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Creative Time Management for the New Millennium

Time Management

The key to time management is planning.

Benefits of Time Management

Benefits of Time Management

Control of your work and life.

Benefits of Time Management

You become more productive.

Benefits of Time Management

Technology should serve your goals, not waste more time than it saves.

Principles of Creative Time Management

#1-Be Active, Not Reactive

Decide what’s important to your job and say “no” to anything that interferes.

#2-Set Goals

Without goals, you may react to problems with little perspective on how they could affect your career.

#3-Prioritize Actions

You need to prioritize your activities to achieve your goals.

Pareto’s Law

20% of your efforts will get you 80% of your results.

#4-Keep Your Focus

To reach goals, stay in focus and avoid distractions.

#5-Create Realistic Deadlines

Really think through how long you need to finish something.

#6-Do It Now

Once you decide on a plan and are focused, just do it!

#7-Balance Your Life

Make time for yourself as well as those you care about.

Overcoming Key Obstacles

#1-Doing Too Much at Once

#1-Doing Too Much at Once

Focus on doing one thing at a time.

#1-Doing Too Much at Once

Avoid starting a new task until you’ve finished the first one.

Keep your priorities in mind.

#1-Doing Too Much at Once

#2-Inability to Say “No”

Decide what your limits are and say “no” to whatever interferes.

#2-Inability to Say “No”

Clarify and reinforce your priorities.

#2-Inability to Say “No”

Say “no” to the request, not the person.

#2-Inability to Say “No”



Make whatever you are putting off, the first task of the day.

Remind yourself of the consequences.


#4-Paper Work

#4-Paper Work

Be ruthless about what you do with office paper.

Have a system for dealing with mail and papers.

#4-Paper Work



Be aware of how much time you spend on the phone.


Keep a time log.

Designate a time to place and receive calls.


#6-Failure to Prioritize

#6-Failure to Prioritize

Be clear about your goals.

Say “no” to anything that is not a priority.

#6-Failure to Prioritize

Consider how new demands fit with your goals.

#6-Failure to Prioritize

#7-Travel Time

#7-Travel Time

Do work-related tasks.

#7-Travel Time

Use car commuting time to reduce stress.



Commit to being on time, all the time.


Determine if there is a pattern to your lateness.

Allow extra time for last minute emergencies.



Make realistic deadlines.

Overcoming Key Obstacles

Organization is the primary way to improve your time at work.

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips

Be prompt.

Make accurate time estimates for appointments.

Time Management Tips

Keep notes & reminders in one place.

Time Management Tips

Record appointments in pencil.

Time Management Tips

Keep personal interruptions to a minimum.

Time Management Tips

Maintain a daily to-do list.

Time Management Tips

Replace tools and files in the proper places.

Time Management Tips

Schedule personal time off.

Time Management Tips

Becoming Organized

Becoming Organized

Make sure everything is in the right place.

Becoming Organized

Plan and do what needs to be done.

Becoming Organized

Group similar tasks together.

Becoming Organized

Eliminate clutter.

Organization Techniques

Organization Techniques

Determine specific things to do with a specific time frame.

Organization Techniques

Distinguish daily priorities from busywork.

Organization Techniques

Maintain a to-do list.

Structure a time to work without interruption.

Organization Techniques

Creative Time Management for the New Millennium