Seed in the Ground Summary


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Chapter one

Papa’s death was like an event that was pre-arranged and was only known to him and His creator bt

those around were just oblivion about this arrangement. They just wanted Papa to get well and get back

on his feet again. The people around him on his sick bed were all praying for him and were also saying

‘Amen’ to any prophetic utterances he made. He kept on monitoring the time like it had beingcommunicated to him theexact time he would go to the great beyond.

At the predicted time, Baba breathed his last and joined his Maker and this was at 4.25am on Sunday,

November 2, 1980.

Papa’s background was like every other ‘old’ background i.e he was born into an idol worshipping one

(ogun) in Ondo state. His native name was Ogunribido and he grew up with the mentality that ogun was

trhe family god and protector and for this he was made to understand that it was his destiny to be an

God’s servant’. But what wasn’t sure was whether he wld be an ogun priest or a servant of the Almighty

God later in life.

Apart from the fact that they wrer idol worshippers,Pa Josiah came from a family that their main

occupation was farming and so he never received any form of formal education. Although, he never

participated in any of the farming activities but he always sits in a quiet place and sing christian songs

and also gather ypung people together in the evenings to lead them in prayers and songs and he was

nicknamed a prophet due to the effect of his prayer.

Even at that very tender age, he had started to apply faith in every area of his life an d this was also

confirmed by his mother that whenever he falls sick, he doesn’t respond to all the native treatment but

he responds to just water and he gets healed. This was a perfct wprk of faith in God.

He tried getting involved with the CMS in 1927 when he turned 22 and the attempt to get a western

education failed and so concentrated non church activities where he learnt some rudiments about

christian faith. He left the CMS in 1931 to join the Cherubim & Seraphim movement because of that

thirst to encounter God and grow more in faith.

He was able to be converted and taught about the Spirit like prayer, vision and trances by a prophetess

fron C&S who accepted him after an incidebce that happened btw him and the prophetess where out

of anger he sent a mystery snake to her but n o harm came upon the woman. This incidence made him

seek from the woman the kind of power that had protected her from his conjurations. He was able to

learn fast because of the fact that the communication was in yoruba.

Ogunribido was called into ministry by God 3yrs after joining C&S but he didn’t heed the call and for se

ven years that he didn’t heed this call, things di not go on smoothly for him instead things went from

bad to worse. He even had a sore on his leg from a dream he had where he saw an old man scratch his

leg. After that struggle, he finally naccepted and then God instructed him to leave home for Ile-I fe. He

finally surrendered to God’s will at the age of 35 and on the 10th

of July 1940, Josiah Olufemi left Ondo

for Ife and he did it on foot as God had commanded. It was during this journey that he had a personal

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encounter with God and for the first time he was able to open the bible verse without any form of 

education and this was regarded as the first miracle in his life.

When he got to Ife, he was shown the way to Baba Aladura of the C&S’s house by a mysterious boy who

disappeared afterwards. His first day in church however did nt go unnoticed because of the part he

played in an incidence that day and he also caused the rain to stop falling. Within a shortwhile, hebecame popular due to the effectiveness of his prayers.

God instructed him after a few days of his arrival to go back to Ondo and sell of his property, pay off his

debt and give up his room. This he complied with and he was also told by God that hHe would be his

financial source, as he would work without salary.

Josiah Olufemi got married to Esther Egbedire, an indigene of Ife after she initially refused. But after

much persusion from prophets and prayers and counselling, she eventualy did and they left for lagos

together where the marriage ceremont was conducted. He later left Ife for Ibadan, where he stayed

briefly for six months before relocating to Lagos. While in Ibadan, he continued worshipping with C&S


On arriving in Lagos, he joined the C&S mmovement ‘Oke Sioni’ and as expected he was loved by all

including the presiding prophet. He was made the head of the C&S prayer Band. He was an evangelist

that travelled to all region, performing miracles including raising a dead pregnant woman.

He later married other women who caqme as gifts to him because of his gift.

Chapter 2

Despite experiencingsome signs and wonders, Prophet Josiah had not encountered true salvation. It was

ckear that his desttiny was to be a servsnt of God (and not of ogun). He was to spearhead a mmajor

departure from old pathway to the way of light. God began to raise issues with him regarding the


In the C&S, he was held in high esteem, but regardless of this, there were still pending issues yet to be

sorted out and the level of the knowledge of God was still shallow.

He introduced a daily prayer for church memb ers with different sessions. The success of this in 1947 led

to the birth of Bible study in 1949. The bible study did not receive much attention fro members of the

church because they concentrated more in the prayer meeting. This did nnot deter him from continuing

the bible study.

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Of course, he also received condemnation and envy even within the church but he overcame all these

mostly because of the support that the overseer, Prophet Onanuga and even Prophet Amodu who took

over from him. They both viewed him as an asset to the C&S movement.

It was during the bibble study that God began to show him some discrepancies between certain

practices within the C&S movement and the Word of God like not finding a biblical support for polygamyand the practice of necromancy crept into C&S after the death of the founding father.

Nevertheless the bible study attendance grew and there had to b a relocation because of the large

nimber of people who comes for the bible study. He relocated from Ibadan street in Ebutte Metta to

Oko Baba also in Ebutte Metta and again in 1951, they moved again. He named this bible study group

‘Ogo Oluwa Prayer Society’. 

Due to the improved understanding of God’s word, he began to question some of the practice of C&S,

this led to his excommunication because he was accused of anti-church activity and by the end of 1952,

he had left C&S permanently.

After he left C&S, he joined Foursquare Gospel church in search of a deeper knowledge of the things of 

God. It was hear he gave his life to Christ. He also stopped some of his old habits like burning of candle

and incense and hhe also dropped the title of prophet and began to answer to reverend. He also had to

let his other wives go because he decided to come clean with God. He did this and he was left with his

first wife, Esther Egbedire.

The prayer society grew and aside Papa, there were all other twelve founding members of the prayer

society. Bro. S.A. Olonade who later became the church secretary was the one who later trabslated the

name ‘Ijo Irapade Ti Olorun’ to THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD. 

The name of the society was later changed to Apostolic Church of Africa but this name did not go down

well with the poeplle of the Apostolic Faith, Nigeria. The materislsused for Evangelism by Papa’s

fellowship was returned to the Apostolic Faith Church. This materials were receiv ed and burnt and this

did not really go down well with Papa.

With time, Papa received the name ‘REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD’ in a vision with the home

at No. 1 Cemetry Street, Ebutte Metta (now 1-5 Redemption street, Ebutte Metta).

Chapter 3

A mandate came with the revelation that papa should bprepared a people for the Lord. Love and care

wsa shown by Papa to theearly members and dicipline was not left out too. Strict doctrines were

preached and closely monitored. no memnber was allowed to misbehave even his members of his

family was spared if any of them erred. Every new convert was really scrutinised until papa is convinced

that the person wsa truly bornagain and they sent to the foundation class and any one who passes is

then admitted into the church as a full member.

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Workers ‘ meeting was also initiated and this commenced from 6.00 a.m and lateness was never

tolrated because Baba was a strict disciplinarian. Church workers must be at alert, prayetrful and holy.

Workers selection was done personally by Papa and this was done bny observtion and some of the traits

he looked out for were zeal, commitment,prayer fervency, seriousness e.t.c.

Also, mode of worship was not like that of C&S. it was more solemn and regimented because the centraltheme was holiness which translated to no dancing or clapping and no kind of dancing accompanied

worship. The church choir was only allowed to use violin as a form of musical instrument.

Prayer wsa like food to Papa and he made sure that the members fed on this food daily. He also made

them realize that sin was an enemy to prayer. There wsas no limit to prayer for Papa, you could pray

throughout the day if yiou like after service must have ended. The fervency of prayer accompanied with

crying and sobbing made people nicknamed ‘the wailng church’. 

Papa was also a spiritual father to his member beacuase he supervised every area of member s’ life. 

Marriage in his church was not left out in the supervision.Papa tkes tine to access the intending couple.His appraoch to marriage was both spiritual and practical. The groom is assessed in terms of finan cial

bouyancy and how the marrage would be conducted according to the intending couple’s pockey. 

An account was also given about a man who impregnated his daughter and they both got punished for

it’ it was told that the pregnancy went beyond 9 months before papa’s prayer could come to their aid. 

Any form of elaborate celebration was discouraged by papa. Child naming was done in the morning,

with the baby’s parent sharing just a few packet of buscuit. During dedication, the money given will be

for baby only.

Church members were discouraged from doing elaborate burial ceremonies. Papa was not against givingone’s parent a befitting burials, he hoever does not like going on a spending spree.

When a member had built a house , and the church is informed, few elders were selected to pray on the

house. No party is involved.

Papa Akindayomi’s view about family planning is that couple should not engaged in sex if they are not

ready to make baby.

Early flock of RCCG practise more of sacrificial living and giving, whatever was done in the church to

meet up urgent church need. When people bring large gift to the church, the source of the money is

quized. Collecting any form of gift from church member was selective.

Congrecational prayer start at 7:00am, before which pastors and church workers must have there

prayers. The sermon could be long or short depending on the spirit’s direction. Morning service closes at

about 2:00pm, after which there will be envagelism and follow-up. Members will then come for evening

service which could last till 7:00pm

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While Rev Akindayomi prayed for people, it was miracles galore, the man however faced a lot of trials of 

his faith at home. Different feiry arrows where trown in his direction, but he continued with the lord.

Not too long after starting the ogo-oluwa fellowship, papa lost his first child joshua. The boy had illness

which started as convulsion and later to brain damage. He was bedfast for most of his life. Sumtimes the

boy will be fine but this period is always brief. On the day joshua would die, papa was billed to travel toibadan, on checking on him, he knew the boy would die. He gave everyone instruction not to attract any

undue attention, the family doctor was also given instruction. Joshua was to be buried with his personal


Pa Akindayomi also lost two more sons at different times. Both of them were called Deji because the

second was named after the first. The first deji died at the age of 5, while the other died at the age of 


Chapter 4

Rev. josiah Olufemi Akindayomi was a consumate human being. When you have an encounter with him,

he leaves an impression on you.

His call was almost same with that of Father Abraham. For instance, they were both raised and nbred in

complete idolatry. The man was still in darkness when God started speaking to him, showing him that he

must serve the Lord.

Just like Abraham would move from point to point building an alter, then moving again, all these

without ant assistance. Rev. josiah also had the same path as seen in previous chapters. As an

uneducated person, some level of timidity was expected but Papa never showed any form of timidness.Instead, he was constantly in search of a better understanding. Having left the orthodox side to join the

charismatic movement, Papa Akindayomi never sit and allow others take all the actions, he was never a

pro-active man. God kept adding to his knowledge, wisdom and maturity over the yeears.

Though he never had any formal education, his lackmot western education did not in any way reduce or

take away God’s anointing on his head, beside God could have supernaturally arranged for his education

as he did for the Erudite soul of Tarsus (Acts 5:34; 22:3).

Papa Akindayomi sought God with a very high sense of diligence. He was indeed a diligemnt man and a

spiritual man. He never joked with spiritual things. He never allowed emotions to get in his waya he

lived a fasted life.

He spent a lot of time in God’s presence being a man of much meditation and also a man of few words.

Papa supervised entirely every thing that had to do with spirituality and had zero tolerance for sin and

lateness to church services. During baptism which is conducted once in a year. Baptismal candidates

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were required to pray for 2hours non-stop without leaning on a wall. This was a test personally

supervised by the Reverend himself and anyone who fails would have to wait till the following year.

National convention started when the church started growing in number and branches. Delegates came

from btranches from different states. A misunderstanding ensued durig one of this convention between

Papa and the circuit superintendent of the church and this made the supereintendent leave for ibadanin anger and then later formed his own church with some members who left with him.

There was also a report of a rebellious church member at Osogbo. Papa had come to settle a rift among

members, but this man did not allow Papa enter into the church and after much unsuccessful plea by

Papa, he left for Lagos. The man was later afflicted with leprosy and died as a leprous man.

There was also a report of a similar incidence where a man’s car went up in flame mysteriously when he

packed his care in Papa’s parking space. An incidence of officials threatening to b reak down the church

wall and Papa told them to go ahead that it was not his house but the Lord’s. confusion then set in their

midst and they never came back.

Papa was a man of integrity and an apostolic mentor and these qualities rubbed on some of his

members in their areas in life.

Papa was a great mentor to Dr. E.A Adeboye when he joined the church’ he saw the potential of him

being his successor in him and took him under his wings and made him his interoreter before he then

promoted him to be among the elders and this earned him the name ‘young elder’. By this time, he was

now Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

Papa was also a great mentor to a certain lecturer in university of Lagos, his name was W. F. Kumuyi. He

encouraged him and gave him a space for his bible study, corrected some of their doctrines, encouraged

them about marriage. He encouraged him to change the name of his ministry Deeper life ministry to

Deeper Life Bible Church.

Papa’s hatred fo sin was renowned and he prayed conciously or unconciously all the time. He prays

virtually about everything. For him, holiness was a lifestyle and not a doctrine.

Papa was ill at ba time and decided to go to Ibadan to rest. He only stayed for a day or two before God

instructed him to move back to Lagos. After some days, he passed on. He was in daeth state but his

body was not completely cold.

According to how Papa related to his wife, he was sent back from heaven to make ammends with Pastor

Timothy Oshokoya. He was to forgive him for burning his tract 28yrs ago. He came back to life and

earnestly did as he was told.

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Chapter 5

Rev. akindayomi had always believed in whatever God had told him to do concerning ‘no salary’. He had

adjusted his life accordingly to reflect what God had said. Domestic responsibility was shouldered by the

wife but things actually improved later.

When Papa left C&S to fprm his church, much members were not forthcoming, he engaged in fasting

and praying for six months.

Then, to survve in his family, his wife and children engaged in menial jobs like load carrying,selling of 

firewood and hawking of bread by the children before going to school.

When more people started coming and seeking him for different needs, people began to bring gifts.

However, every gift was screened. He was not collecting any salary, god supply all his needs.

RCCG was not affiliated to any foreign mission, even though God had promised that the church will

spread all over the world. In his argument, joining up with foreign mission will mean he won’t be able to

differentiate what God did from what man did. He had so much faith in God. Church administration was

left in the hands of the Holy Spirit. He must allow the Lord to influence his choice of persons into key

positions. The position of assistant was never created. This was because God had told Rev. akiindayomi

that his successor had not joined. When he eventually came, tha man recognised him as the successor

he had being waiting for.

This man was Pastor E. A. A deboye who also came to the church because of a problem he had. He never

knew he was destined to be the next general overseer of RCCG. In July 1977, Papa went on pilgrimage to

Isreal and while there, God spoke to him regarding handing over to the leader of tomorrow. In 1979,

while in America with Pastor Adeboye, the mantle was tranferred.

Chapter 6
