Senior Design 1 Team Bull Trout Project: Elevator Navigating Robot Team –Kelly Kofoed –Nate...


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Senior Design


Team Bull Trout Project: Elevator Navigating Robot

• Team– Kelly Kofoed– Nate Whitmore– Shane Moser– Zach Uhles

University of Portland School of Engineering

Advisor: Dr. Lu

Industry RepresentativeMr. Dennis Erickson

Affiliation: Robotics

Senior Design



• Robotics: Elevator robot using computer vision– 3rd floor of EGR to 2nd

• Performing many service tasks– Deliver supplies

– Assembly line

– Hazardous conditions

– 24/7

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design



University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design


Our Goal

• Locate the elevator hailing button• Calculate distance and maneuver to hailing button• Robotic arm will press button• Maneuver in front of door• After door opens, move inside elevator• Locate button panel & push 2nd floor• Maneuver in front of door• Exit elevator after reaching the desired floor

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design


Things out of our scope…

• Navigating through hallways– Must have elevator in sight upon start-up

• Going between many floors (just 3rd to 2nd)• Account for unknown objects in robots path

– Must have clear path

– Kill switch for safety

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design



• Design Document v. 0.9 - completed

• Design Document v. 0.95 - completed

• RS232 communications between MB & PIC

• Captured image using Frame Grabber/Camera

• Repair back wheels - completed

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design


Additional Accomplishments

• Installed new motherboard

• Re-installed Windows XP

• Moved with a C++ program– Calling Autohotkey

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design



• Finish Design Document v. 1.0

• Test camera operations in elevator area

• Fix motherboard boot error

• Develop MB/PIC micro control scripts

• Finish RS232 communications between MB & PIC

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design

9University of Portland School of Engineering

MilestonesStatus Description Original



completed Frame Grabber/communication 04 Nov 11 04 Nov 11 04 Nov 11

completed Robotic Arm Communication 04 Nov 11 04 Nov 11 04 Nov 11

completed Design Doc v.0.9 12 Nov 10 12 Nov 10 12 Nov 10

completed Func. Spec v.1.0 22 Oct 10 22 Oct 10 14 Oct 10

completed Final Budget 12 Nov 10 12 Nov 10 12 Nov 10

completed Design Doc v.0.95 26 Nov 10 26 Nov 10 19 Nov 10

on time Design Doc v.1.0 03 Dec 10 03 Dec 10 03 Dec 10

on time Final Report 1st Draft 20 Mar 11 20 Mar 11 20 Mar 11

on time Final Report v. 0.95 01 Apr 11 01 Apr 11 01 Apr 11

Senior Design



• Concern: Nate is now working the swing shift from 12pm to 10:30pm– Fix: team meetings same time, Skype at work

– Fix: Meet in the mornings during no class sessions

• Concern: Motherboard took 10 times to boot– Fix: Search for error message and fix it this week

– Fix: replace motherboard

– Fix:C7VCM2 drivers

University of Portland School of Engineering

Senior Design



• Frame Grabber is capturing pictures

• Design Document 0.95 sent to industry Rep.

• Back wheels were fixed

• Fix Motherboard

University of Portland School of Engineering
