO drop shats at Deptord ChurchStreet and Earl Pumping Station:

    shaftstobeusedfortheconstruction,operation and maintenance othe main tunnel and the Frogmoreand Greenwich connection tunnelsas described in Table 1;

    CSOdropshafts,shortconnectiontunnels and associated developmentor the interception o ows romexisting CSOs and the diversion othose ows into the main tunnel or theFrogmore or Greenwich connectiontunnels as described in Table 1;

    workstomodifyThamesWatersexisting Shad Thames Pumping Stationat Maguire Street in Southwark

    provisionofashaftandmodicationsto the existing sewer at BekesbourneStreet in Tower Hamlets;


    construction o the tunnels andshats described above including: creation o construction sites and

    access rom the public highwayincluding works to the public highway

    provision o new utilities and servicesand diversion o existing utilities

    p rovision o temporar y coerdams,construction o new river walls,slipways and jetties, campsheds andthe relocation o existing moorings

    provision o air management plantand equipment including ventilationcolumns, electrical and control kiosks

    provisi on o drainage, hard and sotlandscaping.

    The project is an Environmental ImpactAssessment development. The proposedapplication will include an environmentalstatement.

    Asterisks indicate the ormat in which the documentation is available or viewing at each o the specifed locations above.

    * hard copies o documents, plans and maps

    **electronic copy o documents, plans and maps on the project website (see below or website address)

    Table 2: Tunnel Section / Site Location and format of information available

    Main tunnel route Hounslow Civic Centre, Lampton Road, TW3 4DN*; Chiswick Library, Dukes Avenue, W4 2AB*; and at all other locationsspecifed below

    Acton Storm Tanks Ealing Town Hall, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, W5 25Y*; Ealing Central Library, 103 Ealing Broadway Centre,The Broadway, W5 5JY**; Acton Library, High Street, Acton W3 6NA**

    Hammersmith Pumping Station Hammersmith and Fulham Town Hall, King Street, W6 9JU*; Hammersmith Library, Shepherds Bush Road, W6 7AT**

    Barn Elms Richmond upon Thames Civic Centre, 44 York Street, TW1 3BZ*; Wandsworth Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, SW18 2PU *;Castelnau Library, 75 Castelnau SW13 9RT**; Richmond Inormation Centre, Old Town Hall, Whittaker Avenue, TW9 1TP**

    Putney Embankment Foreshore Wandsworth Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, SW18 2PU *; Putney Library, 5/7 Disraeli Road, SW15 2DR**

    Carnwath Road Riverside Hammersmith and Fulham Town Hall, King Street, W6 9JU*; Fulham Library, 598 Fulham Road, Fulham, SW6 5NX **;Sands End Library, The Community Centre, 59 Broughton Road, Fulham, SW6 2LE**

    Frogmore connection tunnel route,Dormay Street, King GeorgesPark and Falconbrook PumpingStation

    Wandsworth Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London SW18 2PU*; Wandsworth Town Library, 11 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth,SW18 4AQ**; York Gardens Library, 34 Lavender Road, SW11 2UG**

    Cremorne Wharf Depot andChelsea Embankment Foreshore

    Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX*; Chelsea Library, Chelsea Old Town Hall, Kings Road, SW3 5EZ**;Kensington Central Library, 12 Phillimore Walk, Kensington W8 7SA**

    Kirtling Street and HeathwallPumping Station

    Wandsworth Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, SW18 2PU *; Battersea Park Library, 309 Battersea Park Road, SW11 4NF **;South Lambeth Library, 180 South Lambeth Road, SW18 1QP**

    Albert Embankment Foreshore Lambeth Council, Phoenix House, St George Whar, Wandsworth Road, SW8 2LL*; South Lambeth Library,180 South Lambeth Road, SW18 1QP**

    Victoria Embankment Foreshore Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP*; Victoria Library, 160 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 9UD**;Pimlico Library, Rampayne Street, SW1V 2PU**

    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore City o London, Gresham Street, London EC2P 2EJ*; Guildhall Library, 5 Aldermanbury, EC2V 7HH**; Shoe Lane Library,Hill House, Little New Street, EC4A 3JR**

    Chambers Wharf and ShadThames Pumping Station

    Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, SE1 2QH*; John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High Street, SE1 1JA**;Canada Water Resource Centre, 21 Surrey Quays Road, SE16 7AR**

    Greenwich connectiontunnel route At the locations specifed or Earl Pumping Station, Deptord Church Street and Greenwich Pumping Station

    Earl Pumping Station Lewisham Town Hall, 5th Floor, Laurence House, Catord Road, London SE6 4RU*; Canada Water Resource Centre,21 Surrey Quays Road, SE16 7AR**; Pepys Resource Centre, Old Library, Deptord Strand, SE8 3BA**

    Deptford Church Street Lewisham Town Hall, 5th Floor, Laurence House, Catord Road, SE6 4RU**; Canada Water Resource Centre,21 Surrey Quays Road, SE16 7AR**; Lewisham Library, 199-201 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6LG**; Pepys Resource Centre,Old Library, Deptord Strand, SE8 3BA**

    Greenwich Pumping Station Royal Borough o Greenwich, Town Hall, Wellington Street, SE18 6PW*; West Greenwich Library, 146 Greenwich High Road,SE10 8NN**

    King Edward Memorial ParkForeshore and BekesbourneStreet

    Newham Town Hall, 1000 Dockside Road, E16 2QU *; Tower Hamlets Council Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent,E14 2BG*; Tower Hamlets Ideas Store, Gladstone Place, Bow, E3 5ES**; Tower Hamlets Idea Store, Churchill Place,Canary Whar, E14 5RB**

    Abbey Mills Pumping Stationand Beckton Sewage TreatmentWorks

    Newham Town Hall, 1000 Dockside Road, E16 2QU *; Stratord Library, 3 The Grove, Stratord E15 1EL**

    The project is an Environmental Impact Assessment development.The proposed application will include an environmental statement.

    The documents, plans and maps showingthe nature and location o the proposeddevelopment are available or inspectionrom 16 July to 5 October 2012 at thelocations specifed in Table 2 duringtheir published opening hours.

    A CD or hard copies o these documents,plans and maps are available on requestand copies can be made available in largeprint, Braille or audio ormat. To requestcopies o the documents please contactus using the details specifed below.

    The proposed application will also seekauthorisation or the compulsory acquisitiono land and interests in and rights over land,overriding easements and other rights, thetemporary use o land, the temporary andpermanent stopping up o highways andthe intererence with public rights o wayand navigation.

    A telephone translation helpline service is alsoavailable. Please contact us on 0800 0721 086.All responses to the publicity o theproposed application must be submittedby 5 pm on 5 October 2012.

    Only written responses can be accepted.They should be submitted as ollows:

    Bypostto:ThamesTunnel,ThamesWater,Freepost SCE 9923, PO Box 522,Swindon SN2 8LA


    When deciding on the fnal orm o theapplication or the development consentorder or the project, we will take intoaccount any response to this publicity oour proposed application that is receivedbeore the specifed deadline.

    Details o responses to the publicity exercisewill be made public in accordance with therequirements o the Planning Act 2008.
