Seville Detail of ‘MURILLO’S PORTRAIT’, John Richard Coke ... · and books in Seville Certain...


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EXHIBITIONSMurillo and the Capuchins of Seville. ReconstructionFrom 28 November 2017 to 1 April 2018 ‐ Museum of Fine ArtsCommissioner: Maria Valme Muñoz

Murillo and his trail in SevilleFrom 6 December 2017 to 8 April 2018 ‐ Saint Claire ConventCommissioner: Benito Navarrete

Murillo and the ephemeral architecturesMay / June 2018 ‐ Historic centreCommissioners: Alfredo J. Morales and Alberto Oliver

Murillo Application. Materialism, Charitas and PopulismsFrom 1 July to 30 September 2018 ‐ Several VenuesCommissioners: Luis Martínez Montiel, Pedro G. Romeroand Joaquín Vázquez

Murillo in the Cathedral of Seville. A Holy PerspectiveFrom 8 December 2017 to 8 December 2018‐ Cathedral of SevilleComissioner: Ana Isabel Gamero

Murillo and the School of Fine Arts. 400 years laterFrom 12 December 2017 to 28 January 2018‐ Santa Ines RoomCoordinator: School of Fine Arts of the University of Seville.

The Neve family. Merchants, noble people and patronsin Murillo’s timesFrom 28 December 2017 to 28 February 2018 ‐ General Archive of AndalusiaCommissioner: Joaquín Rodríguez Mateos

Murillo’s 4th centenaryFrom 29 November 2018 to 17 March 2019 ‐ Museum of Fine Arts in SevilleCommissioners: María Valme Muñoz and Ignacio Cano

Baroque pottery. Ceramics in Murillo’s timesMay 2018Organized by: Triana Ceramic Centre


The innovative lookDiscover the 400th anniversaryof Murillo’s birth.

A new way of looking at andfeeling Seville.

ITINERARIESIn the footsteps of MurilloWe make a tour of the most representativeplaces of his biography, that is, buildingsthat he frequented or for which he performedsome of his most relevant works. A tripthrough more than 50 original paintingsand 80 reproductions.From 29 November 2018to 9 December 2018Venues:Murillo’s House Museum, Cathedralof Seville, The Archbishop's Palace,Royal Alcázar, The Lonja House,Hospital of the Caridad, Hospitalof the Venerable Priests, Churchof the Magdalene, Murillo's Birth House,Museum of Fine Arts of Seville, Chapelof the Expiration of the Brotherhoodof the Museum.

Murillo’s views‘Murillo’s views’ is a set of proposed itinerariesfor visitors to learn about the painter’s workthrough his views on the different themes thathe addressed throughout his life as a painter.Thus, The Immaculate Conception, the children,portraits…From 29 November 2018 to 9 December 2018Coordinator: Enrique Valdivieso Seville

Museum of Fine Arts, Historic Heritage Institute of Andalucia (IAPH), Archbishop’s Palace, Cathedral of Seville, Royal Alcázar, General Archives of the Indies, Hospitalof the Caridad, Royal Parish Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Dueñas Palace‐House of Alba, Church of Santa María la Blanca, Chapel of the Expiration of theBrotherhood of the Museum, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and Royal Academy of Belles Lettres, Pilatos House‐Foundation DucalHouse of Medinaceli, Royal Monastery of Saint Clement, Convent of Saint Leander, Music Conservatory Manuel Castillo (formerly Barracks of the Carmen),Hospital of the Venerable Priests‐Focus Foundation, University of Seville, University Pablo de Olavide, University Menéndez y Pelayo, Loyola University,International University of Andalucia, Maestranza Theatre and El Corte Inglés.

A project by: With the institutional collaboration of: And in collaboration with:

Collaborating Entities and Companies:

Experience Murillo in Seville from November 2017 to December 2018.More information at


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Opening Concert of Jordi Savallwith Hespèrion XXIand the Capella Real de CatalunyaVenue: Maestranza TheatreDate: 29 November 2018, 20:30 hrs.In collaboration with FundaciónBanco Sabadell

Music Cycles • Under the sign of Murillo’ From 1 February 2018 to 1 March 2018 Chapels in Seville

• Murillo’s Europe’ From 1 October 2018 to 7 December 2018 Espacio Turina

Coordinator: Fahmi Alqhai

Gratia Plena.Contemporary OperaFrom 9 to 13 may 2018San Luis de los Franceses Church.Conductor: Rafael R. Villalobos

Closing Concert8 December 2018, 20:30 hrs.Project with the SevilleRoyal Symphony Orchestra (ROSS).Maestranza TheatreIn collaboration with FundaciónBanco Sabadell

Murillo’s lettersand books in SevilleCertain experts discourses in La Feriadel Libro about the literary productionof Murillo’s time.May 2018Location: Pérgola de la Plaza Nueva

INFORMATIVE ACTIVITIESMurillo and the American SevilleRemembrance of the fiestas of the tradingroute from Spain to the Indies, with toursalong the river bank to the rhythm of fanfareand ringing of bells.Venues: the House of Trade, Customs Gate,the Carretería Quarter, the Barcas Bridgeand the Barranco Market…May 2018

Collaboration with ASETA diverse programme of activities is planned,covering gastronomy, theatrical visitsand original routes on Murillo, his workand his times.More information in

RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONSInternational Congress‘Murillo and his centenary’Scientific meeting where a new vision of the artist,his work and his times will be offered by the mostoutstanding experts.From 19 to 22 March 2018Espacio Santa Clara / University of SevilleScientific director: Benito Navarrete

Cycles of lectures about Murillo at the IAPHAbout the Works ‘Miracle of Moses on the rock of Horeb’and ‘The Miracle of the loaves and the fishes’.Lecture Room at La Caixa Bank Foundation(Caixaforum)February/March 2018Organized by: La Caixa / IAPH

Baroque pottery.Pottery in Murillo’s paintingsThe Triana Museum of Ceramics hosts two presentationsaround the well-known craft activity of Seville and its presencein Murillo’s production.Presentations: • Painting, a mirror of life. Murillo and Triana pottery. Alfonso Pleguezuelo Hernández. • Pitchers, large jars and bowls. Murillo’s literary still lifes. Eva Díaz Pérez.May 2018Organized by: Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP)/Institute of Culture and Arts of Seville (ICAS)

Research award ‘Murillo and his time’International competition for unpublished worksand aimed at students who are doing the last yearof their degree or have finished their studies between2012 and 2016.Organized by: Pablo de Olavide University (UPO)/ICAS

MURILLO IN PHOTOGRAMSMurillo, the last tripFirst documentary about Murillo.Premiered worldwide in the frameworkof the European Film Festival of Seville (SEFF)Lope de Vega Theatre6 November de 2017, 20.30 hrsWritten and directed by José Manuel Gómez Vidal.Produced by Bernabé Rico para Talycual.

Collaboration with SEFFMurillo’s master stroke will pervade SEFF2018 through the cycle of road movies'Murillo and marginalised children’, whichwill be shown in the frame of the festivaland in other venues like the Spanish FilmArchive, the Film Archive of Valenciaand the Centro Galego das Artesda Imaxe, among others, through the cycleof road cinema ‘Murillo and marginalisedchildren’.Coordinators: José Luis Cienfuegosand Carlos Losilla

Publications of catalogues and books.- ‘Corpus documental de Murillo’ by Pablo HEREZA. All documents known, transcribed and with critical analysis.‐ ‘Les peintures des maîtres anciens espagnols en France de 1800 à 1914: Spoliateurs, collectionneurs et marchands’. Claudie RESSORT and Véronique GERARD POWELL,.‐ ‘La Fortuna de Murillo María de los Santos GARCÍA FELGUERA’. Re‐edition in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Seville..‐ ‘Los discípulos de Murillo’ by Enrique VALDIVIESO in collaboration with the University of Seville. Servicio de Publicaciones del ICAS y Servicio Editorial de Universidades.

Educational proposalWorkshops focusing on Children’s education(4 and 5 years of age) Primary & Secondary Education,A‐Levels, educational cycles and families.Murillo’s House MuseumFrom 23 December 2017 to 17 June 2018From 9 October to 9 December 2018Free guided educational visits in the exhibitions:"Murillo and his trail in Seville""Murillo Application. Materialism,Charitas and Populisms"
