Security Manager's Guide to Video Surveillance (1)


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  • 7/31/2019 Security Manager's Guide to Video Surveillance (1)


    Security Manager's Guide

    to Video Surveillance

    Version 2.2 / January 2009John Honovich

  • 7/31/2019 Security Manager's Guide to Video Surveillance (1)



    I. Introduction/Tutorials on Video Surveillance

    Chapter 1: How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions...................................................................8

    Chapter 2: Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software.....................................................................19

    Chapter 3: Introduction to Video CODECs......................................................................................24

    Chapter 4: Bandwidth Basics for Video Surveillance.......................................................................29

    Chapter 5: Examining Video Analytics.............................................................................................34

    Chapter 6: License Plate Recognition Tutorial.................................................................................38

    Chapter 7: Introduction to DVR/NVR Storage Optimization..........................................................42

    Chapter 8:Wireless Video Surveillance Tutorial..............................................................................48

    Chapter 9:API and System Integration Tutorial...............................................................................53Chapter 10: How to Integrate Video With Other Systems................................................................57

    Chapter 11:How to Migrate from Analog to IP Cameras................................................................60

    Chapter 12: Directory of On-Line Video Surveillance Tutorials......................................................65

    II. Evaluating Key Trends and Technologies

    Chapter 13: IT Is Not Taking Over Security....................................................................................71

    Chapter 14:Will Security Integrators Survive?................................................................................74

    Chapter 15:Should I Use IP Cameras?............................................................................................79

    Chapter 16:Top 5 Problems of IP Cameras.....................................................................................84

    Chapter 17:Value of Hybrid DVRs/NVRs.......................................................................................87

    Chapter 18:New Options for DVR/NVR Storage...........................................................................90

    Chapter 19:The Value of Centralized Video Analytics....................................................................97

    Chapter 20:Examining 'Open' Systems...........................................................................................99

    Chapter 21:The Danger of Buying Packages.................................................................................102

    Chapter 22:Introduction to City-Wide Surveillance......................................................................104

    Chapter 23:Is Public CCTV Effective?.........................................................................................108

    III. Evaluating New Products

    Chapter 24: How to Read Marketing Material................................................................................118

    Chapter 25: How to Evaluate New Technology..............................................................................121

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    Chapter 26: How to Calculate Video Surveillance ROIs................................................................128

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    About IP Video Market Info

    Personalized NewsWant to stay informed of new trends, analysis and technology for

    video surveillance? IP Video Market Info offers the most extensive

    daily and deep coverage in the industry. Stop by the site or sign up

    forpersonalized news.

    2009 Industry Guide

    If you want more in-depth competitive and industry analysis,

    consider our2009 Video Surveillance Industry Guide. This Guide

    provides recommendations on how to plan and respond to the

    recession, evaluating what technologies, products and companies

    will do the best in 2009. The 247 page guide can be downloaded

    and printed out for easy reading. A premium product, the cost is as

    low as $40.00 USD for personal use and $200.00 USD to share with

    anyone in your company.
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    About the AuthorJohn Honovich is the founder ofIP Video Market Info, the leading

    website dedicated to video surveillance. John researches and

    writes extensively for IP Video Market Info, providing ongoing and

    timely analysis of new technologies and emerging products.

    Additionally, John developed software that allows IP Video Market

    Info to constantly track and organize new video surveillance

    information from company websites and across the web.

    Prior to founding IP Video Market Info, John was a successfulmanager and engineer working closely with Security Managers to

    develop video surveillance solutions. As Director of Product

    Management for3VR Security, John helped design and deploy

    industry leading video analytic and facial recognition software for the

    banking and retail market. As General Manager ofSensormatic

    Hawaii, John lead large scale military and critical infrastructure

    deployments of video analytics, IP video and wireless video

    surveillance. Before entering the Physical Security industry, John

    was a senior engineer designing IP Video over DSL networks for

    telecommunication carriers.

    John graduated from Dartmouth College and, over the years, has

    achieved Cisco certifications and the ASIS International Board

    Certification in Physical Security (PSP).
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    Who is this Book for?This book is designed for the security manager who uses video

    surveillance/CCTV systems. You should be able to understand this book

    if you have used a DVR system. The book's goal is to help you make

    better decisions about evaluating and selecting video surveillance


    Integrators and manufacturers should also be able to learn from this,

    especially to gain a better appreciation of drivers for security managers.

    May I Share this Book with Others?

    Yes. This is a free and open source book. You can share and copy

    the book as long as you attribute the source (John Honovich, and do not restrict other's ability to share the book.

    This is technically called a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike

    3.0 Unported License. Email me with

    any questions.

    Will this Book be Updated?

    Yes, this book will be updated 2 to 3 times per year and is designed to

    be a living book that reflects ongoing developments in video

    surveillance. Go to to check for updates.

    May I Suggest Improvements or New Topics for the Book?

    Yes, I strongly encourage you to suggest improvements or new topics.

    Please email me
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    Introduction to

    Video Surveillance

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    Chapter 1: How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    Designing a video surveillance solution requires decisions on 7 fundamental

    questions. This tutorial walks the reader through each issue explaining the

    basic options and the rationale for selecting different options.

    This is a survey to help those new to video surveillance. Its goal is to quickly

    identify the key aspects of video surveillance design, not to examine the

    many details and edge cases in such designs.

    The 7 fundamental questions are:

    What type of cameras should I use?

    How should I connect cameras to video management systems?

    What type of video management system should I use?

    What type of storage should I use?

    What type of video analytics should I use?

    How should I view my surveillance video? How should I integrate video with my other systems?

    1. Cameras

    Cameras are literally the eyes of a video surveillance system. Cameras

    should be deployed in critical areas to capture relevant video.

    The two basic principles of camera deployment are (1) use choke points and(2) cover assets.

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    Choke points are areas where people or vehicles must pass to enter a

    certain area. Examples include doorways, hallways and driveways. Placingcameras at choke points is a very cost-effective way to document who

    entered a facility.

    Assets are the specific objects or areas that need security. Examples of

    assets include physical objects such as safes and merchandise areas as well

    as areas where important activity occurs such as cash registers, parking

    spots or lobbies. What is defined as an asset is relative to the needs and

    priorities of your organization.

    Once you determine what areas you want to cover, there are 4 camera

    characteristics to decide on:

    1. Fixed vs PTZ: A camera can be fixed to only look at one specific view

    or it can be movable through the use of panning, tilting and zooming

    (i.e., moving left and right, up and down, closer and farer away).

    Most cameras used in surveillance are fixed. PTZ cameras are

    generally used to cover wider fields of views and should generallyonly be used if you expect a monitor to actively use the cameras on a

    daily basis. A key reason fixed cameras are generally used is that they

    cost 5 -8 times less than PTZs (fixed cameras average $200 - $500

    USD whereas PTZ cameras can be over $2,000 USD).

    2. Color vs Infrared vs Thermal: In TV, a video can be color or black and

    white. In video surveillance today, the only time producing a black

    and white image makes sense is when lighting is very low (e.g., night

    time). In those conditions, infrared or thermal cameras produce

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    black and white images. Infrared cameras require special lamps

    (infrared illuminators) are fairly inexpensive for producing clear

    image in the dark. Thermal cameras require no lighting but productonly outlines of objects and are very expensive ($5,000 - $20,000 on

    average) In day time or lighted areas, color cameras are the obvious

    choice as the premium for color over black and white is trivial.

    3. Standard Definition vs. Megapixel: This choice is similar to that of

    TVs. Just like in the consumer world, historically everyone used

    standard definition cameras but now users are shifting into high

    definition cameras. While high definition TV maxes out at 3 MP,

    surveillance cameras can provide up to 16 MP resolution. In 2008,megapixel cameras only represent about 4% of total cameras sold but

    they are expanding very rapidly. See a demonstration of megapixel

    cameras to learn more.

    4. IP vs Analog: The largest trend in video surveillance today is the

    move from analog cameras to IP cameras. While all surveillance

    cameras are digitized to view and record on computers, only IP

    cameras digitize the video inside the camera. While most infrared

    and thermal cameras are still only available as analog cameras, youcan only use megapixel resolution in IP cameras. Currently, 20% of

    cameras sold are IP and this percentage is increasingly rapidly.

    Most organizations will mix and match a number of different camera types.

    For instance, an organization may use infrared fixed analog cameras around

    a perimeter with an analog PTZ overlooking the parking lot. On the inside,

    they may have a fixed megapixel camera covering the warehouse and a

    number of fixed IP cameras covering the entrance and hallways.

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    2. Connectivity

    In professional video surveillance, cameras are almost always connected tovideo management systems for the purpose of recording and managing

    access to video. There are two main characteristics to decide on for


    IP vs. Analog: Video can be transmitted over your computer network

    (IP) or it can be sent as native analog video. Today, most video feeds

    are sent using analog but migration to IP transmission is rapidly

    occurring. Both IP cameras and analog cameras can be transmitted

    over IP. IP cameras can connect directly to an IP network (just like

    your PC). Analog cameras cannot directly connect to an IP network.

    However, you can install an encoder to transmit analog feeds over IP.

    The encoder has an input for an analog camera video feed and

    outputs a digital stream for transmission over an IP network. Learn

    more about the choice between IP and analog transmission.

    Wired vs Wireless: Video can be sent over cables or though the air,

    whether you are using IP or analog video. Over 90% of video is sent

    over cables as this is generally the cheapest and most reliable way ofsending video. However, wireless is an important option for

    transmitting video as deploying wires can be cost-prohibitive for

    certain applications such as parking lots, fence lines, remote

    buildings. Learn more about when and how to use wireless video


    3. Video Management System

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    Video management systems are the hub of video surveillance solutions,

    accepting video from cameras, storing the video and managing distribution

    of video to viewers.

    There are 4 fundamental options in video management systems. Most

    organizations choose 1 of the 4. However, as companies may have multiple

    types when they transition between one and another.

    DVRs are purpose built computers that combine software, hardware

    and video storage all in one. By definition, they only accept analog

    camera feeds. Almost all DVRs today support remote viewing over

    the Internet. DVRs are very simple to install but they significantly

    limit your flexibility in expansion and hardware changes. DVRs are

    still today the most common option amongst professional buyers.

    However, DVRs have definitely fallen out of favor and the trend is to

    move to one of the 3 categories below.

    HDVRs or hybrid DVRs are DVRs that support IP cameras. They have

    all the functionality of a DVR listed above plus they add support for IP

    and megapixel cameras. Most DVRs can be software upgraded to

    become HDVRs. Such upgrades are certainly a significant trend and isattractive because of the low migration cost (supports analog and IP

    cameras directly). Learn more about the value and issues in selecting


    NVRs are like DVRs in all ways except for camera support. Whereas a

    DVR only supports analog cameras, an NVR only supports IP cameras.

    To support analog cameras with an NVR, an encoder must be used.

    IP Video Surveillance Software is a software application, like Word or

    Excel. Unlike DVRs or NVRs, IP Video Surveillance Software does not

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    come with any hardware or storage. The user must load and set up

    the PC/Server for the software. This provides much greater freedom

    and potentially lower cost than using DVR/NVR appliances. However,it comes with significant more complexity and time to set up and

    optimize the system. IP Video Surveillance Software is the hottest

    trend in video management systems currently and is the most

    frequent choice for very large camera counts (hundreds or more).

    Learn more about choosing software only systems.

    4. Storage

    Surveillance video is almost always stored for later retrieval and review. The

    average storage duration is between 30 and 90 days. However, a small

    percentage of organization store video for much shorter (7 days) or for much

    longer (some for a few years).

    The two most important drivers for determining storage duration is the cost

    of storage and the security threats an organization faces.

    While storage is always getting cheaper, video surveillance demands huge

    amount of storage. For comparison, Google's email service offers about 7

    GB of free email storage. This is considered to be an enormous amount for

    email. However, a single camera could consume that much storage in a day.

    It is fairly common for video surveillance systems to require multiple TBs of

    storage even with only a few dozen cameras. Because storage is such a

    significant cost, numerous techniques exist to optimize the use of storage.

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    The type of security threats also impacts storage duration. For instance, a

    major threat at banks is the report of fraudulent investigations. These

    incidents are often not reported by affected customers until 60 or 90 daysafter the incident. As such, banks have great need for longer term storage.

    By contrast, casinos usually know about issues right away and if a problem

    is to arise they learn about it in the same week. Casinos then, very

    frequently, use much shorter storage duration (a few weeks is common).

    Three fundamental types of storage may be selected:

    1. Internal storage is the hard drives that are built inside of a DVR, NVR

    or server. This today is still the most common form of storage. Withhard drives of up to 1 TB common today, internal storage can provide

    total storage of 2TB to 4TB. Internal storage is the cheapest option

    but tends to be less reliable and scalable than the other options.

    Nonetheless, it is used the most frequently in video surveillance.

    2. Directly Attached storage is when hard drives are located outside of

    the DVR, NVR or server. Storage appliances such as NAS or SANs are

    used to manage hard drives. This usually provides greater scalability,

    flexibility and redundancy. However, the cost per TB is usually morethan internal storage. Attached storage is most often used in large

    camera count applications.

    3. Storage Clusters are IP based 'pools' of storage specialized in storing

    video from large numbers of cameras. Multiple DVRs, NVRs or

    servers can stream video to these storage clusters. They provide

    efficient, flexible and scalable storage for very large camera counts.

    Storage clusters are the most important emerging trend in video

    surveillance storage. Learn more aboutstorage clusters for video


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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    5. Video Analytics

    Video analytics scan incoming video feeds to (1) optimize storage or (2) to

    identify threatening/interesting events.

    Storage optimization is the most commonly used application of video

    analytics. In its simplest form, video analytics examines video feeds to

    identify changes in motion. Based on the presence or absence of motion,

    the video management system can decide not to store video or store video

    at a lower frame rate or resolution. Because surveillance video captures longperiods of inactivity (like hallways and staircases, buildings when they are

    closed, etc.), using motion analytics can reduce storage consumption by 60%

    - 80% relative to continuously recording.

    Using video analytics to identify threatening/interesting events is the more

    'exciting' form of video analytics. Indeed, generally when industry people

    talk of video analytics, this is their intended reference. Common examples of

    this are perimeter violation, abandoned object, people counting andlicenseplate recognition. The goal of these types of video analytics is to pro-actively

    identify security incidents and to stop them in progress (e.g., perimeter

    violation spots a thief jumping your fence so that you can stop him in real

    time, license plate recognition identifies a vehicle belonging to a wanted

    criminal so you can apprehend him).

    These video analytics have been generally viewed as a disappointment.

    While many observers believe that video analytics will improve, the video

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    analytics market is currently contracting (in response to its issues and the

    recession). Learn more about the challenges of video analytics.

    6. Viewing Video

    Surveillance video is ultimately viewed by human beings. Most surveillance

    video is never viewed. Of the video that is viewed, the most common use is

    for historical investigations. Some surveillance video is viewed live

    continuously, generally in retail (to spot shoplifters) and in public

    surveillance (to identify criminal threats). Most live video surveillance isdone periodically in response to a 'called-in' threat or to check up on the

    status of a remote facility.

    4 fundamental options exist for viewing video.

    Local Viewing directly from the DVR, NVR or servers is ideal for

    monitoring small facilities on site. This lets the video management

    system double as a viewing station, saving you the cost of setting up

    or using a PC. This approach is most common in retailers, banks andsmall businesses.

    Remote PC Viewing is the most common way of viewing surveillance

    video. In this approach, standard PCs are used to view live and

    recorded video. Either a proprietary application is installed on the PC

    or a web browser is used. Most remote PC viewing is done with an

    installed application as it provides the greatest functionality.

    However, as web applications mature, more providers are offering

    powerful web viewing. The advantage of watching surveillance video

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    using a web browser is that you do not have to install nor worry

    about upgrading a client.

    Mobile Viewing allows security operators in the field to immediatelycheck surveillance video. As responders and roving guards are

    common in security, mobile viewing has great potential. Though

    mobile clients have been available for at least 5 years, they have

    never become mainstream due to implementation challenges with

    PDAs/phones. Renewed interest and optimism has emerged with the

    introduction of the Apple iPhone. Learn more about how Apple's

    iPhone is impacting video surveillance.

    Video Wall Viewing is ideal for large security operation centers thathave hundreds or thousands of cameras under their jurisdiction.

    Video walls provide very large screens so that a group of people can

    simultaneously watch. This is especially critical when dealing with

    emergencies. Video walls generally have abilities to switch between

    feeds and to automatically display feeds from locations where alarms

    have been triggered.

    7. Integrating Video with Other Systems

    Many organizations use surveillance video by itself, simply pulling up the

    video management systems' client application to watch applications.

    However, for larger organizations and those with more significant security

    concerns, this is an inefficient and poor manner to perform security

    operations. Instead, these organizations prefer an approach similar to the

    military's common operational picture (COP) where numerous security

    systems all display on a singular interface. Three ways exist to deliver such

    integration with video surveillance:

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    How to Design Video Surveillance Solutions

    Access Control as Hub: Most organizations have electronic/IP access

    control systems. These systems have been designed for many years to

    integrate with other security systems such as intrusion detection andvideo surveillance. This is the most common way to integrate video

    surveillance and relatively inexpensive ($10,000 - $50,000 USD).

    However, access control systems are often limited in the number and

    depth of integration they support.

    PSIM as Hub: In the last few years, manufacturers now provide

    specialized applications (called PSIM or physical security information

    management) whose sole purpose is to aggregate information from

    security systems (like video surveillance) and provide the mostrelevant information and optimal response policies. These

    applications tend to be far more expensive ($100,000 - $1,000,000

    USD) yet support a far wider range of security manufacturers and

    offer more sophisticated features.

    Video Management System as Hub: Increasingly, video management

    systems are adding in support for other security systems and security

    management features. If you only need limited integration, your

    existing video management system may provide an inexpensive (yetlimited) solution.

    Learn more about options for integrating video with other systems.


    If you feel comfortable with the key decisions to be made, you may want to

    start examining what companies provide the best products for your need.

    You can learn more about companies for each component at theIP Video

    Market Companies Overview directory.

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    Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    Chapter 2: Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    IP Video Surveillance and Network Video Recorders (NVRs) are two of the most

    common terms describing the use of IP cameras and network based computers in

    physical security. Both of these terms are marketing phrases and are not

    controlled by a standards body. As such, no authoritative definition is possible and

    many diverging opinions are held. This article attempts to document the most

    agreed upon assumptions and highlight the most widely debated elements.

    Moreover, a debate exists in the industry over what to call these solutions.

    Reflecting the legacy of DVRs, many call these systems NVRs. However, thisterm suggests hardware and proprietary appliances. Many feel strongly that these

    solutions should be open architecture and 'software only'. As such, many do not

    consider their products to be 'NVRs'. Frequently manufacturers refer to their

    products as "IP Video Management" solutions or "IP Video Surveillance"

    solutions. For purposes of brevity, I use the acronym "NVR" in this document

    instead of the long and unwieldy alternatives such as IP Video Surveillance

    Software, etc. Do note that manufacturers feel very strongly about the naming of

    the categories their products are placed in. I would recommend you ignore the

    category names and focus on understanding the differences in benefits.

    NVRs Must Support IP Cameras

    Almost everyone agrees that to be designated an NVR a solution must support IP

    cameras. Indeed, the network in network video recorder is generally accepted as

    referring to the use of an IP network to connect IP cameras to an NVR.

    NVRs are Software Only Applications (DEBATED)

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    Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    Most NVR suppliers offer their products as software only. That is to say the NVR

    provides the user with files that are loaded on a computer of the user's choosing.

    The user does not have to purchase the hardware of the NVR supplier. This is

    widely considered to be a major benefit of NVRs and is referred to byMilestone

    Systems asbusting out of proprietary jail. Choosing your own hardware can

    reduce total costs and increase flexibility to design and deploy a system that best

    meets your needs.

    However, many NVRs suppliers do offer appliances. Appliances in IT refers to

    bundles of hardware and software that you must purchase together. A cellular

    phone is a common example of an appliance. You cannot mix and match phone

    software from one supplier and load it on the hardware of another. On the small

    scale, companies such as VideoProtein offers appliances that offer the potential of

    reducing setup and installation complexity. On the large scale, companies such as

    Steelbox offer appliances with the potential of reducing costs and hardware

    necessary for deploying 100 or 1000s of cameras.

    DVRs Cannot Support IP Cameras

    By generally accepted definition, a product referred to as a DVR does not support

    IP cameras. The digital in digital video recorder generally refers to analog

    camera feeds being converted to digital inside of the recorder and therefore not

    being sent over the IP network. By definition, a DVR can only support analog

    inputs. Therefore, a DVR can only support an IP camera if the video feed from the

    IP camera is first converted back to analog using a 'decoder.'

    NVRs Support Analog Cameras by Encoders

    Encoders are appliances that converts the video feed from an analog camera into

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    Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    an IP stream that can be transmitted over a computer network like an email or a

    You Tube video. Almost all NVRs support encoders. Commonly held benefits

    of encoders include:

    Allowing existing analog cameras to be used with NVRs

    Eliminating the use of proprietary coaxial, twisted pair or fiber networks

    Some Systems are Both DVRs and NVRs (DEBATED)

    Some appliances support both IP cameras and directly connected analog cameras.

    Specifically, these appliances do not require encoders to support analog cameras.

    Analog cameras can be directly connected to the back of the appliance. This

    eliminates the need for encoders. Such appliances are generally referred to a

    hybrid DVR/NVRs. The main benefits cited for hybrid systems is that they can be

    cheaper than software only NVRs and that they ease the transition from analog

    cameras to IP cameras.

    Many debate the validity of hybrid systems as true NVRs or IP Video

    Surveillance systems. Major concerns include the lock into proprietary hardware

    and the often incomplete choices of IP camera support and number of IP cameras

    a hybrid system can support.

    All NVRs Support Certain Basic Functionalities

    It is widely agreed that all NVRs support certain basic functionalities:

    Record Video

    View Live Video

    Search for Recorded Video

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    Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    View Recorded Video

    Conduct these functionalities from a remote computer

    NVRs can Differ Significantly in Advanced Functionalities

    While all NVRs are software applications, the software functionalities that NVRs

    offer can vary significantly. This variance can appear between suppliers and even

    amongst supplier's offerings.

    For instance, Milestone Systems offers 4 categories of IP Video Surveillance /

    NVR solutions and a number of options. Examples of categories include:

    Basic: small camera systems, basic functionality

    Medium: medium camera systems, more advanced camera and

    system controls

    Multi-Site: large camera systems with servers in multiple locations

    Global: super-large camera systems with fail over and central


    While all versions offer basics like video recording, viewing and searching,

    different versions offer more powerful tools to improve reliability and usability as

    well as the number of cameras and locations supported. Likewise, significant

    differences can exist among NVR suppliers in the functionalities, reliability and

    scalability they offer.

    NVRs can also differ in the types of options they offer. Examples include:

    Options for Different Verticals/Applications (Retail, Banking, PerimeterProtection)

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    Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    Options for Different Video Analytics (Virtual Tripwire, LPR, Facial


    Options for Access Control integration, Central Alarm Managementintegration, etc.

    Not all suppliers will support all categories and options. So, even within NVR

    solutions, buyers must examine what combination of features are most relevant

    for the operational and security needs they possess.

    Large and Growing Number of NVR Suppliers

    Worldwide, there are easily a few dozen suppliers of NVR solutions. That number

    is expected to grow as (1) DVR suppliers launch NVR offerings and (2) new

    entrants, attracted by growth, add offerings.

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    Introduction to NVRs / IP Video Software

    Chapter 3: Introduction to Video CODECsVideo surveillance systems do not use uncompressed, 'raw' video because of the

    huge storage that uncompressed video demands. Video is always compressed so

    that storage and bandwidth costs can be minimized.

    CODECs are a critical element of choosing, designing and using video

    surveillance systems. CODECs can lower the price of overall systems and

    increase the usability of systems. As such, having a basic understanding of what a

    CODEC is and why CODECs are used is important.

    Fundamental Principle of CODECs

    The most important factor to understand in video CODECs is that CODECs help

    balance off different costs.

    For instance, let's say you want to go to the mall and to the supermarket. A few

    years ago, when gas was cheaper, you might have done this in 2 separate trips.

    Now that gas prices have increased dramatically, you might want to combine

    those trips. What's happening here is that as gas has become more expensive, you

    are willing to trade off lower convenience for savings in cash.

    Likewise, using CODECs is a balance between the cost of storage, bandwidth and

    CPUs. Specifically:

    CODECs reduce the amount of bandwidth and storage needed at

    the expense of using more CPU cycles.

    As such, selecting a CODEC always requires you to understand the trade offs incost between using less bandwidth and storage or using less CPU cycles.

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    Introduction to Video CODECs

    Generally CPU cycles are cheaper than bandwidth and storage so more advance

    CODECs save you money. Sometimes, CODECs can be too demanding,

    especially with megapixel cameras and can potentially cost you more in CPU than

    you save in bandwidth and storage.

    Please read mybasic bandwidth tutorial for a review of bandwidth's impact on

    video surveillance.

    CODECs Overview

    Video must be digitized for it to be used and viewed on a computer. CODECs are

    means or choices in how we make the video digital.

    CODECs or compression / decompression technologies are used to modify the

    video that is being digitized. Similar to how you might ZIP files on your PC, the

    video is compressed on its way into the computer. And just like with opening a

    ZIP file, the video is decompressed before you use or view the video. Unlike ZIP

    files, the compression of video loses some of the information (engineers refer to

    this as lossy compression). However, with the appropriate settings, a user cannot

    tell the difference visually.

    Just like in the movies or TV, video is a series of images that are displayed rapidly

    one after the other. In the US, TV consists of displaying a series of 30 images per

    second. When we view these 30 images per second, it's video and it looks

    smooth. The fact that video is made up of a stream of images is quite important

    for understanding CODECs.

    When you use a CODEC, you can compress the video in two fundamental ways:

    Compress the individual image by itself

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    Introduction to Video CODECs

    Compress a series of images together

    When you compress an individual image by itself, you simply take the image, runthe compression and output the saved file (technically called intraframe

    compression). Just like when you use Microsoft Paint and save as a JPEG, video

    compression of individual images works quite similarly. The difference with

    video is that you need to do these for a continuous stream of images. As such,

    rather than simply being a JPEG, it is called Motion JPEG or MJPEG.

    The benefit of MJPEG is that it requires very low CPU use. The downside is that

    storage and bandwidth use can be quite high.

    When you only compress an individual image, you ignore what's going on

    between multiple images in a sequence and often send redundant information. If

    you are streaming video at multiple frames per second, you often are sending

    basically the same image over and over again. This can be quite wasteful. It's

    similar to someone calling you up every minute to tell you nothing changed. It

    would be far better for the person to only call you when news occurred. You can

    simply assume during the rest of the time that the status is the same.

    When people talk about the benefits of MPEG-4 and H.264, not sending repetitiveinformation is the core source of their strength. Every so often these CODECs

    will send a whole image. The rest of the times they only send updates describing

    what parts of the image have changed (technically called interframe

    compression). Since it is common that large parts of the image remains the same,

    this can result in very significant reductions in storage and bandwidth. For

    example, where MJPEG may send image after image at 100 KB, codecs like

    MPEG-4 or H.264 may send the first image at 100 KB but the next 3 or 4 images

    at only 10 KB each. This approach can reduce bandwidth and storage use by 50


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    Introduction to Video CODECs

    The downside with this approach is that it takes more work for the computer to do

    this. When you are simply compressing individual images, you do not need to

    worry about what happened before or what the next image will contain. You

    simply apply the compression rule and execute. With MPEG-4 or H.264 you need

    to examine groups of images and make complex calculations of what changed and

    what did not. You can imagine this can become very complicated and consume

    lots of CPU resources.

    H.264 and MPEG-4 are similar in that they both reduce bandwidth and storage by

    examining groups of images when they compress video. A key difference with

    H.264 is that it uses much more complex and sophisticated rules to do the

    compression. Because H.264's rules are more sophisticated, they can reduce

    bandwidth and storage even more than MPEG-4. However, the trade-off is that it

    takes more CPU cycles to do it.

    Looking at Current Video Surveillance Systems

    The general trend in video surveillance has been a continuous movement to

    CODECs that save bandwidth and storage. Historically, you have seen products

    move from MJPEG to MPEG-4 to H.264. The reason why this has happened is

    because the cost of CPUs to compress the video has decreased faster than the cost

    of bandwidth and storage. Most experts expect this trend to continue.

    Recently, the biggest challenge using CODECs in video surveillance systems has

    occurred with the rise in megapixel cameras. For years, the maximum resolution

    of security cameras was constant. All of a sudden with megapixel cameras, the

    resolution of security cameras has increased by 400% to 5000% or more. The

    greater the resolution, the harder the CPU needs to work and the more cycles that

    need to be allocated.

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    Introduction to Video CODECs

    The huge increase in resolution is a little similar to the jump in gas prices. It has

    changed the economics of CODECs. Whereas historically, for standard definition

    security cameras, CPU cycles were cheaper than bandwidth and storage. Now,

    since so much more CPU cycles are needed, it can cost way more in CPU than

    what you save in bandwidth and storage. As such, almost all commercial

    megapixel cameras use MJPEG.

    One of the most important elements in the next few years will be the development

    of new approaches and use of new CPUs to reduce the cost of using H.264 for

    megapixel cameras. Much like alternative energy development hopes to bring the

    cost of energy down, new approaches are being sought to reduce the use of CPU

    cycles in compressing megapixel camera feeds.


    Understanding the basic choices in CODECs and rationale for choosing CODECs

    is a key element in video surveillance systems.

    Security mangers should consider:

    The video quality of a manufacturer's video (this can vary widely depending

    on the codecs, the settings and the implementation).

    Generally favor the use of a more powerful CODEC as it can save hundreds of

    dollars per camera in reduced storage costs.

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    Introduction to Video CODECs

    Chapter 4: Bandwidth Basics for Video Surveillance

    When using IP cameras, Megapixel cameras, NVRs or even DVRs, understanding

    the basics about how much bandwidth is available and how much is needed is

    critical in planning, designing and deploying IP video surveillance systems.

    Everyone in the industry should have an understanding of the basics as bandwidth

    is a critical factor in video surveillance

    How Much Bandwidth is Available?

    To figure out how much bandwidth is available, you first need to determine what

    locations you are communicating between. Much like driving, you will have a

    starting point and destination. For example, from your branch office to your

    headquarters. However, unlike driving, the amount of bandwidth available can

    range dramatically depending on where you are going.

    The most important factor in determining how much bandwidth is available is

    whether or not you need connectivity between two different buildings. For


    Bandwidth Generally Available

    Same Building 70Mb/s to 700 Mb/s

    Different Buildings .5 Mb/s to 5 Mb/s

    The amount of bandwidth available going from your office to a co-worker's officein the same building can be 200 times more than the bandwidth from your office

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    Bandwidth Basics for Video Surveillance

    to a branch office down the block.

    This is true in 90% or more cases. More bandwidth may be available in the

    following conditions:

    Different buildings but on the same campus In a central business district of a major city You are a telecommunications or research company

    Different Buildings

    The key driver in bandwidth availability is the cost of deploying networks

    between buildings. Generally referred to as the Wide Area Network or WAN, this

    type of bandwidth is usually provided by telecommunications companies. One

    common example is cable modem or DSL, which can provide anywhere from .5

    Mb/s to 5 Mb/s at $50 to $150 per month. Another example is a T1, which

    provides 1.5Mb/s for about $300 to $600 per month. Above this level, bandwidth

    generally becomes very expensive. In most locations, getting 10Mb/s of

    bandwidth can cost thousands per month.

    Many talk about fiber but this will not be widely available for years. Fiber to the

    home (FTTH) or to the business promises to reduce the cost of bandwidthsignificantly. Nevertheless, it is very expensive to deploy and despite excited

    discussions for the last decade or more, progress remains slow. If you have it

    great, but do not assume it.

    Same Buildings

    By contrast, bandwidth inside of buildings (or campuses) is quite high because the

    costs of deploying it are quite low. Non technical users can easily set up a1000Mb/s networks inside a building (aka Local Area Networks or LANs) for less

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    Bandwidth Basics for Video Surveillance

    a rough rule of thumb. Again, there are a number of factors that affect total

    bandwidth consumption. A 1.3 megapixel camera at 1fps can consume as little

    as .8 Mb/s (or 800 Kb/s) yet a 5 megapixel camera can consume as much as 45


    What Does this Mean for my IP Video System?

    Just like dealing with personal finance, we can now figure out what we can


    Bandwidth Budget AvailableBetween Buildings .5 Mb/s to 5 Mb/s

    Inside Buildings 70 Mb/s to 700 Mb/s

    Bandwidth Cost

    IP cameras 1 Mb/s

    Megapixel cameras 5 Mb/s to 10 Mb/s

    Using this chart, we can quickly see what combination of IP and megapixel

    cameras we can use between buildings or inside of buildings.

    1. Inside of buildings, it is easy to stream numerous IP and megapixel cameras.

    2. Between buildings, it is almost impossible to stream numerous IP and

    megapixel cameras.

    Because of this situation, the standard configuration one sees in IP Video systems


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    Bandwidth Basics for Video Surveillance

    A local recorder at each building/remote site. The local recorder receives

    the streams from the building and stores them.

    The local recorder only forwards the streams (live or recorded) off-sitewhen a user specifically wants to view video. Rather than overloading the

    WAN network with unrealistic bandwidth demands all day long,

    bandwidth is only consumed when a user wants to watch. Generally,

    remote viewing is sporadic and IP video coexists nicely with the expensive

    Wide Area Network.

    The local recorder has built-in features to reduce the bandwidth needed to

    stream video to remote clients. Most systems have the ability to reduce the

    frame rate of the live video stream or to dynamically reduce the video

    quality to ensure that the video system does not overload the network andthat remote viewers can actually see what is going on the other side.

    Generally, the live video stream is sufficient to identify the basic threat. In

    any event, bandwidth is generally so costly, especially the upstream

    bandwidth needed to send to a remote viewer, that this is the best financial



    Knowing how much bandwidth is available for DVRs and NVRs and how muchbandwidth IP and megapixel cameras consume are key elements in planning and

    deploying viable IP video systems. Though this is simply a broad survey, my hope

    is that this helps identify fundamental elements in understanding the impact of

    bandwidth on IP video.

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    Bandwidth Basics for Video Surveillance

    Chapter 5: Examining Video Analytics

    For 5 years now, the promise of using video analytics to stop trespassers crossing

    fences, catch thieves in stores, detect abandoned objects, etc has been a frequent

    topic of discussion.

    While video analytics holds great promise, people are still asking about the

    viability of using analytics in the real world. Indeed, as stories of video analytic

    problems have spread, concerns about the risks of video analytics now seem

    higher than a few years ago when the novelty of the technology spurred wideexcitement.

    This article surveys the main problems limiting the use and growth of video

    analytics. It is meant to help security managers gain a better sense of the core

    issues involved.

    Top 3 Problems:

    1. Eliminating False Alerts

    2. System Maintenance Too Difficult

    3. Cost of System Too High

    Eliminating False Alerts

    Since the goal of video analytics is to eliminate human involvement, eliminating

    false alerts is necessary to accomplish this. Each false alerts not only requires a

    human assessment, it increases emotional and organizational frustration with the


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    Examining Video Analytics

    Most are familiar with burglar alarm false alarms and the frustration these cause.

    On average, burglar alarm false alarm per house or business are fairly rare. If you

    have 1 or 2 per month, that is fairly high. Many people do not experience false

    alarms of their burglar system for months.

    By contrast, many video analytic systems can generate dozens of false alarms per

    day. This creates a far greater issue than anything one is accustomed to with

    burglar alarms. Plus, with such alarms happening many times throughout the day,

    it can become an operational burden.

    Now, not all video analytics systems generate lots of false alarms but many do.

    These issues have been the number one issue limitation of the integrators and end-

    users that I know using and trying video analytics.

    System Maintenance Too Difficult

    System maintenance is an often overlooked and somewhat hidden issue in video


    Over a period of weeks or months, the number of a video analytic system's false

    alerts can start rising considerably due to changes in the environment, weather

    and the position of the sun. This can suddenly and surprisingly cause major

    problems with the system.

    Not only is the increase in false alerts a problem, the risk now that the system

    could unexpectedly break in the future creates a significant problem in trust. If

    your perimeter surveillance one day stops functioning properly, you now have a

    serious flaw in your overall security plan.

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    Examining Video Analytics

    This has been a cause of a number of video analytic system failures. The systems,

    already purchased, simply are abandoned becoming a very expensive testament to

    not buying or referring one's colleagues to video analytics.

    This being said, not all video analytic systems exhibit this behavior but you would

    be prudent to carefully check references to verify that existing systems have been

    operating for a long period of time without any major degradation.

    Cost of System Too High

    While you can find inexpensive video analytic systems today, these systems tend

    to exhibit problems 1 and 2, high false alerts and poor system maintenance.

    Indeed, in my experience, video analytic systems that are either free or only cost

    $100-$200 more generally have significant operational problems.

    One common feature of systems that work is that the complete price for hardware

    and software is usually $500 or more per channel for the analytics. Now just

    because a video analytic system is expensive obviously does not mean it is good.

    However, there are necessary costs in building a systems that is robust and works

    well in the real world.

    The cost of video analytic systems comes in making them robust to real world

    conditions that we all take for granted. The developer needs to make the video

    analytic system intelligent enough to handle differences in lighting, depth,

    position of the sun, weather, etc. Doing this involves building more complex or

    sophisticated programs. Such programs almost always require significantly more

    computing hardware to execute and significant more capital investment in

    writing, testing and optimizing the program. All of these clearly increase costs.

    The challenge is that it is basically impossible to see this from marketing

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    Examining Video Analytics

    demonstrations because from a demo all systems invariably look exactly alike.

    This of course has the vicious effect of encouraging people to choose cheaper

    systems that are more likely to generate high false alerts and be unmaintainable.

    If you select a system that works, the cost per camera can make it difficult to

    justify the expense. Indeed, many of the first generation video analytic

    deployments came from government grant money, essentially making their cost

    secondary or not relevant. Nevertheless, for video analytics to grow in the private

    sector, they will not only need to work they will need to generate a positive

    financial return.

    When video analytics allow for guard reduction or reduce high value frequent

    losses, it is easy to justify and you see companies having success here (in terms of

    publicly documented cases, ioimage is the leader here). For other cases, where

    humans are not being eliminated, the individual loss is small or the occurrence of

    loss is low, the cost can be a major barrier.


    Though I anticipate video analytics successes to increase, I believe such success

    will be constrained to applications where the loss characteristics and/or the human

    reduction costs are high. While analytics will certainly become cheaper, such cost

    decreases will take time and in the interim, it is these high value applications

    where analytics can gain a foothold of success.

    Both testing and reference testing are critical to the use of video analytics.

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    Examining Video Analytics

    Chapter 6: License Plate Recognition Tutorial

    License Plate Recognition is perhaps the most mature and ready to use video

    analytic available for security managers today.

    Nevertheless, LPR is a very demanding application that can only succeed in

    limited operational conditions deployed by expert security integrators.

    Historically, publicly available information clearly explaining the operational

    impact has been hard to find. Thankfully, Milestone has released theirLPRadministrator's manual providing an honest, clear and concise explanation. I

    recommend you read pages 29-35 to get a very rapid but deep review of the key

    factors. Though this is for Milestone the points are generally consistent with the

    state of the art in currently available commercial systems.

    The Milestone document helps to reveal 3 key practical elements:

    1. LPR can only succeed when a number of strict operational conditions are met.

    2. The costs of achieving these conditions makes LPR unfeasible for manyscenarios.

    3. You need deep security integration expertise to succeed but only modest IT


    The Conditions

    Here are the key conditions that need to be meet in approximate order of


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    License Plate Recognition Tutorial

    1. US license plates need to be at least 130 pixels wide. This translates roughly

    into an image no wider than 5-6 feet assuming standard definition video (640 x

    480 pixels or 4CIF). That's a very tight shot.

    2. The horizontal angle between the camera and plate is within 20 degrees. This

    means that if your camera is 10 feet away from the plate, the plate cannot be more

    than 3 feet to the right or left of the camera. This significantly limits where you

    can put the camera.

    3. The vertical angle between the camera and plate is within 30 degrees. This

    means that if your camera is 10 feet away from the plate and the plate is 3 feet off

    the ground, the camera cannot be mounted more than 8 feet high. This usually can

    be accommodated but is low relative to normal heights for outdoor surveillance.

    4. There are a host of lighting adjustments that need to be made. Simply using a

    stock camera with stock settings will routinely cause very poor performance. For

    example, Milestone recommends CMOS cameras, disabling auto gain, using

    WDR and higher shutter speeds (if the car is moving). There are many advanced

    details that need to be set correctly.

    Almost all successful LPR deployments used specialized cameras, often

    manufactured specifically for license plate rate recognitions. These camerasgenerally have built-in infrared illuminators and pre-set configuration optimized

    for filtering out lighting issues.

    5. You must use MJPEG and you cannot use H.264 or MPEG-4. Since the

    analytics in this design are being done outside of the camera and since the analytic

    can only process images, MJPEG is required. You could theoretically use H.264

    or MPEG-4 but then you would have to decode it and the processing power can

    be very significant. Bottom line is this can have a big impact on bandwidth

    utilization especially if you are looking for a wireless system.

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    License Plate Recognition Tutorial


    Clearly, LPR is feasible for the traditional license plate camera use case: A camera

    installed immediately adjacent to an entrance or toll booth that is only a few feet

    off the ground and dedicated to looking at the plate. Automated LPR makes

    reading these plates easier.

    However, for broader market usage, this has major limitations. Lots of companies

    like the concept of monitoring the license plates of people who enter their

    premises. Setting up cameras in the specific constraints required can be very

    expensive. Assuming you can find a location that meets these constraints, it

    requires a construction project that can be $5,000 or more per camera simply for

    the installation and equipment.

    The holy grail is reusing your PTZs mounted on roofs and poles. However, these

    conditions should make it clear that is not feasible. One, getting the resolution

    needed would be difficult. Does a monitor manually zoom in on license plates?

    Even if he does, what will the image quality be, given the lighting constraints

    required for LPR. Also, it will be extremely tough to stay within both the

    horizontal and vertical angle requirements.

    LPR analysis, with its current capabilities, cannot enable significantly new

    operational uses of license plate monitoring. While it should help with the

    traditional use case of monitoring controlled traffic flow, its constraints make it

    very challenging for broader use.

    Security Integration Expertise

    The other interesting element that the Milestone manual demonstrates is that LPR

    integration does not demand deep IT skill but it does demand deep expertise in

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    License Plate Recognition Tutorial

    security design and camera systems.

    Integrating LPR is much more like using a graphics design application than it is

    like setting up a mail server. It depends on understanding the design objectives of

    security, the physical conditions of the site and the capabilities of the video tools

    available. The IT elements of the setup are fairly straightforward for a security

    integrator. The challenge lies in the design and application.

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    Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    Chapter 7: Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    Storage optimization is a major concern for security managers as storage costs for

    video surveillance have always been a large portion of the overall purchase price.

    Megapixel cameras have brought renewed interest in measures to maximize NVR/

    DVR storage duration and use. Cost is a big factor as the potential storage needed

    could increase by 10x or more than historical standards. Understanding what

    options and measures are available is becoming increasingly important to

    selecting NVRs/DVRs and designing IP video systems. This report surveys

    common measures used to maximize storage duration and use.

    Recently, interest has risen in new product categories that specialize in optimizing

    storage use. Frost and Sullivan has recently reviewed "Video Lifecycle

    Management Solutions" and identified TimeSight Systemsas a "young leader" in

    this space. The release does a good job of identifying the problem and

    highlighting one potential solution.

    As almost all video systems have numerous measures to optimize storage use, I

    recommend that integrators and end users focus on utilizing existing measures in

    leading systems. Video system developers have been building tools for years to

    address storage optimization. Most will be best served by selecting a video

    management system based on features optimized for your specific security needs.

    Significant and comparable storage optimization can generally be accomplished

    on most mainstream NVR / DVR systems.

    How Do I Optimize Storage?

    This report reviews 8 commonly available storage optimization functions

    available on mainstream NVR /DVR systems. Though not every system has all of

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    Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    these features, all systems offer a number of them, providing strong storage


    Here is the list:

    Basic Motion Analytics

    Advanced Video Analytics

    Motion Exclusion Zones

    Data Aging

    Recording Schedule

    CODEC Selection

    Dual Streaming Storage Clusters

    Advanced Video Analytics

    Now that video analytics are getting accurate at detecting people, faces and

    vehicles, this intelligence can be used to control recording. I believe this will

    become one of the most powerful new areas of storage optimization in the next 3

    years. Long term storage can be optimized by selectively recording objects most

    likely to be of long term interest - people, faces and vehicles. Traditionally, long

    term storage optimization techniques reduce the quality or the frame rate of all

    video uniformly. With video analytics, storage optimization techniques can

    become smarter, increasing the probability of possessing quality long term

    evidence while minimizing total storage consumed.

    For instance, in addition to recording video,3VRrecords all faces seen on

    cameras. Faces of all the people (100,000+) conducting transactions at a bank

    branch can be stored at 4CIF quality with less than 20GB of storage. This is

    1/100th the amount of storage needed for video and the most important evidence

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    Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    for retail bank's security needs. Of course, today this is just faces but the same

    process can and will certainly eventually be used to store all the people seen, all

    the cars moving through an area, etc.

    Video analytic companies specializing in perimeter violation are reducing storage

    needs for those cameras by 90% or more. By placing intelligence in the camera,

    the camera can only stream or the management system can only record specific

    objects of interest. For cameras whose main purpose is real time alerting, this is a

    great storage win. Of course, many cameras are needed for investigation purposes

    and need storage. As such, this is simply another tool in our collection.

    Basic Motion Analytics

    Most video surveillance deployments use basic motion analytics to control

    recording. Because most facilities have significant periods of low activity (e.g.,

    nights, weekends) and areas of low activity (e.g., hallways, stairwells), motion

    analytics can reduce storage consumption by 50% to 80%. Most systems set their

    basic motion analytics to be fairly conservative so that they rarely miss real

    incidents. As such, basic motion analytics is trusted and used by many military

    bases, banks and Fortune 100 companies and most real world deployments. Of

    course, some facilities do not want to take any risk and require continuous


    A nice balance that is sometimes achieved is a combination of continuous and

    motion based recording with a baseline level of continuous recording (e.g., 3

    frames per second) and motion based recording set higher (say to 15 fps). This

    ensures that video is always recorded but storage use is optimized for when

    activity of interest is most likely to occur (that is, when motion is detected).

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    Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    Motion Exclusion Zones

    Using basic motion analytics to control recording is enhanced through using

    motion exclusion zones. It is common for cameras to cover areas that are not of

    interest to users. Examples include highways behind the building, a tree out front,

    windows, ceiling lights, etc. Taking a few minutes to set up motion exclusion

    zones can reduce the storage utilization by up to 50% on certain cameras. After

    the first week of a new install, a review should be conducted to tune these


    Data Aging

    Many systems reduce the number of frames in stored video as the video is older.

    The basic premise is the older the video, the lower the probability that the video is

    relevant. Rather than simply delete the video, the size of the video is reduced so

    that some evidence is available just in case but the storage costs are minimized.

    For instance, March Networks has a feature called "Intelligent Video Retention."

    Avigilon has an advanced data aging solution that specializes in optimizing

    storage for multi- megapixel camera s. In higher end video systems, this type of

    feature is frequently available. It's quite useful because it can easily double

    storage duration.

    Recording on a Schedule

    Many organizations have greater security risks at different times of the day.

    Schedules are a common feature to adjust recording parameters to match those

    different level of risks. For instance, an organization may want continuous

    recording during business hours but is OK with only having motion based

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    Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    recording after hours. Making this adjustment can reduce video storage use by up

    to 40%.

    CODEC Choice

    Choosing a video CODEC that provides the most efficient storage utilization has

    been a key component of video system designs for years. While technical issues

    exists, the trend of moving from less efficient to more efficient CODECs is clear

    (e.g., from MJPEG to MPEG-4 to H.264). The key practical issue currently is the

    use of H.264 for megapixel cameras due to the high system requirements H.264

    demands. With multiple megapixel manufacturersreleasing H.264 megapixel

    camera s, in the next few years H.264 megapixel cameras looks certain to be a

    reality (at least for lower resolution MP cameras). Migrating from MJPEG to

    H.264 can reduce storage use by 50% or more.

    Dual Streaming

    To maximize CODECs' different strengths and weaknesses, multiple video

    streams can be used. For instance, H.264 may be the best choice for storage

    optimization but MJPEG has advantages of live monitoring (e.g., lower delay,

    lower processing power to view). Most cameras support dual streaming. Video

    surveillance systems can take advantage of this to reduce storage costs while

    ensuring optimal live video monitoring.

    Storage Clusters

    Historically, storage was separated into small pools for each unit and options for

    upgrading storage were limited to a few TBs (at most). Today, with storage

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    Introduction to NVR/DVR Storage Optimization

    clusters for video surveillance maturing, centralized pools of storage can create ~

    30% efficiencies in storage use and make extending storage simple and fairly

    inexpensive. If you are interested in learning more, read my extensive analysis of

    storage clusters.


    While by no means comprehensive, this survey should help engineers and users to

    identify and use commonly available measures to optimize storage duration.

    Understand what your systems offer and make use of those features. By doing so,

    you will be able to optimize the storage of most any DVR or NVR and

    accommodate increasing storage demands.

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    Wireless Video Surveillance Tutorial

    Mb/s to 25 Mb/s. It is a dramatic and often overlooked aspect of wireless video

    surveillance design.

    Wireless video surveillance usually provide significantly less bandwidth than their

    nominal specifications. This is because the way bandwidth is calculated in

    wireless systems is the opposite of the more traditional wired approach. With a

    wired network, if you say you have 100 Mb/s bandwidth, this means you have

    100 Mb/s going up and another 100 Mb/s going down. In a wireless network, if

    you say you have 11 Mb/s bandwidth, that is the total for both upstream and

    downstream. Some wireless systems are fixed to allow half the bandwidth for

    upstream and half for downstream. This is a big problem for video surveillance

    because almost all the bandwidth used is in one direction (upstream). Make sure

    your wireless system lets the upstream take up the whole bandwidth if needed.

    This is common with wireless systems dedicated to video but none in common

    commercial gear.

    Environmental conditions often reduce the bandwidth further. Wireless networks

    are much more prone to effects from the environment than wired networks.

    Wireless networks will only achieve their maximum if the strength of the signal

    (signal to noise) is sufficiently high. If there are partial obstructions or if the

    antenna shifts slightly, the bandwidth from wireless systems can drop further. In

    our previous example, the 11 Mb/s wireless system only offers 5.5 Mb/s for

    streaming video. However, common environmental conditions can drop the

    bandwidth to 2.75 Mb/s.

    Distance of Cameras

    It is quite hard to set up multi-mile wireless links to video surveillance cameras. A

    number of factors including obstructions, frequency limitations, power

    limitations, and installation precision drive this. Note: this tutorial assumes the

    IPVideoMarket.Info 49
  • 7/31/2019 Security Manager's Guide to Video Surveillance (1)


    Wireless Video Surveillance Tutorial

    use of unlicensed frequency, by far the most common choice for deploying

    wireless video systems. If you are using licensed frequency, where you can use

    much higher power and ensure no interference, these issues are not as significant.

    However, obtaining licenses are expensive and time consuming so most

    application use unlicensed spectrum. The rest of the discussion assumes

    unlicensed frequencies.

    You are constrained in how powerful your signal can be, significantly reducing

    the distance that you can transmit. The government restricts the power of your

    signal so that you do not drain out other users. However, this means it is much

    harder to push through obstacles and go greater distances. It also means that other

    users of the same frequency can reduce the bandwidth or block your signal. This

    is a major factor in the emergence of the 4.9 GHz range for use in video

    surveillance projects as that range is dedicated to public safety.

    Obstacles are very serious problems for wireless video surveillance systems. Most

    wireless video surveillance system use frequency ranges that are easily absorbed

    by buildings and trees (2.4 GHz through 5.8 GHz). Practically speaking, you may

    want to transmit to a building 100 meters away but if another building is in

    between, the signal will be absorbed and the link will not be possible. You can and

    should use mesh networks to accommodate this but you must factor in the impact

    on the cost of the overall network.

    Installation precision is key but issues can go wrong that may increase long term

    maintenance. Because of power restrictions, wireless video systems commonly

    use high gain antennas that increase signal power by concentrating it into a

    narrower area. This can help greatly in going longer distances or overcoming

    obstacles, however, it means the antennas must line up very precisely. If they do

    not, the performance of the system will degrade significantly. Also, if during the

    life of the system, either antenna shifts, the performance of the system could

    degrade 'out of the blue.'

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    Wireless Video Surveillance Tutorial

    Number of Cameras

    The number of cameras on a wireless system is severely constrained due to

    bandwidth limitations and constraints on how far cameras can be placed. For any

    given wireless connection, the maximum number of cameras that can be

    supported is generally between 5 and 15 with the cameras being less than a mile

    from the receiver. Even 'VCR' quality video using a good CODEC will take about

    1 Mb/s. This is significant when your are dealing with wireless links that may

    only support 5 - 20 Mb/s. The total number of wireless cameras can be increasing

    by using multiple wireless connections or by combining wireless and wired


    A prudent practice is to use both wireless and wired networks with the wireless

    portion minimized to only the specific scenarios where deploying a wired

    connection would be cost-prohibitive. A typical example is getting a network drop

    in a building (either off the internal LAN or from a telco) and deploying a

    wireless link from the building to camera locations close to that building on poles

    or fence lines.

    In any of these approaches, CODEC choice and resolution selection are
