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1. What are Resources and why are they important

2. How can we best utilize resources ; Can resourced by


3. Why do organizations emerge?

4. What are the repercussions (effects) of organization failure

5. Importance of Human Resources Development for

organizational survival

6. What are the external factors that may effect organizational


7. Why do organizations need to change

Learning Outcomes – Session 3

Session 4 – Learning Outcomes

External Forces of Changes – Threats or Opportunities ? Internal forces of change

A view of inside – Is organization a mechanisms of goals? Types of goals.

Why do Organizations fail (Internal & external factors) What is the scope of “Human Resource Development


External Forces of Changes – Threats or Opportunities ?External Forces of Changes – Threats or Opportunities ?

Threats Opportunities

Internal Forces of Change Internal Forces of Change

Goals of Organization

Internal Forces of Change Internal Forces of Change

Why do Organizations fail (Internal & external factors) Why do Organizations fail (Internal & external factors)

1. Organizations may fail if they remain unable to inline themselves with changing business environment for setting up and implementation of goals

2. If organizations do not continuously develop their capacity (systems + human resources) to deliver value to their customers and other stakeholders

What is the scope of “Managing Development in Organizations”

What is the scope of “Managing Development in Organizations”

Scope of HRD is to develop human resources to make them capable of steering organization through internal and external forces which may influence organizational ability to remain effective over the period of time; and accordingly develop internal systems and skills to and to ensure that organization continue to deliver value to its customers.
