September Plasma Times News 2017 - Keshe Foundation · PLASMA TIMES Keshe Manufacturing Arizona ;...


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September, 2017 10th Edition

Wishes For Peace

One Being All, The Peace

By Richard Alan Eagle

In May 2015 Mehran T. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation gave Our planet Earth His

wish in sharing THE PEACE ROADMAP to guide the divided nations on this planet in

the challenges of establishing once and for all The Peace in the center of all living Beings.

The final Peace Roadmap date was December 21, 2016.

This led to the signing of the World Peace Treaty by The People of All Nations on

August 3, 2017 and the declaration of Our entire planet Earth being just One Nation.

From that momentous and historic day, August 3, 2017, into Foreverness: May Peace

become You and All Things in Creation.

PLASMA TIMES Keshe Manufacturing Arizona


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


All Forms in Our Universe exist as One Living Sacred Creation, United by Design and

Given each a unique Purpose and Function to Express and to Complete their Role in the

unfolding Realizations leading to All the Varieties and unlimited Fruits ripening into the

Holiness of All Moments.

The Awareness in All Forms provides The Proof that All Wish to Exist and so The

Peace at some point Must Be realized. May We Now All Be One in Peace Forever, from

this point forward.

The Duality of Higher Purposes & Temporary Needs and Desires has long divided

Our Universe to This Day, for a False Dream made many Forms asleep to the Grand

Unity We Are, and the Solution to the Polarities of Life: Power & force, Good & evil, Life

& death, Movement & stillness, that has gripped the Minds and Intentions in Actions,

Present & past, lies in The Truth of Common Interests embedded beyond fearful

Selfishness and uneducated Impulses in mentored Reasoning leading to Wisdom, seeking

for the Highest Good for All, that is coexisting Sharing, Love and Peace.

The False Dream of the Mean spirited attaining status and wealth through force has

run its course, its days allowed for example and learning, its place and time Perfect like all,

imperfections gleamed by Reflections in the Seasons ripe for their lowliness when The

Conditions allow.

Thus, all have their Station and Office by way of placement on the Path to All

Perfection. Let it Be.

But comes Now the Seeds of Our Being Rising Above the ground down buried

struggles and discarded Fertilizers, Up into The Light of Higher Existence.

Throughout all ages the puzzle of Duality has challenged the greatest minds and souls.

The Peace and the False Dream, the Two Eternal Energies, interacting & manifesting as

The Yang and the yin, The Gravitational and the magnetical, The Attraction and the

repelling, The Positive and the negative, are Hereby now Realized to Be One Unified Field,

that All finally touched are Impacted and Uplifted into the Higher States of Their Form

into Enlightenment and True Destiny.


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


The description of Life as a sacred 'Circle of Life' hoop is more than just two-

dimensional and the larger paradigm reveals it as the Infinity Loop, the figure 8, but as a

Mobius strip so allowing the energies to flow both ways at any point at the same time.

What We now identify as The Plasma Field is Our True Nature Not Separated, joined

to Our Understanding and next brought into All Phases of Our Lives here on Earth.

Let It Be.

We the People, One Planet, One Nation, One Race, One Family, Together align Our

Hearts in Peace, Now, in All Places, Once and For All.

We The People, One Planet, One Nation, One Race, One Sacred Family, Together

Now Officially and For All Time Open the Gateways to the Universal Community

Everywhere to Love Peace and Truth.

Peace is the Highest Power and Creates Love Everywhere, and Being That Perfect

Creator Now Manifests to Mankind: All Be set Free, with Unlimited Energy to Provide

For All Needs as Proof of The Authority that Now Commands That 'The Peace' Be

Established with Love, and Delivered Herewith.

If a simple man brings Peace to All Mankind, who will deny Him? Who will stand

against Him?

Energy for Peace. He has come to change and the change has been delivered.

We The People, One Planet, One Nation, One Race, One Sacred Family, Hereby

Accept Peace For All, and so All Leaders follow the Highest Good For All & For All Time

Henceforth, in Love and Peace.

You have Your Wish...

~ Peace ~


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


Rebuilt Car MagRav

By Kent Estes

I have been working with the Keshe Plasma Technologies for about 2 years. Having

healed myself of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue grade 3, some 18 years ago

through natural means, I was drawn first towards the health aspects of this science. It also

seemed a little easier to create and test. My other interests lay in Agriculture and Car

MagRav units. I have made and given away hundreds of health (pain) pads and pens with

a 97% efficacy rate, thus proving something is really happening! The only pain pen I have

sold was due to the fastest pain relief I have ever witnessed. The lady was crying with pain

over sciatica and only after 7 seconds was pain free, gave me all she had in her pocket, 30

USD, to keep it. My dabbling in Plasma agriculture produced mind-blowing results with

plants and their leaves 2 and 3 times normal size. From those successes, I’m pretty sure my

Nano-coating and GaNS’s are fairly decent, though I have been disappointed in my CH3,

more orange peach than red, … I’ll be reducing the Zinc next round!

Nanocoating for me began with flame, but rapidly turned to hot caustic steam in a

crock pot as it produced a finer, more resilient and consistent Nanocoating than a propane

torch (I’ll tell you the story about too much aluminum later!). The torch is tedious and

produces a flakier coating than the steam. I started with NaOH and now use KOH for pens

and pads. I was using water absorbing

crystal diapers and sanitary napkins for

pain pads as I like the feel of a thicker

material, but found that nobody wants to

purchase what appears to be a used diaper!

So I have been toying with colorful water-

absorbing crystal beads which seem to be

more pleasing to the eye.

My initial Car MagRav was built up in

Ohio from 16 guage copper wire while

visiting my daughter, her husband and my

first grandson.


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


All was simple until it came to wiring those stacks. You would have thought I was

studying for my masters in physics…, I literally spent 3 days reviewing and studying the

wiring diagrams before attempting that simple little connection of 3 wires. I got through

that Nanocoated it, applied COU2 and CH3 GaNS. (These two GaNs have an atomic

weight difference of about 40, which Keshe states is the minimum differential to provide a

noticeable field effect providing better power for MagRav units. Afterwards I encased it in

a Tupperware bowl, glued it shut and attached the unit to my car battery with great

trepidation as if it were going to blow my car up. Nothing of the sort happened of course

and I drove through the Blue Ridge Mountains back to Florida on my return trip gaining

33% better gas mileage than on my trip up north. I was pretty excited after that, so I built

and sold 4 more of these units, each one a bit more sophisticated in its looks and style.

My friend got an invitation to spend the weekend in the mountains and watch the

Total Eclipse of the sun, about 500 miles north of us in Sky Valley, Georgia (USA). But she

insisted I rebuild and install the car MagRav that she swore had been performing poorly

since shortly after initial installation. We had both just bought new car batteries so the units

had already been removed. By the way, when the service agent checked my battery, she

said it was defective for an unknown reason code. (I knew I was about a year past time for

replacement the battery was too weak about a year ago, but the MagRav had been keeping

it charged just enough to keep running)

When I opened my friends MagRav, I realized right away what had happened. It was

gooey and liquid on the top surrounding the positive Keshe coil. The glue was liquefied

and the resin hadn’t fully hardened. I guess I had rushed the drying of the top layer of resin.

The bottom coil was fine where the resin had properly hardened, but the top portion had

not hardened, the goo and liquid resin had eaten almost all of the exposed Nanocoating off

the Keshe coils. No wonder hers had been underperforming!

I re-Nanocoated a Keshe stack I had on hand that had already been GaNS coated in

preparation for a house unit I was building with my son. This one was a 14-gauge copper

wire unit that I had been carrying around with me and using for show and tell, so I wanted

it re-nanocoated to make sure it was fully ready with no scratches or DNA from people

handling it and bouncing around in the back of my car. This was steam-coated in a


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


crock pot with KOH, coke bottle necks and some aluminum foil for 4 hours and then let

cool slowly overnight.

So here are the (5) new changes to this MagRav unit:

1) Re-Nanocoated a 14-gauge copper Keshe coil

that already had GaNS applied to it, thus sealing

that GaNS into the Nanocoating. (The bottom

Keshe coil was 16-gauge copper)

2) Followed Dave Stewart (Peru) advice to use no

resin... Personally I liked the idea of resin-

coating the coils to make sure the Nanocoating

did not vibrate off from road travels, but I was

out of time. I used plastic Tupperware lids,

some wood strips to fill the empty space and Zip

ties to keep it together.

3) Added a 4-inch pain pad (square Vacuum sealed

CH3 GaNS pad) made of round water absorbing crystals (6 USD for 7500 pcs from

Amazon) on top of the existing CH3 container.

4) Looped the positive battery wire around the MagRav negative wire on the outside

of the unit itself. (I don’t know why, but it came to me to ad this little



September 1, 2017 9th Edition


5) Wrapped the bottom with foam to keep vibration to a minimum from the road.

Our journey north quickly regained the MPG attained from the initial MagRav

installation. (the old unit had raised the MPG of 14 city-19 Highway up to 24 highway

MPG. On our return trip, the van achieved 26 MPG on a 2014 Chrysler Town n Country.

So excited now to produce Tritium GaNS for my Car MagRaavs on the positive Keshe

coil. This means I will need to produce some good CH3 then place it in a sealed container

inside of a CO2 kit.


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


The Tritium is very light at about 9 atomic weight, I believe, so the atomic difference

between it and Lead GaNS, which I made with my son, would be about 198, that’s about

400% greater increase in field effect!

Alberto Feliciano on Mark House’s Golden Age of GaNS FaceBook page suggested I

use Gold GaNS rather than the lead based GaNS for health reasons. “Lead is Standard

Atomic Weight of 207. We all know that Lead in matter state is not healthy for the human

body. Why don't you try with Gold instead, which weighs 197? It's heavy enough that you

will still get the energy gradient that you're looking for and Gold gives out healing


That’s why it’s great to have a network of Keshe friends at your disposal, and what a

great idea, a super GaNS packed energized car with healing energies. Might feel better

when I reach a destination on a long drive than when I started with great gas mileage to


Updates From Arizona

By Jon Bliven

It felt like August was a month to prepare the ground for what is coming forward as

piece by piece things started coming together. First with the peace blueprint where the

people of this planet and around the foundation said enough to the waring ways and

declared peace for the leaders who were not strong enough to do so for their countries.

There could be many factors behind this so perhaps the universal council facilitated them

in ways they may not yet fully understand. In the background, factories around the world

have been preparing in a way that no one country controls or can abuse the technology.

The peaceful countries come first to show the rest of the world the value of being a country

and society that values peace and harmony. The energies of the eclipse and the number of

people connected to it I felt had a significant effect in clearing the ground. Also in August,

we introduced the dynamic reactors and were able to do a lot of testing and understanding

of the capability of these type of reactors. We created many different fields of consciousness

and have been working with it to try to open the doors wider. These are great tools for

other experimenters to understand the physics of consciousness.


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


Learn to create motion through thoughts. This is something that will remain hidden to

humanity until we unlock the door to new possibilities. This is where we are going.

In addition to the dynamic reactors we introduced some additional products on the

market. These include a 16 and 20 ounce health cup, knee wraps with plasmatic inserts to

balance the energies on and around the

knee, and a waist wrap to allow for

balancing of energies around the waist.

For those who buy these products we

are looking for feedback on how they

perform for you. It is this information

that will allow others to benefit the

most. We are working on introducing a

breather, a head halo and some

individual patches for September. With

this being said the real focus of our

efforts will soon be shifting to supporting

other products that will have an even

bigger impact on our communities. The work of the foundation will be supported by

factories like ours to help unite this world. Every time someone buys even the smallest of

items it allows the foundation to be able to teach more, to share more, to assist others, to

build the space where other communities can breathe in new hope with tools of assistance.

So support your stores as ultimately the foundation belongs to all of us for all of us.


September 1, 2017 9th Edition


More and more people and governments are starting to figure out that the old ways

can no longer work and we must find a better path. The pathway will become illuminated

as the companies come on line and the universal council highlight the better path.

Humanity will flock to the better option where they can take control of their lives and the

politics of the old will feel like an old ugly jacket that no longer fits and will be left outside

to find a new purpose. The controllers of old will find that money slavery no longer will

work like it use to and new forms exchange will be introduced. It will no longer be of value

to fight another as borders will become obsolete as new forms of transportation take hold.

The soil has been plowed and prepared. The seeds have been planted and watered.

Now the fruits of the foundations works over the last decade are about to show their fruits.

