

A group of people, including a lady teacher, had held a meeting at Kampung Bintangor, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The meeting had resolved to do something for the younger generation. This group believed that education was the only means by which the Malay commu- nity could advance in this modern era. To achieve this goal, the younger generation had to be sent to school. They had to be taught the rudiments of knowledge. But how could the younger generation achieve this objective when there was no school for them to go to?

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HISTORY OF SEKOLAH RAKYAT- by Haji Ahmad Zaidell Tahir,

Published by: The Malaysian Historical Society, Sarawak Branch, 1981/1982

THE ORIGIN OF THE SCHOOLEKOLAH Rakyat, as the name signifies, is a public school for children of the Malay community in kampungs around Kuching. Like everything else, it has its origin, and a most interesting one, too. It all began at Kampung Bintangor some thirty seven years

ago.SA group of people, including a lady teacher, had held a meeting at Kampung Bintangor. The meeting had resolved to do something for the younger generation. This group believed that education was the only means by which the Malay commu- nity could advance in this modern era. To achieve this goal, the younger generation had to be sent to school. They had to be taught the rudiments of knowledge. But how could the younger generation achieve this objective when there was no school for them to go to? Owing to the mass resignation of teachers under Circular No. 9. (Anti Cession) the Maderasah Melayu had closed down. Where were they going to start a school if it was decided to establish one at Kampung Bintangor? How were the teachers to be paid? All these points were pondered. Finally, all members decided to offer voluntary services to children of both sexes who enrolled as initial pupils, in Datuk Temenggong’s house at Kampung Bintangor, on 27th September, 1947. The school occupied this old building for about one year. The dilapidated condition of Datuk Temenggong’s house forced the organizers to look for an alter- native building. Towards the end of l948, Haji Dahan kindiy granted permission to have his house used as temporary premises for Sekoláh Rakyat.However, it could not be housed there for a long period. Haji Dahan’s relatives who had arrived from Malaya would occupy it for dwelling purposes. So it was left to Cikgu Othman Bin Haji Zainuddin, who was appointed Principal, and Cikgu Johari Bin Bojeng (two of the founders of the school), to look for an alternative classroom accommodation for the children so that their education could be continued. As fate would have it, Endilc Dahan B. Ahmad generously offered the use of the ground floor of his wife’s house when he was approached by these two men. His wife, Jaharah binti Haji Salleh, agreed with Encik Dahan that some assistance should be given so that the school could be properiy established in due course. So from November 1947 onward, the school was established at Encik Dahan’s house.

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Sekolah Rakyat 1947 — 1948: Rumah Datuk Temenggong, Kpg. Bintangor.

Sekolah Rakyat: temporary premises (1948 1956). The house of the late Pak Dahan, Kampung Bintangor.

ADMINISTRATION OF SEKOLAH RAKYATEducation was free for the children and so were the services of the teachers who had volunteered for the good cause. They unselfishiy supported the school and attended to its administration. Most of them were experienced teachers who had resigned from Maderasah Melayu. For three months they gave their services willingly, expecting neither allowance nor payment. Some of them even worked at night for their subsistence, so that they could be free during the day to take shifts in the four classes. Then it was decided that fees should be collected from the children so that some form of an allowance could be paid to the teachers for their unseffish work. Fifty cents were collected from each pupil in January, 1948. From the collection, each of the teachers received $2.50. As the number of children increased, so did the allowances of the teachers.The school was not aided by the Government until 1951 when it received $80.00 per month, calculated at $20.00 per teacher, as there were four teachers serving in the school then. Full Government grant-in-aid to the school was not extended until 1956. From then on, the teachers’ salaries were bome by the Educa- tion Department. A $4.00 grant per pupil registered in the school was also given. The following table (Table 1) shows the names of the headmasters of Sekolah Rakyat from 1947 to 1982:

TABLE 1Headmasters of Sekolah Rakyat from 1947 to 1982

Headmaster Year

Cikgu Othman B. Hj. Zainuddin 1947Cikgu Zain B. Satem (died 3.11.69) 1956

Cikgu Dolhan Hj. Paris (Asst.) 1958Cikgu Kaderi Bin Wai 1969

Cikgu Abang Halik Simpo 1972Cikgu Dayang Arninah Bt. Abang Fauzan 1982

THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENTSekolah Rakyat had a Board of Management consisting of persons whose voluntary contribution had made it possible for the school to exist with a reasonable degree of organizational stability. Table 2 on the following page shows the members of the Board of Management, serving in the capacity of supervisors, or committee members, as the case may be: TABLE 2

Board of Management

Year Name Position

1947 Abang Zawawi Bin Haji Latip

Encik Dahan Bin AhmadCikgu Lily EberweinCikgu Saufi Haji GaporCikgu Johari BojengAbang Boeng Bin Abg. AminEncik Sharkawi Bin Othman


Committee Members

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Tuanku Madhi1952 Encik Dahan Bin Ahmad Supervisor (died 17/8/56)1956 Haji Ahmad Zaidell Bin Haji Tahir

Abang Annuar JauiniEncik Abdul Ghani WahedAbang Safuani JualniEncik Munir GejekEncik Ails Bin MusaEncik Zain Bin SatemEncik Doihan Haji ParisEncik Jally B. Hassan


Committee Members

1959 Haji Ahmad Zaidell TahirAbang Safuani JuainiHaji Su’ut TahirEncik Abdul Ghani WahedEncik Munir GejekAbang Annuar JuainiAbang Saufi Hj. GaporEncik Jally HassanEncik Zen B. DahanAbang Muas Safuani


1973 Haji Ahmad Zaidell Tahir

Haji Mohd. Suaut TahirDatuk A.H. Safuani B.A. JuainiAbáng Annuar B. Abg. JuainiHaji Munir B. GejekEncik Abdul Ghani Hj. WahedEncik Jally Bin HassanAbang Muas Bin Datuk Safuani




The first step taken by the first School Management Committee in obtaining proper school premises was through the purchase of a piece of land from Abang Haji Fadel at Jalan Haji Bolhassan, Kuching. The land was bought from proceeds of a concert organised by the School Committee at the end of 1948. In addition to releasing the land cheaply to the school, Abang Haji Fadel also let a small piece of land adjacent to the school free of charge.The school progressed steadily over the years, and with an increase in the number of children, it was found necessary to remove some of the classes elsewhere. The Persatuan Kampung Masjid, Bintangor Dan Haji Taha (MBHT) came to the rescue and offered their concert hail for the school to use. It was in 1949 that some higher classes transferred to Haji Taha Road, while the junior classes remained at Encik Dahan’s house at Bintangor until September of that year, when they were finally moved to Jalan Haji Taha.

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Illustration 1: Sekolah Rakyat: additional temporary premises (1952 — 1956). Concert Hall belonging to the MBHT, Jalan Haji Taha.

Encik Dahan Bin Ahmad, who was Supervisor of the school since 1952 when the appointment was vacated by AbangZawawi who retumed tojoin the Government, died on 17th August, 1956. The school sports which were scheduled to take place on that day had to be cancelled and postponed to a later date, to enable the school children to pay their last respects to an honourable man who had contributed a great deal towards their education. Had it not been for him. the school’s history would have been different altogether. After his death, Jaharah continued with the good work of her husband and helped the school until September, 1957 when the house was not used any more by the school.

SCHOOL ENROLMENTIn September 1955 there were over 400 children of both sexes attending th school at Encik Dahan’s house, and at the MBHT Hall, at Jalan Haji Taha. Aftei September 1957, they were housed at MBHT and another building at Jalan Dagok at Kampung Muda Hashim, which was owned by the MBHT Association, too. The table below shows the attendance rate for the month of September:

TABLE 3School Attendance During The Month of September

Year Boys Girls Total No of Classes

1956 274 176 450 91957 282 210 492 131958 308 270 578 141959 328 289 617 161960 360 301 661 171961 371 321 692 191962 320 328 648 171963 292 322 614 141964 271 306 577 141965 257 277 534 131966 206 238 444 121967 170 186 356 101968 142 148 290 91969 124 125 249 81970 81 99 180 71971 54 78 132 61972 45 78 123 61973 58 82 140 61982 80 100 180 6

OLD AND NEW BUILDINGSThe children were housed in temporary buildings at Jalan Datok and Jalan Haji Taha, in the MBHT concert hall, and also in a small house provided by Abang Safuani. This small house

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was formerly used as a village shop. Because of limited classroom accommodation, classes had to be conducted both in the momings and afternoons, (double session, as it is known today). It was a mixed school where English, Jawi and Romanised Malay were taught. The Board of Management realised, under the circumstances, that there was an urgent need for a proper school building to accommodate all these children. A Fund-Raising Committee was quickly set up by the school, to raise funds for the construction of a proper building which had been proposed to be sited at Jalan Haji Boihassan, on the piece of land previously pur- chased by the Committee in 1949.


In 1957 construction work for the first school building was completed on the piece of land purchased for this very purpose. It was built from funds contributed by the Persatuan Kebangsaan Melayu Sarawak, and from a 50% Government matching grant. This building which could only accommodate 160 children, was occupied on 1st January, 1958. The remaining 332 still occupied the MBHT concert hall. Mr. A.G. Smith, Divisional Education Officer, First Division, officiated the opening on 5th January, 1958.The completion of the new school building was a unique achievement. Not only was it due to the efforts of the Malay Community, but it was also due to the sincere and generous support of other races as well.At the beginning, long tables and benches together with some household furniture were used in the classrooms at Encik Dahan’s house, and at the MBHT concert hall. The classrooms in the new school building at Jalan Haji Bolhassan, however, were furnished with about four hundred new tables and chairs of the single and double types. The furniture was bought with proceeds from the school concert and donations from various associations. 20The Sarawak Tribune, an Enghsh language daily newspaper, publlshed a lengthy report about the proceedings during the opening ceremony of Sekolah Rakyat as follows:

“Parents and children who attended the official opening of the new Sekolah Rakyat at Jalan Haji Bothassan yesterday moming were told by Mr. A.G. Smith, Education Officer, First Division, that there would be no improvement if children attended school for one day and then absen- ted themselves for two or three. The opening ceremony, which was performed by Mr. Smith amidst a gathering of leaders of the Malay community,

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IlIustration 2: Sekolah Rakyat permanent building as it now stands at Jalan Haji Bolhassan, Kuchinllg (1982). The building was occupied on 1 January, 1958.

parents of the pupils, and representatives from various Malay organizations in Kuching, was marred to some extent by the Very incle- ment weather.

Mr. Smith referred to the school when it was first registered in Novem- ber, 1947, about ten years ago, with an enrolment of just 200, and commended on the progress which had been made since.

In between, however, he pointed out that there had been ups and downs in the figures of enrolment. This, Mr. Smith said, indicated irregular attendances at school, and he appealed to all, that in order to ensure improvement, there must be regular attendances. He complimented the Management Committee for the energetic way in which they, with co-operation from the Government, had put up a fine new building.

The new building, in Mr. Smith’s opinion, would reach the maximum of expansion when eight more classes were added to it, to make a total of 12 classes catering for five hundred pupils, which the school has now on the roll.

Any other expansion which the Committee has in mind, would have to be made elsewhere, and Mr. Smith stressed that one of the essential factors which the Committee should have in mind now would be not so much as making the school bigger, but to improve the standard of education given there.”

UCAPAN PERSATUANDi bawah ii adalah disiarkan satu ucapan yang telah disampaikan oleh Encik Muhamad Bin Haji Bakri, Presiden bagi Persatuan Kebangsaan Melayu Sarawak, di dalam Istiadat Pembukaan Rumah Sekolah Rakyat di Jalan Haji Bothassan, Kuching, pada pagi han Ahad, 5 Januari, 1958.

“Para hadziin yang terhormat, bagi pthak Jawatankuasa Agong dan ahli- ahli Persatuan di seluruh Sarawak, saya pada had yang bertuah ini mengambil kesempatan berucap kerana memberi selamat pembukaan Sekolah Rakyat yang tunggal di dalam kawasan Bandaran Kuching.

Saya adalah bergembira pada hari ini kerana melihat sebuah bangunan yang kita banggakan ini diramaikan pembukaannya. Persatuan Kebang- saan Melayu Sarawak dengan usaha dan penat lelah anggota Lembaga Kebudayaan dan Kesenian cawangan PKMS telah dapat mengumpul wang sebanyak $7,800!— dari pertunjukan-pertunjukan sandiwara. Wang ini telah diserahkan oleh Lembaga Kebudayaan dan Kesenian kepada Jabatan Pelajaran PKMS, dan kemudiannya pula kepada Jawatankuasa Sekolah Rakyat. Wang yang sebanyak itu telah menjadi bertambah- tambah dua kali ganda, kerana Pejabat Pelajaran bagi Perintah Pusat telah memberi bantuan sebanyak 50%. Dari ini kita boleh berkata Rumah Sekolah Rakyat di Jalan Haji Bothassan telah dibikin oleh rakyat dengan memakai wang pungutan dari pada rakyat kerana memberi kesenangan kepada anak-anak rakyat di dalam persekolahannya. Demi- kianlah sahaja ucapan saya. Wassalam.”

WEE KHENG CHIANG DECLARES OPEN SEKOLAH RAKAYT NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGThe School Committee had decided on another appeal for funds to extend the school which would accommodate the remaining school children still housed at Jalan Haji Taha. The proceeds of the appeal enabled the School Committee to buy another piece of land at Jalan Haji Bothassan, and to construct another new building. The extension was again made possible because of a 50% matching grant from the Sarawak Government. Work on this extension was

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completed sometime in August, 1959 and the remaining school children were then transferred from MBHT hall at Jalan liaji Taha.When Mr. Wee Kheng Chiang, a prominent Kuching banker and financier, declared open the new building, an extension to the existing one, Sekolah Rakyat was once again in the news. The Sarawak Tribune gave a fair coverage of the opening ceremony. The text of Mr Wee Kheng Chiang’s speech was reported to be as follows:

“The people of Sarawak can be proud of the fact that to Sarawakians, self-help is a way of life. In matters of education, we have shown the world that we can stand on our own feet. Today, we are reaping the fmits of our effort through self-help. The completion of this new school building, indeed the founding of the school itself, is one more example of this spirit of self-reliance.

It must give all and those associated with this worthy project a sense of satisfaction to see this new building completed. I feel privileged, as I am sure other members of the Chinese community must do, in being able to associate myself with such a worthy enterprise for the advancement and enlightenment of the young and future citizens of Sarawak by our dona- tions to your Appeal Fund. I personally feel it my duty to do what I can in the cause of education particularly among those less favoured by circumstances.”

The Malay Community in Kuching, and the school Management Committee were indebted to Mr. Wee Kheng Chiang, a well-known philanthropist, for his kind words about our efforts. The opening ceremony of the new building at Jalan Haji Bolhassan was attended by a large gathering of corpmunity leaders, parents and well- wishers.Mr Wee thanked the Management and Appeal Fund Committee of Sekolah Rakyat for the honour accorded him by inviting him to perform the ceremony.Mr Wee expressed the hope that all living in this country would do all they could to foster communal harmony amongst all races in Sarawak, and that this in- stitution (Sekolah Rakyat) so founded, would play its part towards this end.

A DREAM COME TRUEEariier, before calling on Mr. Wee to declare the building open, Haji Ahmad Zaidell Tahir, Chairman of the Management Committee of the school, welcomed the guests present, and gave a brief account of the events leading to the construction of the new building, the accomplishment of which he described as a “Dream Come True."The Chairman mentioned in detail the list of individuals and institutions which had, by their generous support, enabled the project to achieve its final success. He prayed that with continued support from the public, the day would come when the Board of Management would be able to build bigger and better schools without much difficulty.He expressed the hope that school life would be continued among the younger generation, and that the community would instil in them the true qualities of citi- zenship and promote higher education until “we have our own secondary school on the same level as other schools. That is our aim for the future.”


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In the academic field: The school first established lower and then higher Primary Classes. Vemacular subjects were taught by most of the experienced verna- cular teachers. Some of the outstanding pupils were selected foi further studies in Malaya on Government scholarships.When the Common Entrance Examination was instituted, the school then had to change to English as the medium of instruction. The exchange of the vernacular teachers with qualified English teachers was effected. Those pupils who were success- ful in their examinations were free to choose any secondary school they so wished to further their studies. The unsuccessful pupils were left behind but many enrolled at private schools to enable themselves to obtain a secondary education.Many of the outstanding pupils from this school did well in their new schools and were able to reach Form Six classes and passed their Higher School Certificate Examinations. Many of them, either on scholarship or at their own expenses, furthered their studies in Peninsular Malaysia and in universities overseas, and returned to Sarawak with degrees and diplomas. Later, Bahasa Malaysia was taught in this school. The representatives of the school met the Director of Education to seek approval for the teaching of this subject. Approval was given in January 1971 to include this subject in the syllabus from Primary I to Primary 4. (At present, the school is fully 10 Bahasa Malaysia medium.) The Outstanding pupils from Primary 6 were placed in’ the Tunku Abdul Rahman Secondary School to continue their Form 1 classes.In the social field: At the end of every third term there was usually a social gathering for the pupils of the school, organised by the staff, to mark the end of school year. During their free time, the pupils were also trained for sports and games, handicraft, and other extra-curricular activities.The first school sports was held at the Maderasah Melayu football ground on 26th August, 1956. The meet was organised by the School Committee and at the end of the sports meet, prizes were given away by Mm. M.G. Dickson, the Director of Education. In 1970 the school became a member of the First Division Primary Schools Sports Council and, having formed a school team, competed in an athletic meet held by the Council. Some of the pupils won prizes.

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAs one of the registered Government-Aided Schools, the school administration was under its own management in accdrdance with the official ruling of the Sarawak Education Department. Its Supervisor and Managers were also duly registered. At the beginning, the school did not have any staff to perform its administrative duties. Office administration was simply carried out by the Assistant Principal of the school.When the staff quota for 1957 was submitted and approved, the school was then entitled to have a clerk for its administrative duties. On 1st March, 1957, Encik Arif Bin Sedi was engaged as a clerk of this school. The approval for his appointment was given by the Director of Education. His clerical duties and routine office work were under the supervision of the School Supervisor. Two years later, he applied for a teacher-training course at Batu Lintang Training Centre, and was accepted. Encik Saed Bin Haji Bolhassan was engaged to replace Encik Arif on 1st February, 1959. After a brief service Encik Saed also resigned from the job, as he had been offered a better one in one of the government departments in Kuching. Encik Mahfus bin Sàhari was later engaged as the clerk. He took over from Encik Saed Bin Haji Bothassan on 1st August, 1959.

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THE RAKYAT SECONDARY SCHOOLAs the Chairman and Supervisor of the Rakyat Primary School, Haji Ahmad Zaidell Tahir called for a meeting of the Management Committee. It was held at the premises of the new school building at Jalan Haji Bothassan, on 4th October, 1959. The meeting discussed ways and means of building a secondary school. If this objective materialised, the new school would be the first privately-run Malay Secon- dary School in Kuching, to be conducted more efficiently so that it would achieve a standard of excellence equal to that of the best secondary school in Sarawak.The meeting considered sending a representative from one of the Committee members to meet the Divisional Education Officer, Kuching for advice on the above subject. Tuan Haji Su’aut Tahir was elected as the representative.The second meeting was held on 6th November, 1959 at the MBHT building, Jalan Haji Taha, Kuching. Tuan Haji Su’aut Tahir told the meeting that he had met with the Divisional Education Officer, and was informed that if the Committee agreed to establish a private secondary school, without aid from the Government, the Committee’s request would be considered.A further meeting was held at the MBHT building on 27 December, 1959. The Committee agreed to establish a private secondary school, to be administered by its own Management Committee, starting with a transitional class and Form One 11 It was also agreed to send three representatives from the Committee Members to meet the Divisional Education Officer. The representatives were Haji Su’aut Tahir, Encilc Led Bin All and Encik Mohsen.A final meeting was held at the MBHT building on 9th January, 1960. Many well-wishers, community leaders and school representatives, were present at the meeting.The leader of the three representatives, Haji Su’aut Tahir, reported that the Divisional Education Officer, First Division, had agreed to the establishment of a private secondary school to be named “SEKOLAH MENENGAH RAKYAT” (now Sekolah Menengah Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Matang).At the School Committee’s request, the Committee of Persaudaraan MBHT permitted the use of its association building to begin a class of 40 students. School fee of $6.00 was to be charged including $0.50 for the sports fund per month per pupil. Another $6.00 was charged for the entrance fee. The new Management Committee of this secondary school was as follows:

TABLE 4The New Management Committee of Sekolah Menengah Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Matang

Name PositionHaji Su’aut Tahir Chairman

Encik Led Ali Ag. ChairmanAbang Muas Secretary

Encik Ghani Wahed Asst. Sec.Encik Mohsen Treasurer

Hj. A. Zaidell Tahir Committee Members

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AbangSafuani "Encik Bujang "

Encik Zen Dahan "Encik Mohammad "

Encik Zulkipli "The opening ceremony was graced by the Honourable Datu Bandar Abang Haji Mustapha Bin Datu Abang Haji Moasili. The Management Committee had orga- nized this function at the MBHT building on 31st January, 1960. A large crowd of people attended the function. Also in attendance was Encik Abdul Rahman Ya’kub (now Tun Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Haji Abdul RahmanYa’kub, Yang Di Pertua Negeri. Sarawak).

CONCLUDING REMARKSOver the years, due to a diminishing enrolment of students, members of the school staff have been gradually retrenched. Today, there is once again, no clerk to carry out administrative duties. This is done entirely by the Supervisor himself. Since the school does not employ servants, the general maintenance of the school premises has been rather poor.At the time of recording this brief account, my earnest hope (for a grand future plan for this school) has given way to disillusionment. From the management point of view, and from policy considerations, the school wifi always remain basically simple. There exists a bigger government primary school nearby, that is, the Sekolah Rendah Kerajaan Merpati Jepang. Sekolah Rakyat should not, and cannot, compete with Sekolah Rendah Kerajaan Merpati Jepang. It may be just as well, because the Board of Management fully realises that education is an expensive enterprise; and to run a bigger school would require a great deal of financial and administrative resour- ces. The Board did not have the capacity to provide the necessary leadership in financial capital and in administrative know-how. When Sekolah Rakyat was es- tablished, Sarawak was a colony. Colonial policy did not encourage, nor did it provide facilities for the teaching of the Malay language or Jawi in schools, much less using Malay as a medium of instruction. The Malay community felt very strongly about this issue. What we wanted for our children then was that they should receive their elementary education in the medium of the Malay language.Our State is fully independent now. Our sovereign government can take care of our children’s educational needs, consistent with the national aspirations. I am sure that the State would not want to see its youths suffer the consequences of illiteracy and ignorance. The future may, or may not, be bright for Sekolah Rakyat, Jalan Haji Bolliassan. I know for certain that our children’s educational needs are safely guaranteed, and would be safeguarded by our dynamic leaders. Our own community has made a tremendous progress. Our leaders, either through parliamen- tary processes or private initiative, are in a better position than ever before to put forth demands for the betterment of our children’s education.The school that we started in 1947 has benefitted many young people, who today, have beôome usefuF citizens of our State. Some have even become prominefl personalities. Watching them grow up, and take their rightful places in society, I cannot help but feel that what we did as members of the Kuching Malay community in 1947, when we first established a very simple school, has not been in vain. I can now comfort myself with the assurance that, having done what I did with several others then, I, too, have lived a particularly useful life.

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