Serving Association Members Across North America


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Serving Association Serving Association Members Across North Members Across North


• Over $25.8 Billion of supplemental life insurance in force!

• AIL is the worlds largest provider of union supplemental insurance.

• International Company - Licensed in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand.

A.M. BestA.M. BestA+ Superior RatingA+ Superior Rating

Associations, Unions and Credit Unions

3,000,000 Members3,000,000 Members

* AIL works with Associations all across North America

* Providing Value Added Benefits and other programs at no cost to associations or their members

* Surveys* Financial Support* Scholarships* Newsletters* Value Added Benefits

Value Added Value Added BenefitsBenefits

Accidental Death & Dismemberment Policy at Accidental Death & Dismemberment Policy at No CostNo Cost


$2.2 Million

Paid to


Vision / Eye Care

Prescription Drugs



Health Services Discount PlanHealth Services Discount Plan

2006 Highlights Approx $1.5 Million saved on Prescription


Optional Dental Available

Child Safe KitChild Safe KitEndorsed by the International Union of Police Associations and the AFL-CIO

Helping working families

protect what they value most, their children!

How We Introduce the How We Introduce the Value Added Value Added


1.We send a notification of benefits on your letterhead to each member, informing them of their new benefits

2.We send it on your letterhead so the members know the benefits are coming in cooperation with AIL and Association

3.There is no cost to the Union for printing or postage


Dear Association Member, WSSA is pleased to announce that all members now have an increase in the supplemental insurance benefit listed below. This supplemental insurance is being provided through American Income Life Insurance Company, a company serving the needs of Associations nationwide and includes the following:

No Cost - $2,500 Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit In addition, you are able to participate in:

Health Services Discount Program Which entitles you and your family to substantial discounts on:

*Vision* Prescription* Hearing* Chiropractic*

If you fail to designate your beneficiary, the benefit will be paid to your estate, which may be subject to probate. Sincerely, Mark Gallatin President P.S. You and your family may qualify for additional insurance benefits offered at this time. The company and its programs are offered to help you plan for a secure future. Please take a few minutes and listen to the A.I.L. representative wh o will be calling on you. If you have any questions about these benefits please email American Income Life at : or call them at 1 -800-842-0022.


We ask every member to complete and return the enclosed postage -paid card within 10 days to American I ncome Life,

in order to deliver your certificate , designate your beneficiary, and obtain your signature.

Or To complete your card online, please visit:

Postage Paid Response Card is enclosed with each Letter including an Internet address option to complete the card online

All Members are covered by the AD&D Master Policy which the Union holds.

Members who return their Response Card will be contacted by our Representatives

When a Mailing is doneWhen a Mailing is done through your through your Association…Association…

* The Program is at NO COST to the Association or the Member

* AIL respects the Confidentiality of Membership mailing lists and does not require a copy of them

* Typically, 20 – 35% of your Members will return the Enrollment card and one out of three will purchase additional benefits

When one of our Representatives

contacts a Member…

Deliver their Individual Certificate of Coverage and have them designate their Beneficiary

Clearly explain the affordable supplemental programs and answer all questions

Present the Health Services Discount Plan

Read Off LetterRead Off Letter

Thom as G. S trick la nd

S ecret a ry - T reasu re r

Dea r IBT 8 1 M emb e r o r R e tire e,

Th e in s u ran c e p ro gr a m s be ing p rovi de d to da y a re m a de avai labl e o n a vol u n tar y

basis th ro u gh th e c o o p er a tio n o f Te a mster s L o cal U ni o n N o . 8 1 a nd Am e ric an

Inc o m e Life, a 1 0 0% u ni o n la bel co m p a n y. Th e s upp leme n tal be n efit s a re pre s e n te d in the spir it o f b e u ni o n - b u y un ion a n d th e re is no obl igat ion.

Th e s u pp lemen tal b e n efits a re n ot in c o m p e titio n w ith yo u r n e got iat e d be n efit s.

Th e b en e fits bei n g off e re d c a n ho w ev e r c o m pl im e nt yo u r c u rren t coll e ctiv e

ag re e m e nt in su ra n ce be n efit s a nd en s ur e co v e rag e a fte r r e tire ment , la y -of fs o r car e e r c h an g es.

Te a m s te rs Local U ni o n N o . 8 1 c ur re n tly p rovi d es a $ 10 ,0 0 0 life in s ur a nc e b en efit

for acti ve m e m b e rs onl y . The b e nefi t t h ro u gh th e lo c al b ec o m e s n ull a nd v oid up o n

issu a nce of a w ithd ra w l c a rd a nd /or ret ire.

A IL s u p pl e m e ntal b e nefi ts inc lu d e a u to m a tic b uilt in fe a tur e s to he lp uni o n

m e m b ers d u rin g h ar d times; su c h a s the s trike a nd la yo ff w ai ve rs.

Th an k y o u fo r ta kin g t h e tim e to m e et w ith th e AIL re p re s en tativ e . W e w ou ld like

you r fe e d back, s o pl e as e take a m inu te to c omple te the Uni o n O ffic e r R ep o rt

Fo rm .

In Sol idar ity ,

Tho m as G Str ick lan d George Sto ke s M ike Ja m e s M ike Schoen

Secretary -Tr e asur er Pres iden t Vice -Pres iden t Record ing Sec retary

Barney F a rre ll Jake Cozb y Denn is Bo w er

Trust ee Trust ee Trust e e

S G#

* Pay Cheque Protector, which acts as a readjustment benefit

* Final Expense Plan

* AD&D and Emergency Hospital Intensive Care Program

* Cancer Benefit

* All Supplemental Benefits are 100% Union

Supplemental BenefitsSupplemental Benefits

2006 Highlights* $70 Million of claims

paid to Working Families through their benefits


Terminal Illness Living Benefit

Provides 50% of the policy coverage amount upon diagnosis of a terminal illness. (life expectancy less than 12 months)

Available at no cost for policy holders.

Representative Report FormRepresentative Report Form

Eliminates Confusion over:• Funeral Arrangements• Insurance Papers• Estate Information• Taxes

Family InformationFamily Information GuideGuide

How Do We Do It?

Food BankFood Bank


Can of


At at time

The Next The Next Step…Step…

*Provide copies of your Letterhead

*Process the mailing

*Stay in contact with your AIL Representative

*Reports back to you on Claims History, Membership participation and Union officer report forms.

Complete the Group Coverage Form (provides immediate 24 hour coverage)

Helping Secure the Helping Secure the Future of Working Future of Working






Supplemental BenefitsSupplemental Benefits