Session 7 - Understanding Work ·...


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Session 7 - Understanding Work Teams

Robbins and Judge

Organization Behavior

15 Edition

The material used in producing this presentation

derived from the book. Several examples added

to enrich the student’s understanding

Please acknowledge the Authors

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University


1. Memahami pengertian kerja sama tim

2. Mengetahui perbedaan antara Kelompok dan Tim Kerja

3. Mengenali berbagai jenis Tim Kerja dan manfaatnya

4. Mengidentifikasi cara untuk membangun Tim kerja yang


2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

GOALS ONE - Definisi

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University


Sekelompok orang yang memiliki ketrampilan dan

pengetahuan dan menjalankan suatu pekerjaan atau terlibat di

dalam suatu proyek.

Sejumlah orang yang tergabung di dalam suatu perkumpulan

dan menjalankan pekerjaan/kegiatan secara bersama

Sekelompok orang yang melakukan sesuatu secara bersama

Sekelompok orang yang memiliki kesamaan tujuan dan

bertindak secara terorganisir untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

TEAM – Do we really need it??

Great way to optimize employee talents

Flexibility & responsive to changes in the environment

Quickly assemble, deploy, refocus, and disband

Facilitate employee involvement

Increase employee participation in decision making

Democratize an organization and increase motivation

Note: teams are not ALWAYS effective

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

GOALS TWO - Perbedaan

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Work Group VS Work Team

A work group Interacts primarily to share information and make decisions to help each member perform within his or her area of responsibility.

• Work groups have no need or opportunity to engage in collective work that

• requires joint effort.

• The performance is the summation of each group member’s individual contribution.

• No synergy

A work team generates positive synergy through coordinated effort.

• The individual efforts result in a level of performance greater than the sum of those individual inputs.

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Work Group VS Work Team

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

GOALS THREE – Jenis tim kerja

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Types of Team

Problem Solving Team

• Terdiri 5-12 orang karyawan dari depertemen yang sama, melakukan pertemuan rutin untuk membahas masalah yang dihadapi

• Bersifat menghasilkan saran, tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk menjalankan apa yang diasrankan

• Fokus solusi: peningkatan kualitas, efisiensi, perbaikan kondisi kerja

• Ex: target capaian karya ilmiah dosen tidak terpenuhi Kaprodi membentuk tim khusus untuk mengidentifikasi maslaah & memberikan solusi

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Types of Team

Self-Managed Work Team,

• Terdiri dari 10-15 karyawan yang diberi wewenang khusus untuk bertindak secara mandiri dengan pengawasan minimal dari atasan

• Dapat memilih anggota secara independen dan melakukan evaluasi kinerja anggotanya

• Peran atasan diminimalkan bahkan bisa dihilangkan

• Jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan; perencanaan & penjadwalan kerja, penugasan kepada anggota, menyelesaikan masalah, berinteraksi dengan suplier dan konsumen

• Ex: Tim training menyusun program pelatihan dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan secara mandiri

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Types of Team

Cross-Functional Team,

• Terdiri dari beberapa karyawan dari beragam yang berada dengan tingkatan/level yang sama dan menjalankan tugas khusus

• Ex: Seluruh departemen terlibat dalam persiapan operasional Telkom International

Virtual Team,

• Tim yang tidak berwujud, menggunakan sarana IT untuk berinteraksi dan mencapai sasaran tugas

• Kolaborasi secara daring (online)

• Negative & positive consequencess ???

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

GOALS FOUR – Membangun tim

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Creating Effective Team

Three key components of effective teams :

The resources and other contextual influences

Team’s composition.

Process variables

Effectiveness measurement:

Team’s productivity

Team’s performance

Goal achievement

Member satisfaction

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Creating Effective Team

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University


• Tools needed to complete the job Adequate Resources

• Agreement to work specification and how the team fits together to integrate individual skills

• Even “self-managed” teams need leaders

Effective Leadership and Structure

• Level of trust must be develop between members and the leader Climate of Trust

• Group performance consideration

Performance and Rewards Systems that Reflect Team


2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University


Kemampuan dan pengetahuan anggota

Need technical expertise, problem-solving, decision-making, and good interpersonal skills

Kepribadian anggota

Conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness all relate to team performance

Keragaman dan distribusi peran

Many necessary roles must be filled

Diversity can often lead to lower performance

Size of Team

The smaller the better: 5 to 9 is optimal

Members’ Preference for Teamwork

Do the members want to be on teams?

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University


2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University


• Create a common purpose that provides direction

• Willingness to adjust plan if necessary

Commitment to a Common Purpose

• Must be specific, measurable, realistic, and challenging Establishment of

Specific Team Goals

• Team believes in its ability to succeed Team Efficacy

• Have an accurate and common mental map of how the work gets done Mental Models

• Task conflicts are helpful; interpersonal conflicts are not Conflict Level

• Team holds itself accountable both individually and as a team Social Loafing

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

Key Factor in Setting up the Team

Selection of the employee

Training the employee

Reward the team effort and team player

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University

The Team is not an Overall Cure

When is the right time to setup team

Apakah pekerjaan tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan baik

secara individu?

Apakah tim selalu memberikan hasil yang lebih baik?

Bagaimana pandangan anda terkait pembentukan tim yang

beranggotakan beragam warga negara?

2/19/2017 Partono - TELKOM University