SETON Sunday News · SETON Sunday News | Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020 S -


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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

SETON Sunday News

Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 17 2020 Year

A Volume 6

Number 25

2 | SETON Sunday News | Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020





Amazing Parish 5

Annual Catholic Appeal 9

Daily Readings 2

Directory 2

From Fr Jose’s Desk 3

Important Updates on Faith Formation 4

Ministries 10

Sección en Español 6 y 7

Vocation Awareness 8


MyParish app @easbothell

The Readings this week:

Sun, May 17: Acts 8: 5-8, 14-17; 1Pt 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21

Mon., May 18: Acts 16: 11-15; Jn 15: 26—16: 4A

Tue., May 19: Acts 16: 22-34; Jn 16: 5-11

Wed., May 20: Acts 17: 15, 22-18 1; Jn 16: 12-15

Thu., May 21: Acts 18: 1-8; Jn 16: 16-20

Fri., May 22: Acts 18: 9-18; Jn 16: 20-23

Sat., May 23: Acts 18: 23-28; Jn 16: 23B-28

Sun., May 24: The Ascension of the Lord Acts 1: 1-11; Eph 1: 17-23; Mt 28: 16-20

Online at

Officers and Councils

The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Paul Gallagher, Francis Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares,

Amy Walsh

The Finance Council Fr. Jose Ugalde, Shannon Everist, Richard Carlson, Bill

Dunnigan, Patty McGoorty, Jon Alejandro

Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Jose Ugalde, Marcia Gimenez, Eduardo Cardona

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In very fluid and changing circumstances, we urge you to check the following resources for the most current situation:

our website

myParish app

Facebook page

Instagram @easbothell

Be assured of our prayers, remember to keep us in your prayers. If you need to reach a priest, use their email addresses shown on the left.

Fr Jose, Fr Jesus, and Staff

Office Hours & Contact Information


Priest Administrator ..............

Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS .................................... ext. 304

Parochial Vicar .........................

Fr. Jesús Sanchez, MSpS .................................. ext 305



Shannon Everist ................................................. ext 303

Secretary ..............................

Veronica Mendez ............................................... ext 301

Facilities .......................................

Oscar Mejia ....................................................................

Faith Formation

Director ............................

Stephanie Moran .............................................. ext 311

Interim Youth Minister .......

Br. Jorge Haro, MSpS ....................................... ext 313

Bilingual Assistant ...................

Eduardo Cardona .............................................. ext 314


Music Coordinator .......................

Kathy Egashira ........................................ 206-214-5884

Liturgy Coordinator ....................

Marcia Gimenez ................................................ ext 308

Keep in touch


All staff working remotely, please contact us via email only. We are still working to help and serve you. Updates will be posted online and in the App

Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 3

F r o m F r . J o s e ’ s d e s k


“How tremendous are your deeds, (O Lord), Alleluia!”

My brothers and sisters, we are getting closer to the

celebration of Pentecost. In just two weeks we’ll celebrate

Pentecost, and with this Feast the Easter Season comes to an end.

This Sunday’s Liturgy of the Word calls us to admire

God’s deeds. The Psalm says “Shout joyfully to God, all

the earth, sing praise to the glory of his name; proclaim

his glorious praise. Say to God, “How tremendous are

your deeds””. Truly God’s deeds are admirable. Let us

begin by reflecting upon our own lives, we are God’s masterpiece, set apart from the creation of the universe and

angels. We are precious in His eyes. How does your heart

react to these words? What do you feel when you hear, “I

am God’s masterpiece”? Do you believe you are God’s

masterpiece? If you do, you can say with confidence, I am

God’s masterpiece, and admirable deed of His hands, more precious than all of creation. God created man and woman

with the goal of sharing with us His divine life, beauty,

wisdom, will, love, mercy, everything that He is. We are a

product of His hands, and everything God makes is

precious. When you look at yourself in the mirror, shout

God’s beauty saying: I am a wonderful work of God.

The Easter Season is perfect for meditating and

admiring the deeds God has done through Christ Our Lord.

God’s beauty and our admiration for it stems from His

Love. Jesus offered up His life to ransom ours. We owed

God a debt, and Jesus paid it off with His death and resurrection. We are free and safe from the darkness of sin.

Now we are sons and daughters of Light and Truth. The

grace of the Resurrection makes us even more precious. If

we live this grace in our day to day life, it perfects us and

makes us like Christ because He is God’s work par


When Jesus returned back to Heaven, he didn’t want to

leave us unprotected. HE asked the Father to send His

Spirit of Love to be with us and remind us everything that

Jesus had taught us. “And I will ask the Father, and he will

give you another Advocate to be with you always.” The

Advocate is the Holy Spirit, the paraclete, the consoler.

The Holy Spirit walks with us in our everyday life. He calls us to always live in Love, because love perfects us, it

makes us more compassionate, merciful, generous and

helpful. The practice of these graces fills us with love, joy,

and hope. This is the spirit of Easter as we reflect on the

effect of the Resurrection, the new life we receive through

Jesus Christ.

Living the Spirit of the Resurrection means living our

life through the power of the Holy Spirit, for He was

always present during Christ’s life. Let us remember that,

at His baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus. At

the beginning of his ministry, HE proclaimed that the

Spirit of God was upon Him. This same Spirit dwells in each one of us, the baptized. He stays with us the same

way he stayed with Jesus through his life and ministry.

God the Father sent His son Jesus to the world so the work

of His hands could reclaim the beauty of His grace. What

is it that makes us precious and admirable? God’s grace

that we receive in each sacrament, starting at the sacrament

of baptism. The grace we receive through the sacraments can be compared to the lotion we apply to our face, it

makes our skin soft, luminous, and beautiful. The grace of

the Resurrection gives us the beauty of new life.

The first Christian communities teach us to reflect upon the beauty of new life by preaching that Christ is alive and

He lives in our heart. We see the example of Philip in the

first reading. The beauty of Philip’s life was in preaching

with his life and ministry that jesus was alive, and many

people received new life in the form of a miracle or

freedom from unclean spirits in Jesus’ name. “the crowds

paid attention to what was said by Philip when they heard

it and saw the signs he was doing.” This all brought great

joy to the community. The deeds that Philip was able to perform were thanks to the action and power of the Holy

Spirit in his life. We could ask ourselves, how is Philip

different from us today in the preaching of the Word and

the miracles he performed in the name of Jesus Christ? Our

faith in God. Do we genuinely believe in God, in His

power? Nowadays we sometimes place our trust in things that are not God. Modern technology attacks our

intelligence and will and makes us prone to darkness rather

that to the light of Truth.

Let us always remember that the deeds of the Lord are

admirable. We began this meditation analyzing our life, realizing that we are a wonderful work of God. When we

meditate upon the Word of God, we find God’s beauty and

we see ourselves enveloped in that divine beauty. The

work of the Resurrection is the Father’s work par

excellence by which He blesses us with new life, hope and

joy. Alleluia!

Fr Jose Ugalde, MSpS

4 | SETON Sunday News | Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CELEBRATIONS It is with great sadness and with much prayer, that the decision to postpone our celebrations of First Holy Communion has been made:

1. The First Holy Communions that were scheduled for April 25 and May 2 have been cancelled.

2. The rehearsals/parent meeting set for April 21 and April 28 have been cancelled as well.

At this time, new dates have NOT been set for the celebrations, but we are looking at dates later in the summer. Once we do set the dates, you will receive a letter from the parish letting you know the day and time of the new rehearsal and the new celebration. If you are planning to move out of the area before August 1, please let me know and I can create a letter for you to give to your new parish so that your child may make their First Holy Communion there. Please know we are looking at dates and as soon as possible we will let you know. Thank you for understanding and I share in your disappointment. For questions in English: Stephanie at For questions in Spanish: Eduardo at

BAUTISMOS de NIÑOS Los Bautismos de niños se posponen por el momento. En cuanto se fijen las nuevas fechas recibirán un aviso por parte de la parroquia informándoles. Si tienen alguna pregunta contáctenos a:


Es con gran tristeza y con mucha oración, que se tomó la decisión de posponer nuestras celebraciones de las Primeras Comuniones:

1. Las Primeras Comuniones que estaban programadas para el 25 De abril y el 2 de mayo han sido canceladas.

2. Los ensayos/reuniones de padres fijados para el 21 de abril y el 28 de abril también han sido cancelados.

En este momento, NO se han fijado nuevas fechas para las celebraciones, pero estamos viendo fechas más tarde en el verano. Una vez que fijemos las fechas, recibirán un aviso de parte la parroquia informándoles el día y la hora del nuevo ensayo y la nueva celebración. Si usted está planeando mudarse de la zona antes del 1 de agosto, por favor hágamelo saber y puedo crear una carta para que usted entregue a su nueva parroquia para que su hijo pueda hacer su Primera Comunión allí. Por favor, sepa que estamos viendo las fechas y tan pronto como sea posible se lo haremos saber. Gracias por entender y comparto su sentimiento de decepción. Para preguntas en inglés: Stephanie en Para preguntas en español: Eduardo en


Baptisms have been postponed for the time being. As soon as the new dates are set, we will post them in all our information venues. If you have any questions, please contact us at:

FAITH FORMATION FOR YEAR 2020-2021 We are working on what our year of faith formation is going to look like. We have to assess all aspects from the current events and also if we get to start a normal Faith Formation program in the fall. At this time, dates to begin enrollment have NOT been set. Once we do set the date we will make them public. Watch

the bulletin for updates.

Parents! It has been over a months since we have been able to come together for the celebration of the Mass and even longer since the children met in their Faith Formation groups! Are you worried your child may be losing their connection to the Church? Well, we now have an online Formation Opportunity for Elementary age children. Don’t worry. You and your child work on it together! You don’t need to be a teacher or a theologian. You watch a video, talk about it and do an optional worksheet. Each session is fun and short. You can do it in less than 10 minutes. Go to our website, and click on the Faith Formation box. Then click on the Online Formation link. It is just that easy. Check it out! Stay connected!

¡Padres de familia! ¡Hace más de un mes que no hemos podido reunirnos para la celebración de la Misa y aún más desde que los niños se reunieron en sus grupos de Catecismo! ¿Le preocupa que su hijo esté perdiendo su conexión con la Iglesia? Bueno, ahora tenemos una oportunidad de formación en línea para niños en edad primaria. No se preocupe. ¡Usted y su hijo/a trabajarán juntos! No necesita ser profesor o teólogo. Miren un video, platiquen sobre él y completen una hoja de trabajo opcional. Cada sesión es divertida y corta. Pueden hacerlo en menos de 10 minutos. Vaya a nuestro sitio web, y haga clic en el cuadro “Faith Formation” A continuación, haga clic en el enlace “Online Formation” Es así de fácil. Miren de que se trata. ¡Manténganse conectados!

Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 5

For the time being, the Chapel will be open for private prayer only during Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday -Friday 10:30am-12:30pm.

Daily Mass at 9am, Monday, Wednesday - Friday and Sundays at 9am on Facebook Live only

Please continue to practice the recommendations of the CDC for when you have to leave home for essential business only:

Stay home if you’re sick or at risk

Wash hands or use sanitizer upon entering the Church

Practice social distancing

Cover your cough or sneeze

With the Heart of Jesus an

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Archbishop Etienne invites us to seek the intercession of Our Lady of Seattle :

H oly Mary, we come before you as spiritual children in great need, seeking

your intercession, and asking that your mantle of love surround us to console, protect, and lead us to your son Jesus.

We entrust all of God’s family, especially the church in Western Washington, into your immaculate hands. With your son Jesus’ gentle power you can undo any knot in our church, and in the lives of believers who entrust themselves to your care.

Today I especially entrust to you [mention request / Coronavirus here], and I ask that—through your intercession, and that of St. James, our guardian angels, and the faithful in our archdiocese—we may be free from every spiritual and temporal ill, and be safely led to encounter your son’s merciful, sacred heart.

Our Lady of Seattle, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!

Thank you for continuing to support the Society

of St Vincent de Paul

The Society of St Vincent de Paul at

SEAS is still serving the needy during

this very challenging time and our help is

needed now more than ever. We

appreciate your continued prayers and

donations. Monetary donations can be

done at the Online Giving section at the SEAS Parish

website: (Be sure to check the

SVDP box ) or you can mail in your SVDP envelope to

the parish. Food donation can be dropped off at the

SVDP food bins during parish hours.

May God bless you and your family abundantly!

Due to the Covid-19 crisis, Two Hearts/Pregnancy Aid in Everett is running really low on new or gently used children's clothes, sizes infant thru size 5, diapers, formula, etc. They are open for donation drops just by making an appointment. Someone will come out to your car and get your donations. Please call for a drop off appointment at (425) 252-6444. The Moms and little ones of Snohomish county will be so grateful for your help.

6 | SETON Sunday News | Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020

S anta Marí a, venimos a ti como hijos espirituales en gran necesidad buscando

tu intercesio n. Cu brenos con tu manto de amor para que encontremos consuelo, proteccio n y nos guí e a tu hijo Jesu s.

Encomendamos toda la familia de Dios a tus inmaculadas manos, especialmente la iglesia del Oeste de Washington. Con el suave poder de tu hijo Jesu s, puedes desatar cualquier nudo en nuestra iglesia y en la vida de los creyentes que se encomiendan a tu cuidado.

Hoy especialmente pongo en tus manos mi pedido por [mencionar intención / Coronavirus] , y te pido que por tu intercesio n, la de Santiago, la de nuestro a ngel de la guarda, y de los fieles de la arquidio cesis nos liberes de toda afeccio n espiritual y temporal, y nos guí es al encuentro del misericordioso y sagrado corazo n de tu hijo.

Nuestra Sen ora de Seattle, Desata Nudos, ¡ruega por nosotros!

Por ahora, la Capilla estará abierta para la oración personal solamente los: lunes, miércoles a viernes de 10am a 12:30pm.

Misa en Español del día a las 5pm lunes, miércoles a viernes. El domingo a las 10:30am en vivo por Facebook solamente

Continúe por favor usando las prácticas recomendadas por las autoridades de Salud cuando tenga que salir por necesidades esenciales:

Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo o es de alto riesgo

Lávese las manos o use el desinfectante al llegar a la Iglesia

Mantenga la distancia social

Cúbrase al toser o estornudar


¡Solicite sus intenciones para Misa! Solamente mande un correo electrónico a la secretaria de la parroquia.

Gracias por su continua ayuda a la Sociedad de

St Vincent de Paul

La Sociedad de St Vincent de Paul y SEAS

siguen ayudando a los más vulnerables

durante estos tiempos difíciles y nuestra

ayuda es más solicitada que nunca. Les

agradecemos sus oraciones y donaciones.

Sus donaciones monetarias las puede

hacer a trevés de Online Giving en la

sección de la página web de nuestra parroquia: https:// (asegúrese de marcar la opción de SVDP)

o lo puede mandar por correo en el sobre de SVDP. Puede

traer donaciones de comida al cajon de SVDP durante

horas de operación de la parroquia.

¡Que Dios bendiga abundantemente a usted y a su


Aproveche la oportunidad

Transferencia de Fondos Electrónicos (EFT) para

sus ofrendas automáticas para la parroquia de Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Sus ofrendas son usadas por nuestra parroquia para proyectos y mantenimiento de las instalaciones. Usted

puede hacer una cuenta de EFT contactando a la oficina parroquial o por medio de nuestra página web.


Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 7

D e l e s c r i t o r i o d e l P . J o s é


“Las obras del Señor son admirables, aleluya”

Mis hermanos y hermanas nos acercamos a la celebración de Pentecostés. En dos domingos celebraremos Pentecostés y con esta fiesta concluimos el tiempo de Pascua.

La liturgia de la Palabra de este domingo nos invita a admirar las obras del Señor. Dice el salmo, “Que aclame al Señor toda la tierra. Celebremos su gloria y su poder, cantemos un himno de alabanza, digamos al Señor: Tu obra es admirable.” En verdad las obras del Señor son admirables. Podemos comenzar a meditar en nuestra vida; somos la obra maestra de Dios, aparte de la creación del universo y de los ángeles. Somos preciosos-as a sus ojos. ¿Qué suscitan estas palabras en tu corazón? ¿Qué sientes al escuchar: “soy obra maestra de Dios”? ¿Crees que eres una obra maestra de Dios? Si lo crees, puedes decir, soy una obra maestra y admirable de Dios, más preciosa que la creación entera. Dios ha creado al hombre y a la mujer con el fin de compartir con nosotros su vida divina, su belleza, su inteligencia, su voluntad, su amor, su misericordia, con todo lo que Él es. Somos hechura de sus manos, y todo lo que Dios hace es precioso. Cuando te veas en el espejo, proclama la belleza de Dios, diciendo: soy obra maravillosa de Dios.

El tiempo de Pascua es ideal para meditar y admirar las obras que Dios ha realizado a través de Cristo nuestro Señor. El elemento de la belleza y admiración de Dios es su Amor. Por amor, Jesús ofreció su vida en rescate de la nuestra. Teníamos una deuda con Dios y Jesús la ha pagado con su Muerte y Resurrección. Somos libres y salvos de la oscuridad del pecado. Ahora somos hijos e hijas de la Luz y de la Verdad. La gracia de la Resurrección nos hace todavía más preciosos. Si la vivimos todos los días, nos perfecciona y nos hace semejantes a Cristo porque Él es la obra de Dios por excelencia.

Jesús al regresar al cielo no quiso dejarnos desamparados. Pidió al Padre que enviara su Espíritu de Amor para que nos acompañara y nos recordara todo lo que Jesús nos enseñó. “Rogaré al Padre y Él les dará otro Paráclito para que esté con ustedes siempre”. El Paráclito es el Espíritu Santo, el abogado, el consolador. El Espíritu Santo nos acompaña en nuestro diario vivir. Él nos invita a vivirnos siempre en el Amor porque el amor nos perfecciona, nos hace ser más compasivos, misericordiosos, generosos y serviciales. El ejercicio de estas gracias nos llena de vida, de alegría, de esperanza. Este es el espíritu de la Pascua al meditar la obra de la Resurrección, la nueva vida que recibimos en Cristo Jesús.

Vivir el Espíritu de la Resurrección es vivir nuestra vida en el poder del Espíritu Santo, ya que Él estuvo siempre presente en la vida de Cristo. Recordemos que, al ser bautizado, el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre Jesús. Después al inicio de su ministerio, proclamó que el Espíritu de Dios estaba sobre Él. Este mismo Espíritu habita en cada uno de nosotros, los bautizados. Nos acompaña como acompañó a Jesús en su vida y ministerio. Dios Padre envió al mundo a su Hijo Jesús para que la obra de sus manos recuperara la belleza de su gracia. ¿Qué nos hace preciosos y admirables? La gracia de Dios que recibimos en cada sacramento, comenzando por el sacramento del bautismo. La gracia que nos llega por los sacramentos es como la crema que nos ponemos en la cara, que suaviza la piel, la embellece, la hace tierna y lucida. La gracia de la Resurrección nos da la belleza de la nueva vida.

La primera comunidad cristiana nos enseña a meditar en la belleza de la nueva vida, es decir, proclamar que Cristo está vivo y vive en nuestro corazón como lo manifestaron los primeros cristianos. Tenemos el ejemplo de Felipe en la primera lectura. La belleza de Felipe fue proclamar con su vida y ministerio que Jesús estaba vivo y en su nombre muchos recibían la nueva vida a través de un milagro o liberación de espíritus inmundos. “La multitud escuchaba con atención lo que decía Felipe, porque habían oído hablar de los milagros que hacía y los estaban viendo”. Todo esto despertó gran alegría en esa comunidad. Las obras que realizaba Felipe eran por la acción y el poder del Espíritu Santo en su vida. Nos podríamos preguntar: ¿Qué hace diferente a Felipe de nosotros hoy en día con respecto a la proclamación de la Palabra y los milagros que realizaba en nombre de Cristo Jesús? Nuestra fe en Dios. ¿Realmente creemos en Dios, en su poder? Hoy en día ponemos nuestra fe en otras cosas que no son Dios. El mundo de la tecnología bombardea la inteligencia y la voluntad del hombre que no hace inmune a la oscuridad y no a la luz de la Verdad.

Recordemos siempre que las obras del Señor son admirables. Comenzamos esta meditación pensando en nuestra vida, que somos una obra maravillosa de Dios. Meditar la Palabra de Dios nos lleva a encontrar la belleza de Dios y vernos sumergido en esa belleza divina. La obra de la Resurrección es la obra por excelencia del Padre que nos bendice con nueva vida, esperanza y alegría. Aleluya.

P. José Ugalde, MSpS

8 | SETON Sunday News | Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020

A WAITING HARVEST Vocation Awareness

Signs of a Vocation to Priesthood

and Characteristics of a Good Candidate

O Jesus, Our Eternal Pastor, Deign to look with merciful eyes Upon this part of your loving flock.

Lord, we need a large number of priests, and men and women consecrated to the religious life. Multiply vocations, And sanctify more and more our priests, And those consecrated in the religious life.

We ask you all this through the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother.

Jesus give us priests according to your heart.

Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them!

For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams

Priests: Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S.

12. A good candidate for diocesan priesthood should be joyful and have a good sense of humor. Part I .

Dealing with fallen human nature (our own and others’) can be frustrating at times, so a priest must have a sense of humor. He needs to be able to laugh at himself and to be joyful in the Good News of Jesus Christ, even as he is dealing with the sad realities of sin and death. The human personality of the priest is very important because it is the bridge to Christ. Priests who never laugh and smile are not attractive to people and they are often deemed unapproachable. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “I might have become a clergyman had not so many clergymen I knew looked and acted so much like undertakers.”

I read once that the average adult laughs approximately seventeen times per day, but the average child laughs over two hundred times per day. I feel sure that this is at least one of reasons why our Lord Jesus exorted us to become like little children in order to enter the kingdom of God. As a vocation director, I often said, “In the job description for priests, joy is required.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta writes in the

Constitutions of the Missionaries of Charity: “Joy is a net of love by which we can catch souls for God.”

We call the Gospel the Good News of Jesus Christ. A priest should act as if the news he proclaims truly is good! He is a messenger of the best news that the world has ever known:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life, John 3:16.

In my role as vice rector of a seminary, sometimes it is necessary to call a man into my office for a chat. If a man is extremely intense, never smiles or laughs, and walks around in his own tightly-wound world, rarely looking up and meeting the eyes of those around him, I will call this man in and say, “As vice rector, I have some very important and sophisticated theological advice for you.” “Yes, father, what is it?” I say, “Chill out! And do it now!”

From the Book

“To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett A. Brannen

This week please pray for Br. Jesus Romo, M.Sp.S.

He is a Brother in formation with the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. Originally from

Kent, WA, he is taking Theology I classes at the Oblate

School of Theology in San Antonio, TX

Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 9

As we all know, the “social distancing” practices and suspension of gathering for Mass have created unique challenges to the way we practice our faith.

Nothing is more important than all of us taking the necessary steps to protect and ensure the health and well-being of our families, friends, neighbors, as well as our parish.

Although we are physically separated from the Eucharist---our church is alive and still on mission.

This year our parish share of the Appeal is $151,672. If we exceed this goal, all excess payments received will come back to us and we will put that towards recovery of lost offertory donations.

In addition, this year 10% of all the funds collected through the ACA (excluding our rebate) will be placed into a special Parish Solidarity Fund at the Archdiocese.

In this way, your donations will help us, but will also help other parishes recover.

The reality is that many of your fellow parishioners may not be able to participate this year, so your support is more important than ever.

Be assured of my gratitude for your gift –whatever the amount— and of my continuing prayers for you and your loved ones!

Fr. Jose Ugalde MSpS

10 | SETON Sunday News | Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020

Dorathy Ambrozic

Salvador Andrada

Rudy Aviles

Tom Bender

Don Bender

Jane Bentley

Janet Paul- Boers

Shawna Boger

Tyler Brown

Sharyl Buehler

Cindy Burby

Rick Burns

Tom Burns

Ian Bridges

Ruth Carpizo

Claire Carter

Eulalia Castillo

Jason Consolacion

Magaly Cristerna

Ed Crull

Gary Darnell

Sharyl Davis

Mary Deering

Alex De Leon Diaz

Saul Diaz

Billie Dougherty

Anna Epps

Devlynn Ferguson

Fran Fielden

Jason Gagner

Ricardo Garcia

Annie Gillen

Rebecca Go

Lupita Gonzalez

Tom Gresczyk

Richard Gross

Virginia Guzman

Dee Holiday-


Louise Hundertmark

David Hurtado

Steve Jasmer

Rosemary Jesmer

Steven Jesmer

Helen Johnston

Alfredo Lazaga

Arcely Lazaga

Christopher Leon

Jennie Leyva

David McDaniel

Elisa Mogollan

Jim Moran

Maria Muniz-


Yolanda Noblezada

Selena Oceguedal-


Teresa Paris

Elamar Perez

Margarita Perez

Margaret Quigley

Michael Quigley

Ritzy Rafer

Teresita Ramos

Arnold Rivera

Joyce Rosas

Florentine Ruhland

Jesus Sanchez Sr.

Herb Schafer

Gladdis Schafer

Sharon Schafer

Jim Sloane

Judy Sloane

John Sloane

Leticia Solorzano

Fran Sphung

Harry St Nicholas

Adrienne Steuer

Francis Sullivan

James Sullivan

Michael Trupiano

Peter Valdez

Alexa Vazquez

Neveha Velazquez

Evelio Villalobos

Vladimir Vozar

Rosemary Wentz

Barb West

Tami Wyatt

Jorge Zepeda

Beatrice Zorzi


Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson

Altar Servers, Jane McKenzie and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez

Bible Study in English, Julie Jones

Bible Study in Spanish, Marcia Gimenez Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan

Coffee & Donuts, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona

Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori

Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto Good Samaritans, in transition

Guadalupe Committee, Carmen Ramos Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto

Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez

Linens, Marcia Gimenez “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez

Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin

Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine

Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Rise, Kianna Garmanian

Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin

Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez

Symbolon, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu

Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie


Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie

Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor

Knights of Columbus, Frank Celli

St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504

May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.

Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:


Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572

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To add/remove someone on this list, please contact Eduardo Cardona (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email: Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.

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Sixth Sunday of Easter, 05/17/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 11
