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峰会 session 评选+ PTG

EasyStack 郭长波IRC: gcb2016.11.26

大纲峰会评选过程  Track Chair 职责 session 评审过程PTG 讨论什么是 PTG对开发者影响

峰会 session Track Chair 职责Track chairs are responsible for finalizing the schedule of sessions in their respective tracks, which includes:

1) Review the submissions and voting results in your particular track( 投票)2) Determine if a session is a better fit for a different track( 改 track)

3) Identify any major content gaps in your track, potentially soliciting additional speakers directly( 直选)4) Make judgement calls such as combining sessions on similar topics into a panel or providing feedback to speakers about how to differentiate/focus their sessions( 合并演讲)

5) Ensure diversity of speakers and companies represented in your track. We encourage you to try to have at least one woman represented on each panel created.( 多样性,女生优先)

6) Review the sessions that were selected for the two previous Summits and ensuring that the content that you select for this Summit is fresh/new/different from the past Summits (排除旧内容)

7) Potentially work with speakers leading up to the event and on-site to ensure high-quality content( 把关)

峰会 session 评审过程1) The community votes are meant to help inform your decision, but should NOT be your only guide. You are expected to exercise judgment in your area of expertise and help ensure diversity. (大众投票意义)

2) Users, users, users. If and where possible, we always want to feature a case study and hear directly from cloud operators or application developers. (用户为先)

3) There are appropriate tracks and venues (i.e. paid Sponsored Sessions) for sponsors to talk about products and services, but we generally want to avoid simple sales pitches. (避免公司营销)

4) You may want to combine sessions into panels or other formats, especially if there are multiple submissions

about the same topic. However we request that you try to limit the number of panels to no more than 40% of the selected sessions in your track. We also encourage you to try to have at least one woman represented on each panel created. (除重)

5) Feel free to reach out to the speakers if you have questions or want them to tweak their abstract or focus. (沟通 )

6) If a proposed session does not make it into the master schedule, there are several other options we can offer the speaker, such as #vBrownBag Tech Talks and Demo Theater in the Expo Hall (the latter is for sponsors only).( 安慰奖)

峰会 session 评审过程五大分类 +  29 track

Architecture & Operations Business & Strategy Developers OpenStack Academy Community Collaboration

峰会 session 评审过程

峰会 session 评审过程

大纲峰会评选过程  Track Chair 职责 session 评审过程PTG讨论什么是 PTG对开发者影响

什么是 PTG

PTG - Project Teams Gathering

Design Summit 拆分 Summit + PTG

参加人员:开发者第一届 PTG:

February 20-24th, 2017

Atlanta, Georgia

  ticket: $100

什么是 PTG


对开发者影响好处:可以集中精力讨论设计   ?坏处:一年四次聚会,公司是否支持   ?
