Sermon on the Mount€¦ · Empire. Apostles carried the teachings of Jesus across the region. 1....


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Sermon on the Mount “Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God”

What message(s) is Jesus trying to make?

Messiah: Apostle: Paul: Salvation: Constantine: Edict of Milan: Council of Nicaea: Patriarch: Clergy: Bishop: Martyr: Scapegoat: Pope: Heresy:

Terms, People, and Places

• Understand the diverse religions included in the early Roman empire

• Summarize the teachings of Jesus and how they were spread

• Outline the development of the early Christian Church

Lesson Objectives

Christianity, which emerged in Roman-held lands in the Middle East, spread quickly throughout the Roman Empire. By 392,

Christianity became the official religion of the empire. The new faith reshaped Roman beliefs.

Summary “The Rise of Christianity”

Aim #21: How did Christianity develop and spread?

Diverse Religions in Roman Empire • Tolerant loyalty to Roman

gods acknowledge divine


• 63 BCE, Rome conquered Judea excused Jews from

Roman gods

• Zealots called for rebellion believed in messiah

• 70 CE, Rome crushed rebellion & destroyed Temple

Checkpoint What was Rome’s policy toward most of

the religions in the empire?

Jesus‘s Early Life • In turmoil of Judea,

Jesus is born (4BCE) • Gospels tells Jesus’

life • Grew up Jewish • Began preaching at

30 used parables performed miracles

• Recruited 12 disciples/apostles to spread his mission in Jerusalem

Jesus’s Teachings • taught & followed Jewish


• New teachings: he’s son of god

he will bring salvation & eternal life to whoever believed in him

• god’s love, justice, & morality

• forgiveness & helping others

• threat to Romans for enticing rebellion jailed, tried, & condemned to crucifixion

(30 or 36 CE)

• Gospels: Jesus arose from dead

told disciples to spread his teachings

arose into heaven


Salvation & eternal life

goes to those who follow


Jesus’ teachings: Mercy &

sympathy for poor & helpless brotherhood&

equality of people

Faith in one god

Jesus was the son of god & the Messiah

Bible includes Old Testament

from Judaism & New Testament

god gave the Hebrews the Ten Commandments through Moses

Checkpoint What were the main teachings of Jesus?

Christianity Spreads • Disciples spread Jesus’s

message to Jews in Judea he’s messiah/Christ followers became

Christians Peter spread it in Rome

• Paul set up churches across Mediterranean most responsible for

spreading Christianity

• Rome persecuted & killed Christians seen as scapegoats became martyrs

• Paul & Peter killed by Nero

More converts

Checkpoint How did Christianity spread?

Appeal of Christianity • Jesus welcomed all as

equals • Comfort in Christian

teaching of love & better life after death

• Paul used Greek philosophy to explain Christianity appealed to educated


• Roman unity & peace allowed easy access for missionaries to spread

• Christian writings was in Greek & Latin languages of the people

• Persecution & martyrdom

• Constantine Accepts Christianity The Edict of Milan 313

• Theodosius made Christianity official religion of Rome 380-393

Spread of Christianity

Emperor Constantine

passes Edict of Milan 313 (tolerates


Missionaries (Peter & Paul)

spread it

Roman empire roads

safe for missionaries

Latin was language of the people

People were comforted by

Jesus & his message of love

& equality

Emperor Theodosius

makes Christianity

official religion of Rome 392

Checkpoint Why did Christianity appeal to many?

Early Christian Church Develops • Christians

set up structured Church as 1 community

• To join, one must be baptized

• Women served as teachers

• A hierarchy of clergy developed

Checkpoint How did the Christian Church develop &

how was it organized?

Graphic Summary: Growth of Christianity

*Christianity gradually spread throughout the Roman

Empire. Apostles carried the teachings of Jesus across the region.

1. Around 4 B.C. Jesus is born.

2. Around 26 A.D. Jesus begins preaching

new beliefs.

3. About 29 A.D. Jesus arrested and


4. Followers spread Jesus’ teachings.

5. Christians set up organized church.

6. Romans persecute Christians.

7. 313 A.D.-Roman emperor Constantine

ends persecution of Christians.

8. 392 A.D. - Christianity becomes official religion of Roman Empire. Church

preserves and spreads Greco-Roman civilization.
