Seriously v4 i4



HHS Journalism 120 Class letting you know what we think.

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What School Has Taught Me How to Cure a Cold British and French Colonial Struggle Intelligence Recipe: Cranberry Sparkler Five Easy Gifts Death of World’s Most Titled Woman Climbing at Home and Abroad


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Le#er  From  the  Editors  

ALL  THE  SINGLE  LADIES  (and  boys)  

Game  of  Thrones  Review  (Season  1  -­‐  4)  

A  Moment  in  Time  

Ten  Ways  to  be  More  Peaceful  in  Life  

Five  Easy  GiJs  

Climbing:  At  Home  and  Abroad  

Why  Santa  is  Creepy  

The  Magic  of  Santa  

BriPsh  -­‐  French  Colonial  Struggle  

How  to  Cure  a  Cold  


Recipe:  Cranberry  Sparkler    

Death  of  World’s  Most  Titled  Woman  Heavily  Mourned  

Surviving  RelaPves  over  the  Holidays  

What  School  has  Taught  Me  

Top  Five  Sayings  and  their  Origins  

Advice  Column:  Ask  MaPlda



















Letter From the Editors

Opened  in  1992  to  alleviate  the  overwhelming  crowd  at  Kennebecasis  Valley  High  School,  HHS  is  located  in  the  heart  of  Hampton,  New  Brunswick.  It  now  houses  about  600  students,  grades  9  through  12,  and  is  the  home  of  the  Hampton  Huskies  sports  teams,  “Our  vision  is  to  develop  students’  character  and  integrity  by  providing  encouragement  and  opportuniPes  for  student  success.”

Hampton High School since


Over  the  past  few  weeks  at  Seriously?  magazine,  we’ve  worked  our  hardest  to  bring  you  the  best  of  high  school  journalism.  From  articles  about  space  programs  to  New  York  city,  our  writers  have  captured  the  world  for  your  enjoyment.  The  journalism  team  of  Hampton  High  has  made  many  memories  together,  both  negative  and  positive.  This  experience  has  changed  us,  and  we  hope  that  you,  the  reader,  has  also  been  affected.  We  hope  you  keep  reading  about  the  world  around  you  for  many  years  to  come.    

Cheers,    ~The  Editors  

ALL  THE  SINGLE  LADIES  (and  boys)  By:  Ashley  Henderson    

  In  a  world  full  of  blissful  couples  and  heart  shaped  sugar  cookies,  life  as  a  single  guy/girl  can  be  a  li#le  tough.  SomePmes,  you  would  gladly  trade  in  Ne_lix  for  a  cozy  date,  and  microwaved  lasagna  for  seafood  and  red  wine.  However,  if  you  think  that  you’re  somehow  missing  out  on  a  potenPally  full  and  exciPng  life,  you  are  sadly  mistaken  my  friend.    

  One  of  the  most  important  things  to  possess  as  an  individual  is  freedom.  However,  in  many  relaPonships,  this  is  very  lacking.  Being  single  enables  you  to  have  that  much  more  freedom  and  control  over  your  life  and  acPons.  Don’t  get  me  wrong,  it’s  nice  to  have  someone  who  cares  about  you  that  way,  but  not  having  that  Pe  allows  you  to  break  free  and  do  things  that  aren’t  necessarily  in  your  comfort  zone.  Going  out  to  parPes  with  just  your  friends,  clubs,  or  even  just  rock  climbing  can  all  be  a  lot  more  enjoyable  when  you  are  able  to  do  what  you  want  to  do.  Not  only  are  you  able  to  exercise  more  freedom,  but  you  also  save  yourself  a  lot  of  money  in  the  long  run.  This  could  be  more  applicable  to  the  guys,  but  either  way  it’s  one  less  person  that  has  to  be  paid  for  when  the  bill  comes.  As  well,  you  end  up  saving  a  lot  of  money  when  the  holidays  come  around.  Gone  are  the  days  of  flushing  twenty-­‐five  dollars  down  the  drain  in  the  name  of  fluffy  brown  teddy  bears  and  heart  shaped  chocolates.  

  At  this  point,  you  may  be  sifng  here  thinking  “Yeah,  okay,  but  she’s  probably  single  too,  and  doesn’t  know  anything  about  this,  so,  ya.”  Well,  admi#edly,  you  are  parPally  right,  but  instead  of  arguing  the  validity  of  my  case  I’m  going  to  provide  a  few  other  perspecPves  or  you.    

“What  do  you  think  are  the  best  things  about  being  single?”  

“Not  having  to  worry  about  appearances.  You  can  wear  sweat  pants  and  hoodies  and  nobody’s  going  to  judge  you.”  –  Valerie  Landry    


“Why  do  you  think  being  single  would  be  be#er  than  being  in  a  relaPonship?”    

“Umm,  I  don’t.  Umm,  being  single  means  that  you  don’t  have  any  one  to  connect  with.  Like,  you  haven’t  found  anyone  that  understands  you…  yet.  And  that  sucks.”  –  Charlie  Dearborn    





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  “Are  you  single?”    


  “What  do  you  find  to  be  the  most  enjoyable  things  about  being  single?”  

“Umm,  you  get  to  call  out  a  hot  guy  when  you  see  one.  You  can  be  flirty,  whatever  you  feel  like  doing.  Like,  you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  insulPng  anyone.  You  can  play  hot-­‐or-­‐not  when  you’re  walking  through  the  mall  with  your  friends.  Haha.”  –  Rivers  Keirstead  

  “Do  you  think  it’s  true  that  single  people  have  more  freedom,  and  could  potenPally  be  happier?”      

“I  don’t  think  that  you  have  more  freedom,  well,  depending  on  the  person  that  you  date.  If  you’re  in  a  loving  relaPonship  you  will  be  able  to  trust  each  other  and  do  those  things  either  together  or  separately.  I  don’t  think  you’re  happier  when  you’re  single.  Once  you’ve  found  your  “other  half”,  you’ll  be  able  to  be  yourself  and  have  fun  doing  it.  I  mean,  being  in  a  relaPonship  doesn’t  guarantee  happiness,  but  if  you’re  with  the  right  person  you  definitely  will  be,  and  it  beats  sifng  home  alone.”  –  Mackensie  Floyd    

Game  of  Thrones:  TV  review  (Seasons  1-­‐4)    

   Game  of  Thrones,  in  my  opinion,  is  one  of  the  best  series  on  today.  Its  now  going  on  its  fiJh  season  and  I  just  reviewed  the  first  episode  of  the  new  game,  so  I  decided  to  write  a  review  before  it  comes  back.  It’s  amazing  and  is  filled  with  great  drama,  acPon  and  phenomenal  acPng.  The  show  has  won  many  awards  like  best  supporPng  actor  for  my  

Game of Thrones: TV review

(seasons 1-4) Brandon Blakney

favorite  actor  Peter  Dinklage  at  the  golden  globes  twice  and  has  been  nominated  for  best  drama  series  5  Pmes  in  a  row.  HBO  has  done  it  again  with  Game  of  Thrones.    

   Game  of  Thrones  is  based  on  George  R.R  MarPns  books  and  stars  Lena  Headly  as  Cersi  Lannister,  Emilia  Clarke  as  Daenerys,  Kit  Harrington  as  John  snow,  Nikolaj  Waldau  as  Jamie  Lannister,  Sean  Bean  as  Ned  Stark  and  Peter  Dinklage  as  Tyrion  Lannister.  The  show  contains  elements  of  fantasy  and  adventure,  and  has  many  different  creatures  like  dragons,  giants  and  white  walkers.    

 In  the  series,  several  noble  families  fight  for  control  of  the  mythical  land  of  Westeros.  Starks,  Lannister,  the  Nights  Watch,  the  Targaryens  and  the  Barathons  are  just  some  of  the  families  or  groups  in  the  show.  The  raPng  for  Game  of  Thrones  is  18a,as  it  contains  graphic  content,  gore,  strong  language,  and  graphic  nudity.    

   I’ve  been  watching  Game  of  Thrones  ever  since  it  came  on  TV,  and  my  favorite  character  is  Tyrion.  There’s  so  much  to  talk  about  in  this  show.  I  hope  to  see  this  show  go  on  for  a  long  Pme,  and  I’m  sure  it  will,  as  every  season  gets  be#er  and  be#er.  I’m  giving  Game  of  Thrones  and  obvious  5  out  of  5.                                                                                                      


Main  poster  from  the  show,  (Google  Images).  

  Occasionally  in  our  daily  lives  we  experience  things  that  change  us  forever,  or  see  things  that  leave  their  mark  on  us  in  a  life-­‐altering  sort  of  way.  This  short  moment  in  Pme  is  captured  in  our  minds  for  perpetuity.  It  is  my  guess  that  these  intense  life-­‐changing  moments  come  to  everyone  at  least  a  few  Pmes  in  their  lives.  They  may  come  when  you  least  expect  it,  and  oJen  you  do  not  realize  unPl  aJer  it  has  occurred.  It  leaves  you  with  a  new  set  of  mind,  a  be#er  view  on  life,  or  perhaps  a  darker  view  of  the  world  you  have  been  used  to  living  in.    

  Not  long  ago,  in  late  August  of  2013  while  in  the  overwhelmingly  busy  city  of  New  York,  one  of  these  special  and  unexplainable  moments  happened  to  me.  This  was  my  fourth  visit  to  the  city.  With  each  previous  visit  I  had  enjoyed  myself  more  and  more.  Being  from  a  small  rural  area,  I  was  not  accustomed  to  the  bright  lights,  the  grand  scale  of  everything,  and  certainly  not  the  throngs  of  people  everywhere.  In  other  words,  I  loved  this  city  that  was  so  unique  and  diverse  to  me.    My  mother,  sister  and  I  had  arrived  the  day  previous,  aJer  driving  all  night  long.  Our  schedule  for  the  weekend  consisted  of  visiPng  renowned  museums,  a#ending  a  breath-­‐taking  musical,  and  browsing  the  illustrious  shops  on  5th  Avenue  that  contain  items  of  the  sort  that  only  the  very  rich  can  afford.  Li#le  was  I  to  know,  that  by  the  end  of  this  seemingly  normal  day  that  I  would  have  a  very  new  view    of  empathy  and  kindness.    

  It  was  early  evening  when  the  moment,  now  etched  into  my  mind  forever,  occurred.  The  golden  sun  was  like  fire  in  the  sky.  It  reflected  off  the  mirrored  facades  of  the  buildings  looming  like  giants  above  me.  When  I  saw  him,  we  were  sPll  a  half  a  block  away.  The  boy,  who  appeared  to  be  about  my  age,  was  standing  on  the  next  corner  looking  up  in  awe  at  the  buildings  that  towered  above  the  both  of  us.    There  was  nothing  parPcularly  unusual  about  him.  He  fit  in  with  the  crowd  noisily  moving  around  him  .  The  only  thing  that  caught    my  a#enPon  was  the  fact  that  he  seemed  out  of  place  in  the  busy  sefng.  As  I  perused  a  rack  of  postcards  set  out  on  the  sidewalk  I  kept  my  eye  on  him,  because    for  some  reason  I  had  the  overwhelming    feeling  that  I  had  to  look  out  for  him.  AJer  several  minutes,  I  realized  that  the  boy  was  on  his  own.  There  was  a  certain  look  in  his  eyes.  Not  one  of  fear,  but  one  that  showed  anxiety  and  worry.  Not  wanPng  to  draw  a#enPon  to  myself,  I  quickly  finished  my  postcard  selecPng  and  entered  the  shop    to  pay  for  them.  This  did  

A Mom

ent in Time

Connor E. DeMerchant

not  take  long,  as  the  shopkeeper  had  no  desire  to  exchange  pleasantries.    

  Thinking  it  over  quickly  on  my  way  out,  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  divine  providence  was  what  compelled  me  to  have  such  strong  feelings  of  concern  for  a  complete  and  u#er  stranger.  I  felt  certain  that  this  was  a  test  from  God.  I  stalled  for  as  long  as  I  could  afford  on  the  sidewalk  in  front  of  the  store,  taking  photos  of  the  surrounding  buildings,  as  I  weighed  the  possibiliPes  in  my  mind.  Would  the  boy  be  totally  offended  at  my  asking  about  his  well  being,  or  would  my  display  of  concern  comfort  him  as  best  as  a  complete  stranger  can?    Thinking  a  moment  longer  brought  to  my  mind  the  quesPon,  "What  could  I  really  do  for  him  if  he  did  need  my  help?"  When  I  had  returned  from  inside  the  shop  aJer  paying,  I  noPced  the  boy  had  moved  closer  to  where  I  was.  He  was  now  leaning  calmly    against  the  building.  His  appearance  was  not  that  of  a  homeless  youth.  His  brown  hair  had  recently  been  cut,  and  his  clothes  were  clean  and  obviously    relaPvely  new.  A  thousand  quesPons  churned  in  my  head,  just  wishing  for  me  to  ask  them.  Having  no  reason  to  linger  any  longer  there  in  the  middle  of  the  sidewalk,  I  walked  back  to  the  corner  where  my  mother  and  sister  were  waiPng.  Leaving  this  boy,  barely  my  size,  alone  and  absolutely  helpless    on  a  busy  New  York  street  with  night  approaching  quickly.  I  know  how  scared    I  would  feel  if  I  was  in  his  situaPon,  lost  at  night  in  a  city  this  size.  Being  enPrely    alone  and  knowing  full  well  the  dangers    of  being  alone  with  no  way  to  fend  for  myself.    

  As  humans  naturally  do,  I  chose  the  easy  way  out  of  this  situaPon.  I  did  not  

Taken  in  NYC  -­‐  CED

stop  to  talk  to  him.  I  simply  and  most  ignorantly  walked  away,  leaving  him  forever.  Realizing  what  I  had  just  done  and  unable  to  go  back,  I  experienced  en  enormous  sensaPon  of  guilt.  I  had  been  given  the  chance  to  stop  my  day  for  a  mere  minute  and  perhaps  give  a  stranger  comfort  in  knowing  someone  had  given  them  a  thought,  our  two  worlds  had  come  so  close,  but  had  not  been  joined  for  the  short  opportune  moment  .  I  realize  now  that  this  was  one  of  those  rare  opportuniPes  where  you  are  given  the  chance    to  selflessly    give  of  yourself  and  comfort  another  on  this  journey  called  life.  Instead  I  passed  it  by,  not  wanPng  to  take  that  leap  of  fate.  That  evening  we  a#ended  a  spectacular  Broadway  performance,  but  my  mind  was  not  on  the  show.  It  kept  replaying  that  moment  of  my  deserPon  again  and  again,  and  that  chance  I  did  not  take.    

Now  all  I  can  do  is  pray  that  I  will  be  given  a  second  chance  to  show  kindness  and  selflessness  to  an  unknown  person  that  crosses  my  path.  The  name  of  that  boy  is  not  known  to  me,  nor  ever  will  be,  but  he  shall  forever  be  a  part  of  this  moment  in  Pme  that  has  changed  my  life.  


  1)   Stop  thinking  so  much  and  just  breathe.  Most  people  get  caught                up  in  everything  that  is  going  on  in  their  lives  and  their  hecPc  schedules,  but  it’s  important  that  we  take  the  Pme  out  of  our  crazy  days  to  be  sPll,  listen  to  music,  take  a  nap,  reprogram  ourselves,  or  whatever  it  takes  to  give  your  body  and  mind  a  break  every  day.  It  is  also  very  important  to  make  sure  you  give  yourself  at  least  10  minutes  a  day  to  just  breathe.      

  2)   Except  that  you  can’t  do  everything!  If  you're  too  busy  trying  to                do  everything,  you  can  never  actually  enjoy  anything.  Try  to  eliminate  things  that  aren’t  important  and  focus  on  the  valuable  things  in  life.  

  3)   Don’t  fill  your  schedule  up  as  much  as  you  possibly  can!  Choose                three  important  tasks  that  you  want  to  accomplish,  give  yourself  Pme  to  do  what  you  want  to  get  done  so  you  don’t  have  to  rush  through  it.  

Ten Ways to be M

ore Peaceful in Life M

adison Clements


  4)   Live  in  the  moment!  Don’t  dwell  on  the  past,  and  don’t  think                                         too  much  about  the  future,  just  focus  on  the  li#le  moments                                                 that  mean  the  most  in  life.  Make  memories  that  will  last  a                                                 lifePme.                                          

  5)   Do  breathing  exercises  daily  to  eliminate  stress.  Yoga  is                                         another  great  way  to  center  your  mind  and  eliminate  stress,                                                 and  stretch  you  muscles.                                            

  6)   Exercise  and  eat  well!  The  healthier  you  are  the  be#er  you                                         will  feel.  Fill  your  body  with  nutrients  and  vitamins.  It’s                                                 important  that  you  have  lots  of  energy  to  do  the  everyday                                                 demanding  tasks  of  life.                                          

  7)   Get  lots  of  sleep.  It’s  important  that  you  stay  well  rested,  and                                       recharge  your  body  every  night,  so  when  you  wake  up  you  do                                               it  with  a  fresh  and  replenished  mind  and  soul.                                          

  8)   Spend  Pme  with  people  that  make  you  feel  happy.  Family                                         and  friends  are  important  people  to  have  in  your  life.  Make                                                 the  most  of  the  Pme  you  have  here  on  this  earth  and  spend                                                 it  with  the  people  you  love.                                          

  9)   Be  sociable  and  don’t  just  lock  yourself  away  in  your  room.                                         Be  open  and  let  your  guard  down,  it’s  important  to  let  people                                               in,  and  be  open  about  things  because  you  never  know  who                                                 could  help  you  in  life  if  you  never  try  to  be  open  and  share                                                 things.                                          

  10)   Travel  to  different  places,  meet  many  different  people,  and                         allow  yourself  to  learn  new  things  in  life.  Dare  to  be  different,                                               always  be  kind  to  others,  and  never  hold  back  in  life.  Do                                                 everything  you  want  in  life,  and  live  life  with  no  regrets,                                                 because  you  only  live  once.                                          

As Christmas is fast approaching, everyone is scrounging around for last minute gifts for people that they have either forgotten, or just didn't have the time to go find the perfect one for. Although many people just can't find the time to go and get gifts, it is also very common that people just can't seem to afford them. In this day in age it is very hard to have enough money to buy for

everyone in your life, so here are five cheap things you can buy or make that will do the trick!

1. Cookies Baking cookies is always a great gift idea to give someone. Whether it’s a friend, family member or teacher, everyone loves Christmas treats and it will do the trick at a small cost! Here is a recipe for a cookie you could make! 2. Flowers Flowers are a simple gesture that is loved by many, and you don't have to buy 40$ roses! There are beautiful flowers at a low cost of 5$ that you could buy for a loved one! Grandmothers or girlfriends usually love flowers, and if you're on a low budget, they will

absolutely love it! Just add in a homemade card and you are all set!

3. Christmas Card Every year many families send out Christmas cards to relatives. Although this is categorized as a family or couple thing, you can do it alone too! Whether you find a cheap place for it to be done or you create it yourself, it is a small gesture everyone would appreciate. This type of gift is perfect for distant relatives who you hardly see but you are still obligated to buy something for. Post a recent photo of you alone, or grab your dog and family members and update others about your life!

4. Chocolates or Candy Everyone loves chocolates and candies! You can go to your local dollar store or a bulk barn where you can stock up on treats that will cost you very little. Friends and family will appreciate this gift greatly. Everyone has a sweet tooth over the holidays, and this will do the trick!

5. A Book It is not hard to go to the bookstore and find a book for under ten dollars! This would be a perfect gift for your bookworm loved one, and they will never know how much you spent! Usually anyone with a passion for reading will appreciate

5 Easy Gifts M

ackenzie Floyd


this gift, no matter the cost.

I hope these tips helped you along with your Christmas present ideas! Don't forget that Christmas is not about giving and receiving…those things are a bonus! As long as you spread love and cheer, everyone should be happy no matter what! Merry Christmas!

Rock  climbing  is  a  social  and  engaging  way  to  exercise  the  enPre  body.  Personally,  it  is  one  of  my  favorite  physical  acPviPes,  simply  because  you  compete  with  yourself.  The  sport  involves  a  conPnuous  aspect  of  growth  and  adapPon  because  no  two  faces,  walls,  or  terrains  are  alike.  As  a  climber,  the  majority  of  Pme  is  spent  planning  and  trying  dozens  of  new  approaches.  SomePmes  its  trial  and  error  that  gets  you  through  a  route,  and  other  Pmes  you  figure  it  out  intuiPvely;  that’s  the  beauty  of  it  for  many,  including  myself.    

Saint  John  area  has  a  great  climbing  circle  that  is  both  welcoming  and  construcPve  for  all  newcomers.  NBCC  has  a  large  sized  complex  with  a  wide  variety  of  wall  types.  There  are  cerPfied  climbers  and  friendly  faces  eager  to  share  advice  and  some  Pps.  Hop  on  a  belay  with  a  grounded  partner,  or  try  one  of  the  four  auto-­‐belayers  for  both  a  quick  and  safe  climb.  They  meet  most  Tuesdays  and  Thursdays  between  7pm-­‐10pm  and  run  on  donaPons.  This  wall  has  a  rich  learning  atmosphere  and  is  a  great  place  to  start  if  you  are  interested.  

Indoor  walls  offer  a  variety  of  holds,  however,  for  most  the  love  of  climbing  goes  outdoors.    Unique  terrains  all  over  the  world  are  seen  as  new  environments  for  extreme  climbers  and  hikers  to  conquer.  There  is  a  wild  playground  out  there  for  those  interested;  but  the  risks  involved  are  fatal.  For  a  lot  of  people  this  is  what  seems  to  deter  their  curiosity.  Outdoor  climbing  has  many  dangers  and  



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Flickr  A#ribuPons  ::  Rock  wall  climbing  photo  h#ps://  

accidents  undoubtedly  occur;  but  it  isn’t  fair  to  professionals  who  establish  and  promote  new  regulaPons  and  maintain  reputable  safety  standard  to  be  trumped  because  of  a  sPgmaPzed  fear.There  are  definitely  safe  ways  for  it  to  be  done.  The  dangers  lie  in  the  discrePon  and  decision  making  of  the  person  leading  or  par-­‐taking.  

Carelessness  can  get  anyone  hurt  or  killed,  and  there  are  many  instances  it  has  done  exactly  that.    In  popular  foreign  climbing  areas,  locals  and  self-­‐proclaimed  tour  guides  are  somePmes  the  cause.    Their  knowledge  and  familiarity  with  the  popular  tourist  desPnaPon  is  seen  as  a  way  to  scam  money  from  thrill  seekers.  However,  what  they  know  about  their  lands  terrain  is  somePmes  not  enough  and  the  trip  becomes  a  serious  risk  adventurers  unknowingly  take.  Other  Pmes  it’s  the  fixaPon  of  an  obstacle,  route,  or  given  spot  that  has  potenPal  dangers,  but  is  overlooked.  This  usually  happens  because  of  opportunity,  pressure,  or  the  sheer  thrill  and  excitement  of  trying  it  out.  Obviously  we  can’t  necessarily  make  the  acPvity  100%  safe  everywhere  in  the  world,  but  

what  it  all  boils  down  to  is  one  golden  rule;  those  who  choose  to  take  on  extreme  obstacles  and  condiPons  must  consider  personal  safety,  and  the  well-­‐being  of  others  ahead  ofany  other  personal  or  group  agenda.    Using    common  sense  has  saved  many  lives  and  ignoring  it  has  leJ  countless  bodies  unrecovered.  


h#ps://  Maria  Ly  

January  6,  2009

It’s  Pme  to  accept  the  truth:  Santa  Claus  is  creepy.  I’ve  never  understood  why  children  are  not  afraid  when  told  about  a  clearly  disturbed  elderly,  fat  man.  Do  they  not  understand  that  he  wants  to  enter  their  house  when  they  are  sleeping,  and  pull  a  reverse  burglary  by  leaving  them  a  present?  The  whole  concept  of  Saint  Nick  is  a  frightening  tale  that  should  be  very  concerning.  

  As  far  as  we  know  he  is  immortal,  considering  he  has  been  around  for  generaPons,  pulling  the  same  scheme.  Every  year  children  write  le#ers  to  this  creep,  telling  him  what  they  desire  the  most.  Let’s  face  the  facts,  there  is  clearly  something  wrong  with  him  to  want  to  live  in  the  North  Pole.  He  is  the  role  model  for  unhealthy  eaPng.  This  disturbingly  jolly  man,  always  depicted  wearing  an  extremely  weird  ou_it,  enslaves  elves  and  forces  them  to  make  toys  for  children.  He  does  this  simply  because  he  wants  to  break  into  their  house  for  some  cookies  and  milk.  He  has  a  serious  addicPon  and  someone  ought  to  stage  an  intervenPon.  Maybe  the  wife  who  never  leaves  the  toy  factory  in  the  North  Pole.  

  Ever  wonder  why  there  is  never  a  Mrs.  Claus  sighPng?  Well  I  have  a  running  theory  that  Santa    has  her  locked  away  somewhere,  forcing  her  to  saPsfy  his  junk  food  problem.  There  is  another  aspect  to  this  odd  man:  He  knows  when  you  are  sleeping,  awake,  bad,  or  good.  So  it  is  pracPcally  a  given  that  he  knows  when  you  are  in  the  shower  as  well.  And  why  does  he  have  a  “naughty  list”  as  well?  What  about  his  farming  of  reindeer  or  flying  around  in  a  sleigh?  Do  you  even  know  how  fast  he  would  have  to  travel  in  order  to  make  it  to  every  house  with  a  child?  Why  force  him  down  a  chimney  when  not  all  houses  have  them?  Wouldn’t  he  have  to  go  through  the  front  door  somePmes?  These  are  quesPons  you  should  all  be  asking  yourselves.  

  Now,  aJer  you  have  read  this  arPcle  you  may  think  that  I  was  one  of  those  children  who  got  coal  in  my  stocking.  You  are  wrong,    I  am  simply  a  concerned  ciPzen  who  is  wondering  why  no  one  ever  quesPoned  why  Santa  wanted  socks  hung  in  your  house  in  the  first  place.  When  the  twenty  forth  of  December  roles  around  this  year  I  encourage  you  to  think  about  how  when  night  falls,  an  old  guy  who  loves,  but  doesn’t  have  children,  will  break  into  your  house  and  will  either  give  you  what  you  desire  most  or  give  you  coal.    




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The  requirement  that  Santa  would  have  to  meet  to  be  able  to  travel  the  world  in  one  night  is  completely  astronomical.  According  to  Linda  Harden  in  her  article  “Is  There  a  Santa  Clause”there  are  many  factors  to  consider.      

  The  time  Santa  has  to  travel  the  entire  earth  is  only  31  hours  thanks  to  time  zones  and  the  planetary  rotation.  Since  Santa  has  to  visit  every  kid  on  the  planet  that  celebrates  Christmas  he  has  about  378  million  kids  that  need  presents.  At  a  rate  of  3.5  children  per  house  that's  91.8  million  homes  that  he  would  have  to  visit  in  that  one  night,  which  leaves  822.6  visits  per  second  needed  to  visit  every  house  on  that  list,  that  means  that  big  old  Santa  has  1/1000th  of  a  second  to  climb  down  the  chimney  place  the  presents  under  the  tree  eat  the  cookies  and  milk  then  climb  up  the  chimney  again  and  tack  off.  Assume  that  every  home  (91.8  million)  are  evenly  dispersed  on  the  earth,  this  means  it  is  about.  78  miles  between  household,  a  total  of  75-­‐1/2  million  miles  to  cover  every  house  that  celebrates  Christmas.  This  means  that  Santa's  sleigh  is  moving  at  650  miles  

per  second,  3,000  times  the  speed  of  sound.    Falcon  HTV-­‐2  is  an  unmanned  craft  that  travels  through  the  Earth's  atmosphere  at  approximately  13,000  miles  per  hour.  Just  for  reference  and  seeing  that  conventional  reindeer  can  only  run  at  a  top  speed  of  15  miles  /hour.  

  Now  for  the  gifts,  the  weight  of  all  the  presents  in  the  sleigh  considering  if  each  child  only  gets  one  present  weighing  2  pounds  the  sleigh  would  have  to  carry  321,300  tons,  not  counting  Santa  which  is  always  depicted  as  being  overweight.  Gathering  that  the  pulling  capabilities  of  the  average    reindeer  can  only  carry  a  max  of  300  pounds  even  if  we  look  at  `lying  reindeer    being  able  to  pull  10  times  that  amount    we    would  

require  214,200  reindeer  This  increases  the  payload  to  353,430  tons  (Harden,  n.d.).  

  353,000  tons  traveling  at  650  miles  per  second  has  substantial  air  resistance  this  means  the  friction  between  the  reindeer  and  the  air  will  cause  an  enormous  amount  of  heat.  The  `irst  of  the  reindeer  will  absorb  14.3  quintillion  joules  of  energy  per  second  each.  The  result  of  which  would  lead  to  them  bursting  into  `lame  almost  instantaneously  the  entire  

The Magic of Santa

Charlie Dearbornprotechsoft­‐Claus-­‐Illustration-­‐190335146

reindeer  team  will  be  vaporized  within  4.26  thousandths  of  a  second  meanwhile  Santa  will  be  subjected  to  17,500.06  gs  A  250-­‐pound  Santa  would  be  pinned  to  the  back  of  his  sleigh  by  4,315,015  pounds  of  force  unable  to  do  anything  about  his  situation  leaving  him  unable  to  deliver  any  presents  to  the  children  of  the  world.      

**Original  source:  (The  Human  Neutrino  aka  Linda  Harden)  

Original  Title:  IS  THERE  A  SANTA  CLAUS?  


“The  Physics  of  Santa  Claus”  phys  org.  Dec  23,  2004.  WEB.  December  11  2014    “The  Physics  Of  Santa  Claus”­‐physics-­‐of-­‐santa-­‐claus.html.   June  4,  2013,  WEB.  December  12  2014  

King William’s War - This war was fought between 1688 to 1697, it is also known as the Second Indian War. It was the North American equivalent of the Nine Years war, being fought in Europe at the same time. The war was fought between King William III of England and the French colonies of King Louis XIV of France in North America. The reason for the conflict was because England wanted control in North America, but France had already become quite well established. The war was ended after nine years of fighting and several large battles and sieges. With the signing of the Treaty of Ryswick, all borders were returned to where they had been before the war.

Queen Anne’s War - This war was part of the War of the Spanish Succession and was fought between 1702 and the year 1713. Like King William’s War, it was fought for the control of North America. The war was fought between Queen Anne of Great Britain and King Louis XIV of France and also a third party, the Iroquois confederacy. The war was fought on three fronts, Spanish Florida, New England, and in Newfoundland. Peace was finally created with the signing of the Treaty




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of Utrecht.

Treaty of Utrecht - This was actually a series of individual peace treaties and not just one document. It was signed on April 11th 1713, in Utrecht, present day Netherlands. Signers of this peace treaty were Louis XIV of France, Philip V of Spain, and also those parties who had been against them during the wars, Anne of Great Britain, John V of Portugal, Victor Amadeus II of Savoy, and also the Dutch Republic then known as the United Provinces.

Fortress Louisburg - The fortress was built by the French between 1720 and 1740 on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Apart from Quebec City, it was the largest French settlement in North America. The fortress was attacked in 1745, and then again in 1758. The British were capable of taking over during the second siege. They destroyed the fortress in 1760, to prevent the French from coming back in the future. The fortress has since been rebuilt and now is a Historical site of Canada.

Expulsion of the Acadians - This event occurred between August 10, 1755 – July 11, 1764. In literally one sentence, it was the forced removal of the Acadian (French) people by the British from what is now the Maritime provinces. They deported them to what was then the Thirteen colonies, and then after 1758 the Acadians were deported to France. Many Acadians fled to Louisiana and are now known as Cajuns. The British did this to make room for their own settlers, coming from England. It is estimated that about 11,500 Acadians were deported by the British.

Deportations of the Acadians Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia, 1755 - George Craig - Université de Moncton

The Seven Years War - This war took place between 1754 and 1763. It was fought between almost all of the great European powers, including France, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, and also the Hapsburg Dominions ruled by Empress Maria Theresa. This war included The Battle of The Plains of Abraham in Quebec. This war was absolutely huge, and was fought in almost every corner of the globe, from North America to the African Coast. The war concluded with the signing of four different treaties. Not all of the countries had been fighting each other, many were fighting only because they had an ally who needed their aid. The main object of the war was to gain overseas territories, not only in North America, but South America and Africa as well.

Treaty of Paris - This treaty was signed in Paris, France, on 10 February 1763. The treaty ended the seven years war in North America between Britain and France. It was Great Britain who gained in this treaty, gaining the majority of France’s possessions in North America. The Treaty of Paris greatly affected what was left of French North America in several ways. Britain promised to allow Roman Catholicism in the colonies, but top positions such as governor were only held by Anglicans. Quebec was given its own set of laws, different from that of the rest of Canada. The Acadians were allowed to return, but were not welcome in English Nova Scotia. They were forced to settle in New Brunswick.

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 - This was a proclamation issued on October 9th, 1763 by King George III after the seven years war. It regulated colony expansion, management of the French colonies, and it established government for the following four areas: Quebec, West Florida, East Florida, and Grenada. The proclamation is one of the first documents that deals with aboriginal rights, and the lands they occupy. The document created serious tension within the thirteen colonies, and it is thought that it may have been one of the causes of the American Revolution.

The Failed Republic

The American Revolution - This political revolution took place between 1765 and 1783. In this revolution, the thirteen colonies were successful in breaking away from Great Britain. It is estimated that at least ten percent of the population was still loyal to King George III for various reasons. Many fled to England, and to the West Indies, but the

majority fled to Canada. The Revolutionary government tried to persuade the British colonies in Canada to join them in their fight for independence. They were unsuccessful.

The War of 1812 - This war began on June 18th 1812 and concluded on February 18th 1815. It was fought between the American Colonies, and Great Britain. It resolved many issues not resolved during the American Revolution. The Americans tried to expand into Canada, but were unsuccessful. The war ended in a stalemate, with neither side gaining anything. Although for the Canadians it was seen as a victory, because it created a sense of Nationalism. The USA remembered it as the war that the Canadians burned Washington, including the White House.

The Rebellions of 1837 - These rebellions lasted from December 7th 1837, to December 8th 1838. Like the previous two military conflicts, it was between the British colonies in North America, and the USA. The rebellions were two armed uprisings that took place in Lower and Upper Canada, and were inspired by the republican ideals of the people living there. The rebellions did not last long, and ended with the rebels being arrested and later tried. Most were found guilty and publicly hanged. This rebellion is said to have influenced the ration of the British North America Act of 1840.

Winter and fall are the cold seasons and almost everyone is or has been sick recently. Colds suck big time, and nobody likes to have them; especially for longer than a couple of days. Although, the sad truth is that they normally last for weeks, sometimes a month or more, and it is deadly. So, since some colds take forever to get rid of, I’m going to give you some tips on how to help cure them!

1. Drink lots of fluids. By drinking water, hot teas, juices, etc... it will help you flush out the virus from your body and keep you hydrated so that you won't get even more sick. Becoming dehydrated while sick will just cause you to feel even worse, and may even lead to catching another cold (maybe even the flu) on top of your current cold!  

2. Take vitamins. Taking vitamin C or any other vitamins will aid your immune system to fight your cold. You do not just have to take pills or supplements to get the vitamins, by eating oranges, and other fruits and vegetables you can also gain the helpful vitamins.  

How to Cure a Cold

Grace Damon

3. Sleep. Sleeping will give you more energy to fight off your cold, and will make you feel better. Whenever you’re sick, you are also most likely tired and that is because your body is working so hard to fight the cold off that it is causing you to be drowsy. So, by going to bed earlier, or taking nap, you will be helping your body profoundly.  

4. Take appropriate medication. Take cold and sinus medicine and ibuprofen to help fight off the infection. Your immune system isn’t as strong as it may think it is, so by taking medication you will be helping it out and making the fight to your cure so much easier.

By doing these 4 things your cold will hopefully be over quickly! Good luck.  


  OJen  when  we  think  of  intelligence  our  mind  seems  to  picture  school  work  or  knowing  lots  of  facts.  However  recent  studies  have  shown  that  there  are  8  different  type  of  intelligence.  Keep  in  mind  people  are  not  limited  to  being  intelligent  in  one  way.  In  many  cases  people  have  different  characterisPcs  that  fall  into  the  category  of  intelligence.    

  StarPng  with  something  called  “Visual-­‐SpaPal  Intelligence”  People  with  Visual  intelligence  are  most  likely  arPsPc.  They  are  very  aware  of  their  surroundings  and  are  good  at  remembering  images.  They  have  a  great  sense  of  direcPon.  They  like  to  draw,  paint  and  read  maps.  Learning  best  through  drawings  and  visual  aids  is  a  strong  suit.  Common  characterisPcs  are,  being  good  at  solving  visual  puzzles,  enjoying  geometry  in  school,  being  good  at  drawing  and  can  visualize  pictures  in  head  and  noPcing  colors  and  shapes,  enjoys  photography.  People  who  have  the  characterisPcs  of  Visual-­‐SpaPal  Intelligence  could  have  the  following  career  paths  arPst,  architect,  graphic  designer  or  engineer.  

  People  with  LinguisPc  intelligence,  people  who  are  talented  with  words.  They  enjoy  reading,  wriPng  and  learning  languages.  They  have  an  ability  to  teach  and  explain  things  to  others.  They  learn  best  by  reading,  taking  notes  and  going  to  lectures.  Common  CharacterisPcs  are,  noPces  grammaPcal  mistakes,  oJen  speaks  of  what  they  have  read  and  they  like  to  use  "fancy"  words  ,loves  word  games,  cherishes  their  book  collecPon,  easily  remembers  quotes  and  famous  sayings.  





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  Next,  there  is  Logical  -­‐  MathemaPcal  Intelligence.  People  with  Logical  intelligence  are  abstract  thinkers  and  are  a#racted  to  logic  and  reasoning.  They  are  good  at  invesPgaPon  and  scienPfic  processes.  They  learn  best  by  logic.  Career  Matches  are  scienPst,  mathemaPcian,  lawyer/a#orney,  doctor,  accountant,  bookkeeper,  computer  programmer.  

  For  all  the  fitness  fanaPcs  Bodily-­‐KinesthePc  Intelligence  is  probably  for  you.  Strengths:  physical  movement,  motor  control.  Those  who  have  high  bodily-­‐kinesthePc  intelligence  are  said  to  be  good  at  body  movement,  performing  acPons  and  physical  control.  People  who  are  strong  in  this  area  tend  to  have  excellent  hand-­‐eye  coordinaPon  and  dexterity.  

People  who  have  strong  musical  intelligence  are  good  and  thinking  in  pa#erns,  rhythms  and  sounds.  They  have  a  strong  appreciaPon  for  music  and  are  oJen  good  at  musical  composiPon  and  performance.  CharacterisPcs  of  musical  intelligence  are  enjoy  singing  and  playing  musical  instruments,  recognizing  musical  pa#erns  and  tones  easily  and    good  at  remembering  songs  and  melodies,  rich  understanding  of  musical  structure,  rhythm  and  notes.  PotenPal  Career  Choices  are  musician,  composer  or  a  singer.  

If  you’re  a  social  bu#erfly  you  are  probably  interpersonally  intelligent.  This  is  being  good  with  people  and  thriving  with  social  interacPons.  They  are  good  at  reading,  empathize  and  understanding  others.  Good  at  working  with  others  and  have  many  friends.  They  tend  to  learn  best  through  interacPon  and  dialogue.  Common  CharacterisPcs  are  being  empathePc,  extraverted,  enjoying  social  events,  loving  groups  and  crowds.  

Basically  the  opposite  of  interpersonally  intelligent  is  an  individual  who  is  strong  in  interpersonal  intelligence  is  good  at  being  aware  of  their  own  emoPonal  states,  feelings  and  moPvaPons.  They  tend  to  enjoy  self-­‐reflecPon  and  analysis,  including  day-­‐dreaming,  exploring  relaPonships  with  others  and  assessing  their  personal  strengths.  Their  strengths  are  introspecPon  and  self-­‐reflecPon.  This  means  that  they  are  good  at  analyzing  their  strengths  and  weaknesses  and  enjoys  analyzing  theories  and  ideas.  They  also  tend  to  have  excellent  self-­‐awareness  and  clearly  understand  the  basis  for  their  own  moPvaPons  and  feelings.  

Finally  we  have  naturalist  intelligence  that  involves  how  sensiPve  an  individual  is  towards  nature  and  the  world  around  them.  Individuals  who  excel  in  this  intelligence  typically  are  interested  in  growing  plants  and/or  taking  care  of  animals.    A  famous  example  of  this  would  be  Steve  Irwin.  These  types  of  intelligence  would  oJen  be  found  with  someone  who  works  as  a  zoo  keeper  or  veterinarian.  

With  all  eight  of  these  different  types  of  intelligence  everyone  can  relate  to  at  least  one.  The  advantages  of  knowing  what  type  of  intelligence  you  have  includes  maybe  coming  to  regard  intellectual  ability  more  broadly.  You  will  provide  opportuniPes  for  yourself  to  learn  based  on  your  needs,  interests  and  

talents.  You  could  demonstrate  and  share  strengths.  Building  strengths  gives  a  person  the  moPvaPon  to  be  a  "specialist."  This  can  in  turn  lead  to  increased  self-­‐esteem.  

After eating hundreds of Christmas cookies, you’re bound to get thirsty, so here is a recipe for a delicious Christmasy beverage that you and your family will be sure to enjoy!  


1 1/2 ounces Blackberry Puree  

2 ounces white cranberry juice  

2 to 3 ounces sparkling water  

1 sprig mint, for garnish  


Place blackberry puree and cranberry juice in a champagne flute. Add sparkling water to fill. Garnish with mint. This recipe is for one, so create as many as you like by copying the recipe.  

This recipe is simple, and delicious and only takes few ingredients! Making these for your friends and family over the holidays will definitely give you some best friend/daughter/son points! Enjoy your cranberry sparklers, and have happy holidays!|/274425/nonalcoholic-holiday-drinks/@center/276958/holiday-entertaining|347001



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The streets in the Spanish city of Seville were crowded as thousands turned out to pay their respects to the individual who had been the most titled woman in the world. María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart, 18th Duchess of Alba, had passed away at on 20 November 2014 at the age of 88, after contracting pneumonia. Her funeral the following day was held at the 16th century Seville Cathedral, in a ceremony that befitted the woman who was loved by a nation.

Born on 28 March, 1926, at the Liria Palace in Madrid, the Duchess had lived life to the fullest. In her early adult years, the Duchess has posed for Richard Avedon and Cecil Beaton, as well as appearing on the cover of Time and Harper's Bazaar. Even in her later years, the Duchess continued to make headlines in Spanish media. In 1947, she married Don Luis Martínez de Irujo y Artázcoz in a wedding which is thought to have been the most expensive ever.

It is speculated that it cost over 20 million pesetas. This union produced 6 children. Since the death of her husband in 1972, the duchess has remarried twice, most recently in 2011 to Alfonso Díez Carabantes, a civil servant who was 24 years her junior. Her children and relatives objected and in response to this, the Duchess gave her children details of her will, which excluded Diez. Her wealth was estimated to be around 3 billion Euros.

A descendant of King James II, she holds the record for being the most titled noble in history. Cayetana was 7 times a Duchess, 19 times a Marquise, 22 times a Countess, as well as being a Viscountess, a Countess-Duchess and holding the

manorial title of Lady. It was also rumoured during the referendum in Scotland over independence, that the Duchess was the closest heir to the Scottish throne if Scotland should gain independence from the UK. Upon her death the many titles were ceded to her children. Each child also received one of her many palaces. These palaces contain the Duchess’s collection of about 50,000 pieces of artwork and 18,000 rare books.

The Duchess of Alba was well-known by the Spanish people, she was the European equivalent of an American Hollywood actress. Whatever she did was on the grandest scale imaginable. At her wedding in 2011, the Duchess surprised and delighted the crowds by dancing the flamenco in celebration. With her cloud of white hair and face moulded by plastic surgery, the life loving duchess will be remembered fondly by the people of Spain for many years to come.

Death of World’s M

ost Titled Wom

an Heavily Mourned

Connor E. R. DeMerchant

We can all feel it coming. It's in the lights, the snow and the songs: Christmas!  

It's finally that time of year again when we all raid the stores for the best gifts and delicious foods. The stress and sweat from trying to make it the best time of the year. But, the relatives are coming, like it or not. That one strange aunt and uncle that your mother forces you to pretend to like, and the cousins that take over your room and never stop bothering you. This can be extremely stressful and infuriating, so, here are some tips on how to survive relatives over Christmas break:  

1. Fake smiles. As long as you're smiling, laughing and pretending to have fun they will not bother you as much. This can probably cause you to get away without having to speak or interact with them as much.  

2. Hide in the bathroom. If you ever start to feel over stressed or need to get away, just run to the bathroom. Take some time to yourself, calm down and then go back out. You can probably only do this once every hour so that people will not be suspicious. The reason for the bathroom and not your bedroom or another room is because people cannot just barge into the bathroom –it’s your private time.  

3. Keep busy. Help your parents with cooking, decorating, or wrapping last minute gifts so that you do not have to engage as much. Volunteer to make the gravy, or help your mom icing the cookies and mix the punch. Your family will end up thinking you’re just a good daughter/son, and that you’re not just trying to get away from them!  

So, as long as you keep to these 3 things you will most likely be safe. Remember: it's normally only a couple of days that they are visiting, so you just need to deal with it for a short while. Good luck, and happy holidays! and crazy family Christmas by circulating



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A Wild and Crazy Family Christmas by Circulating

  Let’s  talk  about  high  school.  While  there  have  undoubtedly  been  many  great  moments  over  the  years,  there  have  also  been  some….  questionable  ones.  School  is  a  learning  experience  outside  of  the  classroom  too;  from  dealing  with  social  interactions,  to  being  exposed  to  new  experiences.  As  senior  students,  we’ve  accumulated  a  vast  knowledge  of  the  `iner  points  of  institutionalized  education.  As  a  member  of  this  graduating  class,  I’d  like  to  pass  along  a  list  of  things  school  has  taught  me,  for  better  or  for  worse.  

1.   Getting  up  early  for  the  bus  has  taught  me  that  6am  isn’t  a  time  or  place,  but  rather,  it’s  an  emotion

2.   Writing  an  essay  at  3am  changes  you  as  a  person.  

3.   Some  procrastination  is  inevitable,  but  don’t  procrastinate  in  all  of  your  classes.  You  will  suddenly  have  `ive  assignments,  three  projects,  and  a  test  all  due  the  next  day…and  you  will  cry.  

4.   Be  kind  to  others,  we’re  all  just  trying  to  get  by  on  this  little  blue  sphere.  

5.   Be  respectful  to  teachers.  You  don’t  have  to  be  best  friends,  but  life  is  1000  times  easier  when  you  have  a  professional  relationship  with  them…  

6.   Plus,  teachers  are  more  inclined  to  give  you  extensions  and  other  nice  favours  if  they  don’t  hate  your  guts.  

7.   Avoid  group  projects.  You  will  lose  all  faith  in  humanity,  and  perhaps  develop  a  misanthropic  complex.    

8.   Swearing  and  being  rude  in  class  is  not  funny.  The  class  may  laugh,  but  we’re  laughing  at  you,  not  with  you.    

9.   Get  involved!  School  is  essentially  misery,  unless  you  have  at  least  one  positive/fun  activity  to  look  forward  to.  

10.  Joining  activities/sports  is  a  sure-­‐`ire  way  to  make  friends,  because  all  members  have  something  in  common.  

11.  Mitochondria  are  the  powerhouse  of  the  cell.  

12.  Don’t  worry  about  what  people  think  of  you.  Everyone  is  so  self-­‐centered  that  they  probably  don’t  even  notice  your  supposed  “`laws”,  so  be  yourself!  

What School has Taught M

e Telina Debly

13.   Relax.  Failing  that  one  test  doesn’t  mean  that  all  your  hopes  and  dreams  are  shattered.  Keep  things  in  perspective,  and  remember  that  mistakes  happen.  

14.   On  that  note,  don’t  be  afraid  of  making  mistakes!  Ask  questions  in  class,  and  offer  your  responses,  even  if  they  end  up  being  incorrect.  Making  sure  that  you  understand  material  for  tests  is  WAY  more  important  than  any  kids  who  laugh.  When  exams  roll  around,  no  one  will  remember  if  you  screwed  up  a  math  problem,  because  they’ll  all  be  wishing  they  asked  questions  in  class  too.  

15.   Don’t  be  one  of  those  kids  who  scream  when  the  lights  go  down  during  an  assembly  or  presentation.  Darkness  should  be  a  familiar  concept  by  now.  Honestly.    

16.   If  you  wouldn’t  say  it  in  person,  don’t  say  it  online.  Everyone  can  check  Facebook/Twitter/,  and  it’s  only  a  matter  of  time  before  word  gets  around.  It’s  #awkward.  

17.   Never  rely  on  the  school  printers.  Have  several  backup  plans  for  printing  assignments,  because  the  printers  will  always  break  on  the  days  you  most  need  them  to  work.    

18.   Don’t  make  fun  of  others.  This  should  be  obvious  by  now,  but  bullying  is  still  inexplicably  a  problem.  Be  tolerant  of  gender,  race,  sexuality,  appearance,  interests,  and  religion!  There  are  seven  billion  people  on  this  planet,  and  not  a  single  person  cares  about  a  cruel  or  misinformed  opinion.  Keep  any  negativity  to  yourself.    

19.   Work  as  hard  as  you  can  (without  having  a  mental  breakdown).  You’ll  reap  the  bene`its,  whether  academically  or  through  extracurricular  activities.  Although  it  sounds  cliché,  it’s  really  worth  it.  

20.   Carpe  Diem…seize  the  day!  One  day,  high  school  will  be  a  distant  chapter  in  the  story  of  your  life,  and  you’ll  want  to  remember  it  fondly.  

High’s  the  best  and  worst  of  times  School  Building,  Jonothan143/Flickr  

 A  saying  is  a  short,  pithy  expression  that  generally  contains  advice  or  

wisdom.  Now  if  you  think  about  it  we  have  so  many  that  are  strange  and  yet  we  conPnue  to  use  them  in  our  day  to  day  life.  The  origins  of  these  phrases  are  oJen  unexpected  in  the  following  arPcle  I  will  talk  about  the  top  five  sayings  in  my  mind  and  their  origin.    

“Bite  the  Bullet”  

  Meaning:  AccepPng  something  difficult  or  unpleasant.          

  Origin:  In  the  First  World  War  there  was  no  Pme  to  administer  anesthesia          before  emergency  surgery  during  ba#le.  The  surgeon  made  paPents  bite  down  on  a  bullet  in  an  a#empt  to  distract  them  from  the  pain.  

“Cat  Got  Your  Tongue?”  

  Meaning:  Something  said  when  a  person  is  at  a  loss  for  words          

  History:  This  certain  saying  refers  to  the  pracPce  of  cufng  out  the  tongues          of  liars  and  blasphemers  and  feeding  them  to  cats.  

“Give  the  Cold  Shoulder”  

  Meaning:  A  rude  way  of  telling  someone  he  or  she  isn’t  welcome  or  ignoring          someone.  

  History:  In  medieval  England  it  was  actually  regarded  as  a  polite  gesture.          AJer  a  feast,  the  host  would  let  his  guests  know  it  was  Pme  to  leave  by  giving  them  a  cold  piece  of  meat  from  the  shoulder  of  beef,  mu#on,  or  pork.  

“Rub  the  Wrong  Way”  

  Meaning:  To  irritate,  bother,  or  annoy  someone.          

  History:  In  colonial  America,  servants  were  required  to  wet-­‐rub  and  dry-­‐rub          the  oak-­‐board  floors  each  week.  Doing  it  against  the  grain  caused  streaks  to  form,  making  the  wood  look  awful  and  irritaPng  the  homeowner.  

“Sleep  Tight”  

  Meaning:  You  wish  for  someone  to  sleep  well.          

  Origin:  During  Shakespeare’s  Pme,  ma#resses  were  secured  on  bed  frames          by  ropes.  In  order  to  make  the  bed  firmer,  one  had  to  pull  the  ropes  to  Pghten  the  ma#ress.  

Top Five Sayings and their Origin Shelby Hearn

Q:  How  do  I  know  if  someone  likes  me?  

If  they  show  signs  of  being  interested  in  you,  for  example:  talking  to  you  on  a  regular  basis,  doing  things  that  you  like  to  get  your  a#enPon,  sifng  near  you,  etc.  If  you  feel  a  connecPon  between  you  and  that  person,  they  probably  like  you.  Also,  asking  them  might  help  you  find  out  if  they  like  you.  REMEMBER:  if  they  do  not  like  you  back,  it  is  not  the  end  of  the  world.    

Q:  How  can  I  make  new  friends?  

Join  groups,  sports  teams  or  clubs  that  you  are  interested  in  and  you  will  most  likely  find  people  that  you  enjoy  being  with.  You  can  also  find  friends  at  your  work  place,  or  at  events.    

Q:  How  to  get  quesPons  for  my  advice  column?  

I  am  not  really  sure.  You  could  try  asking  your  friends  for  quesPons,  but  if  that  fails  you  can  google  always  some,  or  make  them  up.  

Q:  How  to  successfully  babysit?  

Do  things  that  the  child  enjoys.  Be  acPve  and  do  not  just  put  them  in  front  of  the  T.V.  and  expect  them  to  behave.  Children  like  to  discover  new  things  and  use  their  imaginaPon  –so  use  yours  as  well!  Let  them  be  as  wild  and  creaPve  as  they  can  be.  Keep  things  interesPng,  and  do  not  stop  moving  (unless  you  are  eaPng,  or  something).  Tire  them  out  as  best  as  you  can  so  that  by  the  end  of  the  sifng  you  can  relax.  

Q:  If  I  punch  myself  in  the  face  will  it  hurt?  

Probably,  depending  on  how  hard  you  hit  yourself.  I  would  not  recommend  it.    

Q:  Why  do  my  friends  ignore  my  texts?  

They  might  be  busy  doing  other  things  like  homework,  cleaning,  working,  etc…  Or  maybe  they  secretly  hate  you.  Who  knows?    

Q:  Why  did  my  mom  call  me  5  Pmes  and  then  ignore  my  calls  back?  

Moms  are  strange,  exoPc  creatures  that  are  not  to  be  quesPoned.  She  is  probably  mad  at  you  for  not  answering  her  calls  and  is  giving  you  a  taste  of  your  own  medicine.  It  is  best  to  apologize  even  if  you  do  not  understand  why  you  are  in  trouble.  Just  go  with  the  flow,  she  will  get  over  it  eventually.    

Q:  I  heard  that  green  tea  is  really  good  for  you,  why  is  that?  

I  am  just  a  mere  advice  columnist  for  a  high  school  paper,  not  a  health  professional.  Google  it  or  ask  a  doctor.    

Q:  Why  am  I  so  hilarious?  

I  ask  myself  this  quesPon  every  day,  and  I  sPll  have  not  found  the  answer.  


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