Selected functional characteristics ofhind leg muscle of nutria...


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  • Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Zootechnicznego, t. 5 (2009), nr 3

    Selected functional characteristicsof hind leg muscle of nutria(Myocastor coypus Mol.),from an extensive feeding system

    Robert Głogowski l,Marian Czaudernaf, Agnieszka J. Rozbicka1.2,Katarzyna A. Krajewska/

    KEY WORDS: nutria mea t / tocopherol / elements / fatty acids

    lWarsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Animai Breeding, Fur Animals Unit,Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa1'he Kielanowski Institute of Animai Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences,Instytucka 3, 05-110 J ablonna

    The eontent of c-, 8- and y-tocopherol; total concentration of cholesterol; levels of Fe, Zn,Ca and Mg with fatty acids profile we re in the muscle of hind leg from eighteen females andtwelve males of Greenland nutria. The concentration of total tocopherol and that of «-toco-pherol in the muscle of nutria was 4.4-4.9 1lg/100 g and 3.8-4.2 1lg/100 g, respectively, andwas lower than in other farm animals fed with green forage. The total cholesterol eoncent-ration in the fresh muscle tissue of nutria that was found in our study can be considered high,which can be explained by the high eontent of saturated acids in feeds. The favourable levelsof Fe and Zn were found in muscle. Beneficial values of fatty acid biochemical indices andratios as the result of feeding with fresh green forage should be particularly emphasized.

    Nutritional value of nutria meat can be compared with other slaughtered farmanimals. Rheological study results lead to high estimates of nutria meat applicability inmeat processing [11, 12]. An extensive feeding of nutria with farm produced feed iscommon in Poland. Such feeds as fresh grass or clover, rich in valuable nutrients resultin raw meat material used for preparation of ham Ol' the production of good qualitysausages [12], with at least some of functional characteristics. Moreover, it seems thatnutria diet modifications may subsequently improve its value.

    Functional foods are enriched in bioactive nutrients, which provide confirmedpositive health benefits for humans health [13]. They include are vitamins, mineralelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


  • Saadoun et al. [15] described some of nutria meat and fat properties from animalsfed ad libitum with diet based on soybean and com. In conclusion, meat and fat of nutriaorigin were suggested for culinary preparations and consumption although values ofsome biochemical indices raise efficient doubts.

    In the face of the difficult state of nutria farming it is substantial to point out somevalued characteristics of the meat from extensively fed nutria, that eonfirm furthernecessity of dietary manipulations towards improvement of its biochemical profile asthe candidate for functional food.



    Materiał and methodslJI

    The material was obtained on reproduction farm, located in eastern Poland. Nutriaswere housed in groups without pools, with separated grill area for defecation. Alianimals were fed the uniform diet (table l). Feed was distributed twice a day. Steamedpotatoes were ad libitum fed in the morning. In the afternoon fresh green forage wasserved. Grass mixture and c\over were fed alternatively (tabies I and 2). Water wasconstantly available.

    Table 1 - Tabela 1Chemical eontent of feeds for nutriaSkład chemiczny pasz podawanych nutriom



    Diet - Paszaclover green forage

    koniczyna zielonka łąkowa

    911.8 911.5

    34.8 41.6

    78.6 97.6

    145.2 141.9

    0.9 1.3-1


    Dry matter (g/kg)Sucha masa (g/kg)Crude protein (glkg)Białko surowe (glkg)Crude ash (gikg)Popiół surowy (g/kg)Crude fiber (g/kg)Włókno surowe (g/kg)Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg)Energia metaboliczna (Ml/kg)





    Table 2 - Tabela 2Selected elements' eontent in nutria diets (ug/g)Zawartość niektórych pierwiastków w paszach dla nutrii (ug/g)

    Wyszczególnienie Fe Zn Ca MgSpecification

    Potatces 22.40 4.39 30.71 276.17ZiemniakiClover 58.01 10.28 1270.12 556.52KoniczynaGreen forage 28.36 5.79 1527.00 456.60Zielonka łąkowa


  • Table 3 - Tabela 3Selected isoforms and groups offatty acid eontent in nutria feeds (mgllOO g offeed)Zawartość wybranych izomerów oraz grup kwasów tłuszczowych w paszach dla nutrii (mgli 00 g paszy)



    Diet - Pasza





    green forage

    zielonka łąkowa

    LSFAC ł2:0C 14:0C 16:0C 18:2LMUFAcis9 C 16:1cisI I C 16:1cis') C 18:1LPUFAcis9cisl2 C 18:2cis9cisl2cisl5 C 18:3LFA











    After 12 weeks of feeding the constant diet, 30 Greenland nutria (12 males ± 14months old, average body weight: 4.1 ±0.4 kg and 18 females ± 16 months old, averagebody weight: 3.9 ±0.3 kg) were randomly selected and slaughtered according to speciesspecific regulations. Left hind leg was cut out from the carcass and the thigh musclesampies of average weight 80 g were collected, than placed in the eontainer with dryice until analysis.

    The eontent of active isoforms of tocopherol and total cholesterol in nutria meatwas determined by a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on Waters chro-matograph equipped with spectrophotometer (4]. The volume of injection on the columnwas 60 ul.

    The atomie absorption spectrometry (ASA) method was used for assessment of theselected elements levels in biological sampies with flame ionization in: C2H2-air. Thefollowing wave lengths (nm) were used: Fe - 248.3; Ca - 422.7; Mg - 285.2 [3].

    Fatty acids separation was performed on gas chromatograph assembled with massspectrometer. after saponification to methyl esters (FAME), which method is consideredhighly effective [9). SHIM-POL column was used (120 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 urn layerthickness). HeIium was used as a carrying gas. The detailed temperature curve wasdescribed in the paper of Czauderna et al. (5].

    Statistical analyses were conducted using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U testfor comparing independent experimental groups. Statistica ver. 6 was used. ResuIts arepresented as means ± standard deviation for individually analyzed muscle. Differenceswere considered significant at P

  • Results and discussion

    Table 4 presents the concentrations of tocopherols and total cholesterol in hind legmuscles of extensively fed nutria. The level of total cholesterol in males and in malescan be considered rather high. According to Degirolamo et al. [7], the presence ofsaturated fatty acids (SFA) in diet, as much as oleic (C 18: l) and palmitoleic acid(C 16:1) results in higher level of cholesterol in serum. AIso Temme et al. [17] report,that the diet rich in lauric (C 14:0) and palmitic (C 16:0) acid rises total cholesterolconcentrations.

    In table 3 we report that the eontent of C 16:0 is high in all components of nutriadiet. It seems substantial, considering the preference of nutria for consumption ofsteamed potatoes, where palmitic acid was the most abundant isomer. Therefore, wesuggest that the first step to increase the value of extensively reared nutria meat is toremove or significantly reduce the amount of fed potatoes from the diet.

    At present, when there is no demand from the market on high quality nutriacarcasses, the diet form ula is based on the cheapest, easily accessible feeds. As wepresent later, the significant share of green forage in nutria diet may be of a greatimportance for nutritional value of the meat. Further studies should be aimed at dietarymanipulations with/or the supplementation with vegetable or fish oil, to lower theeontent of cholesterol in meat by means of decreased total SFA amount.

    Among biologically active forms of tocopherol, a-T form had the highest eontentin nutria muscle. Isoforms 15and y (table 4) were also detected. Indeed, the totalconcentration of tocopherol in nutria meat was lower than in other farm animals, fedwith green forage [8, 10].

    Table 4 - Tabela 4The concentration of cholesterol and tocopherols in hind leg muscle of nutriaZawartość cholesterolu i tokoferoli w mięśniach kończyny miednicznej nutrii

    Sex - Pleć CHOL') Tocopherol (~gIlOO g'»(mgli 00 s"

    a_T') o_T') y_T') total - razem

    203 ± 34 4.2 ± LI 0.092 ± 0.049 0.GI±0.23 4.9 ± 1.2

    21G±43 3.8 ± LI 0.098 ±0.037 053 ±0.21 4.4±0.9

    Females (n= 18)Samice (n=18)Males (n= 12)Samce (n= 12)

    I) _ total cholesterol - cholesterol całkowity2) _ of fresh tissue - świeżej tkanki3) _ the most active forms of tocopherol - najbardziej aktywne formy tokoferolu

    The eontent of Fe and Zn in nutria meat, compared to pork was higher. In pig breedslike Polish Large White, Polish Landrace, Pietrain Ol' Duroc the concentration of Fe wassignificantly lower than in nutria muscle (respectively 4.97; 4.59; 7.45; 5.50 and 17.77ug/g of fresh tissue). The differences in Zn concentration were smaller (respectively










  • Table 5 - Tabela 5Selected elernents' eontent in hind leg muscle of nutria (ug/g)Zawartość niektórych pierwiastków w mięśniach kończynymiednicznej nutrii (ug/g)

    Element Females Males PPierwiastek Samice Samce

    Fe 17.77 16.01 0.021Zn 23.60 23.80 0.915Ca 41.37 41.91 0.983Mg 251.87 260.55 0.280

    13.58; 12.49; 13.74; 13.74 and 23.60 ug/g) [14]. The hind leg muscle Fe concentrationin nutria females was significantly higher than in males (respectively 17.77 and 16.01ug/g; P=0.02l). Concentration differences in other elements were numerical (tab le 5).

    Nutria meat colour is lighter than beef [12], but it is considered a red meat. Thisrheological characteristic is influenced among others by the high concentration ofhaeme pigments, like metmyoglobin (MetMb) [1,2], what may explain the high eontentof Fe in nutria meat.

    Table 6 presents fatty ac id profile in hind leg muscle of male and female nutria,expressed in mg/100 g of fresh tissue. The concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFA) was higher in females than in males (P

  • Table 6 - Tabela 6Fatty acids profile in nutria muscle (mgli 00 g of fresh tissue)Profil kwasów tłuszczowych w mięśniach nutrii (mgllOO g świeżej tkanki)

    Fatty acidsKwasy tłuszczowe



    e 8:0e 9:0

    e 10:0e 11:0e 12:0e 13:0e 14:0

    c7 e 14:1,9 e 14:1

    e 15:0c7 e 15:1

    clO e 15:1e 16:0

    c7 e 16:1c9 e 16:1

    c9cl2 e 16:2e 17:0

    ,,6 e 17:1c9 e 17:1

    ciO e 17:1e 18:0

    /9 e 18:1tli e 18:1('9 e 18:1

    ell e 18:1d2 e 18:1cl4 e 18:1

    /9/12e 18:2('9cl2e 18:2

    c9,,12d5 e 18:3 (aLNA)e 20:0

    ell e 20:1e 21:0

    cllcl4 e 20:2,,8cllci4 e 20:3 11-6

    clld4,,17 e 20:3 n-3c5,,8cllcl4 e 20:4 (AA)

    c5c8cllcl4cl7 e 20:5e 24:0

    -is e 24:1c7clOci3ci6,l9 e 22:5

    c4,7clOci3ci6cl9 e 22:6LSFALUFA















    5442.3311 433.00
















    11-6 PUFA11-3 PUFAUFA/S FA



    0.236 ±0.0820.079 ±0.042


    0.590 ±0.2872.97 ±0.78

    0.202 ± 0.0510.077 ± 0.026


    0.570 ± 0.0662.61 ±0.54

    Numerous indices were calculated for the activity of metabolic enzymes in fattyacids metabolic chain and for atherogenic fatty acids (A-SFA) and thrombogenic fattyacids (T-SFA) concentrations (tab le 7).

    Index of desaturase - f"..9C 14: lIC 14:0 (as a result of cis9 C 14: l and C 14:0 isomers ratio)was significantly higher (P=0.049) in females than in males. Similarly, the f"..9-desaturase






  • Table 7 - Tabela 7Metabolic enzyme indicesIndeksy enzymów metabolicznych

    Specification Females Males PWyszczególnienie Samice Samce

    Ildesaturase-t:.9c[4,I/C [4,0 0.120±0.019 0.053±0.027 0.0049Ildesaturaza-t:.9cIUle 14,02Idesaturase-t:.9 0.568±0.047 0.524±0.043 0.0172Idesaturaza-t:.93Idesaturase-t:.4 0.677±0.036 0.675±0.032 0.683Idesaturaza-t:.44Idesaturase-t:.5 0.992±0.005 0.989±0.006 0.114Idesaturaza-t:.55Idesaturase-t:.6 0.9992±0.0006 0.9990±0.0003 0.045Idesaturaza-t:.66lelongase 0.9964±0.0043 0.9972±0.OO09 0.326lelongaza7IA_SFA 0.584±0.113 0.6080±0.043 0.91

    8IT_SFA 0.716±0.156 0.753±0.087 0.97

    Ildesaturase-t:.9C14: liC 14,0: desaturase-ćv = c9 C 14:liC 14:0+ c9 C 14:I; c - isomers cis;2ldesaturase-ó9 = c9 C 14:1+ c9 C 16:1+ e9 C 17:1 + c9 C 18:l/C 14:0 + c9 C 14:1+ C 16:0 + c9 C 16:1+C 17:0 + c9 C 17:1 + C 18:0 + c9 C 18:1;3ldesaturase-M = c4c7clOrl3cl6cl9 C 22:6/c4c7clOcI3cI6rl9 C 22:6 + c7(IOcI3eI6(19 C 22:5;4ldesaturase-Ó5= c5r8c11 c 14C 20:4/e8c Ile 14 C 20:3 + c5c8c11 cl4 C 20:4:5ldesaturase-ó6 = c9cl2 C 18:2I(9cI2 C 18:2 + c11c14c17 C 20:3 n-3:6lelongase= c9c12c15 C 18:3/c9cl2cI5 C 18:3+ cllc14c17 C 20:3;7)(C 12:0 + 4 x C 14:0 + C 16:0)/(LMUFA+ LIl-6 + LIl-3)81(C14:0+ C 16:0 + C 18:0)/(0.5 x LMUFA + 0.5 x LIl-6 + 3 x LIl-3 + LIl-3/LIl-6)

    index deterrnined from cis9 C 14:1, cis9 C 16:1, cis9 C 17:1, cis9 C 18:1, C 14:0, C 16:0,C 17:0 and C 18:0 showed that the capacity of D9-desaturation in females is higher(P

  • and maI e muscle might explain the lack of statistically significant differences in theconcentrations of EPA in female and male muscle (table 7).

    Atherogenic and thrombogenic index should be possibly low for consumers' prefe-rences and health properties of food [18]. In the meat of nutria fed with large amountof green forage, A-SFA and T-SFA were lower than in rabbit broilers fed with pelletswith 44% of soya meal and sunflower seed, supplemented with o.-tocopherol acetate[6]. A-SFA was respectively 0.6 and 0.7 and in T-SFA respectively 0.75 and 0.99.

    In conclusion, the results of our experiments may lead to a better understanding ofthe biochemical effects of an extensive feeding system on the biochemical profile ofmeat from female and male nutria. In fact, dietary supplementation of minerais andvegetable oils, especially Iinseed oil, can be an effective way of increasing the eoncen-trations of human health-prornoting fatty acids in the carcass of farmed nutria.


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    Robert Głogowski, Marian Czauderna,Agnieszka J. Rozbicka, Katarzyna A. Krajewska

    Wybrane cechy funkcjonalne mięsa kończyny miednicznejnutrii (Myocastor coypus Mol.) utrzymywanychW systemie ekstensywnym


    W mięśniach kończyny miednicznej 30 nutrii (18 samic i 12 samców) odmiany grenlandzkiejoznaczono: zawartość a-, 0- oraz v-tokoferolu: poziom cholesterolu całkowitego; zawartość Fe,Zn, Ca i Mg oraz określono profil kwasów tłuszczowych. Zawartość tokoferoli była znacznieniższa w porównaniu do wyników uzyskiwanych u innych zwierząt gospodarskich, żywionychzielonkami. Wysoki poziom nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych (szczególnie C 16:0) w paszachpodawanych ekstensywnie utrzymywanym nutriom, w połączeniu z preferencjami pokarmowymizwierząt, miało wpływ na wysoki poziom cholesterolu w mięsie nutrii. Z punktu widzenia dążeniado poprawy cech użytkowych oraz podniesienia wartości odżywczej mięsa ekstensywnie utrzymy-wanych nutrii wydaje się konieczne zmodyfikowanie składu dawki w kierunku zaniechania sto-sowania niektórych pasz, takich jak parowane ziemniaki, i podawanie innych o bardziej korzyst-nym składzie chemicznym. Zanotowano wysoki, korzystny poziom Fe i Zn w tkance mięśniowej.Na podkreślenie wydają się zasługiwać korzystne wartości indeksów zawartości poszczególnychgrup kwasów tłuszczowych i ich wzajemnych proporcji w efekcie znaczącego udziału w dawceświeżej zielonki łąkowej, w tym wartości współczynnika proporcji n-6/n-3 PUFA, mieszczącychsię w zalecanym przedziale.

