senior val



maria's awesome portofolio

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In this life people take every-

thing for granted. To truly

enjoy life you must realize what

you have. You have to follow

your insticts and listen to you

heart. God speaks to you

through your soul. You must

listen to his voice through your

hearts desires. Listen before

you speak. Today all people do

is talk talk takl, but don’t be

afraif to take a step back and

listen to all the things around

you. The most interllegent and

worldly people are those who

know how to access and un-

derstand their surroundings.

Love with no restraint. This is

a very important key to life that

most forget. Love everything

you do, everyone you surround

yourself with, and all that are

dear to you. Love makes the

world go round and love can

conquer all if you give it a

chance. Love drives our evil

and no one can resist unending

eternal love.

Follow your heart, Listen before you speak, love with all you have

Get out some paper, you’re about to learn a few lessons.


Volume 1, Issue 1

Meaning of Life and Time Capsule


Things I will Miss and Major Changes


Inspiration and Goals 4

Friends/family and Great Despair


Sandy Hook Shooting, Human Stem cell Re-search and GoPro camer-as


Instagram, Skimpy cloth-ing affects girls, and Stu-dio in a School


My Top Ten 8



Inside this issue:

Special points of in-


Will portray the

meaning of life

What’s happening in

the world today? Find


A top ten list of all

my favorites

The people and

things that shaped

who I am

Maria Mango

We are here to fulfill God’s

plan. I believe everyone has a

destiny and a purpose life is

about fulfilling your role in this

world. No one can determine

what their role may be, but it

could be something as minor

as being a friend to someone in

need or teaching others les-

sons. You impact every single

person you come in contact

with and in turn they leave and

imprint on you. I think that

this is what life is all about;

changing and affecting others.

The goal in life is to follow

your heart without hesitation

or second thought. God lives

in your heart and soul and he

will direct you where you need

to go. I would be no where

without the guidance of my

soul; it has lead my into some

bad situation, but also it has

helped me decide what I need

and want. Life is a complicated

and confusing ride that most

travel alone, but if you listen to

your heart you are never alone;

someone is there to guide you.

This is my one rule for life;

follow your heart, listen before

you speak, and love with all

you have. If you do these three

things you will find true unend-

ing happiness. Now there

are millions of people de-

pressed because we live in

a selfish world; easily you

can change. Remember

three simple rules;

The Meaning of Life

Time Capsule

from someone very dear to me,

and it is a daily reminder of our

bond. The third thing I would

put in my time capsule is my

teddy bear. This bear. Teddy,

has been through everything

with me. My brothers bought

Teddy while they were waiting

on my mother to deliver me

into this world. Ever since I

could cuddle and hold onto

something Teddy accompanied

me everywhere. Although, he

hasn’t been traveling around

much lately he will also have a

special spot in my heart and on

my shelf. He represents my

brothers and family in a way

that nothing else could. He

symbolizes a period where

their was excitement and

nerves about what was to come

of our family. The fourth item

I would put in the capsule is

cross. The cross is very im-

portant to me because it sym-

bolizes the journey I’ve made

with Jesus and my faith. In my

last two years of school I have

become a much better person

and I have found the comfort

and love that God provides. I

have finally became apart of

God’s children and the cross

would represent the amazing

changes and obstacles I’ve

overcome with the help and

guidance of my savior. Lastly I

would put in a friendship

bracelet to show how much I

care for and appreciate the

friendships I’ve made in

school. Without the friends I

have I would have never made

it through school or this life,

and I owe everything I have

and everything I am to the

people that surround me. They

have always given me and

amazing amount of love and

support and I cannot begin to

explain their impact on my life.

In my time capsule there would

be quite a few personal things.

First I would put in my ring. It

is my birthstone surrounded by

diamonds and is very valuable

to me sentimentally. My aunt

got it for me after the passing

of my cousin and I wear it eve-

ry single day to represent a

bond we shared. My cousins

and my birthstone are the

same, therefore with that ring

on I feel as if I have a part of

her with me at all times. It is

the most important thing I

own. The second item I would

place in a time capsule is my

silver anchor necklace. Thus is

very dear to me because of

what it represents and from

where it came. The necklace

represents my passion and

excitement for the NAVY and

my future. This is something I

pride myself on and want eve-

ryone to remember me by.

Also, the necklace was a gift

Page 2 Mar ia Mango Volume 1, I ssue 1

follow your heart, listen

before you speak, and

love with all you have. (243)

My Major Change

The Things I Will Miss the Most

High school is incredibly hec-

tic; it impacts who you are

and who you become, but

what most people don’t think

about is how much it changes

you. In my high school career

the thing that has changed

most about me is my attitude.

I used to be such a people

pleaser, but now that I’ve

tried so hard to fit in and

meet the status quo, I can

finally be myself. After many

years of peer pressure and

not standing out, I finally am

starting to figure out exactly

who I am, but now I definite-

ly am comfortable in my own

skin. As freshman year com-

menced I was nervous and

scared about if people would

like me, but as senior year is

underway I could not care

less what a single soul here

thinks about me. I am finally

content with myself and how

i am; from my weird obses-

sion with cowboy boots to

the fact that I never look

nice, this is who I am and I

am immensely proud of that.

This change could not have

happened without the

harsh world of high

school, it really is an-

other planet, teaching

me that if I care about

what everyone else

thinks I will complete-

ly lose myself in the

mix. (210)

journey for me and from

school I will miss my all of

the weird, outrageous

friendships I’ve made. Now

I know wherever I go I will

make friends and meet in-

teresting characters, but

never again will I have to

deal with the drama of high

school that made strong

irrational bonds between

people. I will definitely miss

the people that surround me

now. They have an uncanny

ability to make me feel alive

and fun! We all are living in

the now and just growing

older with each other, never

again will it be this way, this

carefree. The last thing I

want to do is stay in Fishers,

but I know that these things

will leave a hole in my heart;

these are the things I’ll look

back at and wish could have

lasted. (214)

I have spent my entire life in

Fishers, and there are so

many things I take for

granted that I know I’m

going to miss. I’ll miss hav-

ing a home of my own,

whose warmth sheltered me

from the outside world. The

one place I could also es-

cape to, solitude of my own,

a room that is not shared

with any other creatures;

that is what I will miss

about living at home. High

school has been an amazing

Page 3 Mar ia Mango Volume 1, I ssue 1

A picture entitled “Stand Out!”

My view on a nice comfy, cozy home that is

all my own. My fortress of solitude.

He sat there gleaming, as

the rest of us looked at

him in awe and extreme

pride. He reached out for

his diplomatic degree and

we burst into obnoxious

cheers! My brother, Da-

vid, had graduated college

and was on his way to

becoming the first college

educated, successful busi-

ness man in the family.

All throughout our lives

David was my hero. He

was the oldest, the wisest,

and he always looked out

for me. He would never

know that amount of ad-

miration and respect I

have for him, but it radi-

ates from my soul while

we are together. I barely

ever see him, but every

time I do I am blown

away. I’ve watched him

grow up and turn into a

marvelous man. He is the

oldest and has set an

amazing example my en-

tire life; he realizes how

much he means to Mi-

chael and I and I think

that drives him to be the

best he can. I don’t con-

nect with anyone else in

the family except for him

anymore, and he is the

only one who reaches out

and tries to help and un-

derstand me. After all the

things my family has been

through he has always

been my rock and the one

person I can depend on,

and that is irreplaceable.


David Mango, My Inspiration

Thus is a picture of the Navy’s emblem, and it symbolizes my future journy.

Page 4 Mar ia Mango Volume 1, I ssue 1

Future Goals unit in front of yourself. I

know that I can do this,

and I will accomplish my

goal. Another goal of

mine is to be an amazing

mother. I realize how

cliché and typical that is,

but kids bring me so

much joy and fulfillment;

I cannot wait to have my

own. I will wait until I’m

married and financially set

to start having kids, but I

know that I will want

them sooner rather than

later. I am determined to

be a great parent because

mine weren’t always the

best to me; children de-

serve so much better than

that. I have learned what

works and doesn’t work

because of my own up-

bringing and the fact

that I work at a day-

care, therefore I know

I will be an excellent

parent. (221)

To me, the future is vast

and unknown, but there

are many things I want to

accomplish in the life I

have ahead of me. I will

excel in the Navy and be-

come a chief in no more

than 10 years. This is very

hard, but I know that if I

give it my all and help

others along the way I

will definitely rank up.

Getting advancements

isn’t nearly as hard as

some think, but you have

to be willing to take one

for the team and put your

David and I at his football

banquet after his last year of


ripped away from you.

My relationship with God

flourished after her death,

because of all the ques-

tions I wanted from Him,

but it quickly diminished

when I realized no matter

what I said to God or an-

yone she wasn’t coming

back. Once I came to

terms with her departure

I became close to God

again, and I think this is

the most important thing

I got out of Brooke’s

death. I will always love

and miss her an unbeliev-

able amount, but every-

thing happens for a rea-

son. I believe God took

her from us so we could

grow closer to each other

and to Him. Brooke’s

death turned my world

around, but it also helped

me to find myself and to

learn to live my life and

fill it with happiness.


Great Depression and Despair

Hands down the most

depressing and life alter-

ing moment of mine was

when my cousin, Brooke,

passed away. She was 18

and I was 16; we were

inseparable and she was

my mentor and my best

friend. Now that she is

gone there is a hole in my

heart, but I have learned

to become strong and to

build myself up. I learned

that life is short and at

any moment it can be

Friends and Family

My friends and family

have kept me going

throughout all my hard

times. Up until lately my

relationship with my par-

ents was very rocky and

we definitely did not get

along well, therefore I

relied on the other people

in my life. My friends

have been the backbone

of my upbringing. When

my parents would go cra-

zy and drive me insane I

would call one of my

friends or run off to their

house. Sarah Taylor and

the whole Taylor family

pulled my through my

hardest times. They tried

so hard to console me

when my life at home was

falling apart. Mending our

relationship seemed im-

possible, but suddenly last

summer my mom starting

making a conscious effort

to understand me instead

of judging me and jump-

ing down my throat. She

started supporting me in

everything I did, instead

of holding me back and

expecting me to be per-

fect. My mom has be-

come my best friend and

my role model. She has

supported me in my deci-

sion to join the Navy and

she supported me all

throughout basketball

which was a really rough

time. I don’t think I

would be here today if it

weren’t for my friends,

and now because of my

mother. No one really

understands how close I

was to breaking; some of

my friends saved my life,

and one day I hope I can

give them the inspiration

they’ve given me. (230)

Page 5 Mar ia Mango Volume 1, I ssue 1

Sarah Taylor and I as sen-

iors. We’ve come a long

way together; from 5th

grade to now we’ve stayed

best friends.

This above picture is the

picture that was featured in

Brooke’s obituary.

After an event like the shoot-

ing at Sandy Hook Elementary

how can people go on with

their lives? How does one

simply move on? Ever since

this horrible tragedy happened

the world has been shocked.

Suddenly, people are lobbying

for bans on guns and more

strict gun control, but they are

also asking for psychiatrists to

be in all schools. The fact of

the matter is that there are and

will always be crazy, uncontrol-

lable people on earth. With the

entire world now weary to send

their children to school, the

population poses the question,

“what now?” What are we sup-

posed to do now that elemen-

tary school isn’t safe? These

thoughts and concerns have

crept into all of our lives, and it

feels as if nowhere is safe any-

more. As children go about

their days, innocent and naïve,

they have no comprehension

of the changes that are about

to ensue. The government is

turning themselves upside

down trying to find a solution

that will keep everyone happy,

but with growing tensions and

desperation people are becom-

ing increasingly harder to

please. Patiently, the world

waits for an answer to the in-

creasing problem of mass mur-

ders and public attacks. (197)

The picture quality Is so high it

is completely unmatched by

any other camera in its’ field.

Go Pro’s also come in a shock,

drop, water, and submerge

proof casing that makes it in-

credibly versatile and flexible.

This camera can catch every

single movement and sight that

an athlete sees before, during,

and after their activities. The

camera has changes sports

broadcasting and photography

Go Pro cameras continue to

shock the world of photog-

raphy with its amazing picture

and video quality. These com-

pletely resistant cameras have

changed sports photography

completely. They give a close

up and in depth view of what

the athlete is going through,

form his own perspective. It is

like doing the action yourself.

It can help portray a complete-

ly new perspective of sports.

completely and continues to

make leaps in this field. The

Go Pro is the go to camera for

all athletes trying to gain expo-

sure and showcase their talents.

It gives a raw outlook on what

it happening from their per-

spective and helps people un-

derstand the challenges that

come along with their respec-

tive sports. (180)

Sandy Hook Shooting Shakes America

Go Pro Cameras

say the research was not done

for human cloning, but it was

for producing large amounts of

stem cells to help cure diseases.

The fact that they’re using hu-

man cells and degenerating

them all the way back to em-

bryotic cells eliminates that

unethical part of stem cell re-

search which will lead to fur-

ther and more in-depth studies.

This is very concerning be-

cause with this technology it is

believed that we can already

make human clones and in the

near future I think it will be a

serious problem. Although

cloning is unethical in the U.S.,

and most other regions, some

people think it is necessary to

further our understanding of

the human body and life. The

day when clones become legal

and common is a day I fear for.


Scientist Reflect First Success in Cloning Human Stem Cells

With today’s technology stem

cell research is constantly ad-

vancing. There have been

many different scientist who

have found numerous ways to

control and manipulate differ-

ent cells and genes, but with all

this technology what does it

mean for our world? Recently

there has been a discovery by

Shoukhrat Mitalipov has made

it possible to reverse adult cells

into embryotic stem cells. They

Page 6 Mar ia Mango Volume 1, I ssue 1

The newest Go Pro model a

GoPro Hero3 is a small but

mighty camera the has once

again revolutionized photog-


Instagram friend or foe?

Studio In A School

Skimpy Clothing, Objectifying Women

With social media on the rise

and the new craze of instagram

what does this mean for the

new generation of cell phone

and smart phone users? It

means less privacy, secrecy,

and much more danger. People

can lose their jobs if their so-

cial media sites get shown to

their bosses, teachers are tread-

ing a think line between weird

relations with students online,

and stalkers have easy access to

all of their prays personal info.

With kids constantly posting

pictures of who they’re with

and what they are doing the

fighting and bickering between

teens has skyrocketed. It seems

as if no good can come from

personal information and

whereabouts are exposed

online. Another danger of

sharing photos and comments

online is that anyone can ac-

cess it at any time, whether

you’ve deleted it or not. The

overall safety and security of

the site is not as up to par as it

should be, therefore people are

getting reprimanded for their

information that they believed

to be private. With all the new

technology there really is no

such thing as privacy. Whether

you are posting or someone

who you associate with it is

becoming impossible not

to get wrapped up in the

fad. So, it’s up to you;

instagram, friend or foe?


automatic outlook on women,

yet these very women flaunt

their bodies in a way to attract

attention. With men and wom-

en working and become closer

and closer to complete equality

the need for more respect and

class is need; yet, that seems to

be the one thing constantly

declining. Children are being

brain washed to believe the

smaller the better, which per-

tains to body size and clothing

coverage. With this shift in our

society is it so outlandish to

think that soon women will

regress to our current state in

the 40’s? By dressing skimpy

and sexy we give men the pow-

er; the power to control who

and what is done, on their

time, with their decision.

Women lose control trying to

please the incorrigible needs of

men. (186)

As crop tops and short shorts

come out for summer, so do

male egotistical, sex driven,

primitive minds. Recently a

scientific study has shown that

men automatically look at

women in little skimpy clothing

and turn them into objects of

lust and desire; sex symbols.

The feminist movement and

recent equality struggles have

been fighting to break this

created they have placed over

650 professionals in New York

schools and have influenced

almost 800,000 students. The

spokesperson for the founda-

tion says the best part of it is

that almost 90% of the kids

being reached are from under-

privileged and low income

families. When asked why she

did it, “I thought that every

child had the right to an arts

program in their school,”

Gund says, “not as a frill or an

This wonderful nonprofit char-

ity organization has been rais-

ing funds to bring professional

artist and art teachers into

grade schools to help better art

education for children. The

organization began in 1976 in

Manhattan after Agnes Gund

learned of the drastic budget

cuts for New York schools.

These cuts eliminated almost

all art programs from the pub-

lic schools around New York.

Ever since the foundation was

extra, but as a consistent thing

taught really well as both an

academic subject and a joyful

pleasure.” So far the organiza-

tion has contributed $90 mil-

lion to help teach the arts and

pay for services. There are over

700 locations and currently

they are operating in 150

schools, daycares, museums,

and other community related

organizations. (193)

Page 7 Mar ia Mango Volume 1, I ssue 1

Instagrams logo fea-

tured below.

The smaller the better…

right? Less Is more? I

think not.

Studio in a School artist-

instructor James Reynolds

advises students at P.S. 196

in the Bronx

Top Ten List Speedway slushies: From walking to get slushies as a kid to stopping after practice for one,

I’ve been drinking these delicious treats for years! They always hit the spot and are always

super refreshing.

Cowboy Boots: The leather against my skin, the confidence they give me, and everything in between, my boots go with me everywhere and always will. They make any dress look adora-ble, and they’re perfect for being in the mud rain, snow, any weather at all. They are just all around perfect.

Wearing sun dresses: I love the feeling of dressing up but still being able to

function! Wearing a dress is rare and that’s why I love it so much.

Country music/concerts: The songs come alive and tell a story that everyone can

connect with. The upbeat tempo and cute accents kill me as well. The concerts

are the most fun I’ve had. I know going to a country concert will not be a disap-


First snowfall of the year: The little white flakes make my heart so happy. They’re

beautiful and graceful and it shows how wonderful the world can be before people

trudge all through it.

When your stomach drops: When you’re driving and you go over a hill or the rollercoaster drops you from

100 feet in the air, you suddenly feel your stomach in your chest. I absolutely love that feeling.

My truck: It’s a piece of poop, but I bought that thing all on my own. It is now my baby, and it’s an identifi-

er to me. I worked so hard for so long to save up for that truck and when I finally bought it and had sun-

shine in my possession it was the most accomplished feeling.

Chocoholic Chunk Ice Cream: Handles serves up the best most chocolaty deliciousness ever to set foot on

Earth. It can cure heartbreak, stress, and pretty much anything you can imagine.

Being in the NAVY: I have so much pride and get so much fulfillment

for being apart of something bigger than myself and representing a

country with people I love. I cannot even begin to explain the honor I

feel in serving our country. Some people will never understand that,

but I don’t need others approval because for once I know this is exact-

ly what I was meant to do.

Taking care of kids: Kids are magical and amazing. They are our future, and if I can impact that just a lit-

tle it is the best feeling in the world. When a kid hugs you and tells you they love you or kiss your cheek

there is nothing in the world that can compare.
