Shahzia Batool - poems -


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Shahzia Batool- poems -

Publication Date: 2014 - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool(december 1) - The World's Poetry Archive

(anti-) Ageing! A gentle soul once asked me hereto delete my Age and edit profileI read it and just passed a smileI do respect her but I ask:What will happen if I do?Where will go my achievements then?Which are knit in the web of years?The ones that I feel so proud on?Experience of my daily use?I just look back at mile-stones:From cupboard love of childhood phase,Tender touch of youthful age,Somber glow of growing years;A time there was when i was brightWriting poems in moonlit nights,I used to join my hands in faith,Standing westward kept on prayingThe sun used to sinkin the cups of my hands,The fruits of prayers I earned a lotSome I kept and some I lost;Ageing, Friend! is not a loss,Passing years are not a wasteEvery age has a different taste! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

...The Dawn Calls... “How short time is! ”“telling Me? ”“nopes! just reminding myself”“I worked hard; still what I wish is beyond the moon”“the moon is unattainable”“that’s hard”“that’s true”“ah, yes…but then, it’s hard”“have a look! The sun dips”“yeah, it sinks”“dips here, gonna rise, somewhere else”“it’ll be dark soon”“the stars will décor the dark, you wait and see”“hmm, that’s life”“what’ll you do now? ”“I? , smoke life in metaphors, I’ll think poems”“you’ll burn yourself”“I extinguish myself”“the sun will be up again”“huh, to sink again, somewhere else”“YOU…..”“oh ok, but will it not sink again? , d'you deny it? ”“the time flies”“yeah, a relief”“what’s a heart? ”“an aching spot, why need asking? ”“but then, aching’s life”“depends, how you take it”“i…take it, aching, burning, bleeding”“the dead don’t bleed”“oh, be quiet…”“truth is unshunnable”“hey, look! not dark yet, strange”“the stars and starlets, glowing, a ransom for the sun”“can’t you forget? ”“you want death of me? ”“trees might be listening to us, they breathe”“let them…”“ask them to get away from here” - The World's Poetry Archive

“whom…? ”“the stars…”“they’re friends”“I’m jealous, let the sun come up, let me die in chores”“escaping? ”“I wish I could! ”“regretting? What? ”“they kill me without knowing they’re killing me”“you are lonely? ”“sometimes, when they are with me, not when I’m really alone”“tears are worthless”“priceless”“worthless, especially when none’s there to …”“you stay here”“I’m inevitable, where’ll I go! ”“you’re precious”“let’s fly from here”“not that I’m rooted, my wings are not yet open, can’t trust them”“you never tried? ”“I never will…”“hey, look…some light”“I suspect the sun…”“think of the right word”“I knew it, I’ll die in daylight, they’ll keep me, possess me, I’ll be not me”“hogwash! You’ll change”“not my choice”“you had a vision once”“my heart aches still”“life’s calling …say Hi! ”“will you….? ”“see, don’t you delude yourself…”“…..stay with me? ”“let me go, you stay good, write poems, live life, love colors…not bad”“you trust me? ”“I know you live, when you care to”“I’m incorrigible, but, you know me…where’s my avatar? ”- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----“3 appointments Today….wish me luck…! ! ! ”- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

~silence~ Thoughts bledWords did not descend on mindI scribed silence on a blank page! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

2014 If God might let me walk the paths of 2014,(ameen) then I shall spend itas a research scholar, a student of life; I shall learn the tones of voices,the moods' diction, the words unsaid;steal the shades from the rainbow stripes,the colored band,and make them the ink for my new poems; I shall snap the spell of silence, andlearn to talk aloud;sanity will be my targeted objective...the east sky will energize methe west sky will be my Major; I shall learn to break the metaphorsby reading the text of my dreams; declare myself a soldier hardagainst the seven deadly sins; I shall learn the ways of sageskeeping sailors' visionin their eyes, under their skins, yes, I shall rise and I shall shineno way but this,for the stars threatened me on terms,have put a condition before methat they won't talk to meunless I become the leading luminarybrightening up my own horizon! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Charming Carnelian Ring! ! ! If it transpires that you do not find me drawing breath,If there comes a time when my voice does not echo in your ears,If it comes to pass that my book shelf is in mourning for me,Then give my books to someone and tell themTo take care of themAs my eyes will still linger on every line of every page. Somewhere around is my book of poems:If possible, take care of it.It has traversed many thoughts,It has been decorated and honored with many words,It has been close to the boundaries of life. If at all you remember me, then do just this:If a thirsty traveler passes by, quench his thirst;Pray for its reward to come to me.On sad evenings, when the birds are quiet,Strew some grain for them, give them waterFor they would be sheltering a lot of sorrow under their wings,They hide their sorrows from others.When the Muezzin calls in the morningRemember me in your prayers,Tell Allah to forgive me,As I do not carry the sin of heartbreak with me.When you look at the sky think that a face resembling mineHas found a place among the stars.I know it will be like this I don’t know why I think I will be present among the galaxiesDo not be annoyed that my legacy to you is only booksAnd some poetry,and...a carnelian ring! © Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Child's Supplication! O Maker of this universe! ! ! ! !Sought in silence, prose and verse! Teach me Lord to sing Thy PraiseOn strings of these my humble lays O Knower of all black and whitePour on us Thy heaven's light Thou knowst our deep folds and layersUnto Thee I send my prayers Bless the sick with healthy lifeHelp the ones who are in strife Grow us strong to serve the nationwith progress, peace and education Ignorance sweeps us with its mightHelp us remove it by our light Leave us not our Gracious GodSave us from all evils odd Grace our minds with blessings ThineWe wish to stay forever Thine Desert us not, O worthy LordThe path is thorny and so broad Our hands are seeking for Thy mercyBless us withThy boundless mercy Bless my parents and my teachersFriends and siblings, all Thy creatures! Ameen! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Fruit-Laden Tree! This thought is upon a fruit-laden TreeWhose fruits and shades for all were freeIt looked at many a rich harvestsExperienced many a droughtsIt bore the pangs of scorching sun,Raining, hailing and snowfallIt witnessed the reigns of many a kingsit sung the notes of many a seasonsHeard moral tales of rise and fallIt was the friend of the big and smallIt read of many a coup de tatSeeds and tender infant plantsGrew under its cool and bounteous shadesMany a travelers took rest and reliefUnder its fertile boughs and leaf-arcades;Last night, the death angel claimed its claimNow tender plants will grow in painFace to face with sunlight and rainBut, the up torn tree will never be rooted again! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Girl Of Nine! I neither claim to be a perfect beingnor a person free of flawsmy heart is made of rebel stuffit does not follow lawssomewhere inside I keep a childwho does never growShe has her silent tantrums wildwhich mostly unattended goIn me resides that girl of Nineyou can say second self of mineshe is in contrast with mewhen all leave, she lasts with meshe's always clad in painted frockand loves to watch the birds' flockpainted hair in pony-tailssilky-textured ribbon tiedsame in nature Maggie-likesharp in wit and moods wildup a second, down the nextmercurial creature knows no restalways in some search and questsighs with others when others sighsmiles with others in times of joysnever follows what I sayunlike me she likes to playI am sober, tender, mildshe is naughty, wittily-styledI'm mature, she is wildI've grown up but she is child! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Glance! (Inwards!)Standing upon the deck of lifeWhen I see inwards I feel myselfLike a flower, wild and uncared forThis burns with care and blooms when neglectedObliged I am, to all never bothering to know meThe credit of my present beingGoes to the two kinds of friends,those, who could never understand me,Those, who always took me in the wrong; (Seawards!)When the soul perishesIn a shipwreck of feelings capsized and sunkLower and deeper never to get washed upThe being looks like null and voidWhen the mind is oblivious of smiles and criesWhen you stop caring for the cherished smileDisplayed on lips,missing the pet sick chic, or a stolen doll, orrecalling the first ever tears shedOn the first foolish crush of the carefree childhoodCan one survive such a shipwreck? (Sunwards!)Carrying new dawns in your lapYour paleness is not justifiedYou witness the tears, the terror all day longIs it the reason why you’re pale and sad and lost?Do not deceive me,Marking the end of the dark nightTomorrow again you’ll be up and aboutQuite upbeatLike a glowing, glistening face of a ready, happy childOn his willing roads to school- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The tears and the terror are but the half-truth! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Glimpse! The sun rays have left the garden croftYet evening seems so far awayeverywhere is a placid stasis –a mental illusiontime never stops for anyonewe feel it stuckwe see it flyingit neither stops nor ever fliesright now it moves on a steady gatethe grayness falls all aroundin mind are flashing many sceneslost somewhere in the vales of pastcarrying with it all the joysthe memories of my dear toys I never played withbut always kept them safe in shelvesaway from all the girls and guys;among those toys I loved the most my lovely dollmy pink pet pup of soft furmy planes, my trains, two teddy-bearsI still feel sad for the orange deerPricked to death by a pointed pinMy heart still waits for the parrot I let out from the cageOut of pityAnd saw it flying with a child’s wonderThinking… “did I deserve it? ”I still recall that sleepless nightThe next day school was the saddest day…The passing time is a wonder doc.I did not feel that aching stopI did not know it stopped or shifted to some new grown painsThe nature and complexion changedThe morale of the story isIt’s the worth bargain when we get the pain in such exchangeIn fret and strife, it’s the salt of life…The evening has fallen deep now- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Thank God, the home is not far away! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Kid's Oath! (composed on Universal children's day-2011) I'm a lovely kid of my small houseWith sprightly, sparkling eyes...Holding my computer's mouseaspire to shine and rise... With extra care i take my foodAnd play my games, but then...i get scared of Mamma's moodWhen someone takes my pen... When Papa says, 'you'll have to work',I keep on studying books...When Mamma says, 'it's time for rest'I pass her grateful looks... I'm fond of juicy, chocolate creams,And want to be a Sultan...My glittering eyes are rich with dreamsI see for Pakistan.... I love my lovely home and school,And love my friends and teachers...I'll guide and work and follow rulesAnd make my better future... :) Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A New Song Of Innocence & Experience! A wounded child waved to himHe stopped his car with a caring heartBefore he knew itAn armed and tightly muffled mancame from the dark in the rearKnocked him down on the hard groundThe next moment when he came to his sensesFound himself aloneThe man and the child in the car were offhe saw upwardsAs if to search for his late fatherAn honest face emergedin the flakes of moonlit cloudsHe heard him speak some silent words,“My Son, I know the times are bad,Don’t look with these complaining eyesMy lessons that I taught to youare still but rightKeep intact your innocenceAnd leave aside your foolishnessJust use your brain and think before the act of mercyWhere to stop, where not to stop…I gave you all the gift of trust butCertainly not the blind one… Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Poem... By Ramesh Rai! Life cannot be scribed into wordsOr else I would shift the whole of itBy my pen on the paperThen I would sign it, and sayTake itThis is my life! Life cannot be embellished by cosmeticsOr else I would décor my lifeBy carrying it to some parlor, and sayHow beautiful life is!Life is a feelingwhich breathes every momentAnd aches with desire to live! Life is ready to faceWhen problems comeOr else what is that lifeIn which there’s nothing to do?Life is to liveLife is to dieSomeone lives after deathSomeone dies while livingDie only thoseFor whom life is a burdenThe purpose of life is not fulfilledOnly by ascending gallowsIt is fulfilled if one gives something substantial to the worldWhile dying! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Quatrain (Urdu) ! Dekhti aankh ki hadon mein nahidil ki gehrayyon mein pinhan hunwo meri yaad mein nhi shamilabb mein tanhayon mein tanha hun! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Square Deal Pardon me, my Pakistan!land of hopes and finest dreams!where gently flow the shining streamsand youthful rivers...I know...that i am miserable...I promised much to do for youa lot of work...but i admiti could not dothe least of it.O vale of smiles!when i say in deep despair, ' i love you not ',believe me not...I accept we made you messyI accept we did you wrongI admit your urban scenes are full of horrid savagery;but...Pakistan!all of us have really drawntasty victuals from your soil...we enjoy the air of freedom.despite the mess and ethnic strife,stale, stagnant economic life,you are still a gift of Goda perfect thoughtof our Quaid,our savior, hero, able-guide -now i realizethat i should workwith extra toilin response to all your favorsthis will be a square dealIF we think and IF we feel... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Sterling Man! ! ! Riveted are my mind's eyesat the glitter of the starsin the glistening lake of blue,and wish to see in the skiesthe Man whose double's hard to findwho is lost in deadly jawsof cruel Nature's iron laws;but in vain, you know becausethe ones once gone never return...though visit but in injured thoughts,wishes bleak and weary does my gentle loving Fatherwhom i always yearn to seewhom i always love to talkwhom my eyes do ever seekwith the moon, amidst the starsa sterling Man indeed he was! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

A Wasted Ride! That hide and seekof shade and light,that misty dawnwith cool poise,smoky eyes, cold hearts,that tired glancewhich blurred the scene,that journey darkin frozen fogand that toowithout the sustenance,neither the mile-stones guidednor the destinations reached,I was faced with time-constraintseither to wait for someoneor to search myself, nowI stop mid-wayand look at my handsi find there just a truth wideall regrets for a wasted ride! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Aao Baaten Karen! (Urdu) Aao rang e shafaq!Shokh rang e shafaq!Mil k baaten karen,Uss ki baaten karen...Ik naey rang say waqt ko rok len,Ik naey taur say her guzartay huey pal ko awaz den,Or dhalti hui raat ki nabz ko thaam leniss tarhak kisi ko khabar bhi na ho,Iss tarhaK koi shor bhi naa macchay...Or shamma bhi baaton me shamil rahay,Mah o anjum bhi jhuk jhuk k suntay rahen,sir ko dhuntay rahen,khwab buntay rahen,kyun naa rang e shafaq!Shokh rang e shafaq!Ek fursat say aankhon me raaten karen,Mil k baaten karen,Uss ki baaten karen... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Aao Suraj Ko Ufaq Paar Utarta Dekhen! Kuchh naya kaam karenor sochenkhud ko be-rubt khayalon k hawalay kr denphir ye dekhenkahan, kis tarha se kia hota he...raat aati he kahan seabhi chal kr dekhenchaand ko dusri janib se palat kr dekhenyeh jo rukhsaar-e-falak pr he shafaq...kesi he?aao dekhen k dhanak rang ki shokhi me neha'nraaz kia he k jo heraan kiye deta he?neend wadi me yeh khwabon ka basera he kidhar?khwab kia cheez henchal kr unhen choo kr dekhenchandni shab ko chanaaron pe bikharta dekhenaasmanon ko bahaaron me nikharta dekhenaao suraj ko ufaq paar utarta dekhen! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Acrostic Poem G - -Goggled glance and naughty bearingH - -Honest in his natureU - -Unlike some, his soul is daringL - -Level in his statureA - -All the day in work he spendsM - -Manages leisure for his friends…- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A - -Ample merits he preservesH - -Honor sufficient he deservesM - -Mostly takes the stress on nervesA - -Always smilingly he servesD - -Deeper knowledge he conserves…- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S - -Suns in pockets, Moon on palmH - -Holds a storm behind the calmA - -Acts as if he's always happyH - -Happy, yes, when he's on lappyI - - I.T, Poetry, Selfie crazeD - -Dainty skills forever amaze …- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Poetic Form: Character Acrostic- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Stanza 1: a Quatrain and a couplet, rhyming abab-ccStanza 2: a CinquainStanza 3: 3 Couplets Composition:© Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Acrostic Poetry: Months Of The Year! January: Jamming, freezing, cold monthAfter fine December daysNorth winds signal winter hereUnion of the fruit and fogApple, Orange, Guava ruleRest eludes, days are shortYummy food is boiled egg yolk! February: Fresh air of the shortest monthEastward look gives nice sunshineBest of colors girls wearRustics sing idyllic rimesUp and down the birds enjoyAt the weather's pleasant drivesRest is followed after the workYear is in its infancy! March: Moderate nature weather-wiseAfter marking the winter's endRural sites glow heavenlyCreepers load with saps and budsHappy hearts welcome Spring! April: April showers of ancient timesPeer again with beauties newRivers flow at even paceInviting scenes spread everywhereLove is in the air for all! May: - The World's Poetry Archive

Month of mangoes' subtle tasteAfter eager wait for monthsYummy delight is here again! June: Jasmine and the queen of nightUltra-violet rays avoidNo more roses bloom nowEnd of Spring and peak of Summers July: Jesting, playing, laughing endsUnrest due to hottest daysLong days and short nightsYou are known for temper hot! August: Active, lavish, fast downpoursUndue tolls we have to payGrim and strong rains turn to floodUnderwater snakes playSo many enjoy the rainsThe month of having fried food! September: Summers' end begins from hereEven then it drags till the endPeople long for joining the workThey wish for life renewed at bestExtra work takes extra timeMornings till the late at nightBless the time with honesty,Energy, vitalityRest of the three months are but left! October: Oven-baked crackers' time - The World's Poetry Archive

Cups of tea and fine sun glowThe month of pleasant luxuriesOff and on enjoy but allBig ones and some very smallEast and west all celebrateRefresh this October's nice days! November: New dreams carry some new hopesOn the chariot of NovemberVocals of the cuckoo birdEnd the worries of the heartsMany joys spring up afreshBest of all is season's joyExams linger over the headsRule of studies is not to forget! December: Dearest month of Jesus' birthExcess of some added mirthCurds and creams adorn the tablesEmbers flying from bon firesMystery carrying in their glowBest of all I love this monthEver fine and pleasant timeRemember, I was born on 1st! © Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Acrostic-Poetry! P/ Positive thinking elevates earthO/ Opulent role it richly playsE/ Earth and sky get clad in mirthT/ Transcending petty, evil ways R/ Resurrecting life in creative mysteryY/“Yes, the language might be poetry” © Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

After It Rained! Roof-tops quickenedby juvenile shoutskites are flyingagainst the skydrawing strokesof brilliant artcanvas skyand artist breezechanging patternsnow and thenflaked,patched,and barred clouds;deep-delightingwafts of breezefluttering, floating,gliding birds;haughty sunis not so hotthroat of soilis not so slakedveins of leavesare no more parchedpeace-treatyduly signedbetween the heavenand the earth,life resurrectedafter it rained! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

All Is Not Lost! Good dreams are bad friendsRendering reality more painful than everStung by themI suffer from my split beingThe rebel self;When words deceiveThe silence offers shield to me;I wonder whyWheneverTo sow the seeds of loveI put the dibble into the soilThe land hits me back by its hardnessIt gets dried up-My hand stops impulsivelyBut eyes never stop dreamingWhat ifThe efforts to grow love stay unrespondedPerhapsThe need to soften the soil has grown to double;How a wish for a gentle rainfallMakes a mockery of my desiresAs the water rushes inside and floods awayThe dear belongings of my heart-The blows of despairTry in vainTo drive away the clouds of joysFrom my hope-skies,But all is not lostSince my eyes never stop dreaming! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Amma K Naam...! ! ! (Urdu) Janay kiskis tarha mushkil se sambhala mujh ko!Meri maa tu ne boht pyar se paala mujh ko......! Apne kirdar se, guftaar se taaleem kiaNeik seerat bharay afkaar se taaleem kiakia sahi, kia he ghalat, nok palak batlaiYe namaz or dua tu ne hamay sikhlai Tu ne kundan ki tarha se he ujaala mujh ko!Meri maa tu ne boht pyar se paala mujh ko! Tarbiat din ki aulad ko aamaal se diRoshni tu ne sahi raah ki afa'al se diZer e taameer sahi, me teri taameer to hunAaj me jo hun teri zaat ki tasveer to hun Tu ne suraj ki tarha shab se nikala mujh ko!Meri maa tu ne boht pyar se paala mujh ko! Kese pehchaanay teri zeest ka unwaan koiBistar e marg tha ya jang ka maidaan koiItni takleef sahi dil se magar sabr kialub se shikva na dia, sham o sahar shukr kia Kon mushkil me bhala de ga sambhaala mujh ko!Meri maa tu ne boht pyar se paala mujh ko! Akhri baar kalejay se mujhe liptanaKese bhoolay ga kalaavon ka hamay pehnanaMere naa cheez se haathon ko lagaya lub seDil Batool ab bhi yehi bol raha he tub se Meri maa tu ne boht pyar se paala mujh ko!Meri maa tu ne boht pyar se paala mujh ko! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

An Epiphany! In a book of some abstruse philosophyon the words of Sartrea butterfly was lost in the thoughts of her being! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Anarchy I want to make it quite heart is not a thoroughfare.i long for never-never landfor honest people, nice and fair. no joys i find in shallow worldim fed up of this love-sick air.wipe out these tears and hold the griefi don't have too much time to share. but darkness can't be a horrid thingsun shines through this mist of despair.friends oft misinterpret my lovethey judge me but by surface layer. so time is up, so words are spent,so i intend to go, ....but where? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Anarchy Ii I have been searching all this while;miles n miles,I know not where i lost my smiles... My heart's been over brimmed with fears;years n years,Oh God! where i have lost my tears... My soul's been groping since the birth;on skies n earth,I'm flustered where i lost my mirth... I daily shriek to shake the skies;twice n thrice,do try to cry, but where are cries... I have been trying to kill the pain;but all in vain,M y God distill some blessed rain... O Lord! do help me change my mind;You Just n Kind!so rest n peace my soul may find... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ankhen (Urdu) Jaagtisochti hui aankhenNoor meindolti hui aankhenJaanay kiya kuchhchhupa k rakhti henkhwahishenrokti hui aankheniss jahan kobaha bhi sakti henbund-e-ghamkholti hui aankhensub dilon komila k rakhti hensilsilayjorrti hui ankhenRaajHer saltanatPe karti henHer samayBolti hui aankhen Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Answer Me! After the deathof the last manin a series of wild revengebetween the two familieswhich lasted till three generationsto the datenow the courts are setcomprising elders of the claninvitations are sent to widowsfor the peace-settlement- - - - - - - - - - - - -what is peace? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Apple (Inspired!) Sometimes i thinkis it good or is it bad to be an apple of one's eyes?if there was no applethen God would have selected some other fruit for the existence... Newton should be grateful in heavenGod does not grow water-melons on treesor else no Newton, no Gravitational theory... i see injustice on your partto have forgotten Blake's Poisonous Apple of grudgein your poemas we all implant a poison tree... Apple of technologyIs an apple of discord among the school kidsOf white-collared parents,So I don’t like it… A deceiving fruitGlossy skin and shineBut is there any guarantee inside? But even then we need itIf we want to keep the doctor away, And we need it tooIf we want to arrange our poetic imagesIn an apple-pie orderJust to convey to the readerWhat we want… to all my siblings, there’s my requestFor some day If I be your guestDo not offer to me the BiGG AppleIt’s better to have a simple glass of waterMixed with purity of affection! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

April In The Lawn! Exotic perfumesdivine display of colorsthe Elysian scene! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

At A Locksmith's Excuse me Sir!excuse me please,I've heard about your too much fameyou claim to make amazing keysin perfect ease.Now prove your worthand pray tell me,if there 's any master keyby which one can unlock the door-of iron hearts... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Bagh-E-Dil! ! ! Bagh e dil pur bahaar rakhtay henkhud pe hum aitbaar rakhtay hen wusaten aasman ki chhoo na sakenhum wo oonchha waqar rakhtay hen wo hen kum zarf jo khizan me bhiaarzuey bahaar rakhtay hen kitnay nayaab hen jo dunia mekhwahishon pr mohaar rakhtay hen be-panaah zarf he gulaabon kaapnay daaman me khaar rakhtay hen kitnay nadaan hen wo bashar jo sadadil sar-e-rahguzaar rakhtay hen.... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Bait! Staying positive!a myth of self-deception, yesat least for a down pulsequite tough it is to think ofa joyous realizationout of the bleeding dreamsabout that unspeakable painof being caught up onceright in the throat especiallywhen one is swimming freelywith a fearless face put onwhen there's no experience on recordof ever being angled like this before,hungry souls are always hooked by a tasty bait! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Beyond Reach! The colored clouds of the autumnal sky with a glistening gray baseare temptations enough for meto getmore close to myself, andinviting meto color my hands by soaking themin the liquid arches of the rainbow shadesso lavishly spilt as ifthe palette is dropped down by the artistic handon the western edge of the fabric of the azure sky… Or create a splash of vibrant huesIn those colored lakesfor unless I touch the cloud with my own handsI wouldn't knowwhether it is as soft as cottonas cold as icethat white and gray and golden cloud… Let me feel on my pulsewhether it gets melted down in the warmth of my handsor simply freezes them in return…O' to fly so highthat the stars start looking bigger than the apparent sizeon the skyAlas! Quite beyond my reach!Useless dreaming…How tough it is to make one's angry Muse reconciled,Or the lost one, found?So it is confirmedby many more desperate attempts to compose a verseending in failure…- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -so this one is no exception! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Bonding! Smelling the floweron the laden twig of a plantis your real bonding with Nature, andnot plucking it, formore than the top of your dinner-table,more than your mistress' long tresses,more than your aesthetic taste-buds,let the buds stay on the boughs,do not make the Nature barrenfor the mere selfish satisfactionand pleasure! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Child Labour Just hard lifebitter strifeSelling balloonsnot playing with themdriving cartsof ice-cream sticksnot tasting themwiping the screensbreaking the stonespicking the cocoa beansnot eating the chocolatesfacing snubsand harsh looksno pen to writeno bags, no booksdreamy eyesvacant stareswishful thoughtsfeet bareI hear Blakespeaking pityfrom heart's corejust take carelest you should drivean angel from your door! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Come Along! come along with memy enemy!sing a song with me,my enemy!if you have any sight:sharp and keen-have a look at the trees:tall and green -take breath in breeze:fresh and clean-suppress your thoughts:foul and mean-and don't try to do any wrong with mecome along with me... i find this eve:calm and serene-so soft this grass is velvet green-for a friendly moveit's a perfect scene'so why speak a word so strong with mecome along with me... be glad and smile like a roseof spring...forget for a while every sad thinking...only friendly styleis a finest let's go and walk for a long with mecome along with me... step one:let's leave all bad stuff.step two:let's shake our hands in love.step three:witness new dawns with me.come along with me and turn my FRIENDcome along with me... - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Come Back Home! Come back Father!come back Home!see your daughtercome back homerequest is long,though words are meager,heart is tired,eyes are eager,to see you againbut cannot finda single glimpse of your facefull of grace...O! kind and tender!come back home...with your imagedreams are pregnantdreams are richbut inadequate,for this craving heart.i have portraits of your figure finebut these photos are unkind.they don't letyour tender handsreach my come back home...why don't you hearmy mute cries...?tho' these are knockingupon the higher skies.don't you knowthat in my heartyour memory anxious souland silent sighscall you Fathercome back Home...see your daughtercome back Home... - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Confidence Goanywhere else in the worldif you can,but listenyou can't crossthe boundaries of my heartas your smile is synonymous to lifeyour person has the warmthof summer in the dead cold of winter,the one, whose bonding is gaining grounds with meand the roots are getting deep and strong! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Cries From The Cage! We are but the captive BirdsCraving for consoling wordsOur own Garden,The orchard of HeavenIs made our cageThe perennial prison,for nothingbuta fake reason;The glowing,rising sun is captive,imprisoned are the moon and stars.You gave us foodand things to eat,but cut the feathers,bound the feet.Our soil is purelike a martyr's blood.Our feelings are in deadly flood.Round the clock we raise this slogan:freedom, freedom-It's a cry of souls imprisoned,But souls awakened,Hoping that one dayWe'll be ableTo tear down the veilbetween our cry and the sky... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Dawn! Memories dawn on meat the nightfall, have you seenwhere's gone the darkness? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Dear Father! ! ! A person, honest,loving and kindSave you dear Fatheris hard to find;without your lovethere is no waythis life is likea tragic play.I pass my timewith no interest,this world is buta place of distrust.No sugar there is,no salt, no taste,things are justan utter waste.Carefree was Iin your life,never knewthe pain and strife.memories aremy only treasure,in which i seekmy only pleasure.After youi lost my Momnow house lookslike a dismal dome.May your Homebe really brightwith brilliant,blissful, heavenly light.(Amen) Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

December! ! ! Ab k phir December haykhirkiyon k pardon sayjhaank kr zara dekhokesa sard mosum haybheega bheega manzar haysoi soi shaamen henhum hen or yaden henkyun na apni yadon saygard jharr kr dekhensoey soey jazbon kophir ubhaar kr dekhensath sath ye puchhenzakam zakhm yadon sekhoon to nahi rista?dilfigaar sapnon kochot to nahi lagti?Phir jab in sawaalon kajo jawab bhi aeyuss ko maan lena haykyun k ye to hona haykyun k phir December hay.Aasman pe kia dekhen?dhund ki hukoomat haykuchh nazar nahi aataurr chukay parinday bhisard sard podon sephool bhi to ghaiyb henaik wo jo gulshan meinkhush gulu si koyal thiwo bhi ab nahi gaatikyun kharray darakhton prchhai ye udaasi hayzard zard pattay henkis qadar khamoshi hayaik sard mehri hayGhaur se zara dekhodoobta hua surajapni be-zubani meinkeh raha hay dunia say - The World's Poetry Archive

iss gulab manzar saydoobnay ka ye lamhakisqadar sitamgar haykia kahen December hayzeest ki kahani kosochh ki rawani korokna hi behtar haykhirkiyon k pardon sayjhaank kr zara dekhobheega bheega manzar hayab k phir udaasi heAb k phir December hay. Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Defining... 'Vibes'! Attraction in abstractionturning the soul scape autumninto lush spring shadesbefore you know it; the strong, binding, driving forceleads you to pick up the pearlfrom the depth of the seaand embroider it to the skies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Life's colors brighten the twilight hues of soulwhen true vibes come... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Didi! I live moment by momentno saving, planning, scheming for futuremy present is my treasuremy present is my lifewhat is there behind my wordsis simple, tender, gentle hearti'm thirsty for the nectar of lovebrewed in the cellars of pure affection am i wrong if i show my parched tonguein need of the honeyed word my ears heard onceand my eyes read many times addressed to me?my heart knows no policiesno politicsa kind and mild heartalive and wild hearta pure and child heart Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Discovery I remember wellthat enchanting momentwhen Fate got kind to meand gave me a chanceto discover You in me,then, at once, I found Youin my isolation,my thoughts and my dreams-dreams that got rich...since then, I remainedno longer isolatedin my isolation... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Distance My mindwith all the precioustreasures of memoriestravels a lot...but the distanceof its journeyis frommyself to yourself... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Do Not Say Goodbye Again! Don't increasemy suffering, pain;do not say goodbye again!'I love to see you all the time, 'this says to youmy eyes' not say goodbye again!my eyes have seen the shocking sceneof going awayof many friends...but calling them, requesting themwas all in only Friend!you ought to know this factthat on my heart's realmbut you still reign'i love to see you all the time'this says to you my eyes' not say goodbye again... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Donation! A touching scene earth in tremors sea in flood rescue members nowhere seen a begging girl, in fact in need horrid state of poverty a Flatterer comes shouts aloud All of you stand in a queue mam will come and give you funds... a mom cries my child is dying... flatterer shouts No Help! No Fund! - The World's Poetry Archive

till... Camera comes…! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Dreams Unsubstantial worldPrecursors of realityEither true or false! Seen with open eyesBuilding castles in the airEnding in surprise! Weaving different webTransporting the wavered mindFrom the fret of life! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Dua! ! ! teray chehray pay mein gul rang nazaaray dekhunmuskurati hui aankhon mein sitaray dekhun maand na hon kabhi chehray pay khushi ki kirnenteri nazron mein hama waqt sharaaray dekhun yeh dua he teri raahon mein bhanwar na ho koiteri nao ko mein darya k kinaaray dekhun teri khatir mein Khuda say yeh talab karti hunjis qadar dost bhi dekhun wo tumhaaray dekhun apnay bandhan pay kabhi bhi na koi aanch aeyiss jahan ko teri chahat k sahaaray dekhun raat andheri ho ya pheli hui mahtab shabenaasman per teri taqdeer k taaray dekhun jis dagar per teray jaanay ka guman ho jaeyuss dagar ko na kbhi khof k maaray dekhun teri aamad ka pata inn se hi lug jata hemein badaltay hue mosam k ishaaray dekhun azal say behtey huay jharnon ki maanind Batooldosti k sada behtay hue dharay dekhun... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Dua! ! ! (Urdu) Dua ke ehteraam meinDua k faiz kiya likhunDua se hi hayaatOr dua se hi sabaat heDua se hi jaha’n meinSub nizaam ko farogh heDua hi mohtaram heOr dua hi ehteraam heBarho zara samet loKahin se gar dua mileFaqeer ki yeh fikr heDua hi Rab ka zikr heDua se hi museebatonKe marhabon ki maut heDua hi josh-e-HaideryKi thoss Alhadeed heMohammad-e-azeem neBataya wo sabaq he yehJo apni zaat-e-Pak seSikhaya wo amal he yehYeh Fatima ki ungliyonKi tasbeeh-e-mubarikaSiye jo Darzi-e-Jinna’nBarang-e-surkh-o-sabzYeh Dua-e-Syeda HassanHussain ka libaas heDua hi dast-e-QambariMein oont ki mohaar heKaneez-e-Fatima keMojzay se jo ataa huiKalaam-e-pak mein likhiAzeem Hal ataa he yehDua Ali ke faiz meinKabeer bhi sagheer bhiDua Hassan ka rizq heYeh jang he Hussain kiSaheefa-e-Sajjad meinDua hi hukmaraan heYeh Paanchwen Imam k - The World's Poetry Archive

Sabar ka imtehan heJo Sadiq ik imam henYeh unka bhi kalaam heDua bahisht-e-KarbalaDua hi Kazimaen heDua hi Mashhad-ur-RazaKi jaaliyon ka mojzaTaqi ki barkaton bharaDua hi ek jaam heNaqi ne haath uthaeyUnko Askari ataa huayNamaz-e-shab mein Askariuthaen dast-e-pak joJahan mein Hujjat-e-KhudaKa mustaqil zahoor hoDua Sagheer-e-KarbalaKi muskurahaton ki daenDua Alam k saey meinJahan ka behtareen nizamDua kalaam-e-asr heDua ke faiz kiya likhunKe Hajj ki or zakaat kiSom or salaat kiDua hi zaib-o-zain heNamaaz ki bahaar heAqeeda-o-amal meIss se behtareen or kiyaYeh Karbala-e-asr meinAtaa-e-Kirdgaar heMuseebaton ki jang meinDua hi Zulfiqaar heAzeem naad-e-HaideryKe vird ka husool heBatool ke qalam peRahmaton ka yeh nuzool he! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Eid Greetings! To all survivorsof natural calamities,to all sufferersof man-created disasters,to all affecteesof power-outage,water-crisis,law & order,to all fellowswho have survivedprice-hikeas a shooting star,economic-depression,suicidal attacks,(though who knowswhat next?)to all prisonerswho are not criminals,to all sickfighting for life,my learned Teachers,my all able students,my poet-friends,my gentle readers,in the country,across the borders,I offer you allEid-greetings! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ek Aarzoo! Dukhon ki chhaon meinTaaron ko saibaan kr kGulon se rang chura kMein roshnai karunJo bus chalayTo tuloo-o-ghuroob ka manzarFalak pe bikhri hui ek daastan ker dunHawa k dosh peAanchal ko baadbaan ker kJo bus chalayTo mein baadal k naqsh-e-paa pe chalun... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ek Chhota Sa Kaam Kr Dena! ! ! (Urdu) Janay walay musafiro mera!ek chhota sa kaam kr denadur basti me rehne walon kojaa k mera salam keh denaor kehna k yeh jo rishte hendil k mazboot bandhanon me aseergardishen maah o saal ki in koab kbhi bhi na tor paen gichahay jitni bhi durian aenchahaton ko ghata na paen giay musafir tu meri janib seuss nagar k tamaam logon komere dil ka payam de denadur basti me rehne walon kojaa k mera salam keh dena... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ek Nazm! Yeh Bata shoes pehne henYeh pony-tails bandhi henAbhi khanay ki table perJo yeh dice banaya heTumhe bus yeh sunana heMe ik azaad chirya hunMujhe tum chehchahanay doMujhe ab chup nhi rehnaMagar yeh kehte rehna heMe khul k le sakun jin koMeri apni bhi saansen henMeri apni bhi neenden henJo azaadi ka jazba heKabhi wo mar nhi saktaQafas qaidi k sapnon koKabhi sir kr nhi saktaMujhe ab chup nhi honaYeh tum se kehte rehna heMujhe azaad rehne doMujhe azaad rehna he Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Elections-2013 Tall claims and vain boasts-a nation sits in paper-boatsof false vows and fake oaths Shoutings, howlings of big names,TV anchors all aflame,Foul exchange of angry blames little Pond and huge whales,swallowing rights on large scales,leaving us to groan and wail Those we've never seen before,beg for votes from door-to-door,on their knees, nay, all fours taking risks there is no room-who is making fool of whom?Let us see whose fate will bloom This alone, our dire need:Save us from all fraud and greed-Bless us, God, with honest lead! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Elections-2013 (Ii) Having killed the giant after fighting hard, Hari came back victorious,and slept sweet and sound sleep, but to his dismay, the next morn he saw, alas!the giant grinning cunningly occupying the throne! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Elegy On The Dried Ink! Under the indescribable skiesstanding, wondering at the incomplete accountof the stories untoldthe flow of thoughts will stay at birththe bond with the muse is lost;Standing, stumbling upon the unbelievable earththe words die a prenatal deathand the case of not so easy breaths,the tales of souls of every descriptionor definition,the unmade rhymes on a rose-petal,the unsung songs on the rain-birdslocked up in a blood clotsomewhere inside the brainor the veins of heartwhat is there is the sense of lossfor the pen uncappedand the dried inkand the page left blank...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Haven't I painted my all felt void? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Embers! ! ! Whatever cool,calm and serene was there in life,it was there only when they were alivemy parents!Life was lifeworthy and worth-livingand now when they are no moreit has become a compulsionand an obligation'how time flies when one has fun' and how it stops,gets static to the limits of suffocationwhen the essence of life is just taken out of it.When they were there with mewith all there being shedding all affectionslife was easy;now when they are no more,death has become easy.Death is no parting,as is assumed,for they saymeeting with the dead and goneis much much possible,the bare fact is thatthough i cant see thembut it's gratifying enoughthat at least they can see me;they are not going to come,but i'm expected to go and meet themsooner or later What is Death?an antonym of life? ,a law of nature? ,a parting-agent marking a line of separationbetween the living and the dead? ,or a divine order?whatever it is, it's not strong enougheven to create a few seconds worth separation of us - The World's Poetry Archive

from our dear ones.They are more close to us,we are more close to them.'our dead are never dead to usuntill we have forgotten them.'Life without them is like a tedious journeybarefoot under the rotten sunO! for the facesthat are gone and hiddenwithin the entrails of the sodden ground!O! for the precious livesthat are vanishedand slipped out of our handslike grains of sandthe death-angel WAS therein our own houseand no suspicion, no fearsince the grip on life was that strong butat that very moment,the string that held us together broke downNothing is left nowbut grief, grief and a long-lasting emptinesswhich will never come to an end...Regrets...for the calls not responded,regrets...for the moments not spent with thosewhose eyes just looked forward for the company...'Death! be not proud! 'if you were really a mighty being,you would take the memories with you too,but here you are not strongrather very weak;now did you get to know your worth?Death, you cant can hide aface butnot the memories of that facethat i cherishand will keep on cherishingforever;my still hotunextinguished embers of love - The World's Poetry Archive

will never be cooled down,though i'm alivebut the life has lost its colours! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Encomium For Holy Prophet S.A.W.W A humble tribute laid for Thee......... All respect and love are due to Thee........ O cynosure of many a world..............! ! ! Creation BE! Only for Thee........... Thou art the cause for HIS design....... our puny earth but an ensign...... Heaven is sold as thy love's price..... even He's willing to trade for Thee..... the grades of angels. He put on high..... forever in love their praise be Thee Thy name's carved on the pearly gates And so their stature raised for Thee........ to proclaim this praise an honor for me all that's Holy stands to pray for Thee! My gratitude to Saadat Tahir for his substantial guidance here! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Encomium Ii (Urdu) Karri dopeher mein rahmat ka saibaan likhunK roz e hashr k sehra mein gulsitan likhun Wo jin k naam ka lena sawab ho jaeyMein aa'n Janab ki azmat ka kia bayan likhun Uss abr e doulat e rahmat ki chhaon sir pe raheUssay mein nur kahun, sukh ka aastan likhun Kitab e dil ka hr ik warq ba wazoo kr dunAli ka bhai likhun, Fatima ki jaan likhun Palay hon jis pe Hassan or Hussain bachpan meinMein esse dosh ko shafqat ka aasman likhun Woh jis k khiltay hi jannat mein phool khiltay honMein kia tabassum e be-misl ka bayan likhun Batool naat e Muhammad ki roshni he bohtMein zikr-e-pak ki mehfil ka kia samaan likhun! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Enigma! ! ! When sun rays meetwith falling rainthey createa lovely bandof finest hues;when dew drops greetan infant bud,then at once,it smilesand blooms;butnothing happenswhen drops of tearsfall on heart,no displayof Nature's lawswe find there,no fruitful showlike a smiling flower,gleaming rainbow,and the like appear,no harmony reflectsfrom the meetingof our outer weatherwith inner seasonwhy is it so? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Euphrates' Regrets! ! ! My wandering waves are weeping stillOn those who died for God's Will… I still recall some children's criesWhich shook and shattered the seven skies These cries echo even till todayAnd remind me of that gloomy day When Hussain was ready for great sacrificeHe called His martyrs in heart-rending voice I witnessed the scene when He demanded waterI regret I could not provide Him water I was in shackles, I was imprisonedMy waves, my shores were all imprisoned It's no use crying now He has goneWith friends and kinsmen, sad and forlorn I feel I can't face His Grand Father'cause while dying He was in want of water His brother is my lord so braveWhose flag is hoisted on my wave Oft I recall those cries that burstMy ears with feeble shouts of 'thirst' My days are destined but to cryOn slaked tongues and throats dry I can't excuse myself my GodI still regret my Lord, my God! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Eve! The creation of woman was meant to decor the world's interior, just to add a softtouch to the rocky contours upon the hard crust of the earth, and to stay as apartner to Adam, a blessing as a sister, a counselor as a better-half, a divinelight as a mother, a source of delight as a daughter...Her wildness can be treatedby some mildness, a fire to be handled with care using a safety valve, carrying ineyes the vagueness of delphic obscurities, her life is the happening one, no lessthan an epic, she is the primary color in the artist's palette with a myriad shades,the melody of a piper's notes that touch the heart, the metaphor of poets,interpreted in multiple meanings, a butterfly among the falcons...But now this isthe time to refresh the profile of this mostly mishandled, misused rather abusedbeing especially in the 3rd world countries, she is the one who should know wellwhat are her boundaries and limits to be successful and safe in all terribletimes... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Faith! Do you want to know? What faith you follow? Pray do not go for names and labels Labels do not really matter As religions do not go by brands But goodness, substance, quality! For what good do labels do? Can anyone say he follows that brand of faith? Where lies are not told, In which hearts are not broken, Where honors are safe from brutal hands, Cheating is not Neatly done Brothers do not kill brothers Where devils do not appear divine Where sham wars are not waged by killing the innocent? Are we not taught that killing a human is killing the humanity? True following of goodness norms Forms the figure of your faith Actions will be valued as good If intentions will be pure - The World's Poetry Archive

where caste and colour, race and creed are not really followed Do you want to know? What religion you follow? Well, seek for it in the fairness you think and the goodness you do faith is the fusion of pure preaching and fine following We’ll justify being the human beings If than all things we place the faith above By staying good for following Just goodness, peace and love! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Feel Of The Moment! I look upwards but can't guess what the time is3. Pm or ?The day is waningThe dull quietness is ruling everywhereSilentlyIt’s all void of sound, noise or any voiceThe stillness is ominous(ominous... perhaps is not a right word,you might call it...intuitive)The shadows are falling obliqueSometimes get elongatedThen vanishedThe sand-grains in the glassAre on the moveConstantlyNo one can dare to stopThe twilight from comingAnd enveloping all the scene aroundSoon all the colors of natureWill hide themselvesBehind the ruling grayYet all is not dark stillSo nice it is to have a walkOn the soft shoulders of the rustic roadsNeither dark nor brightAnd to explore the mystic ruminationsFalling so intuitivelyNever forget to keep the pen and the pocket-diary readyFor capturing such creative moments divineThe human company is not wanted as it might killsome feel of the momentBy the prosaic talk of the here and nowKeep looking straightThe way is at a risk of losingThe shadows of the avenues of the side treesAre printed on the roadSome will see the nightfallAs their final stopSome will be on the move - The World's Poetry Archive

To witness the next dawn breakingOr beyondThe river-bed on the westIs ready for the tired sun for a night sleepWe shall wait for the bright dazzles of the new dawnJust a night awayThe company of the lighted bulbsIs pleasant enough to bear the unbearable wait…- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -On the books-strewn bed, with the dream-filled penA new poem will fall tonightthe mind is ready to receive! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Firdousia! The Garden-croft of ParadiseAs the tender name suggestsThere buried deep are many dreamsThat once would adorn many eyesSome dear ones here have made their bedsTheir beings lie there in eternal restWith well-kept gardens, lush-green grassWhere none can pluck the fine flowersThe pavements made of nice bricksNature’s beauty is scattered aroundBlue sky canvas, rain-filled cloudsIncense fragrance everywhere is feltSoothing scenes are always seenOf earthly beds strewn with budsMarigold, roses, seasonal blossoms.A square structure built in centerPrayer-mats laid for sacred prayersIts walls are made of marble tilesThe floors are done in same styleSpecial place for pure and braveHere lie martyrs in their gravesIt has a mosque and swings for kidsA spacious cage for feeding the birdsTwo graves there have my joys keepIn which my parents peacefully sleepAll those who are lying thereMay God rest their souls in peace!(amen) Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Fond Paradoxes Ii War is like Peacein which lawlessness prevailsno comfort but terror without ease. Evening is like Morninghaving twilight of the same huesboth mark the end of each other. Peers are like foesa snake in the grassseeking for self-concerns. A lie is like the Truthspoken with an evil basecausing end to the smile of hearts. Gloom is like Gleebringing tears to eyestwo wheels moving on the same axle-tree. Education is like stark ignoranceteaching doubts while growing faithin fortune-teller rather than fortune-Maker. Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Fond Paradoxes! Night is like Dayalways on the cycleover-bearing on its turn; Truth is like Fictiongazes us into the eyesshocks us unexpectedly; Sleep is like Vigilsin joys, fears, pressuresyou can't go into oblivion; Reality is like Mythstirring, amazing, incrediblefor its twists and turns; Love is like Hatredone gets obsessedwith its ruling fever; A Pious man is like Satanif keeps his goodness insideand does not spread it; Pain is like Pleasureweaving fabric of lifein equal motifs; Age is like Youthdemanding though dependentbut having a rule of its own; Life is like Deathif spent like evilharming others around! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

From The Casements Of My Land (Ii) The grim voyage on a grave seaKilling, crashing, roaring blowsThe horrid froth of unkind wavesMonstrous surfs wearing maneUnequipped light SkiffSkippers here but look unfledgedOars are unreliableChance is unpredictableMaps lost and long-forgottenMisty hazeDense and opaqueLighthouse tower nowhere seenEyes are gropingFor its nodding, guiding beamsLeaving oars I close my eyes, my hands I raiseExtend Your mercyO Lord of lordsGreat of greatsGrand of grandVerily, You are the One we worship and praise!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

From The Casements Of My Land! The skies are casting threatening lookThe weather grim and silent beThe clouds are charged with toxic rainThe fields intend no better cropsThe Nature groans for seed of ManFor in some pseudo-structured creedsWearing masks and holy shapesWolves are playing role of sheepThe holy land is termite-eatenWith hollow, shallow, weakened baseThe eyes in tears, the heart in fears,The hands are raised to God in prayersGiving up body, mind and soulStranger are the snares of lifeThe pastors have unlearned their oathsOblivious of the orphan flockHoly writs misunderstood, all anagrammatizedSold in black at high price the tickets to Paradise! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Fruit Of Soil! ! ! Luck is the samefor Man and flowerI think they haveThe same birth star. Flower and manMan and flowerStart their livesFrom lap of soil Pass through the stagesOf their lives,Get their nourishmentFrom the kind soil; So soil is the motherOf man and flowerTheir start and endBoth are sameTheir only difference isin their names. But when Time comesThey get withered.And again lie backIn the soft and kindLap of soil…. Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ghazal! Arzu-e-sahar mein kiya kartizindagi ko basar mein kiya karti ashk behnay mein ik tabaahi thirokti na agar to kiya karti mujh ko urrnay ka shoq tha hi nhibaadalon per safar mein kiya karti shehr veeraan, manzilen ma'adoomaur tanha dagar- mein kiya karti essi cheezon ki uss ko qadr na thiapnay dil ko nazar mein kiya karti saray shikway, gilay sbhi such thaymaanti na agar to kiya karti Dil ki baazi mein haar behtar thiphir bhala jeet kar mein kiya karti Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ghazal! ! ! (Urdu) Arsa e zeest ko sadiyon ka safar jana hayPhir bhi ik roz tou hr shakhs ko mr jana hay Meray Mabood tamannaon ka ambaar lyeDar Tera chhor kar ab aur kidhar jana hay Jald ponhchay khabar e khair musafir ki k phirSham ki qabr mein suraj ko utar jana hay Kitnay dilkash se hua krtay hen aksar lekinAnkh khultay hi tou khwabon ko bikhar jana hay Saans chalti hey jisay dekh k hur dum apniUss ko duniya ki tamaazat mein shajar jana hay Yeh jo manzil tumhe lagti he yeh manzil to nhiAkhir iss se bhi kisi pal mein guzar jana hay Dil agar mujh se lagao gay to pachhtao gayMein musafir hun mujhe laut k ghar jana hay Ghair mumkin nhi dunya men koi kam BatoolJo kisi se nhi hota hay wo kr jana hay... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ghazal! (Urdu) (prize-winner in poetry competitionHIKC Lhr 2007) Sitam ka baar uthaanay me kuchh kami na rahiBujhi he pyas kuchh esi k tashnagi na rahi Nigah e naz ki jumbish pe jal uthhay taaray'Phir us k baad charaghon me roshni na rahi' Ajeeb silsila e ishq ki yeh manzil heMila Khuda to tamanna e bandagi na rahi kuchh ese pal thay k mehfil ki jan thay hm bhiOr ab yeh haal k khud se bhi dosti na rahi Kahan kahan pe hukoomat he uss ki yadon kiWo kia gaya k gulon pe bhi taazgi na rahi Guzar sakay to nhi jaan se pr tumharay baadRahi zaroor, , , mgr wesi zindagi naa rahi! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

God! With rest misplaced, andpeace missing too,dreams lie floating on the restless surfs,hoping for a glance of mercy; despite Your blessings countlessYou guided me, and held me strongI wonder why then I stay at a lossGod!you help me fight back the evil that temptsthe evil that lasts with meas a constant though unwanted companion God!empower medespite swimming skilfullythe waters threaten and victimize mewaves and ripples know me notwhat is this sense of alienation? You have given me a deep sightbless me with an insight too God!enrich medespite keeping a stern eyeon my mistakesserious losses occursometimes reparable, sometimes irreparable God!guide me, bless me, forgive me Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

God's Laws Are Free Of Flaws (ALLAH CREATED THE SEVEN HEAVENSIN DO NOT SEEANY INCONGRUITYIN THE CREATION OF THE REHMAN.THEN LOOK AGAIN,CAN YOU SEE ANY FLAW..? ? ? HOLY VERSE) The moon belongs to noneit shines but for all-spring relates to personsof stations great n small. Breeze passes all the waysit never goes on strike.the sun casts its rayson kings n clowns alike. Buds smile to nonenot even to beesbut their pleasant funeverybody sees... seraphim do give applauseGod's laws are free of flaws! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Grandeur Of Life! ! ! When pearls of tearslinger on long lashes,look like dew-drops on flower-petalsglittering in the sun,then -and only thenthe gloom looks great; When heart feels freshand mind bears glimpseor holds the treasure of memoriesof the departed ones,then-and only thenthe pain seems superb; When a bruised heart smilesand this smile creates hues,bright more than the colored stripesof the magical rainbow,then-and only thenthe glee looks grand;and these facts formthe grandeur of life! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Grief Unites! The dwellers of the jungle realmdanced on the tunes of nightseeing the dreams in clean shroudsmothers' hearts died inside!Now all hearts beat togetherall eyes mourn alike! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Haiku! Nimbus lingered eyesNight sleeps on a wet pillowThe star gaze gets blurred! © Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Hamesha Yaad Rakhti Hun! Mera her rozik taaza tajurba le k aata henaya soorajnai kirnennai umeed laata henai kirnen meri khirki k pardon perkharri dastak sunaati henmeri aankhen jo khulti henhamesha yaad rakhti hunk kiya kiya kaam karnay henhamesha yaad rakhti hunk pal zaaya nhi karnaykaheen pauday na piyaasay honagar maali nhi ayatau unko kon dekhe gaagar mainaa k piyaalay meinkoi daana nhi ho gabechaari keh na paey gihamesha yaad rakhti hunmujhe bhi muskuraana hehamesha yaad rakhti hunk tum ko bhool jaana he! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

His Last Breath! ! ! Have mercy Lord!help me in unlearning thoughts,weary, injured, bleeding thoughts!I can't forget that painful time,that horrid sight,that silent, solemn, moonless night,when mind was full of unknown fears,shaky hopes, and wishful prayers... Have mercy God!can I forgetthose passing momentswhen he was counting his noble,worthy, lively breaths-those lively breathswhich were losing by and bythe warmth of life. Then passed the timeand passed the nightthere came at last his last breath…with the birth of the daya Sun was dyingto rise againin a blind vale,the valley of the pious souls…since then O Lord,my eyes are probing in the darkto see him againbut all in vain…Much time has passedBut still my mindIs consciousOf the ups and downsOf treasured but his last breath Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

How Do I Take You! How do i take you?Apollo's early laurel bough,at the dawn of creativity! What i might not do...if the harsh blows of rough windswith their sullen severity do tryto nullify you...! What i might not wish...when as tender buds your phrases bloomand showers of praises come downas a divine downpourto vivify you...! I leave my house-wife's cares,and all professional clap-trapat the feel of the soundwhen sitting on the edge of the river of Fancyyou play your guitarand fill the aura with your florid melodiesunendingwaves upon waves come n drench your feetand you keep on pouring forth your flowing such momenti just wish all the world to be all earsto your rich musicto satisfy you...! Whenever you long for peace n restmay springs come and calm you,morning sunrays warm youstars come down and play with youjoys do enter tip-toe in your take my wish as it's for you... How do i take you! like a maiden dropp of pleasant rainin the age-old barren desert of my life...! - The World's Poetry Archive

you are my personal Kashmir...i really wish to wage war with Indiato occupy you...! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

I Refuse To Suffer! Do not make the cross readyon the gallows of sufferings,The soul is unwilling to bear any agonizing painnot even ready to surrenderthe last fertile seed of life;In the pitch dark some stars glow,after the last stormthe first bud is ready to bloom,Life's lil fountain keeps some flowthough in the phase of still-birth,Some sparks are tingling bright inside,Some forgotten desires still exist,Some shreds of joy are still not dead,Let not hope extinguish cleanSee! The sun resurrectingafter the dark crucifixion of the last long nightfollowed by a bounteous downpour of Blessings Divinefor sure, when He does not forgetto nourish the slightest visible vein in the leafof some forgotten treeHow can I be left deserted?I lay my handon string of desires and beads of prayers...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I refuse to suffer! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

I Say... No! Since the First FratricideTill the last homicideThe drama of civilization is a mock; At the site of killingEven the wrens stop singingBut we continue to dance and rock; I was gifted with the free-willWhich I continue to misuse stillAn apple forbidden, plucked, is daily added to my stock; Though as an unwilling subject to Satan’s lobbyLosing paradise is my unsanctioned hobbyForgetting that I was a bird of a saintly flock; Hearing inside the scary dinWatching the pageant of the deadly sinsThe joint-inheritor of the Original SinDespite the fight seems hard to winAt my daily fall the devil grins; Yet from the heart I hear insistenceHelp me Lord to put up resistanceLife’s a Gift not a Crime of Existence; I say NO to the deadly dealPour Your Grace and break my sealAs where’s the wound which YOU can’t heal? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

I Wish! Where are you?where are you?i call yourecall youhere call you my tearsi wish you were here! where are you?where are you?i need youand miss youit's spring everywherei wish you were here! where are you?where are you?i seek youi just want to meet youbut you are nowherei wish you were here! it's blowingit's rainingit's fine everywherei wish you were here!i wish you were here! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

If God Sends My Maa For A While! I shall lay my head on her kneesBelieving that God must have cured her arthritic joints in heaven,Then she will brush my hair with her fingersAnd I shall tell her all my soul suffered from; I shall complain of the bouquet of rosesThat pricked my hands despite the silk-ribbonAnd scotch-tape woven around it carefully; I shall tell her the tricks of the windsBlowing roughly on me leaving all othersAnd of clouds that shower benign rainOn all others leaving me,Though I stand under them with a bowlIn my hands raised skywardsWhich stays dried up; I‘ll feel she smoothes my hairI am relieved, and her sweetness has removedThe wrinkles of my crumpled soul successfully…I shall feel an urge to tell herThat I miss the apple-jam she used to prepare for meIn a sauce-pan,And that I have left eating the soaked and peeled offAlmonds and raisins with a glass of milk; I shall clarify that I am telling her allBecause I don’t tellSuch things to anyoneNot because they won’t listen to thisBut because I have lost my tantrums wildSomewhere in the fields of my childhood; I shall ask herDoes she listen to my voice while I recite prayersOn her grave?Does she see when my brother removes the frozen candle wax?And washes the tomb-stone?Or showering petals on her earthly-bed? - The World's Poetry Archive

Yes, I shall tell herThat cooking shows are no more interesting now;That all the tragic tunes interpret my heartAnd all the sad songs sing of my soul;But, will it be wise to tell her allThat might cause pain to her? I shall have no idea of her allowed duration with meSo, I won’t tell her, or ask from her anythingBut this, that we all are settled in life,And that I am happyAnd then I shall smileas big as a smiley-sticker, ear to earand I won’t let her know---that my pen bleeds still… Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Impasse! I offer prayersto God Almightyrenew the promiseof my soulat every smallestsin of liferepent, atoneand daily signthe deal with devilsthen ask forgiveness,mercy sweet,then daily gainsome fatal apple,and daily lose my Paradise! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Inaam! (Urdu) Salam bhejun!payam bhejun!mein unn nigaahon ko ratjagon ka inaam bhejun!inaam essajo unn k andar k saaray rangor saray mosumudass kar dephir unn k andarudass lamhon ki yaas bhar de...ab unn ki marzi!wo iss ko ik inteqam samjhen!inaam samjhen!payam samjhen! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Indigo Spirit! My flaming spirit does not flicker in orange-it burns indigoand keeps on burning;escaping damnationI stop commandinglythe ripples of unbidden emotionsbefore they turn to tidal currents;the ferocity tamed, the angst seems without a sting;no hopes to bloommy petals will stay folded and wrapped upI was Simoni's classicbut the bold tones of colorswith which he painted me all inside,are faded now;my finger wears the ring of Cleopatra no more,I speak no Egyptian,my enamelled primitiveness is laminated overby the gloss of gaudy brands,one day I transcended Time,some day the waves will come and wash me up,if found on the shore,would someone bury me in the sanctified groundof reverence with love? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

It's Really Great To See You Around! When jolly birds fly in the airand breeze plays with wanton hairwhen dreams meet with eyes' glareand every place has an air of fair in my mind you can be foundmy eyes want to see you around. when eve approaches by and bywhen stars intend to shine on the skywhen carefree aanchals freely enjoyon wings of air i don't know why? i feel myself severely boundin this wish to see you around. when the moon shines and looks kindand sweeps away the worries from the mindwhen it encounters the blows of windtrees look smiling because they find the beauteous weather all aroundand then i want to see you around. it may be fine or may be badwhether birds sing or sit so sadeveryone feels grim or gladwhether fun of weather makes one mad it's always great to see you aroundit's really great to see you around Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Jayakrishnan Aluva! ! ! Extra special diamond SoulPlays a strong and silent role Joys and pains of life conceivesFilth and fairness both perceives His gem being gets always thrilledAt lovely scenes beauty-filled His pictures capture sunset shadesBlows of breeze in valley-glades Starry-gloss and moonlit shineOn cedars, willows, Oaks and pines Fragrant, fruity, citron trees,Buds, blossoms, birds and bees Burning edge of turquoise skySinging floating birds on high You glut your sorrows on his pageSet free of dolor, passions, rage Good or bad he nothing hidesShows with care both the sides Havoc caused by summer-rainsWatered streets and blocked drains Pics of thirst, hunger, wantsTerror scene that really haunts All life stirring he observesFeels the pain on noble nerves Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Kabootar Se Computer Tak! Kabhi esa bhi hota thaBaharen jb bhi aati thiinTou apne sath jazbon ki nai faslen ugaati thiinHawaen geet gaati thiinFazaen muskuraati thiinWohi lamhaat hote thayK jb ghamgeen nigaahon se jo dard aamez behte jam aate thayKabootar kaam aatay thayNaey paigham laatay thayInhi lamhaat mein pinhaan hua krti thiin sub khushian …! ! !Ab esa daur aya heK sub k sub sada hr waqt hi log on rehte henAur internet pe hr dm use laakhon phone hote henDalail mein Faraz o Faiz o Ghalib note hote henYaheen pr keats or Shelley k naghmay quote hote henDilon pr kuchh naey jazbaat hote henAjab yeh khail hota heyGilay E-mail hote henKabhi akhtar shumaari thiKabhi aankhon mein raaten thiinKabhi taaron se baaten thiinAb MSN pe chatting heKabhi FB pe tagging heKabhi qaasid k nakhray thayAb internet pe messengers ki taaza baharein henMagar ab kuchh bhi ho jaeyZaraaey change ho jaenWisaal o hijr k naghmaat jis bhi rang, jis aahang mein ubhrenKabootar ho ya computerqareenay guftgu k jis shakal mein bhi badal jaenyehi mehsoos hota hemuhabbat km nhi ho gimuhabbat km nhi ho gi...! ! ! . Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Khwab Martay Nhi! ~(Inspired) ~ Yeh koi bnd aankhon ka qissa nhiNeend jesi haweli ka hissa nhiKhwab jin ki nigaahon me aatay nhiZeest k raaz se woh to waaqif nhiKhwab eemaan e kaamil ki bunyaad henKhwab tegh e fana se bhi azaad henKhwab hen to nigaahen bhi abaad henImtehan e Khalil e Khuda Khwab henYe hi aghaaz e qissa e zibh e azeemAur waseela e pur nur e Rabb e KareemKhwab Yousuf k hathon me roshan kitaabKhwab ilhaam ki kefiyat ka shabaabKhwab hi rang henKhwab hi roop henKhwab baraan bhiKhwab hi dhoop henKhwab ghaiz o ghazab se bhi dartay nhiKhwab zinda haqeeqat hen martay nhi! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

La Budget Guillotine! Be prepared, ye mortals!for old though renewed sacrificesdreams, desires, hopes, plans,cuts,hurts,burns,from the old man of hundred and tento the young kids under tenall red wineon the shrineof la budget guillotine! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Lagi Ik Umr! Lagi ik umr lekinphir samajh mein aa gai mujh komukhalif samt chaltiher hawa batlaa gai mujh kok apni zindagi jeenay ka yehbehtar qareena hesaharay dhoondna chhorrosaharay baantnaa seekhokeh yeh roshan haqeeqat hesahara dhoondnay waalaysada tanha hi rehte hen Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Let's See The Sun Descending! Come with meon the edge of life!Come let's do something new and think,and unfurl the brave new world; hand over ourselves to odd and clumsy thought-strainthen let's see what happens? and where? and how?where does come the night-fall from?let's go and see! let's turn the side of the globe of the moon...let's solve the mystery of the rainbow palette,on skies and sands alike, , ,that keeps us in all amazement! where is the dale of deep sleep you know?where dwell the slumbers sweet?where do the dreams of joys come from?let's go and touch those abstract dreams...let's go and see the moonlit nightcovering tall trees let's go and see the skies in springlet's go and see the sun descendingfrom the other side of the world!come with me! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Life Is What You Make It! What you feelWhat you thinki know that i don't know...What you likeWhat you dislike...i confess that i can't guess...Yet i findyour stony heartis rocky hardTo fairies' hymnsAnd mermaids' songs;chirping birds;To gardens' charms and smiling buds;but i knowthis life is toughAnd full of pains n spiky close your eyesAnd do realizeTo make this life:soft and rosy,sweet and cozy,,you should changeyour frame of mind,And be at onceSo nice and kind...! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Life! A merry-go-round,terrifying roller-coastersee-saw, hurdles bound! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Limits Don't flyButterfly!stay a little and enjoytiny budsand fragrant flowersthat's the only world for yougiven by the Gracious don't tryto cross the limits'cause you are too little to viewith the blowsof mighty windsso on your wingsdon't rely...'cause your pretty wings are madejust to roamfromFlower to Flowerwhich are your limitsand Destinationsbut...not the sky... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Love Real Love is like a tumor,grave and deep and so intensedeadly, fatal, malignantit comes outwhen it getsINCURABLE! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

***(Urdu) Kitna mushkil he nigahon ka muta'ala kernawo nigahainkisi naqqad k thesis ki tarhaapne mazmoon o matan me zara mushkil hi sahikaash un gehri nigahon k muta'alay k lyeun pe likhi kisi sha'ir ki kitaaben mil jaenkuchh hawalay mil jaenun ko parh lunto nigahon ka samajhna bhi sehel ho jaeaur masla kisi hd tk mera hul ho jaekaash pur soch nigahon k muta'alay k lyeese ghambeer se topic pe maqalay k lyelibrary mujhe mashhoor koi mil jaerehnumai kisi ustaad ki haasil ho jaeiss tarhaparhtay hue tay me manazil kr lunun nigahon k muta'alay me me kr lun:) Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Menage (Inspired By Fogglethorpe) ! I guess there’s something more to saySo let me start with Thomas Gray In his times a well-known bardFor Elegy written in country Churchyard A phrase was there which made him rise,“where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise” For angels, Christ and God’s sakeThe One who wrote was William Blake The mother Nature gave birth to a childWhose verse was, like his work, so mild With worthy work he was WordsworthWho dwelt in Nature’s lap of mirth The Ones whose work I go through dailyAre Marlowe, Keats and ey Freud-like king was Robert BrowningHis poems reflect his dramatizing The old Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, DonneAre rich in wit, conceit and fun But Eliot, Lawrence,Are some of those but known as modern. Heaney, Larkin and Ted HughesServe also in the court of Muse. Yet, in the end do let me sayStill there's something more to say! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Million Daffodils My vision is the azure skyAnd dreams are ParadiseMy dwelling is behind the wallI’m hidden to probing eyesMy nature unpredictableMy favourite subject MoodsI listen to silent melodiesAnd relish simple foodsSunset is my favorite poemDaily writ by NatureEvery day I keep on learningLife is my teacherI’m fond of reading worthy poemsAnd wish for writing soMy muse is mostly kind to meAnd fills my pen with flowI do not know the heavy wordsBut choose the simple onesMy themes are taken from the lifeOf flowers and of gunsIf journey stops on the wayAnd then comes my ExitRequesting you do not forgetMy simple, tender writsBeing complex as Algebra sumsBest minds will solve me rightSo take care in your ways of lifeAnd do not take me light! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Mind Is An Ocean! thoughts are wavesthere are oyster shellsscattered on the sands,or under deep watersThere are rain dropstransformed into pearlsPearls may prove ominous...or be stolen! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Mujhe Kohqaaf Jana He! Mujhe kohkaf jana hemujhe kohkaf janay do wahan ja kr mujhe thoray zaruri kam krne henkhushi k naam mujh ko chandni k jaam krne henwahan k jangalon me jugnuon se baat krni hewahan apne lye chhota sa ik aangan banana hegulaabon se sajana heSuno, kohkaf k aksar gulaabon me koi kantay nhi hotay suna he k wahan pariyan sureelay geet gaati henwahan paryon ko me insaan k qissay sunaun giboht heraan hon gi wo... suna he titliyan urti hen to rangon se ik manzar banati henmujhe bhi dekhna he wosuna he jugnuon ki roshni me saray ansoo bhool jatay henmujhe bhi bhoolna hen wo Suno mujh ko to iss kohkaf se dar bhi nhi lagtasafar dushwar bhi gar ho to manzil to suhani hemere andar kahin mojood bachhpan ki kahani hewahan per chandni rahon me bikhri khoob lagti hewahan bazar me aansu sadaf k mol biktay hen mere andar abhi bhi muskurahat saans leti heyahan ki barf pe chalna bara mushkil jo thehra he mera saamaan thora hefaqat do, chaar sapnay or adhoori neend, ummeedein bari lambi musaafat or bht masroof saa'at he Suno iss baar janay do Mujhe kohkaf jana heMujhe kohkaf janay do Mujhe wapas nhi aana... - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Mun Aangan Ka Mosum! (Urdu) Lo hijr k lamhay sir per henKbhi chup hon gay, kbhi roein gayAur jaag jaag ker raaton meinAshkon k haar piroen gayBus sochh mein ghaltaan rehtay henAankhon mein shab guzarti heHum khud se puchhtay rehtay henKyun raat ki raani ki khushbooMun aangan ko mehkaati heKyun iss aangan mein yeh kaliyanKhilti hen roop dikhaati henKaliyon per shabnam saj saj kerSoey huay phool khilaati heKyun phool mehektay jaatay henKyun titli urrti jaati heKyun koyal kookti phirti heAur punchhi naghmay gaatay henIss baagh mein kitni ronaq he- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lekin yeh andar ka mosumKyun itna badla badla heOr dil ki veera’n nagri bhiKyun muztar muztar rehti heYeh tanha tanha khamoshiHum se kiya kehna chahti heKyun yaad kisi ki aati heOr iss be naam si yaad me yehAankhen kyun num ho jaati henIn na maalum si yaadon kiAakhir koi pehchhan to ho…Phir ek sawal ubharta heKyun andar baahar ki rut meinTafreeq rawa ho jaati heOr dil mera yeh puchhta heWo kon naseebay walay henJin k mun aangan ka mosumBaahar ki rut k jessa he? - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Mushkil Hay! (Urdu) Qadamjama karzeest mechalnamushkil hayGirna hayaasaan,sambhalnamushkil hay teri yaadboht haylekinsuch yeh hayteri yaad metaarayginnamushkil hay jin meinsadaashkon kasamandarbehta hounn aankhonka parhnakitnamushkil hay Har har gaampe jiss kyadenbikhri honessi raah serozguzarnamushkil hay! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Dearest Foe! ! ! Sometimesthat isreally pleasantto wanderin the barren desertsof feelingsand imagination,but not of coursewith everyone;My dearest foe!it's only youfor whom i botherto bear the sufferingsof such a journey...that's very niceat every momentto think of you... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Father! You never held my handwhile crossing the rushed roads of liferather made me strongby letting me hold your masculine fingerin my tiny grip One day, i lost youin the midst of the indifferent roadsyour eyes you closedmy grip loosenedand I grew up by a year in a single day exchanging the glancewith the first ever tragedy felt on pulseit looked as ifthe sky would fall downand the earth give way but, no! neither the sky falls downnor the earth gives waysince then I learnthow to wear the veil of smile hiding the tear,how to tread on the rushed roads of life without fear! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Heart Is Slave Of Morning Scene serene is the dawn and calm mind...soft is the grass with drops of dewclouds are grey on the sky blueflowers fresh and trees look kindbreeze is never so soft as nowunmindful of all it's jollity and funheedless of all, it constantly runsinnocent buds will face it-but how?birds are singing without any fearusing jargon take God's namethe sun is peeping through its framein such moments HE looks nearmy heart is slave of morning scenefiner, fragrant, cool and clean... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Midnight Diary! Staring wistfullyat the empty oyster shellupon my palmthe pearl earned with laborno idea…when or howdespite all care and cautiongot lost in negligence? Across the horizonsthe stars are jubilantin a mood of revelrywithin a split secondthere will be greetings galorethough I won’t be there any more! the mermaids dancing on the shorecan never sever me from my isolated selflet them knowthe impulse of envy is defunct in me;tonight I’ll refreshmy regular To-do-listin my midnight diarytomorrow the first thing that I shall doyes, I shall remember to forget you! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Pen! While writing rhymes and playing with words...My wanton pen enjoys a lot;expresses each n every thought...! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts I Did I ever say I'm always right when I never was? Should I blame others when I could not understand myself? I'm a piece of jigsaw puzzle which can never fit into any frame. I don't know why do I always get failed in telling what I feel… Am I wrong if I wish to be liked for what I am, And not for what you like me to be? Why do I excommunicate myself when get angry with the world? Am I the criminal most wanted, or the hated judge though I never did crime or passed any judgement? God! Save me from my getting lost in the dark… Would it be difficult for me to get rid of the pain that lasts, The thing that hurts, The flame that burns? I am neither Cleopatra nor the queen-bee, But why then when no cries were heard And no blood was spilled Even then the soul got crucified? The cemetery is the peacefullest place I've ever seen - The World's Poetry Archive

With so much life Lying scattered, entombed…- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Long before I've left the deception of knowing myself! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Ii i experience daily growth, daily changesome addition, some subtraction,some division of spirit, multiplication of all my selvessome positive, some otherwise(negative is a harsh word but is there any harm in admitting it?) but it keeps me going...this change, this growthwhat i was, i am not, somebody said,what i am, i shall not bebut one regret will be there,i shall lose the essential Me, i love the most, yet i'm not a narcissistthe world is a great teacher,though the world is a bad teacher...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -why is the subject of Life compulsory? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Iii I run into the wild noise of the world aroundwhen get troubled by the pangs of this stormy silence...suffering from the deafening of earsto the melodies of the spheres around,I pity myselfthough I've always been holding a placard against self-pity...why is soaring high so difficultespecially when heels are deeply duginto the fine dust of broken dreams?Mild pain is the vital sign of life!can any of my multiple selves tell me what do i want?For making my tomorrow fearlessI keep on watering fears in my Present, so I know it,a moth of peace striving against the storm-currents, butis the diagnosis cure?do not let my warmth exhaleas I don't want to turn into a stone-cold being please!I suffer in the desire of not to suffer any more, in any way...what i wish, gets inside out and upside down...a true anarchy!let me stay as remorseless God!today You are not away from my mind,not even for a second, (the consolation enough!) though no better image can reflectout of vacant stares meaningless...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -do i make any difference? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Iv The journey of lifeis spanning o'er centurieseven then everyman has to submit himselfto his final end... My God!carrying the loadsof unfulfilled aspirations,where to go leaving your altar... wishing to receive the happy tidingsof the one reaching home safelybefore the sun lying downinto the grave of evening... Time is but a flowing stream,never stopping anywhere, but a moment will comewhen it will be falling into the oceanof timeless eternity... How cute the world of dreams are,unless you open your eyes; a humble supplicationdon't stay attached to me, for i don't wish to see youin regrets, for carrying the gifts of hopes in handsi'll be back to my home...i wish to do all left undone by the rest...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -is anything impossible in the world? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Ix We could neither live nor die togethernow we are neither alive nor deadwe could not cross the bounds of ceremoniesstill the dear ties did not endif not grownthe dark shadows of the long momentsof the sad eveningveiled the polesthe kids who could not trap the butterfliesgot tired running in vain;a few moments were left therein your arrivalbut the Ones who waited for ageslost the gameand passed away;God! bless me with an artso that I can scribe a name in an invisible inkdeceiving all the probing eyes;I wonder how they could touch the zenithof the success in trials of the worldwho could never ascend the heavens of hearts;No reliance on the armsthat could not shed the weakness;hey, you!veil yourself so opaquenever letting others read the book of lifein your eyes, not eventhe inscription of dedication! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts V After having lostthe confidence of claimingthe colours of lifewould you please let me sit quietjust for a while?- - - - - - - - - -for i am short of words! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Vi The clouds of carelessnesscurtaining my skiesare again benumbing meinto an emotional stasis,a marble-cold indifferent mood-the one i despise myself,but yield to, quite helplesslywhenever it tries to overpower mewith its pressing demands,i could never say NO...Mood-the master, I-the bond slave,though that is how I,the masochist pharoahexecute the world by my silencejust for the commission of the crimeof misjudging me,stop sermonising,my moods and my seasonsdefy even ME, so who are YOU?Dont search in the ashessparks are still burning thereinside hidden from all eyes,the result declared, andyou got failedfor not performingthe feat of understanding me,for how can you?when i myself could never...- - - - - - - - - - - - - -is it raining somewhere? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Vii Would you like to let me tryto read the book of your lifethough it's not written in my own languagerather it seems to be written in Greek?i am sorry, how can i readthese alphas and omegas of your life?but, let me take another try,would you like to let me stayto explore the realm of your mind so vast?though i don't claim to perform the feati just wish i could read the starry dreamsscattered on the skiesof your closed eyeswould you let me break the sealof your obstinate soul,the marble, stone, cold soul?once broken, you will remainno more hard, becausei am there to pick the shardsof your torn heart-butNo, my apologies!let me be bold enoughto take all the tall claims back, i realisei am a timid dreamer, (not always but now it seems so)i wonder what this poetry islike the old romantic 'deceiving elf'it makes one forget the narrow boundsof one's own courage level,yes, let me be bold enough to admityou are beyond me like Greek,you are beyond me like Mathematics,like myth,i surrender before me- - - - - - - - - - - -i give up! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Viii My shadow always stays with meI never walk alone,I have a bit of life in mewho says that i am stone?while musing over lost timeor writing rhymes,I do not feel the time flyingMy mind is always jam-packedwith loud and stormy scattered thoughts;I always broughtthe real Me in true colors i mostly wear,writing- and but no way outGod knows better every factwho dictates me verse I wonderI am bound to write at onceor keep it safe in virgin mindGoodness Gracious!how can I be really ableto bear the burden of my thoughts!So do you never worry for me- - - - - - - - - - - - -I never walk alone! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts X You talked of stormsI mentioned calm;You were the moth of twilightI always burned myself to illumine;You were sure of your darknessI was confident of my light;I kept on sowing my own seeds to fertilizeWithout noticing that the crops I was working onWould never yield fruit,I could never believe the void attemptson the barren landthat would ever render a rich harvest;I thought I was made to winBut you were unwilling to accept defeat,You never admitted, though I never deniedall violent passions and indigo dreams… Rain has its mood-swings...Let me make a plain for meI was too modest to break heartsYou were too straight to perform that feat,Your rudeness defeated my tenderness,You always were successful in placing me on no man’s land;We could never go togetherThough I always thoughtWe are dyed in the same tones of bold shades;To understandOne’s own self is not beyond reach of thoseWho interpretthe exuberance of sunsets in their own language… Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Xi ...well, you know what! ! !I could never befriend with the blowing breezeas I don't knowwhy she has grudges against memay be, for I keep covering the candleof hopeshading it by my own both hands to keep it lit,burning and lighting,killing the dense darkness by a tiny flame...her scary blows terrify me while making me so strong...This mortal life does not recyclehere seasons come but ONCE...All this while I've been daring to touch the fireWhich turned into a pyreThough I took it as a light…and got my fingers burntNeither a matter of right and wrongnor any crime and sinBut…an error of judgment..And you see it will be difficult to write a poemWith those raw fingersWhich seem to have lost the connectionWhere they used to receiveThe signals from my soul…As if the vital cord is at peril of being brokenWhat if you let the lamp getting extinguishedBut when it starts getting dimmer and dimmeryou pour some more oil to keep it alive and lightedsee, what you have donehave a look at the fruit of your kind concernsit dares to givesome more old light to the worldyes, it is lighting nowfrom a mere dying flickerto a high flame! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Scattered Thoughts Xii To veil from the worlddoesn’t mean to cease to existas much as to exist doesn’t always end up in living.I stay amazed at nature’s playof hide and seek, and truth and dareas well as the world’s varying vanities,that’s why when the buds bloom,the breeze blows,birds sing and glide and float and flutter their wings,only then the dear life redeems me from all worldly woes,rendering upon me its meaning in full.the sea has no choice but tossing itselfthe time is bound to fly away towards eternitya reality accepted and not to be connived at.Once the harbor’s cleared,the unconditional sailing upon the waves startsit will be nice too, a light sailif they don’t hang any albatross around my neckI stay checked from the inside;Strange facts turn life into a daily allegoryencoded into a derwesh’s dance in a trance,or in the life-saving flight of the migrating birdswho don’t have the fear of the unknownor the sense of alienation,or the nests permanently built in concreteGod! help me read between the linesthe text you have masterly displayed...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -the ink of my pen is in flood ~~~ Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Teachers! ! ! My Teachers are the towering treescasting shadows,cold n thick;under which i feela comfort, pleasure, endless ease... I dive deep,n daily diveinto the oceanof their wisdom full of knowledgewhich, by any manner of means,stretches broad as skiesn deep like those seas... My Teachers are those perfect guideswho taught me how to love n live,never to takebut always to given give, just given keep on giving...n taught me that, 'for to be socialis to be forgiving.'... i feel honor,deep pleasureoffering homageto my great n worthy teachers,to my honored second parents...this is true, O God Almighty!they purified n sustainedmy raw n stubborn cruel self...they are, O God! your gifted beingsthey crafted my inner features...! ! (thanks saadat for worthy suggestions) Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

My Vigils 'I'm more than ready to embark on my paper plane for ransacking the galaxies,plucking the stars, and embroidering them on your eye-lashes... Tomorrow I'll set sail in my paper boat for stealing the glittering sands, filling upmy pockets, I'll be there for rainbowing your garden-croft you plant with care... I'll make the woods jealous of me by rejecting the arrogance of the wild rosesblossomed in their native virginity there; instead, the paper flowers I'll make foryou and on them spray the perfume I carry in the un shed, un spilt bucket of mylove... I am ready! By:© Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Nazm! Be rehem hawaon meinAjnabi manaazir meinIss dil-e-musaafir koKoi gham nhi kyun kehMushkilon mein bhi apnaRaabta to Rab se heAur jaanay kub se he Maadiyyat ki duniya meinKhwahishon keh jungle meinKis sukoon se meraBe qaraar dil thehraBe panaah adab se heAur jaanay kub se he Dil sada ka baaghi heSirf khud se raazi heBe fikar jahan se hePer he ussko darr jitnaBus Tere ghazab se heAur jaanay kub se he Mujhko aankh khulne seKuchh nazar nhi aataMeri bund aankhon meinAaj jalwa gar ho jaMein ne tujh ko socha hiIk ajeeb dhubb se heAur jaanay kub se he Sub se hi shanasaaiAur khud mein tunhaaiKiya ajab paheli heZindagi ka rishta bhiUstawaar sub se heAur jaanay kub se he Muntazir wahan tu heMuntazir yahan mein hun - The World's Poetry Archive

Ab hijaab pulta deMein ne Tere baaray meinSunn rakha to sub se heAur jaanay kub se he Jab kbhi bhi jaana heUss ki simt jaana heRooh or Khuda k beechAbdiyyat ka yeh rishtaBus issi sabab se heAur jaanay kub se he Dil jab Uss se lagta hePhir sukoon milta heKaatna nigaahon meinRaat ka kahan mushkilDosti to apni busIss charaagh e shab se heAur janay kub se he Noor ki Tajalli hoDil ko ik tasalli hoMujh pe bus karam itnaKuchh zarur ho jaeyRooh k andheron meinKoh e toor ho jaeyMunfarid Batool apniBus issi talab se heAur jaanay kub se he! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

None Can Own The Skies! None can own the skies'tis the open fieldfor falcons and for flieshold your thread but fast‘tis not that much fragileStrength is not in threadIn our fingers' holdhope can always lastto fight with evil vilejust think it in your mindthe ways we always findkites fly but on the blowsand stars do never laughwe open these our eyesand never keep them closethe kite with its threadone can own and holdthe seven folds and layersof skies are never theirswith all the claims and caresin the estate of Godwe all have our due shares! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Nostalgia! (Urdu) Mera awaaz dena...Aur uska lot kr aanaGaey waqton ki baaten hen...! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Obituary! Last nighta heart diedsome natural death again! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ode On A Grecian Urn! (Urdu) (By Keats...Urdu Translation) Stanza 1: aey bekaraan sukoot ki naakatkhuda dulhan!khamoshi aur waqt k paalay hue farzand!taareekh daan he tu gulistan dayaar ka!behtar meri nazam se he tere bayan ka raazkanda tere wujood pe jo daastan hekis ki he? devta hen koi? ya koi bashar?ye kon se maqaam hen? kesi hen vaadian?ye sharm aur haya k jo paikar hen, kon hen?deevangi ko chhootay hue fard kon hen?kesi nijaat ki he ye koshish jo he ayaan?naghmaat chhairtay hue aalaat hen yahanye be-panah junoon ki kesi hen shokhian? Stanza 2: sur jo sama'aton k lye hen, wo naghmageen,per un sunay suron ki halaavat, kamal he;ae baansuri! tu geet koi chhair tou sahijo rooh k udass chaman ko nikhaar khoobru javan! darakhton ki oat segaata rahay visaal k naghmay khushi khushichakkhaen darakht saray bahaaron k za'aiqay,ae Aashiq e dilair! tu jurrat k baawajoodmanzil k aas pass ponhochnay k bawajoodmumkin nhi k manzil e maqsood paa hi laylekin na ho malool k uska hilaal e husnmaddham na par sakay ga tere ishq ki tarhatu chhahta rahe ga, rahe gi wo yun haseen! Stanza 3: kitni ho shokh o shang, ae sarmast tehnyopattay hi jhar saken ge na jaey gi ye bahaarkhushyon k raag chhair zara matrab e chaman!rukta nhi jo wajd me gaatay hue kabhi - The World's Poetry Archive

thakta nhi he nit naey naghmay suna k tu;khush he boht hi khush, ye mohabbat he khushkhisallekin abhi wisaal ki manzil se dur hetaaza he aur khuloos k jazbon se chhoor hejazbay jo zindagi ki hararat se hen bharayin k ataa kiye hue hen zakhm bhi haraywo jhonkte hen dil ko ghamon k alaao meaakhir k qalb khud se dharakna bhi chhor desookhi hui zubaan ho tapta hua badan Stanza 4: ye kon sa juloos he? ye kon log hen?ye kon se nagar ki taraf in ka he safar?ae padri bata jo chalata he bhair kojo daalti he dur talak aasman perqurban gah ko jaatay hue dukh bhari nigahresham libaas, phoolon ki mala galay me hemazloomiat tou phir bhi tapakti he haal se...wo kon sa sheher he jo darya k pass he?aur wo pahaar jis pe he girjaa bana hua?khaali he shehr, log kahan per hen? kia khabar?aur ae sheher! kabhi na tere log aen gegalyan teri udas rahen gi sada magarkoi bhi aik fard na ae ga lot ker.. Stanza 5: ae dil nasheen zarf e yunani! k jis pe henmardon aur aurton k banay marmareen wajoodpoday hen aur kuchh hen tarasheeda daalyanae paikar e sukoot! pareshan na ker hameyroz e azal k jesa he mubham tera wajood!ae sang e sard! tuh mein haraarat nhi koitu aanay waalay daur k logon mein ho ga jabinsaan k dukhon ko tu dekha kare ga jabphir khud karay ga pand o nasaeh misaal e dost:'bus husn hi to such he yahan, such hi husn he',gar jaantay nhi ho to phir jaan jao geiss raaz hi ka to tumhe idraak chhahye... - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ode To Shakespeare! ! ! O Shakespeare!O Painter of the heart of Man!The mysteries of Nature got revealed on your soul;In vastness,Your spirit is vaster n deeper than the oceans;In insight,Your glance is higher than the stars;The spell by which you conquer heartsIs inimitableEven by scholars of wit and art …The meanings of your phrases are universally aliveBy the magic of your pen.Elixir drips and trickles from the flow of your ink.Every play of yours is enacted in every man's life.Every verse of yours is an exegesis of nature.Secrets get exposed by the style of your hand.Pains and joys of every manVoice out by your tongue.Nature is your modest bride,Beauty of your phrases do embellish her.You are a weaver of intense images.Meanings of your chantsAre neither constrained to space nor limited to time.Sometimes you are out beyond the wit of sagesSo universal are your Man's life's stages.O Poet of the World!Alive as you areWill always stay alive;The light of your fame will never die out… Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

On Art Pieces Of Arabic Calligraphy! I adore the brush in worshipin aesthetic devotionhearing the soul of the artistsinging hymnsgetting pinned up to The Almightythe colors speak the word of Lordthe recital of versein their own bold tones and strokescharms the sighttouches the insightthrough the artistic mysticismThe Holy Writs on the canvasof the melting cloudsor the waves of the seasing the notes of praiseto the Lord of creations and colorswhispering the secrets of existenceagainst the glossy foilsGod is everywhereverily! The connection to Godis not confinedto the premises of a mosque! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

On Life! A grim battlefielda delightful playgrounda school of learning! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

One Evening ...Out of some irrepressible urge of talking, I tried to talk to a sparrow, a dailyguest who used to sit on my window frame and sometimes hopped on to sometwig of the only uncared for tree, a loner like me. I was bold enough in myattempt as if to disturb her calm and poised loneliness, but as I called her she didnot pay attention to me; I was shocked, humiliated, I felt my thoughts dyinginside, and saw my ready words wasted in the air, but I thought, she must bejustified, and must be occupied with the thoughts of flying back to her nestbefore the darkening of the shadows from grey to black, I curbed my wish andlet her fly, if not me, at least she should go to her home. The butterflies were tender though but carefree to the extent of being stubbornin their attitudes, they made me realize the alien state of my being; they did notneed my love as if I did not belong to their garden, who just came there as awanderer in search of some rare feel of joy, I read in their language the words ofalienation. Then I felt really alone, and sat under the sky in wait for the moon,for I had known her to be a lonely dweller of the night-sky, the deep, translucentblue tended to darkness, I read somewhere that two loners make a goodcompany, but when the moon ascended to my deep disappointment, there wassome revelry in the celebration of her luminous loneliness…the solitary moon, theproud moon, enjoying its company among the sycophant starry maids-of-honor;I found her too busy to hear the convulsed words of a suppressed spirit of aloner; putting all my ego aside, I made signs to invite her attention but Ireceived one message as if she said to me: “I give the light, and shine the night,I warm the heart, enrich the life, what else? ...” Unnecessary tears started flowing from the eyes despite the struggle to keepthem inside, I sat there, not completely broken though, as if supported fromabove, I opened the book of my joined hands and started reading the poems offate composed in the long and short curved lines, the essence that I receivedstayed with me forever that though my hand was never held but it was enoughthat my hand was a holding one... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Pain-Killers! The only acceptable killerswhich are not criminalsare the pain-killers-liquid, powdered, tablet formskill the pain what body suffersrun in veinskilling the pains;I do not really understandhow and when to tackle the pain,it is said to be the sign of life too,for corpses never feel painbut beating and pulsating hearts,even then, pain has to be killed toowhat Huxley gives his own reasonhe says pain is nothing but an opinion,can easily be forgottenby a lil mental diversion;alright, but if he says rightthen sunset is my pain-killer too,what Keats means in a deep Odedo not use the numbness thingsif you wish to seek the painif you wish to taste its taste;the sight of a rose is a pain-killer toobut not a recommended one,for the prick of the thornsas you touch by fingersdoes not let you go into oblivionwhich you seek by the sight of the rose,so it is not a good pain-killer;I seek for one, the special oneto subside this my present pain,a tender touch, a gentle holdi can't get it back now- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -my mom's voice was a pain-killer too... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Pak / India Odi The old Rivals face to faceEach resolved to win the matchBattle-ground from start on fire Nerves stretched and b.p highIn Pak/India ODI Gates locked, cells are offMeetings cancelled, schools droppedEntertainments all forgot Phones ring but no replyIn Pak/India ODI Any slip they can’t affordCatch drop is career dropGood play, and future made A wicket falls, here souls flyIn Pak/India ODI Fans sit with beating heartsTight fists uttering prayersFlags drawn, painted faces First run, and shouts on skyIn Pak/India ODI High-risks, high-stakesHouse-wives prayers missedMilk boiled, breads burnt No proper meals just eggs fryIn Pak/India ODI Job-men, off from officeScreens stared at, drinks in frontCold is hot, hot is cold - The World's Poetry Archive

State of heart goes awryIn Pak/India ODI Ball emits the flames of fireMatch is won at start of dayWin the toss, win the match Of no use any more tryIn Pak/India ODI Newspapers crush the playersAnchors also add the fuelCommentators fan the fire Bad play means cricket BYEIn Pak/India ODI My one request to all friendsNeither take the match as battleNor the case of life and death Just relax and just enjoyIn Pak/India ODI Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Peace Talks Ii We all need peaceNo matter our joint-skies are packedWith alarming lightening and the thundering cloudsNo matter our not-gods are behaving sillyUndeserving to rule the throne of heartsThe Director of the stage of life directs only love-storiesWritten in the ink of peaceWe are but the loyal actorsWe shall act out the role of peaceWe shall sing the notes of easeComposed on a harp of love and joyThough we are dwelling in terrible timesBut we have the voices strong to say:We are not “the hollow-men”We are not “the stuffed-men”Do not try to make us cryWe say NO to the war-cry…Raised by the thundering clouds! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Peace Talks! Buds protest in silent wordsBirds perch quiet on the boughsTrees hold placards 'gainst the radsCalling humans don't go madListen to slogansloudly raised by moon and stars:'Lift the ban from smiles of buds''Who can block the water-flow? ''Do not catch the butterflies''At burning petals Nature cries'All things cry in their own voiceTalking of peace in their choiceShowing different, tender meansThe Clouds shower rain dropsThe earth renders rich cropsThe sky scatters nice shadesAt dawns and dusks in valley-gladesWho does need the haughty Sun?No one needs aggressive blowsBut tender touch of gentle breezeAll hearts cry for want of peaceStop your work and listen pleaseNature dislikes human warswhich though heal the woundsbut leave the scars! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Phantasmagoria: (The Nightmare) O what a horrid dream that was!(though not quite sure)I found myself in an ancient tomb-pyramid perhaps-where reigned a mystery all around;what a place it was!yes a grave it was!the terror of the atmosphereceased my thinking faculties...when suddenlymy eyes were bound to see that scene:in a box of glass-clear and clean(from dust of time) i saw something...but what was that much ugly thing?a man perhaps?and dead perhaps?O what was that?was he moving?yes he was! And then changedthat gruesome vision...HE was back to life againto rule, to kill, to fight again-I found Him couched on a gold throneplaced on human skulls and bones;He was dressed in a pharoah's dresso yes, infact, He was a pharoaheverybody there was harrowed.people were so mute and dumbon hearing the sound of beating drums.And who was that?O goodness heart! yes, that was Iin stranglehold of iron chains,in endless pain'''His court was full of savage creatures-men perhaps...with frightened, dismal, downcast eyes.and then I heard - The World's Poetry Archive

the shrill voice of kingly man;but what He ordered to His slavewas greek to me...then suddenlythe sound of drums grew more intense-and then...O God! ! !a tall and savage slave,whose eye-balls threw the flames of fire,raised an odd but savage slogancame to me...drew his bare and deadly swordand raised his giant-like handsto cut my head...I tried to cry:O goodness heart!help me in distress my God!have mercy God!I criedand weptand prayed to him:just spare my lifedon't cut my head,don't take my life... Aye what is this? who pressed my headand fingered hair with gentle love?My gracious Maa?yes, no one else but gracious i live?O yes I do-am I saved?O yes i am...that slave with deadly sword was gone...thank goodness the dream was gone...and I am in my mother's room,free of horror, free of dear Maa!my gentle, kind and loving Maa!give your blessed hand again!take me in your lap again!thank GodI am back again... - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Playmate! Fortune thinksWe are kidsSo She always plays with usDodging, blind and guessing games;See-saw, hurdles, hide-n-seek;Her swings of different, different nature,Makes the life as a roller-coasterAll Her games are really strangeNever aught of our own choice;That is whyShe dodges us;But She is right'cause we are really foolish kidsIgnorant of her cunning tricks.In this stateWhen we yield,She conquers us and wins... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Pope Sir, Apologies! Once upon a timethere was a Girlwith shining deep eyesand heart like a pearl.Enamored as she wasof pleasures of her lifeshe always captured heartsshe never tried to hurl.Being a gorgeous nymphher grace excelled the moonnothing was so niceas her favorite pretty curl.Neither dazzling eyesnor her scarlet lipsher locks captivatedthe heart of an earl.Since that moment hewas robbed of his restand started thinking plansto gain the precious curl.So frightened as she wasof vision of a dreamby which she got alarmedto beware of a numskull.Her dream came trueand she lost her pretty lockshe shivered, quivered, weptin loss began to this was the storyOf a pretty girl,of an Earl's passionsand a slaughtered curl. Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Professor! ! ! Sheteaches usandscoldsour pulseshe strongly holdsher lessonsare so delicatebutmode of teachingintricate;impresses uswithstranger featsoften givessurprising treatswithwatchful eyesdoes always seejust few of uscan pay her Feesometimes kind,sometimes aggressorLife is strictbuta great professor! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Quatrain! (Urdu) Dil ko Allah ki ibadat pe jo mayal krtayRooh kisi darja e aizaaz pe hotiUski ankhon k samandar me utar jatay..agarKhudkushi mazhab e islam me hoti Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Rainbow Shades! Rainbow shadesO rainbow shades! Tell me are you wet or dry?Did you paint the butterfly?Did you add the green to grass?Did you make the azure sky? Rainbow shadesMy rainbow shades! Who tied you up in colored band?What kind of art was in that Hand?Did it keep the magic brush?Did it hold the Deity's wand? Rainbow shadesYou rainbow shades! Let’s stop the spur of riding timeLet’s sing the song of bells that chimeLet’s make this world so heavenlyLet’s play the tune of happy rime Come hold the pulse of waning dayAnd let me see your twilight grayYour sight gives joy to every heartBy coloring dreams you play your part Let’s whisper love to candle flameAnd share the secrets with the moonLet’s shade the sketch of vales and dalesLet’s weave the fabric of our dreamsLet’s dream to see those dreams come trueCome, celebrate the falling tears Leaving all deceiving guileLet’s rejoice the hearty smile! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Rhythm Of Life! ! ! A mild smile is but a screenvague and opaquewe find it hard to see through itthe mist of griefthough it persists in purer feeland harder sense;Life, in fact is a finer blendof gloom and glee;so this harmony in facts of life,aspects of lifemakes it quite liveable and lovable... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Saawan Season! Here come nowthe teeming clouds of saawan seasonfor weary, dry and thirsty soilbring the messagefrom the worthy sacred Heaventhe teeming clouds of Saawan season... they shower kind and gentle rainfast in speedbut mild in temperand change in a while entire visionthe teeming clouds of Saawan season... but-that's a factwith flowers' smile and pleasant scent,with eyes' glow and hearts' gleethere's a fear and a wish beside' May He save us from destructionof teeming clouds of Saawan season...' Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Shaam K Baad Ii (Urdu) Unn ki yaadon kijo hoti he saharshaam k baadHum ko lagta nahitaareek nagarshaam k baadHar taraf dardchamakta hesitaaron ki tarhaSub manazir meinubhartay hen goharshaam k baadSaath rehta he,mera haalsuna karta heIk parinda he jojaata nhi gharshaam k baadMujh ko bus yaadmeri maa kiboht aati heJab bhi chhati hemere ghar pe kohorshaam k baadjab lagakaam mukkammal huaysaaray apnaybaandh len gekisi dinrakht-e-safarshaam k baad Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Shaam K Baad! (Urdu) Hum jhatak detay hen ehsas tera shaam k baadphir bhi kyun lgti he be-aas nigah shaam k baad dil sar-e-shaam hi iss tarha sulag uthhta hejis tarha taaq pe jalti he shama shaam k baad yeh to naadan say bachhay ki tarha rota haymangta rehta he subho ki faza shaam k baad jaanay kis khass khilonay ki talab hay iss kodil ko bhaati nhi taaron ki zia shaam k baad koi sa'yil ya farishta he khuda hi janaydard lehjay me jo deta he sada shaam k baad mujhko charhtay huay suraj ki tarha kafi hayjalta rehne do koi ek dia shaam k baad seh peher tk to zamaanay say mila kartay henkhud say hoti hay mulaaqat sada shaam k baad in hi lamhon me ibaadat ka maza milta haykyun k milta he haqeeqat me khuda shaam k baad khol kr arsh k taalon ko khuda betha haykese lotay gi bhala maa ki dua shaam k baad dekh kr teray charaaghon ko palat jaati hunmujh se kehti hay meri dost hawa shaam k baad abr barsa nhi dil khol k shayad uss koghairat-e nafs ne ronay na dia shaam k baad itni heraan Batool aj hay khud pr kyun kaaj hr giz na ussay yaad kia shaam k baad... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

She Wanted Wings... The turquoise sky was a prompt to flytempted her to perch on highfrom there a world she could descry But something happened last nightlast night her soul died,In the name of norms she's crucifiedher voice is mute and flight is stoppednow she will sing and fly no more She wanted wingsthe special thingslike the notes of lark which always singsbut she will fly no more She loved the smell and feel of rainsas sick of summers she wished to wear the robe of cloudsand dance the steps of mild and tender downpourthough vales and dales will wait for herbut she will dance no more and you know what!pseudo-norms are a crashing engineWhat if she sings and lives no moreHer wings are clipped, her flight is checked(at least the norms of clan are kept.) Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Signing Out! When I shall cease to breathe the vital air The news will spread like a wild fire In my limited circle where a very few people know me Some of my folks will be busy receiving calls The others dialing Some elderly ones will check all the drawers are safely locked up Some young ones will pick up my scattered books from my bed It will be checked whether money enough is there Or it will be withdrawn from the bank for all the expected arrangements People will work all with teary eyes Some will ask for the time of the rites All furniture will be set aside or removed for flooring The work will be done punctuated by the occasional sounds of cries mute and quiet, sobs and sighs rising loud when some new visitor arrives at hearing the news of the sad demise The sis will not be informed of all this She’ll get to know something amiss - The World's Poetry Archive

When she’ll come and find the Gate open, and meet the people standing in the street She’ll come addressing me aloud I’ll hear her Though won’t be able to reply from the shroud My siblings will be hugged and consoled by some All, even the angry kin will come In the other room Some distant neighbors will start counting beads For me to take with me in the long journey When that time will come Rendering me quiet and dumb I shall be unable to care for my backlog, as I daily do To complete my half-done write To cover the Topic I started teaching in the class To ask for the forgiveness if ever I spoke so harsh For not keeping my word For carrying sins of omission and commission So if you kindly read it till the end And do not shun this write By merely reading the first line - The World's Poetry Archive

Forgive me all my foolish things - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Whenever I work on my PC, I keep All my regular Tabs open for the next joining in, but tonight as these thoughts are not away from my mind Tonight out of some uncertain fear I’m signing out of all the Tabs! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

So Brief Was The Phase Of Colours! ! ! The One- -who never wanted to be the part of the stormsThough she knew them to be her only friendAs storms made her life worth-living...The phase of colours was brief...yet it lingered with her...Surrounded by the people- sermonizing...She was in a fix for what to do...What if her soul obeys to but her own dictates and not others'?Her only request to the world was:'Would you please go on your way and let me go mine? 'She longed for the timeWhen she would drink satisfaction to the desire...Wild sounds outside...Raining? She could neither see, nor hear...yet could know by the tearsRolling down the cheeks...A thought hammering...When will the soul arise from the grave of yearning?Never perhaps!For she had accepted her being unwanted...She was mortified...Her last despair killed herAnd none could save her- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The storms even! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Stuffed Toy! He gruffed at me, andscoffed at memy stuffed toy!it took centuries to make himwith all soft stuff insidewith my own handsin a room where i make toysto stay beside me in tough days;now a minute past, he's lostit's late hour of dark nightmy heart misgives- - - - - - - - -if he's hungry... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Suna Hay... (Urdu) ! ! ! Suna tha ik nai taqdeerki tashkeel honi haySuna tha ab k aangan ki fazatabdeel honi hay Suna tha aasman se adl kizanjeer latkay giSuna tha her pareshan haal kitaqdeer chamkay gi Suna tha aashti k mehrbaanbaadal jo barsen gayMasaiyl sir chhupaanay ki jagahlene ko tarsen ge Suno! hay ab kahan her waqtjaadu ki chhari chaltiSuna hay chund barson mekoi mushkil nhi talti Suna hay sabr ka daamanabhi thaamay hi rehna haySuna hay jis k aadi henussi mushkil ko sehna hay Abhi ummeed na baandhoabhi mushkil me rehna haySuna hay apna ghar abb bhiandheron me hi rehna hay Yateemon ki tarha thehro,hareefon ki hukoomat hayPareshani ki nobat kiya,shareefon ki hukoomat hay Khabar gardish me he wo hipuraanay baaghban hon geSuna hay phir wo hi chehrayhamaray hukmaran hon gay! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Tears I shed my life in flowing Tearsextinguished fire of heartI quenched my thirst by drinking themand shed my all complaintsOh Life, now what to say to youthese Tears are ample reason to liveif there were no tears,the life would mean differentlyneither I nor you would existthen life would be a wildernessthen tears are the vital signs of lifewhich is made fertile by these tiny drops! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Tease Me Not! ! ! Hold your speedO wayward Wind!Do not teaseMy restive mind- Maltreat notThese flowers fairSubdue notAll feelings kind- Know? i thinkFor someone whoseEyes are brightBut heart is blind- Don't disturbThe heart-sick menJoy's somethingthey never find- So stop, andBe my friend at onceKnow? my goalsAre left behind-? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Tefl Days! ! ! The CLOSED campus of the OPEN University!And the steel-grey pigeons on the window-sills!Those ironical Sundays-OFF for the Other blessed beings,AC-frames, so cool to watch,Walk-through Gate but a simple frameBasement -the gloomy cave of spleenStepping downstairsMight make you forgetAeneid's journey to the centre of the EarthEvery room had two wall-clocks,One always tells time of YoreThe only thing you won't forgetwhich adorns its natural featuresMy lovely friends n brilliant teachers! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Thank God! My carefree lifeis full of charmsnot perturbedand really calmwith a kind of restextremely i enjoy itround the clockwith mornings freshand evenings eyes are full of finest dreamsmy favorite ice cream- chocolate-cream...and i am owner of Myself-my likes are minedislikes are Heart is mineso Thank God i am not in lovethank God i am not in love... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Elegiac Heaney Sleeps Now! After having poured forth the poetic art,experiencing the conflicting feeling all inside,having the hand on a note of hope,adorning the literary canvas by the sound strokesof lyrical beauty and deep critiques,listening to the sounds of nature with a greedy ear,mourning many a dear partings in profound elegies;after having celebrated the beauty, and the intensityof the earthly existence,justifying every beat of his heart,the dear poet's eyes are closed for the worldin hope to watch more wonders to ensue after death...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -may his soul rest in peace! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Enemy! Ego does have neither mindnor does have a heart,but in ruling human life,it really plays its partIt dies when it needs to liveIt lives when it needs to dieOr at least just fall unconscious… Ego has the rebel rulesA higher sense of dignityGot from its own angleIts own realization…When it dies, it turnsan honored heartInto a humble beggarbegging humblyfor attention and affection… Ego is like a silent killerAs pulse, sugar, cholesterolFatal in both severe shadesGetting high or getting nil…Ego is a sensitive, thoughNot a sensible agencyRunning, ruling, ruiningBut never relieving human life… It is like a central jailguilty or the harmless soulsFall prisoners in its confines…To keep an eye on your “self”Is the only remedySelf-respect is another thingEgo is just the enemy! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Fall Under the indescribable skiesstanding,wondering at the incomplete accountsof the untold storiesthe flow will stay at birth,the grip on the thoughts is lost somewhere;standing,panting,stumbling upon the unbelievable earththe words die a pre-natal death,and the case of not very easy breaths,the tales of the suffering soulsof every descriptionand definition,the ones who are everything which i am not;little reflection, and the fall everywhere;the undone rimes on a rose-petal,the unsung songs for the rain birdslocked up in a blood clot or clotssomewhere inside the suspended stream,what is there is a sense of lossfor the pen uncapped,and the dried ink,and the page left all blank... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Haven't I painted my own void on the white canvas? ... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Fall! When the winter takes its heavy tollBreath declines at the season’s fall While youth enjoys the pleasant blowsThe growing souls their windows close Asthma, fever comes as ailmentsSyrups replace the food supplements The family doc prescribes some foodOne has to obey despite NO mood The diet comprises porridge and soupNo favorite bits, no ice-cream scoop No spicy, oily and fried thingsNo rice, no milk, no cold drinks Less salt in meals, less sugar in teaTo level sugar and high B.P Just toasted bread with a chicken legPepper sprinkled boiled egg Talk is hindered with thoughtful pausesMind accepts not wearing glasses Daily weight-check, X-Ray fileHave upkeep with the lipid profile Troubled by migraine and jointsGetting annoyed at little points No thought of love, or hate or revengesBut syrups, fruit-drops and lozenges Oblivion increases the use of fillersAs a spell of regular pain-killers - The World's Poetry Archive

The bones get softened, eyesight fallsAll this happens when the age calls! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Golden Phase... Rhythmic,calm and golden phaseof human student life,with carefree daysand restive nights,friendly movesand harmless fights...when eyes enjoymuch charming dreams,when mind is free of all the pains,all the losses, all the gainswhen innocent heartknows no laws;but this fair phase so swiftly fliesand leaves the traceson our mindsas the love of good, old days: -( Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Last Ride Together! Dur hona he naa guzeer magarhey jo janay me thori der agar aao kuchh dur mil k sath chalenaao kuchh der tk to sath chalen chaand ko, kehkashan ko, taaron koor khilti hui baharon ko or khud apne dil ko dhoka denmil k tanhayyon ko dhoka den un ko ehsas bhi na ho paeyraaz afsha kaheen na ho jaey hum me pehle si dosti na rahiraastay hen alag magar phir bhi koi herat, qalaq, malaal nhimere dil me tera khayal nhi iss lye khud fareb khanay sesir ta paa dukh me doob janay se laakh bahtar he in ko dhoka denapni tanhayyon ko dhoka den aao kuchh der mil k sath chalenaao kuchh dur tk to sath chalen asma'n se barastay baadal komouj ko, kashtiyon ko, saahil ko apnay hi aansuo'on ko dhoka densub ko hum muskura k dhoka den aakhri pal hen hans k sath chalenakhri baar mil k sath chalen! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive

Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Last Ride Together-(Ii) Parting is no wonder friend,parting is inevitable,the moment's come, butif you condescend to my wish,let us have a ride with me,a few steps together, the last steps,let's put on a feigned smile,and deceive the moon, the stars,and the blossoming spring...let's deceive our beating hearts,forlorn and downcast,not to let them know my dearest,not to let them feel thatwe are no more one nowas we used to be,parted are our paths nowno wonder, sorry, no regrets,let's betray our loneliness,my heart is lorn of life to meand i've submitted to my fate,let's betray the teary eyes,let's betray the smiles on lipslet's betray the rain and clouds,and waves, and shores,let's hold hands for the last time! ! !let's have a ride for the last time! ... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Medicinal Relief! In a sparkof some unconscious imaginationOr in an intuitively telescoped montageOf my deep visiontreading alone wretchedlyon the thorny pavements of your alienationleading to your heartthe journey gets tough- -an infinityduring the course of whichthe nights are long and tediousthe mornings bring no calmsuch nights and mornings togetherkeep bruising the pain hiddenbehind every hearty smilein such moments of isolationfrom the rest of the world,and my own busy selfthe medicinal relief I receiveby writing orphan poems with broken reedsthe feel of such writes is special to meespecially those which are writtenwith the eyes blurredhands numbheart deadand mind not working at all… Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Quill Of An Insomniac! ! ! Carrying the nocturnal charms of a nomadic bride,the pretty and the wild,the Night, in labor, is about to give birth to a new day-break before her presentdeath,the dawn will swallow the moon like a tablet in a gulpSanity has less space to breathe in such moments eterneandI am readyto risk some new madness for coming up to the expectations of a new dayeven the skin tight springe wrapped around me, cannot smother meBelieving, the trickiest of the labyrinths has its key way out, and I'm to search formineMy quill is claiming its rights on mei surrenderi never played chessand my rival is a champ... By: © Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Red Diary! Past is ebbing back to meHopesHurtsHeart-breaksDeep wounds of virgin soulsolaceAngstPoems written in faded blueWise quotesOld picsCafe billscrumpled napkinslove imprisoned- stapled leavesa world widepetals driedMy clumsy drawer lock & keysilencescribedPaindescribedFoot-notes in high-lighted pinkwashed out faded turquoise ink! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Ripples how many layershas my soul?i' m obsessed with this thought.none can have a single look;my heart is yet a virgin spot.but painful factis only thatwhat disturbs me a lot:i am what i am not... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Song Of Life! Upon the unkind shores of the rough Seaunder the merciless blows of the mighty windsyou have to dig your heels deepinto the slippery sands; 'midst the ear-deafening noise of the moody Naturethe flute of life needs to composethe melodies of existencewilly-nilly, or happily; Do not put your fingers either on the lips of cloudsor into the entrails of your ears,they have to whisper their solemn secretsin the most wished for downpouron the slaked soil of the parched ground; the buds will bloomthe birds will singthe hope will rule the way of the worldthe Sun will do the role of the Christin the play of resurrection and crucifixion; The Stars will throw their glistening glow,life will run on the balanced beats,think before you touch the watersit won't be possibleto stop the ripples of reaction to be madeeither of retaliation or reciprocation,it depends on how you touch the watersthis is the theme of life this song is all about! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Sun Rises In The Eyes! After a long composed travelthe eve approaches by and byspreading its shades on everythingof cottage yardwhen the queen of nightspreads its fragrancewhen the moon ascendson the distant horizonsthe stars get kindled with a glowthen the phase of nightjust comes on wanethe stars take their leavebidding their byesand the sun rises in the eyesshifting the glow to dawn on skies! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Tragedy Of Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark! I write with sorrow -real and stark-'The Tragedy Of Hamlet Prince Of Denmark' Like Othello, The Tempest and king LearIt's a marvel by the pen of Shakespeare Who paints the perils of his life...Stretched by caution, crushed by strife He cries for the matters of the PrinceLaden with sorrows, full of sufferings Caused by the death of Hamlet, the kingWhose love was the song he used to sing. His mother, the queen named GertrudeWas frail n fickle but not so rude... Again she married Claudius, the rake,Her brother-in-law for passions sake; Began new life with joys and restWhich was for all a damned incest... Black robe clad young Hamlet aloneWas tense for the honor of Danish throne. His mourning thoughts eclipsed his looksFondness for books n sports forsook... Being in grief he lost his mirth-Lost the pleasures touching his worth A horrid rumour reached his ears,shook his mind, enhanced his fears Based on a report of three sentinelsThat a ghost appeared from flames of hell - The World's Poetry Archive

Resembling the warring late MonarchWho fought Fortinbras, an enemy of Denmark. No sooner he heard about this wonderdecided to watch it despite the thunder. With guards he reached the post n thenThe clock struck one and shocked the men The ghost then appeared, beckoned the sonWho trod ahead and left everyone... He followed it in fondness and fearin a really tough and tense atmosphere The heaven and earth did try to observeHis limbs as hardy as Nemean lion's nerve. At once the Ghost disclosed with frownThat Claudius killed him for his crown By pouring potion his life he stoleThen Queen and throne gained as goal. So slept the king by the brother's handAnd left forever this mortal land For the Queen he said, 'despite her dodgeLeave her to thorns, in her bosom lodge.' After narrating the murder so foulThe Ghost, in pain, began to howl Demanded from him revenge of the actIf he had, by nature, a gut to react The Prince, then, tried to check his mightFound himself as unable to fight Lacking stimulus to take revengeHis teeth and fists, he used to clench - The World's Poetry Archive

At last decided in utter sadnessTo leave his rest by putting on madness Wished he hadn't been born at allTo set things right whether big or small. Now rise the curtains in room of PoloniusThe state's counselor, old and loquacious Beside a son, he had one daughterWhose love for Hamlet, he used to slaughter Possessing a heart precious as pearlsFair she was of all Shakespeare's girls Like gorgeous Perdita, but unlike CordeliaSubmissive she was -the fair Ophelia Reported she once to her father with fearAbout the Prince's odd behavior Who strangely came in her private closetWith sleeves inside out, eyes out of sockets Made with sighs some painful soundscast a glance so piteous, so profound Her heart bled at this odd viewBut the old man found another clue He termed it as an ecstasy of loveIn stature though Hamlet was far above He thought it fit to tell the kingthat the Prince was out of reason's ring He took her hand and left the roomTo put his daughter's fate in gloom. Right away he went to the Danish courtTo tell the royal pair of this report - The World's Poetry Archive

In short they decided to secretly spyAnd used his daughter as a decoy But Hamlet was a sane insaneHe understood their efforts vain. Maltreated her despite his loveThough knew her well as pretty dove. By manner changed, he broke her heartLike actor's good, he played his part. Ophelia was compelled to thinkOf their past love and worthy link. So cautious then young Hamlet wasOf Guidenstern and Rosencrantz; 'Cause they were sent to check his mindBy the Queen and king seemingly kind They felt themselves so much helplessBent their heads and did confess. Then Hamlet said to them, 'on earthI know not where I lost my mirth.' For cure of mental grievous layersThe Prince was told of city players. He keenly took interest in themWith open arms he bade welcome. The players had prospects shining brightIn whom he used to take delight Requested he to an actor boyTo recite the tragedy of the king of Troy. That passage was a fiery oneImpressive was its tragic tone - The World's Poetry Archive

The scene incited him to thinkOf Hecuba and the player's link. If he had his pains and fearshe'd have drowned stage with tears. For making Claudius his only preyThe prince conceived a plan to play Based on one Gonzago's life,Stung by treachery of his wife Just to avoid certain mishapHe named it as a mousetrap. The play was the only pregnant thingTo read the mind of the guilty king. Now Guildenstern informed the kingThat he didn't notice anything And could not find any proofBecause with a craft he kept aloof Asked the Queen with motherly passion:'Did he talk in a normal fashion? ' The servants of the royal courtReplied and gave that new report: 'To stage a play the Prince intends,Invites your grace with all your friends To watch the play arranged by him'(In fact to be really caught by him.) The king replied with a cunning artThat he would go with 'all his heart.' With all the lords he left the sceneAlong with the pretty foolish Queen. - The World's Poetry Archive

Now Hamlet appeared on the stageWith a tinge of sorrow and of rage He knew not whether to live or dieHis mental state had gone awry. While he was lost in painful thoughtThen all his gifts Ophelia brought Tried to give them back to himWith teeming eyes and voice so dim She said that, 'for to the noble mindGifts lose worth if giver is unkind.' The genius prince advised the girlThat 'honesty is like a pearl So save your pearl and be a nunLeave this world and everyone.' With changing tone he said at once:'Not now but I did love you once.' The girl in her excess of grief...lost her comforts and relief... Recalled with pain his state of mindSo fair and fine, so nice and kind She thought of Hamlet's wretched toneThat a noble mind was overthrown Who, once, was a flower of the stateThe glass of grace and finer taste But he had lost his wisdom's rangeShe sobbed and wept over this change Then entered the king with crafty menAnd hurriedly disclosed his plan....... - The World's Poetry Archive

To send the Prince in stark exileBy art, by force or by some guile. Now Hamlet had the only way,To check the king, he staged a play The scenes, in fact, did resembleHis father's murder by his uncle The players did enact on the stageAt which the king expressed his rage He left the hall with temper lostwith shivering heart and senses frost The play removed his outer layersAnd credit went to all the players There wasn't anything to hideHamlet was quite satisfied... His heart and conscience had no fearThe great confusion was now clear He got a message from the QueenWho was under impact of spleen Meanwhile came the king so sternWith Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Ordered them to leave the landWith Hamlet and a dispatch by hand They promised and then left the kingWith aching heart and eyes running When the king was left alone thereIn melancholic atmosphere His conscience started pricking himIn prayers he tried to utter a hymn - The World's Poetry Archive

His prayers were full of confessionWith no prospects of his salvation So bad and foul was his offenseHe found no shield for his defense His sin was foul as black as deathHe prayed to God with broken breath When Hamlet saw him lost in prayersThought of his incestuous pleasures He thought, 'I 'll kill him for his crimeThat would be much better time While he would be asleep or drunkOr in rage he would be sunk....' While thinking this, his flaw subdued,Delayed his act, and left the lewd; Proceeded to his Mother's chamberTo speak bitter words like dagger Present was Polonius there.........Of his fate quite unaware.............. Hid himself behind the curtainNeither life nor death was certain. Hamlet called her not his motherbut loving wife of husband's brother. His rashness caused her louder shriekHarassed the Queen as a freak Severely tried to show her a glassThe Man was shocked behind the arras That voice raised in him a stormHe stabbed at where the cry came from - The World's Poetry Archive

The man (behind) , cried againIn painful voice, 'O, I am slain.' So justly killed was the king's friendAnd act of spying became his end. Hamlet's thoughts were not sinisterBut he became his scourge n minister By dagger words he op'd her eyesHis wretched voice shook the skies Convinced her, and disclosed atlastHe wasn't mad 'but mad in craft.' He told her in his accent flat:'I must to England, you know that? ' He painfully this news revealedThat letters of the king were sealed Then dragged the body of the manIn grief there did Queen remain... She told the king of 'the heavy deed, 'So then he started taking heed.......... He said, 'I see it writ on wall...His life is full of threats to all.' By ready hands at once he wroteTo the king of England a cunning note Touching Hamlet's present deathTill then he wont take joyous breath. For those who know Shakespeare's artThis story has another part.............. Young Fortinbras came there at lastFor Hamlet served a big contrast. - The World's Poetry Archive

That tender Prince, a man of missionWas burned by fire of great ambition Without any reason-big and soundWent to Poland for a patch of ground; Suffering from the thirst for fameNot profit but for the sake of name. This act opened Hamlet's eyesThe hidden flames began to rise. He thought then that, 'from this time forthMy thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth.' A gentleman informed GertrudeAbout Ophelia's madness as a fruit Of her father's sad demise;Entered she with half-shut eyes. Nobody there could bear so longThe grief reflected from her songs. A noise was heard from outside the hallWhich confused every big and small. The mob was crying against the kingBy, 'Laertes shall be the Danish king.' Laertes full of fiery passions...........Ordered them to have patience Entered with full zest and wrathFrom the mouth flowed angry froth Blamed the king for the father's murderSpoke to him with a mighty thunder. The vile king was good at gameLaertes, by him, was easily tamed - The World's Poetry Archive

By cunning words turned all attentionTowards Hamlet moved his tension. Hamlet, who was sent to England,by chance couldn't reach that land. Piracy -an ugly, criminal act,Became for him a lucky fact. He left his ship to fight with piratesHis 'fellows'unknowingly then left. He got saved from being killedBy king of England 'against his will. England killed on orders sternRosencrantz and Guildenstern- On fortunes favors who can depend?By hands of justice, they met their end. He told it all to Horatio-his friendThat there's a power that shapes our ends. On the death of both these menHe said that life is like to say 'one'. Then, Dear Readers! towards his goalStarted moving his ' prophetic soul.' Claudius made, then, a plan to snatchHis life, he arranged a fencing match- Sent his message by a courtierTo prepare his dagger and rapier. Clear of guilt, the Prince at easeAccept the challenge by Laertes. A scheme there is in a sparrow's fallSo 'on my part, the readiness is all.' - The World's Poetry Archive

Prepared were table, trumpets, drums-Claudius called, 'come, Hamlet, come.' Fencing match was a scheme in factIn which he used then all his tact. He really poisoned Laertes ' mindwith revengeful thoughts bloody n unkind Hamlet spoke, ere the fight beganTo laertes, 'you are a gentleman I've done you wrong but not in rudeness I tell you that it was my madness.' With these words, prepared to playThere death started a game to play Laertes struck with poisoned weaponNone could understand what happened. He himself was wounded badly -Thought that he was killed but justly. Envenomed drink was also thereWhich was drunk by his Mother. All that happened for no reasonAll were crying, 'treason, treason' Hamlet, wounded, thought to avengekilled the king and took revenge. He cried, 'incestuous, murderous Dane!Fall! but never to rise again...............' Alas! he saw that sergeant DeathHad come to take his last breath.. He felt that passed the Golden moments,'the Time is up, the rest is silence.' Cease my pen! don't speak of glory - The World's Poetry Archive

who can dare to read his story? An unjust act, a foul practice-Revenge, O Prince! is a wild justice. With all my heart, I remember youWould you believe that I LOVE YOU...? ? ? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

The Wasteland! these are fruits of aimless lifejoyless days and sleepless nights I live, like a wingless bird,useless life in lawless world t' strictly fall in loveless passion'tis still new trend of fashion like screaming silence here n therehopelessness is everywhere... lo! the thought in thoughtless silencefeel the pain in painless violence that is too much i'm bearingmay God save me from this suffering... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Time Time,like a step mother-often hard and often kind-sometimes fellow, sometimes foe;it really movesin a continual flow...often hits surprising blow;causes wound and then heals itwhen it pleases.Time,like a step-mother,shows indifference to our mattersand scatterswishful hopes and aspirations,changes things in different fashions...Time -the fellowTime -the foe:gives despairsthen repairswe are targets of the Timewe are toys in hands of Time... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

To Aitzaz Hasan! O Brave Son,of every motherof your town now!Hats off to your parentsnow feeling proudFor their joyous griefall heads bowFrom your skies youblew up the evil cloudSalutes to the soilthat engendered youMade you grown upand nurtured youYou proved trueTo your mother’s milkThat was running as a riverIn your youthful veinsWorthy of lifeYou fought with deathIn a deadly duelThough it stared at youAs a glaring truthYou killed itBy the sword of youthIt came in stealthFor lives to traceAnd died itselfIn your tight embraceTo save your lifeYou did not thinkAnd tasted deathAs a honeyed drinkThe false hopesOf evil you drownedBy God in HeavenYou will be crownedTo keep the smilesOf your vale aliveYou dared to afford - The World's Poetry Archive

The tears in your mother’s eyesAnd made your coursestraight to the Paradise! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

To Breeze! ! ! Play not with me O wanton Breeze!enjoy with flower-laden trees... speak! for whom you softly blow?tell me whom you want to please? my friends you know are far from mebut joys of friendship never cease. impress me not by pleasant funI relish not your melodies. I value your so fleeting gleeO jolly, gentle, morning breeze! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

To Keats 'thou wast not born for death, Immortal Bird! 'now live eternallyin worthy world,in poetic realm.thy words impress the soul,and overwhelmour each and every thought...thou wast a singing Bird,for us thou always broughtenchanting, rhythmic do a different job:remove the veil of gloomfrom caring, thoughtful mind,do not intend to sobin sad, indolent mood.try not to close thy eyespain is the part of life-so why escape the world?thou wast not born for deathIMMORTAL BIRD! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

To My Toys! Those little sorrows and fears of childhoodthose little joys...all the fetching smiles and tearsall the little toys...Where have they gone?where are they now?those naughty pranks and games and songare nowhere found.My heart is bound to have them all.My doll Aleena used to sing a lovely song'Happy children! sing you now...'My heart screams:O, busy Life!where have you lost my pretty dollwith hazel eyes and silky golden ponytails?you have devoured my aeroplane,my dog, my train, my lovely teddy bears...for them I used to laugh, for themI used to shed my tearsI love recalling carefree days,I love recalling joys;I still recall my pretty pastI still recall my Toys! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

To Sydney Carton! ...Love-Incarnate! why renounced the life, dear Syd!tell me for God's sake!it was worthyit was forsook it for HER sake...she pretty!she enchantress...the golden-haired doll...with a pair of blue eyes... thought you,'nobody on earth cares for me 'why thought this? said you,'i might be like a useless piece of furniture,taken no notice of '...why said this? but care, care, care!it's hard to seeyour dreamy eyesfilled with tears. did you ever knowthat you were born to live forever?so please composeyour weary thoughts!and do control this bleeding heartwhich seldom shows itself... why talk like one who died young?O recklessly indifferent Man!now pray tell mewhy killed your soul?why burnt yourself in flaming logs of cruel Love?yet saw your roadthrough whirling wheels of goddess Fate;you died for herand held a holy shrine in hearts.I wish your tender soul to knowthose sea deep eyes do make this call...Love conquers all... - The World's Poetry Archive

Ref...A Tale Of Two of the best bad men in allliteratureall literature... Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

To The Descending Sun! Why art thou paleand sad and sick...carrying no happy thought with thee...why lost thy vigorand zeal and zestcasting shadows-dark and deepbut mixed with somber evening shinelike a death-bed patient's parting smileshedding never- ending grief;though I perceivethy daily death is no mishapbut Nature's game of hide and seekof sinking day and rising night.It seems to methou hast the breath of God in theefor solacing the cloudy comfort me, my heart and soul,the world hast never seen! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Ufaq K Paar! (Urdu) - Ufaq k paarQismat ka sitara dhoondnay niklenChalo iss baarfitrat ka nazara dhoondnay niklen boht se rang pehnayzindagi humko bulaati heUdaasi chhor kruska ishaara dhoondnay niklen samandar ki tahon meinjaa k moti chun k le aenjo hum se kho gaeyunko dobara dhoondnay niklen Safar dushwaar, saahil dur,dil mein ik lagan le karchalo kaaghaz ki kashti mekinara dhoondnay niklen Karen gi mushkileniss baar koshish phir haraanay kiChalen iss baarQudrat ka sahara dhoondnay niklen! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Vigils & The Mood Swings! The day long incurable despairs, the night long sighsOr the lifelong desires yet to be fulfilledVigils level everything every nightHealing up the bruises caused by the fine crystalline needlesOf the broken dreams embroidered on the eye-lashesWhere even a wink is a pain now Tears slid down the soul insidePlastering the heart burns, soothing themPains-not fully alive, smiles-not completely deadBoth rock me and lull me to sleep, butPain my Brutus, and I am no Job The eyes ajarOn the star-littered night sky,By the stroke of the glances cast,Joining, connecting the pointed glow of the distant starletsI sketch the contours of the facesGone though not forgottenThey pass at me a contagious smile, I get cured May clouds seem friends with me,Pouring forth my heart out in thin, thin, sprinkle drizzlesKnowing my pulse I treat myself candidlyThe fury of the tides subsidesThe pendulum of emotions gets managedThe mood swings cured! ! ! © Shahzia Naqvi Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Vigils! Nimbus-lingered eyesNight wakes on a wet pillowThe star gaze is blurred! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Waqt! Waqt k dosh peher baat ko daala na karo,waqt ka kiya hetheher jaey to chalta hi nhipar laga leto kbhi ruk k palat'ta bhi nhiwaqt rotay huaychehron ko hansaata he kbhior kbhi hanstay huaydil ko rula deta hewaqt badhta he to bus zeest koaandhi de karwaqt chalta hesyah baalon me chaandi de karKon kehta hek haalaat sanwar jaen gaywaqt guzray ga,to hum sath guzar jaen gaywaqt k dosh peik roz bikhar jaen gay! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Would You Do Me A Favour? O traveller!Would you do me a favour?This I ask of you:Just say my salamTo those dear onesWho live in far off landsAs you pass by them?Also tell themThat this bonding of mine with themIs growing stronger in my heart thatEven the wheel of time and change of seasonsCan never snap itEven the vast distancesThat set us apartCan never diminish the love we bearFor one anotherIn the sanctorum of our heartsO traveller!Carry with youthese tidings of my heart, andsay my salamTo those dear onesWho live in far off land… Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

Writer's Block! Let me share with you a newsAnd that's about my angry museSnatching heart to say somethingNo words in tongueNo dreams in eyesNo thoughts in mindOpen pen with ink driedI can't tell how hard I triedBlocked brains this blankness hauntsLike a starless sky or a moonless nightRain has showered all in vainNeither joys speak nor does painMy pen had once an edge like bladeDisuse has dulled my tools of tradeHear O Lord! My heart is illWhere has gone my writing skill? Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

X - Ray Whatever on your pagewhenever I just readthere surely find a sagewho has a moral creed I decode your messageand leave there my notecomprising my homageif you wish to connote a good deed's to be praisedif someone reads you oncehe simply stays amazedat boldness and brilliance Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive

You! I got a chance to meet Youin the feel of a momentgripped in the crystalline abstractionof a diamond bonding… at my first sight,a young sheep,a kitten,or a chic You looked to me;but as the moments passed by,I kept on exploring Youand found to my sheer surprisea ripe mind,a deep thought,a razor-pen You kept and still keep…a keen observer,a bright writer,a sharp critic; I felt your soul like a lighted candleSometimes kindling the lightthough sometimes idly burning awaybut always on the flickering flamefighting against the bold blowsand strokes of critical winds…I felt the hardening of your heartby constant fightingwithin and without… You made me up and happyYou made me down and sadbut never annoyed meI likened you to Stephen D.I likened you to the bard of fancyI wished to write an ode to You… Reading You is a wonder feel,One might feel sitting eitherin a submarine - The World's Poetry Archive

or a have always been so dead surebeyond being challenged ever…I witnessed deaths of ego hardWith no offence, with no blamePeople let you rule their moodsWillingly... for how they can file an F.I.Rwhen in all crystalline waythey love the killer…! ! ! Shahzia Batool - The World's Poetry Archive
