SF 6th Dec 2012



Minutes of a meeting of Societies Federation at Teesside University Students' Union.

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Minutes of Societies Federation 06/12/12 – REAL ALE TAKEOVER

Present: Chemical Engineering, Drama, Crime Scene, Anicom, Gaming, Nerf, Music, Live Lit, Christian Union, Craft, DJEM, Film Production, Legal, Real Ale, TV & Movies, World Art House Cinema, Entrepreneurs, Digital Forensics, Forensic Psychology, LGBT, Psychology, Graphic Design, Labour, Steph Crookston (SC) Hannah Parratt (HP) Hannah Graham (HG) Naomi O’Neill (NON)

1. Apologies – History 2. Minutes of previous meeting – (SC) passed as a true record 3. Society Ratification – SC Explained that in order for a society to be ratified it

needed 10 members or more to be signed up and paid on our online system. By show of hands, those clubs who met this requirement were ratified. Any societies who do not currently have 10 members will have the opportunity to be ratified in January.

4. Grant Allocation – (SC) Grant Allocation documents were handed out to all society committees. At the time of the meeting we believed we weren’t quorate and that the allocations couldn’t be passed. However after consulting the Soc Fed Bylaws, it was discovered we were in fact quorate and therefore able to pass the grant allocation. (Meeting quorum for Soc Fed meetings is 50% + 1) For more information please contact the AC.

5. Society Store Room – SC explained that the store room had recently been cleared and organised, resulting in lots of items being discovered. Committee members were welcomed to come and claim any items that belong to their society from the Activities Centre.

6. Soc Fed Tour – (SC) Soc Fed Tour has had to be cancelled due to lack of interest, however this will be reviewed in the New Year and a trip will be organised for society members.

7. Soc-Fedathon – (SC) Set to take place on Sunday 20th January in the Studio Café/Terrace Bar. Societies are all welcome to take part by holding a stall and raise money for a charity. (£2 per stall) The charity(ies) has not yet been chosen but SC is welcoming any suggestions. Please contact SC for further information or to book a stall.

8. Themed Soc Feds – SC explained that every Soc Fed meeting for the remainder of the academic year will be themed, and led by one of our societies. Real Ale led this month’s meeting, and brought sample of their home brew ale to try.

9. Awards Dinner Venue – (SC) the three potential venues for the Annual Awards Dinner were explained. A vote was then carried out by show of hands. Hardwick Hall was voted the most popular venue. (out of Hardwick Hall, Middlesbrough Town Hall and The Hub)

10. Officer and NUS Elections - SC Committees were reminded about the elections for the officer posts coming up next year. (Student President,

Student Activities Officer, Student Welfare and Campaigns Officer and Education Officer) along with NUS elections to attend National conference to represent Teesside. For more information contact HP or any of the other student officers.

11. Debates – SC discussed the issue that society members are not attending the club and society socials, and opened the floor for ideas as to how they could appeal to societies. All societies are invited to contact SC with ideas/comments.

12. Health and Safety – (SC) Music reported a health and safety issue regarding moving equipment between different buildings. Advised to contact NON with more information in order to look into a resolution.

13. Any Other Business 1. Entrepreneurs – discussed how they entered a competition which

required them to put together a business plan and pitch the idea in London. Through this they won £6000 for their society.

2. Natalie Davison – Live and learn event taking place in the Hub (06-12-12) 3. Drama – Blood Brothers show, taking place between 12th – 15th December.

Tickets are on sale in the SU, or contact the Drama society. (£3 for concessions and £4 adults)

4. DJEM – Are holding a new night in town at Charlie Parkers. £3 for tickets – Friday 7th December, 9pm till late.

14. Date of next Meeting – Thursday 17th January
